New Reality Show Will Help Women Hunt Down Their Baby-Daddies: Get Casting Details!

“Hunt down my baby daddy!”

One reality television network is taking “baby daddy drama” to a whole new level!

The Ashley hears that a casting director for an unnamed network is looking for women who need help from “The Baby Daddy Detective” to find their missing-in-action baby daddies! The show will feature moms or moms-to-be who have yet to inform their one-night stand that their booty call resulted in an unexpected pregnancy.

The casting call says they are looking for “women who, through one circumstance of another, cannot contact their former lover or one-night-stand, but desperately want to tell him about the baby.”

“The Baby Daddy Detective can help,” a casting flyer for the show reads. “She’ll track down your M.I.A. Man and help you figure out to deliver your news.”

The flyer even uses the tag line, “2 Strangers + 1 night = One Unexpected Outcome.”

Although the actual network that the show will air on can’t be revealed yet, The Ashley hears that the show is likely going to premiere next fall.

If you’re interested in applying to be on the show, email


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19 Responses

  1. 4
    Rate This

    This idea seems awful at best. Yeah, let’s ambush unsuspecting dads with news they are losers and going to be a dad. Just seems like anti-male garbage for poor people that will be re-branded as ’empowering’ or some shit…
    As others have said, Maury already has this one 😉

    1. 7
      Rate This

      “Anti-male” lol wtf. Don’t put your dick inside someone unprotected and expect nothing to happen.

  2. 10
    Rate This

    First of all, I have come to hate the term “Baby Daddy”. It sounds so trashy. Let Maury or Jerry do these shows. I hope the network is NOT TLC! These shows have gotten out of control and make a mockery of young people in our country….seriously, can you imagine someone outside the USA watching these shows….they must think we are raising a bunch of idiots. Why don’t they profile a show about really GOOD YOUNG PEOPLE overcoming obstacles and making something of their lives. Like going to college, getting a job and just being a good person WITHOUT the “Baby Daddy”, “16 and Pregnant”, “90 Day K-1 Visa”, etc. So…….I’ll pass on this show if it ever gets picked up by a network.

  3. 18
    Rate This

    This…just seems sad somehow. Be responsible about your reproduction choices and if you like one-night stands (I don’t but some do), just tell him to use a condom or be on birth control, if all fails, there’s still the morning after pill!

    1. 7
      Rate This

      I used to do one night stands every now and then. I was on birth control the whole time and always used condoms if the guys weren’t too drunk to actually get it up (sadly this didn’t happen too often lol). I didn’t even have to argue with them to use them or anything, they grabbed the condoms before I could tell them “no condom, no sex”. And I agree, if all of that goes wrong, there’s always the morning after pill. No reason to get knocked up by a one night stand!

    1. 12
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      Kail on her newest baby daddy: “Chris is a grown man, he knows how to pull out.” SHE SAID ABOUT HIM WHILE PREGNANT WITH HIS CHILD. That says it all, doesn’t it? Condoms, people, condoms!

      1. 4
        Rate This

        When you have dumped as many clips as I have raw dog and still my mailbox is empty on Fathers Day, then you can tell me it doesn’t work. Do some research youngens. #ropeshooterextreme

        1. 3
          Rate This

          Sir nibs, you were writing on teenmomjunkies right? I havnt gone to that site in awhile because I thought I would eventually get a virus Lol

        2. 4
          Rate This

          That’s fucking gross. And the chicks probably took the morning after pill immediately after so they wouldn’t get knocked up by your irresponsible ass lmao

  4. 36
    Rate This

    You don’t need the help of this show to find your baby daddy. Just use the Internet. If you are too broke for wifi, and the local library has banned you because you are an illiterate baby momma, just call Maury. He’s been finding baby daddies for years, and you can even come back to the show an infinite number of times if you were a walking semen receptacle and have several potential baby daddies.

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