‘Teen Mom OG’ Star Gary Shirley Reveals If He & Wife Kristina Will Have More Kids

“I put the ‘Dad’ in ‘Dad Bod!'”

Teen Mom OG dad Gary Shirley got chatty on the red carpet of the MTV VMAs last month, talking to In Touch Weekly about Amber Portwood’s new boo and his daughter Leah. The “Dad Bod” enthusiast also spoke to the magazine about the possibility of him and wife Kristina adding to their brood in the future.

Gary, who currently has 8-year-old Leah with Amber and 2-year-old Emilee with his wife, stated that he would love to have more children…but there’s just one slight problem.

“Actually Kristina had gotten her tubes tied,” he said. “I would love to have more kids.”

(Surely Kristina is thrilled that her husband was talking about her “tubes” on the VMA red carpet!)

Gary and Kristina also have partial custody of Kristina’s nine-year-old daughter from her previous marriage, so they have a full house already. Still, Gary said he’d love to a few more Gary juniors…but sometimes raising them can be a drag.

“It’s the hassle of taking care of them because your relationship gets put on the back burner,” he said.

He said that he might be able to convince his wife to head over to the surgeon’s office and get those pesky tubes untied.

“Maybe one day we will go back and untie them,” he said.

He went on to say if that doesn’t work out, he and the Mrs. have considered other options.

“Maybe fostering, that was something we were interested in,” Gary said. “And you can adopt through fostering.”

He said that he knows Leah would be thrilled to have more siblings because she is a great big sister.

“Leah tries to be the big sister and the big mama so it helps out quite a bit,” he said. “Leah does an amazing job of being a big sister. She wants to take her toys still. But I tell her that one day this girl is going to look up and want to be everything that you are and she will idolize you one day.”

Leah may have more siblings to look forward to, as her mom Amber has stated numerous times that she wants more children someday. Her relationship with Andrew Glennon is “serious,” according to the ‘Teen Mom OG’ star, so that day may be coming sooner rather than later!

(Photo: Facebook)

32 Responses

  1. Thank GOD she got her tubes tied, she has even more kids with her ex husband that she abandoned once she cheated with Gary.

    Gary is still a jerk, and she is not the sweet lady as presented by mtv.

  2. I never understood why so many people mocked Jo, Corey, and Gary for so long. They were mostly teen dads doing the best they could, some decent parents of their own helping them learn to be decent dads.

  3. I think we can agree that Leah being such a sweet child is a reflection on how well Kristina and Gary have been parenting her. Good on Gary for settling down and having a family, its nice and RARE not to hear any drama about breakups/makeups, cheating, swearing around the kids, restraining orders and court dates between these two considering their peers. The caring and loving environment, and the stability of their relationship is clearly benefiting Leah. Good for them.

  4. Let’s go back for a second. I watched ambers 16 & pregnant episode last night again and am dying. Gary, man. Going into Walmart and buying amber an engagement ring that cost $21.40 then asked about a return policy.. poor amber (back then). Also her dad was on that episode. I don’t ever remember seeing him again on any of the shows.

  5. Gary and Kristina have proven themselves to be good, decent, no drugging, no screaming, no cursing, no boyfriends or girlfriends “in and out,” non-abusive, all round upstanding parents.

    So whatever they decide in regards to adding to their family — I wish them nothing but the best.

    1. Yes ! Completely agree with you. Imagine if sweet Jace could have been brought up in that environment he might not be needing therapy now because of his train wreck mother.

  6. If someone told me back in 2011 that Gary would be one of the best TM dads, I would laughed hysterically. He was lazy and immature. But, he really stepped for Leah and gave her a happy, stable home despite everything Amber continues to put her through. Huge props to Gary and Kristina. Leah seems like a really sweet kid.

    Corey/Miranda and Gary/Kristina are great dad and step-mom teams. That being said, Gary needs to take a page from Corey’s book and stop giving interviews. He’s got a really bad case of word vomit. TMI, Gary. TMI.

    1. Yeah except for that whole Corey cheating on Miranda with Leah…Set a BAD example for his daughters with that one. Hopefully he has learned his lesson.

          1. LONG time ago..when him and Miranda were first together. Leah and he had sex in his car or something like that. He was an idiot plain and simple, and yeah I think he learned to steer clear of that mess but I still felt really bad for Miranda.

  7. Ya know, Gary may have been a total dick in season 1 of TM (under the influence of that shit lord Jordan), but he’s always been a good dad. How protective he’s always been over Leah, how he sheltered her when Amber would go ballistic, THE BUNNY SUIT, he provided the only stable home Leah has ever known, even just the way he talks about Leah is adorable. He and Kristina are basically the only couple I’d like to see have more children some day.

  8. If Kristina made a decision to enable her to focus on the three children she currently parents then good for her, since she is obviously doing a kickass job bearing in mind how stable, secure and sweet Leah is given the things she’s been through. Even Amber can see that. Gary is not and never has been the best with words so maybe giving interviews wasn’t the best idea, but I can forgive him that for stepping up for his kids and making a smart choice in relationships post-Amber. I know it’s the drama of the crazies that keeps the show watchable but it’s the care of the step moms like Kristina, Vee and Miranda that has helped keep the kids on an even keel while the crazy went down.

  9. Was it her decision only? It’s strange she didn’t consolt Gary before. But maybe she was really suffering through her both pregnancies with morning sickness (not Kate Middleton kind of suffering but close! I actually commend Kate to go through it for the third time but that is another story) and knew she couldn’t handle it anymore. It think it’s great they are considering fostering or adoption, I find that really commendable! And even if it stays like it is, he has two wonderful daughters who I’m sure will grow up in lovely ladies. Next to Corey and Cole he is the best dad of the franchise.

    1. I know y’all will correct me if I’m wrong, but I think you have to have spousal consent before you get your tubes tied. So if that’s the case, YES, it was his decision too.

      1. I live in Indiana & I absolutely did not need spousal consent when I got my tubes tied. My dr didn’t even ask me about my husband, he just wanted to make sure I would never want kids again (HELL NO). However, when I was married, my husband got “snipped” and they gave me a form to sign. It was not required to complete the vasectomy, but they wanted me to understand the ramifications. Best decision I ever made, y’all!

        On another note, I’m so proud of Gary! He’s such a wonderful father. I was skeptical of Kristina at first, but she has really proven to be a stable and positive mother figure in Leah’s life! Kudos to both of you!

    2. Maybe he left it up to her and just supported her with whatever she decided? I love that he didn’t bother to get dressed up for the red carpet either ?

    3. what the actual fuck!? why would someone need to consult ANYONE besides a doctor regarding a choice involving their own body? Twisted.

  10. I don’t find him mentioning it embarrassing. I was annoyed by the statement “the hassle of taking care of them.” And before yall jump in my ass, I’m a Gary supporter… just unfortunately worded I guess

    1. Indeed “the hassle”, so-so subtle and loving. And “Ah, Kristina might get her tubes untied” – like it’s a simple appointment at the dentist.
      And no, I don’t want my husband telling a journalist/ gossip site I had my tubes tied on a red carpet, nor would he appreciate reading about the fact he closed down his factory on a gossip website. (We have not decided yet who will have a procedure done).
      I do think Kristina got a few looks and laughs next Monday when taking the kids to school, that is embarassing. It’s nobody’s business.
      I have this FB friend who is trying to get pregnant and is leaving replies on many open pages, when she had procedures done, how long she has to wait for a pregnancy test, that she is not pregnant again. Thanks to Facebook, I see what she writes everywhere. Also in the time they were trying hormones and the natural way. I totally did not need to know that. She is responding to everything remotely connected to children. Yeez, keep that stuff private. Maybe tell your own family first before you tell the whole world.

  11. I don’t see it as embarrassing of Gary saying she got her tubes tied. Nothing to be ashamed of she’s actually pretty smart. Maybe some of the other cast members can learn a thing or two. Considering they always say they are on birth control then end up pregnant.

  12. Why is a husband saying his wife got her tubes tied embarrassing? I’d be laughing and so glad he was honest.

  13. Kristina, you are allowed to gag the man next time he will go somewhere without you. Tight. 😉

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