‘Teen Mom OG’ Couple Ryan Edwards & Mackenzie Standifer Are Getting Married (Again) This Weekend: Exclusive Details!

“Fine, I’ll do another wedding but this time there better be a napping area set up at the altar!”

Yet another Teen Mom wedding is coming our way!

Ryan Edwards is set to get hitched (again) to Mackenzie Standifer this weekend. This will, of course, be the second time the Teen Mom OG couple tied the knot. (Their first wedding was back in May and, as ‘Teen Mom’ fans will remember, Ryan was hopped up on the Xanax, etc. on the drive over to the ceremony.) The only people present to witness the union at that time were Ryan’s parents, Jen and Larry Edwards (oh, and an MTV film crew, of course!)

Anyway, The Ashley has the details on this wedding re-do!

The Ashley can reveal that Ryan and Mackenzie will be saying “I do” (again) on Saturday, November 18 in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Unlike their first ceremony, this will be a full-on wedding that will include Ryan’s son Bentley and Mackenzie’s son Hudson, as well as a bridal party.

And….it will be filmed for MTV!

“They will be filming at the wedding, and a crew has been there capturing the pre-wedding stuff too,” a crew source tells The Ashley. “For awhile [production] wasn’t sure if Ryan and Mackenzie would allow the wedding to be filmed, since they declined to come to Los Angeles to film the special with the rest of the cast in October, and some other things. But they are filming it.”

When you realize your wedding is just a few days away…

The Ashley doesn’t know if Ryan’s ex Maci Bookout will be attending the wedding.  However, Maci’s reactions to the wedding will be a major topic of a few episodes of the upcoming ‘Teen Mom OG’ season.

As The Ashley reported this summer, Mackenzie and Ryan had been struggling in their marriage after Ryan was released from rehab. (This was around the time that the news broke that Ryan was trying to arrange trysts behind the ol’ Food City with women he allegedly met on Tinder.)

In late August, the couple was at odds, with Ryan even blocking Mackenzie’s number and telling members of the film crew and production team that he planned to file for divorce from Mackenzie. It seems that the couple has worked through their issues because the (second) wedding is still on.

The Ashley will have more wedding details soon but, as of now, sadly it looks like Ryan is not planning to rap at his wedding like his ‘Teen Mom OG’ co-star Debra “Debz OG” Danielsen did. The Ashley is crossing her fingers that changes, however!

UPDATE! According to Radar Online, Maci and her husband Taylor McKinney are planning to attend Ryan and Mackenzie’s wedding!

(Photos: MTV)


45 Responses

  1. I do not understand second weddings. A wedding is not about a dress, flowers, bridal party, photos, cake, etc. It is about two people commuting to each other for the rest of their lives legally and in the eyes of God if they’re religious. All the trappings are meant to enhance that experience, many are traditional or symbolic, but they are all essentially part of celebrating and symbolizing the importance of the actual marriage vows. It makes sense to wear a white dress and cut a cake together on the day you actually get married. It does not make sense to do all of those things a year into your relationship during a pretend or re-do wedding. It’s meaningless because you are already married. It’s basically just a big dress up party so that you can have pretty pictures. Why not have a party or reception like Chelsea? Or an anniversary party? You can still dress up and decorate and have beautiful photos without throwing a sham wedding that literally means nothing.

  2. I wish Ryan and Mackenzie all the best for the wedding and for a happy married life. Ryan comes from such a great family, his parents are wonderful. He has a lot of potential for goodness as well. He can turn his problems around and Mackenzie is the woman who will be there for him to assist and inspire. God bless Ryan and Mackenzie.

  3. It’s a bad idea this time, too. Doesnt matter how many weddings they have, it won’t make the marriage or their relationship a good one.

  4. Countdown 3-2-1- til Mackenzie flips out on social media telling us all how we don’t know them, we don’t know their relationship, we don’t know what’s going on in their lives………..hahahahaha what an idiot. Boyfriend high as a kite at your first parking lot wedding, then heads to rehab instead of a honeymoon, leaves rehab early and posts pics on a boat headed to a party with a beer in his hand, all while cheating on you the entire time. You are a complete moron sweetheart.

  5. OFC it will be filmed. I’m SURE they just made up that they don’t want it filmed. Now with Debz OG wedding not being filmed since her daughter was sacked, they needed another one to film! Hope Ryan is clean and sober this time and knows what he is doing.

  6. I can’t stand Mackenzie. There is something off about her. She married a guy that she knows is a drug addict and then stays with him when he cheats on her just weeks after they say “I do.” It makes you wonder what her true intentions are.

    1. I also don’t like Mackenzie and feel weird about her for the reasons you mentioned.

      But I wonder why we are all judging the woman more harshly than the man. She married someone who was high and rode in a car with someone when they were nodding out but he’s the one who was actually high and driving high. She stayed with someone who was cheating on her and went to rehab instead of a honeymoon, but he is the actual person who did the cheating and had gotten so into drugs that he had to go to rehab right after his wedding instead of taking his wife on a honeymoon. We women are always so hard on other women, and we judge them harshly for being with a man who is doing horrible things, yet we hardly ever mention the man who is doing the horrible things. The conversation seems to always about the woman. With all of the stuff in the news lately about sexual abuse and harassment, and where many people blame the woman for things a man did to them, I’ve been thinking about these things. When stories break about guys being sexual predators, there is usually always a big discussion about the wife and why she stayed with him, and what she knew, and why she was silent if she knew. The blame gets shifted to the women a bit when it is the man who is the disgusting predator.

  7. What the hell is up with physco Janelle and creepy husband.
    That dude is jacked up pretty girl but can’t get a normal dude.
    Janelle get to reality that dude is using you

  8. That girl is SO stupid. What an idiot. And by the way, that wasn’t xanax he was on. He was nodding! He was on opiates. The odds are really against him staying sober. Once again she is REALLY dumb.

    1. Actually tbh I think that Mack new all along that it wasn’t Xanax, she was trying to save face knowing the man she was dragging to to the altar to get married was on heroin.
      She thought she could fool everyone into thinking it was only pillses.
      And she did there were many people who also insisted it was the pills.
      That being said it’s ironic that from the time they left there home it was about the amount of time it takes a shot of heroin to kick in, js.

  9. Like there was any doubt that this was going to be filmed. Mac is so desperate to be the next reality tv star, I’m surprised she’s not campaigning to take Farrah’s spot on TMOG.

  10. Will Food City Floozy please come forward and give her two cents on the wedding? ?

    These two losers are just in it for the $$$$$, that is all! If Rat Face McKenzie is allowed to show her son now, I’m guessing her ex got a piece of the $$$$$ and changed his mind too.

      1. I wanted to ask if you might be waiting for Ryan in the parking lot after the wedding, but then I realized that the wedding will probably be in the actual parking lot again.

        1. Well, Mac is wifey material she gets the front of the building parking lots for her special days. Floozies like myself are stuck behind the building.

          1. Aww, it makes me sad to read that. You are so much better than that. I’m going to message Leah Messer Sims Calvert Messer and ask her to give you a motivational speech. Stand in your power, Flooz!

  11. She will do anything for cash. Why get married and put more weight on a person struggling? Mtv needs to stop paying these lunatics.

  12. Why have a second wedding when Ryan has already cheated since the first wedding? The only reason is for MTV money. Ryan is milking it for all he can. The second wedding isn’t going to make a happy marriage.

  13. Haha. He needs more mtv money to buy meth with.. I can’t imagine that Mack is very sober either.

    Haha like my new name?. I was kaiser roll. But w the new teen mom season about to start I had to change it..

  14. Mack must be one desperate woman to marry this guy but I guess being on tv is her number one goal. I would love it if several of the Tinder hookups randomly showed up at the wedding!!

  15. Not that I had a huge amount of respect for McKenzie in the first place but I lost it all and she would not pull the car over when she was well aware Ryan was higher than Kiefer In my life I could never imagine letting someone drive that way to my wedding and then following through with the ceremony

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