Troubled “16 and Pregnant” Star Jordan Cashmyer Resurfaces & Says She’s in Recovery

Jordan has resurfaced on social media…

Former 16 and Pregnant star Jordan Cashmyer‘s troubled life has made headlines over the past few months, particularly after it was discovered that the Season 5 star was working as an escort.

For the first time in months, Jordan herself is speaking out.

As The Ashley previously told you, Jordan was arrested twice in the last few months for drug-related offenses, and her mother was so worried about her that she took to Facebook to try to track her down. In July, Jordan’s ads on several Baltimore-area escort pages were discovered, and “16 and Pregnant” fans were shocked by Jordan’s frail look.

Jordan used her long-abandoned Twitter account earlier this week to give her followers an update on her life.

“A lot of people are confused on what’s been going on in my life,” Jordan tweeted. “Not that it is majority of anyone’s business, I just want to clear some things up for the sake of my family and those who were truly concerned.”

She then called out her mother for causing a ruckus.

“I was NEVER missing, the people who posted that were people who ONLY did that for their own benefit,” she wrote. “My father and mother (stepmom so no one is confused) were in contact with me and have been part of my recovery everyday.”

Jordan stated that she is once again in recovery. (She has made several attempts at rehab over the years.)

“I am currently working on myself and my recovery, and am actually very happy with my life right now,” Jordan wrote. “There is one thing missing and that will come over time….my baby girl and a good coparenting relationship with her father.”

Jordan, who is best remembered for being “homeless” during her “16 and Pregnant” episode, does not have contact with her young daughter, Evie, who has been raised by Jordan’s parents and ex-boyfriend, Derek Taylor, for much of her life.

Most of Jordan’s recent posts on Snapchat show a man she says is her boyfriend…

Jordan has also resurfaced on Snapchat. A much-older man often appears in her posts, and Jordan has indicated that she’s in a romantic relationship with him.

(Photos: Facebook, Snapchat)

18 Responses

  1. i feel so bad for her daughter. they were homeless and barely provided their daughter with what she needed and is now living and being raised by her grandparents and dad meanwhile jordan is “recovering and working on herself” meanwhile she’s out here with old guys and doesn’t even seem like she’s getting better

  2. Lol she is a wild thing I know that for a fact. I was working in Baltimore and a few girls I had met knew her and of course she came to the new guys on the block to see what was going down and the girl was geeked but she was fun to hang with and I promise she still loves us whiteboys haha we had a good time and she never even said a thing about her being on tv or anything the whole week she was with us a full week I wish now I would’ve let her come home with me I could have made her get straight!

  3. All I have to say is, thank god for Dereck. I know Evie isn’t living with him full time (unless that’s change since I last heard), but Dereck and her parents deserve MAJOR credit for raising that little girl. Heroin addiction is awful. It effects everyone. But I don’t think Jordan is actually trying to get better. Unfortunately, I doubt that she’ll ever be clean, or there for her child. She’s in way too deep to realistically even try to give that up for good, and that’s devastating considering her young age, and her daughter.

  4. I don’t believe her when she says she’s in recovery. She was supposedly doing whatever drugs she could get her hands on and selling her body for money. She should be in a long term, intensive inpatient treatment program where she wouldn’t be allowed to tweet or post pictures of her creepy boyfriend. She strikes me as very similar to Jenelle in that she’ll lie to make herself sound great and all the bad things are everyone else’s fault.

  5. I hope she recovers for the sake of her daughter. And tries to be single when she comes back. I hope she is going the path of Leah and not Valerie.

  6. I didn’t read the caption so I thought that was a photo of Jordan posing with her dad and thought to myself “well thats kind of a creepy way to pose for a photo with your dad but ok” . So that old ass man is her bf?! Ok well there goes hope for her recovery if she is dating her John who called her up from the backpages. yikes.

  7. I hope she gets it together for herself and her daughter… I’m just not feeling great about the older boyfriend. Usually if you’re concentrating on your recovery, it isn’t wise to begin a relationship.

    1. With the garbage fentanyl laced heroin, or just straight fentanyl out there, it’s extremely reckless to tell someone that they ‘have plenty of time to get their shit together’. That’s not always the case anymore. I’d been using H (real heroin, not the laced shit in the beginning) and never even knew anyone that OD’d, and that was too much Methadone and benzos. Starting around 2013/14 is when fentanyl then car fentanyl round 2018. I hung up the belt for good June 2016. I’m 40 with a beautiful almost 3 year old. Have hardly any friends because they’re either still using, in prison, or the majority are gone. Forever. All for what? Chasing a high we’ll never feel again?

  8. Lol one does not simply leave Backpage. I foresee many more similar posts on TA. This young lady has some real esteem issues she has not overcome yet.

  9. Remember that low rent stripper friend of hers from the Where Are They Now special? Seriously, where was this strip club located? ?

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