Dust off your grenade whistle and get ready to blow it loud because… Jersey Shore is coming back to MTV next year… and we can’t apply our spray tans fast enough!
MTV confirmed the comeback of the OG Seaside Heights crew (well, most of them) on Monday during the premiere of Floribama Shore—the newest series/attempt in the “Shore” franchise. Geared up and GTL’d for the new series dubbed Jersey Shore Family Vacation is Deena Nicole Cortese, Paul “Pauly D” Delvecchio, Jenni “JWOWW” Farley, Vinny Guadagnino, Ronnie Ortiz-Magro, Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi and Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino.
Noticeably absent from the lineup is Samantha “Sammi Sweetheart” Giancola which means, sadly, we won’t get to witness any new Sam vs. Rahhnn drama. However, with this group, we’re sure to get more than enough entertainment to distract us from the fact that Ikea twin beds aren’t being thrown around and anonymous letters aren’t being left in the drawers of plastic furniture.
If you’re wondering why Sammi is declining to participate in the reboot, US Weekly reports that it’s because she doesn’t want to film with her ex-boyfriend “Rahhhn.”
“Everyone was invited to come on the show but Sammi was the only one who didn’t want to. A big reason for that was because she didn’t want to be around Ronnie,” a source told the magazine. “She has been enjoying her life off of TV and didn’t want to change that.”
Behind the scenes of ‘Jersey Shore Family Vacation’ will be original ‘Jersey Shore’ creator SallyAnn Salsano, whose 495 Productions will produce the series, with Salsano again serving as executive producer. (The company is also responsible for ‘Floribama Shore.’)
The original Jersey Shore series wrapped in 2012 after a six season run but the group has continued to reunite for some good old fist-pumping from time to time, with a few of those occasions having taken place this year.
The group (sans-Ronnie) worked on a Burger King commercial that aired this summer and some of the cast got together for a reunion special that E! aired in August, although Ronnie, Vinny and Deena missed out on that one. The cast (again, minus Ronnie) also rallied in October to attend Deena’s wedding.
While we’re not doubting the OG gang can still hang like it used to, ‘Jersey Shore Family Vacation’ is likely to have a different vibe from that of the alcohol-fueled, blackout Smush-Room days of ‘Jersey Shore’ past, as some of the group has moved on and started families since the show ended.
In addition to Deena being married, Jenni and Snooki are both married with two kids, and Pauly D has a little guidette of his own as well. It is not yet known if the cast members’ families will be incorporated into the new show or not.
It’s also unknown if the group will return to the wood-paneled shore house we all knew and loved (and longed to redecorate), but assuming it does reappear in the new series, let’s hope MTV springs for a good deep cleaning… and maybe a new duck phone.
(Photo: MTV)
18 Responses
Sammi prob got fat
lol they could always bring back the staten island dump that is Angelina to replace Sammy
I feel like MTV is only doing this so that it tanks (because you know it won’t be as good as it was when they were all 22 and single). I hope I’m wrong, but I think MTV is going to bring this back so that it flops and makes Floribama Shore look more appealing to Jersey Shores fan base, because of people like me who won’t be giving those Floridian trashpuppies a chance.
Excellent. I’m so happy about this- great trash tv.
I am so freaking excited for this, I can’t even stand it! It’s obviously gonna be totally different this time around, and that’s fine. They’ve all grown up (kind’ve) now, but so have the people who watched it originally and i would think that will be the target audience. I hope its a mix off seeing how they’ve changed, with a sprinkling of the old craziness. Just because they’re parents/married etc doesn’t mean they’re dead. Grown ups are allowed to have fun once in awhile too. From what I’ve seen Nicole and Jenny seem to to be good mums, active and involved in the kids lives so why shouldn’t they get to have some fun? I’m sure the kids will be adequately supervised, (if they’re even involved) When the drinks come out.
Can’t Imagine that it will take place in the old Shore house because when they did that reunion special they were denied permission to film in the house, Shore Store, Karma, Beachcombers etc. Guess poor old Danny decided those Mtv checks were not enough to cover the drama. Also if they’re bringing spouses, kids etc there is no way everyone would fit, the house always seemed extremely cramped with just the 8 of them. And I’m pretty sure i read an interview with Jenny yesterday saying It’d probably be overseas (Can’t remember exactly where she said).
There totally needs to be a new duck phone… Son of Duckphone perhaps? looking for revenge on the evil man who killed his father?
I just want to know if @TheAshley is going to write about Floribama shore! That show was something else last night!
I just watched it today and I’m already so into it. @TheAshley, PLEASE recap Floribama Shore, please.
MTV should offer Sami more $$$ to come back. I, for one, would like to see the interaction with Ronnie. They fought a lot, yes, but the chemistry was there. Sami also showed real love and tenderness to Ron. Now that they are older maybe they can make it work. Maybe Mike could stay away too – that would help.
I don’t blame her, I wouldn’t wanna be around my ex either..(awkward) ! But I’m kinda glad she’s not coming back..she was a stuck up Bitch! ?
She and Jenni had one of the best catfights in TV history tho. (I think one of them said, prob JWoww, “Hold my weave!” to Snooki. Classic)
Very mature of Sammy, but I wish she didn’t make the responsible choice!
it is mature but makes you wonder if she is over him if she can’t be around him? I’m sure that is what ron will be saying all season
Their relationship was incredibly toxic and abusive. Whether or not she’s over him, I can totally understand why she would want to stay away :/ I still don’t want to be in a room with my ex and he wasn’t nearly as bad as Ron/Sammy (bc Sammy was toxic as well).
Hated it! I’m gonna take a pass. Getting a tooth pulled is more entertaining.
Reunion was boring so hopefully this will be better. But……..if they want to embarass themselves like they did before, there will be other people involved and in a few years their kids will see them getting smashed while they already had them, do they really want that?!