When it comes to dealing with her daughter Aubree’s bad dad, Adam Lind, Chelsea Houska has had enough!
The Teen Mom 2 star headed to court last week to make some big changes to the visitation schedule currently in place for Adam to see his daughter– and The Ashley has new exclusive details!
As The Ashley previously reported, Adam got arrested (again) last week for violating the terms of a restraining order filed against him by one of his exes. After Adam’s arrest, Chelsea headed to court on December 8 to file a motion to change Adam’s visitation schedule.
“She wants to cut back on Aubree going to Adam’s parent’s house,” a source for Radar Online told the site. (As The Ashley previously told you, Adam recently moved back in with his parents due to financial hardships.)
Adam’s parents have been legally required to be present while Aubree visited with Adam.
“Adam is almost always gone while Aubree is there, so Aubree basically just spends time with Adam’s parents anyway,” The Ashley’s sources tell her. “Chelsea would still allow Aubree to spend time with Adam’s parents, because they have been a part of Aubree’s life since she was born.
“She just wants to change it so that there is not a set schedule that must be followed each month,” the source added. “The goal here is not to take Aubree out of her grandparents’ lives; Chelsea just doesn’t want to be forced to take Aubree over there when Adam isn’t spending time with her anyway.”
The Ashley’s source tells her that Chelsea is also pushing for another very important change.
“Chelsea wants to require that Adam NOT be present while Aubree is visiting with his parents,” The Ashley’s source reveals.
Despite his troubles, Chelsea still wants Adam to be in Aubree’s life, provided that he’s properly monitored.
“Chelsea does not feel safe having Adam around Aubree right now, so she is pushing to change it so that all of their visits have to take place at court-supervised family visitation center,” The Ashley source said. “She had played with the idea in the past but it was kind of like a last-resort option. Chelsea feels like they’ve reached that point now.”
“We exist to provide a place for safe, supervised visits and exchanges with the goal that children are emotionally, physically and mentally safe,” the local Family Visitation Center’s website explains. “Families spend time together in private, child-friendly rooms, monitored by professional well-trained staff.”
Radar Online reported that Chelsea has also recently filed a motion to have Aubree’s last name legally changed from “Lind” to “Lind-DeBoer.”
“Adam has yet to respond to that motion, or the motion Chelsea filed to change his visitation,” The Ashley’s source reveals.
Adam has not appeared on ‘Teen Mom 2’ since Season 7 and will not appear in the upcoming episodes airing as Season 8B.
A court date has been set for January 8 for both the name change and visitation change to be addressed.
(Photo: MTV)
29 Responses
Oh, my gosh. I just looked at my last post, and I noticed a small mistake. Oops!!
Did anyone else tear up when Aubree’s recording be was played? What a sweet gift.☺
Good for you Chelsea, until Adam gets his shit together, which may be never, it’s a great idea to make the environment as safe as possible and where you will have other people around you to monitor things. The safety of your child is paramount.
Can we get some recaps??? Please???
Tbh, I think she is way too soft to him. I would prob terminate his rights but I guess she wants Aubree to choose it for herself when she is of age. So until he gets his sh*t together this is the right thing to do.
Honestly, good for her. I hope she gets what she wants. It’s about time.
After all Adam has said and done, I wouldn’t want him in her life, or Lind to be anywhere in her name. He’s done nothing to deserve it. He didn’t want her from the start and said AWFUL things about that child. HIS OWN DAUGHTER. He’s a heartless sack of shit. He doesn’t deserve to have this beautiful child in his life at all.
Just remember this guy is the douche that told her right after their daughter was born that he wanted to terminate all his parental rights to “that mistake”. Chelsea Honey, you should have taken him up on that. I have a feeling with the rate he’s going, Cole will be adopting their daughter as his own because Adam will be dead.
She still wants him, this is the hail mary pass to get him back. It’s over girl, move on.
I think if she wanted him back she wouldn’t have married and had a baby with someone else? Lmao
She was in love with Adam & wouldnt let it go. It is so obvious that she is well over him. She grew up, met a real man & fell in love with a real man
Have you seen Cole?! I’m not saying only based on looks (although even there he is already WAY better looking) but on attitude towards Aubree and now Watson. He is a father Adam can only dream of being. She upgraded SO MUCH with him in every way. Adam is her past mistake (I used this word intentionally cuz he called his daughter like that), we all did mistakes in the past but she learned from it and found an amazing man.
All I think of is Adam saying how the court was going to give him everything he wanted when he took Chelsea to court. His parents raised that sack of shit so I wouldn’t want my kid going over there all the time too.
and he said that the judge would laugh at Chelsea. The guy is clueless
Aubree is so cute. It probably doesn’t make Chelseas life easier to have to deal with Adam, but she is doing a very good job with her kids. Aubree will grow up better than the rest of the kids because of how Chelsea has handles situations
I feel so bad for Aubree or any child that has a parent like this.
I hope she gets what she wants…it’s a total shame that it’s come to this, but for the sake of Aubree’s well being this is probably what needs to be done. Adam is on a downward spiral, and he does not need to be taking his kids down there with him….and seeing how he never wanted Aubree anyway, I don’t see him fighting Chelsea.
Of course he’ll throw a bitch fit, even though he’s never around anyway.
I don’t blame Chelsea one bit. She probably should have done this a while ago.
I don’t blame her for wanting to make a change to her surname. Chelsea has a lot more restraint than I would have if I was in her shoes. I wouldn’t want my child to have to carry around the surname of her dead beat, loser father.
But don’t worry Adam.. MTV is the bad guy here. Always portraying you to be a loser.
It’s funny how Adam said he was sick of MTV making him look bad and he didn’t need their money to always be seen as a dirtbag. Now here he is, sans MTV, still is a dirtbag, broke and living with his parents. Who’s to blame now, Adam?
Chelsea is doing the right thing. You can’t trust someone’s parents to not give in. Especially, when they raised a child as entitled as Adam lind.
Wasn’t changing Aubree’s last name like a major plot point to her 16 and Pregnant episode? Whatever happened there?
I thought the same thing! Just remove “Lind” & make it either Chelsea’s maiden name or Cole’s name.
Seriously! Can’t she remove Lind altogether? If she had full legal custody, etc, can she do that?
I’m not being snarky, I’m wondering if that’s possible!
As far as Chelsea changing Aubree’s name on her 16 & Pregnant episode, Chelsea never actually filed the paperwork to change Aubree’s name, so it remained Lind.
I seem to remember that on the last season of TM2, Chelsea met with her lawyer about changing Aubree’s last name to DeBoer and the lawyer told her that it would be a huge deal and Adam could contest it, whereas if she chose to hyphenate it, just making it Lind-DeBoer, she would have a much easier time.
Apparently Chelsea also asked Aubree and Aubree wants it to be both. She’s 7 which is old enough to express what she wants, so it would be unfair to ignore her wishes and just make it DeBoer.
That caption! How do you even find the right expressions out of all those hours of TM/TM2 footage?