Note: This story was originally posted in 2017, but has been updated for 2023!
Get ready for the spookiest night of the year! No, David Eason isn’t releasing another horrifying musical offering; it’s just Halloween!
The Ashley has put together this list of her favorite ‘Teen Mom’ Halloween moments of all time. From cute costumes to terrifyingly awkward moments, get ready to celebrate Halloween, ‘Teen Mom’-style!
9. Catelynn comforts a crying Michael Myers (2015)
Catelynn Lowell chose Halloween night to leave for her honeymoon with her husband, Tyler Baltierra. This meant saying goodbye to her little brother, Nick, who was out trick-or-treating at the time. When Nick, dressed as Michael Myers, realizes Cate is leaving, her starts sobbing, and Cate comforts the sobbing serial-killer-costumed boy. The scene makes for a very strange screenshot, if nothing else.
(Sadly, Catelynn and Michael Myers Nick no longer get along and have spent a nice portion of 2023 slamming each other online.)
8. Bentley is the cutest purple dinosaur ever (2011)
This classic ‘Teen Mom’ moment took place all the way back in Season 3. Bentley, then just a toddler, is dressed up as Barney the Dinosaur and is paraded through the neighborhood on Halloween night, on a quest to collect candy (as well as the hearts of every single ‘Teen Mom’ viewer!)
Also, if you want to think about something really scary…this kid is 15 years old now.
7. Amber turns her baby bump into the Great Pumpkin (2008)
We have to dip into the “16 and Pregnant” archives to grab this Halloween moment! Way back in 2008, Amber performed what seems to be a requirement for all “16 and Pregnant” girls who find themselves knocked up over the Halloween holiday. She painted her large baby belly orange and turned it into a pumpkin. Her daughter, Leah, was born just a few weeks later.
6. Bentley pranks his dad Ryan (2015)
While pumpkin carving, Bentley’s dad, Ryan, was teasing the boy for not wanting to get pumpkin guts all over himself. Bentley decides to get revenge on his dad later that night. With the support of the ‘Teen Mom OG’ crew and his grandma Jen, Bentley sneaks behind Ryan and proceeds to pour a whole bowl of pumpkin guts all over his dad’s head!
5. Steph Beaver screams about not being toxic…while dressed as some sort of raver reindeer (2022)

During a 2022 episode of ‘Teen Mom: Young & Pregnant’ (R.I.P.), we got a Beaver dressed up like a reindeer who was madder than a hornet!
Rachel Beaver’s mom Stephanie gets infuriated when Rachel tells her that she won’t be bringing her daughter Hazelee over to Mama Beaver’s trailer for tricks and treats on Halloween. (Honestly, if you ask me, everything this family did was a ding-dang treat!)
“All of a sudden she thinks her family is toxic, and now she doesn’t want Hazelee around us!” Steph yells (but in a very non-toxic way, of course.) “It’s always everybody else’s fault!”
“She never looks at herself like she is the f**king toxic one!” Steph adds, as she flops her deer ears and shakes glitter onto the AstroTurf in the trailer’s “yard.”
Stephanie— who, again, is not toxic— yells about how rotten her daughter is…and then wonders why her daughter didn’t want to hang out with her.
4. Debra wears a costume on the wrong day (2015)
Poor Debra must have gotten her dates mixed up! Farrah Abraham’s mom showed up to film in some sort of “1990s teen club-goer” costume. The only problem? It wasn’t Halloween! This is unfortunate, of course, because Debra’s pleather pants (yessss!) and rhinestone-covered, belly-baring halter top were amazing!
3. Amber drops a pregnancy bombshell on her mom in the pumpkin patch (2018)

Amber found herself pregnant with yet another Oopsie Baby during a 2018 episode of ‘Teen Mom OG.’ Unfortunately, she has been sperminated by Andrew, a man that she just met whom hasn’t even been introduced to Amber’s family yet.
Amber decides to take the fam out to Ye Olde Pumpkin Patch to drop the news that she’s expected another lil pumpkin of her own. She’s not sure how her family will take the news, but suspects they’ll think she’s out of her gourd (see what The Ashley did there?) for getting knocked up so fast.
Once the Portwood pack has boarded the hayride, Amber blurts out that she and Andrew are having a baby.
Amber’s mom, Tonya, is not thrilled to find out that Amber has dragged her out to the sticks and made her take the Hillbilly Hay Ride of Haphazard Family Planning to try to soften the baby news.
In fact, Amber’s whole family is not happy that that Amber only knew her new man for about 3 seconds before letting him shoot spawn rockets inside of her. But her cousin Krystal tries to make the best out of the situation, remarking that “at least it’s not Matt Baier’s baby.”
Cousin Krystal did have a point…
2. Farrah gets fired for acting like a witch (2018)

The episode that Farrah gets the ax is one of the all-time ‘Teen Mom’ moments. During Season 7, Farrah gets a visit from Morgan J. Freeman, the big cheese of the ‘Teen Mom’ franchise. He tells Farrah that he is there to talk to her about the abhorrent way she has treated the show’s crew and cast for years. Naturally, Farrah sees no problems with her behavior and even screams “I’m not difficult!”
Morgan and Farrah continue to chat (while surrounded by festive Halloween pumpkins, natch) until Morgan finally delivers the news that Farrah has been fired from the show for her awful behavior (not to mention that whole “Backdoor Teen Mom” thing). Farrah is unfazed and doesn’t seem to care that she’ll be losing $300k+ a year and the show that made her (and her backdoor) famous.
1. Ryan takes too long getting ready for Halloween & misses everything (2015)
Ryan was supposed to go trick-or-treating with his son, Bentley, but things didn’t exactly work out. Much like The Great Pumpkin, Ryan only rises [from his bed] once a year, but unfortunately, he didn’t get up in time to make it to trick-or-treat. He spent a long time on his “way cool” skeleton costume makeup and ended up missing everything.
Ryan kept trying to get validation from his son that his costume was “so cool” but Bentley barely seemed to notice. Ryan then scolded Bentley for not waiting for him to go collect free candy.
“Why didn’t you wait on me, Bentley!?” Ryan— a full grown man— whines to his son, who couldn’t care less that his dad was absent yet again.
Happy Halloween, kids! Don’t be a bitch-of-a-human–don’t drink and drive! If you’re still in need of a costume idea, be sure to click here and here to see some of The Ashley’s reality-TV-inspired costume ideas from previous years.
(Photos: Twitter, MTV)
51 Responses
I remember when mtv first promoted this show, I was shocked it was a thing, I can’t believe Bentley is now the age of some of these characters when they got pregnant. Time is so crazy
Halloween is banned where I live, we are on another lock down, not allowed to but clothes, kettles, shoes etc, as they are apparently not a necessity.
Stores have blocked customers from going anywhere near any of these things, and covid Marshals are at various stores, to make sure no one buys anything that the gov says isn’t allowed, this includes books too.
Christmas is also cancelled.
It’s absolutely rediculas and verging on tyranny..
We have already had over 6 months of our lives taken from us by our Goverment, now we face many more months of Control by useless leaders .
I hate this my mental Heath is staring to suffer.
I’m trying to be positive, but as each day passes more and more of our freedoms are being taken
We all need to rise up and stop the globalists from destroying our lives and economy’s
Buy not but, sorry.
I’m so sorry. I am in America but trapped in a liberal run state and facing many unconstitutional restrictions on a virus with a 98% survival rate. This is NOT about a virus, this is about control and ushering in a New World Order. Fight for your rights. American patriots will NEVER give up. We are being silenced, censored and smeared but we won’t stop. NOTHING can stop what’s coming. God bless you, hang in there and know that the light will outshine the darkness in the end.
Spot on sassy.
It’s all about control.
Thanks sassy.
I can’t believe the down votes on my stating the truth about what is happening where I live.
Where do you live?
Where are you from? I didn’t know it was like that in other places still.
@dejesusgawdleah wth do YOU live?!
So upon reviewing the comments lol I see we did not notice this post is recycled and the comments came along with it lol these are comments from 2020 ??? I was like wtf is happening in the world that people are on lockdown?!?!? Straight panicked ?????
Calm down, this is so overly dramatic.
If this is your biggest problem, count your blessings.
Go buy your books on Amazon.
Where the heck do you live?! And why are you on lockdown? Am I missing something that’s going on in the world?!
@Frontdoormom- Yes, this was originally posted in 2017 and I redo it and post it almost every year! Sorry for the scare! -The Ashley
#5 had me ROLLING ???
Jenelle. Such a classy mother. Proving she cares mostly about herself, and then everyone else. Her poor kids.
I can’t recall seeing pictures of her kids dressed up for Halloween but I certainly know that I’ve seen pictures she’s taken and posted of herself in all kinds of slutty fill-in-the-blank costumes over the years.
MTV wasn’t axed Farrah yet…
Farrah didn’t get a treat. She gave a trick.
Farrah *is* the trick! ?
Lol. Spat my drink out.
Thank you, i really needed a laugh.??
I’d have to argue Ryan missing Halloween should have been #1. That was the weirdest, most ridiculous scene. I can’t imagine what his life is like… how do you miss Halloween with your son because you’re busy painting your face???
I feel so embarassed for ryan. It was juat sad.
Cuz he was actually busy meeting his dealer… aka “painting his face”
Drugs are a helluva drug.
And his eyes are red af so you can see that he was obviously high smh lmfao
The Ryan one IS #1. It counts down to #1, his is last.
He was out buying drugs and getting high, that’s why he was late.
My sexy toys can grant your deepest wish… quadruple barf
Am I going to hell because my pervert mind read “quadruple barf” as “queef double barf”, because… well, obviously, Farrah
Yeah, this is recycled. Still a fun trip down memory lane though, look at that adorable Barney and perfect little waldo!
Jesus God The Ashley! You almost gave me a heart attack! I thought Jenelle was pregnant again. Thank God it’s just an old post.
@Gaby- It’s a recycled post! Forgot to take out the dated stuff! Eeek! -The Ashley
Love the where’s Waldo costume the best!
“This year, though, Jenelle is very pregnant with her third child, so there’s a chance that she may actually wear clothing this Halloween!”
Uh…is this a repost from last year or something…?
I was wondering the same thing, since it says Halloween is on a Monday this year. I was like am I looking at my calendar wrong? Isn’t it on Tuesday? Haha.
Still, a funny post.
oh nevermind, I see the comments are old now too
Yes! I like to bring back some of the old favorites, but I forgot to update it! :\ -The Ashley
It’s okay, you are probably busy with that other article about that creepy thing that happened right before Jenelle signed rubber ducks to throw in the audience when they where filming in LA? 😉 😉 😉
Not that I’m curious, I just would like to know ;-).
What creepy thing this time!?!? ?
Wait whhhaaaaat??
See Ashley’s RR Twitter.
Jenelle looks SO much like Babs in that pic from a few years ago… And Ryan missed Halloween with his son because his dealer was obviously running late that night due to the high volume of addicts that roll thru on All Hallow’s Eve..
Deb has been bringing Halloween to us every Monday for the last 2 years. Iconic!
Bentley is seriously the cutest kid ever!
I don’t see anything that special about him
You must be fun at parties.
Erm no he isn’t
I’d say it’s a close race between Bentley and Lincoln. Those kids steal my heart.
People down voting and disagreeing with a comment saying a little kid is cute? Ok then…weird thing to dispute.
Wow who downvotes saying a child is cute?! Especially 12 times!!