Derick Dillard will no longer appear on TLC’s Counting On but the outspoken Duggar Family son-in-law is now claiming that it was him who cut ties with the network, and not the other way around as the network previously insinuated.
As The Ashley previously reported, TLC announced last month that it had cut Derick loose from ‘Counting On’ after he made many transphobic comments about Jazz Jennings, the teenage transgender star of I Am Jazz. At the time of the (alleged?) firing, Derick kept quiet, but he recently took to Twitter to tell his side of the story.
“Unbelievable what’s considered newsworthy these days, but then again this is how I heard I was ‘fired,’” he wrote in response to a Fox News tweet about his firing. “For the record, I was never fired. I just felt it was best for my family to cut ties months ago, as we are heading in a different direction.”
On Monday he followed that tweet up with even more info about his time at TLC. In a series of tweets he wrote in response to nay-sayers, Derick claimed that he “never worked for” the network in the first place!
“Yes, I’m no longer doing [the show], but nowhere did they say that I was fired,” Derick wrote. “Big difference. You can’t be fired from somewhere you never worked.”
“That’s what’s so funny. I was fake fired from my fake job,” he told another person on Twitter. “PR must be their justification. See it is funny, you’re laughing too lol.”
From what The Ashley can gather, Derick is implying that he never had any sort of contract with the network to appear on ‘Counting On’ and 19 Kids and Counting. He used that fact to explain why he wasn’t technically ‘fired’ by TLC, despite the network releasing a statement last month saying that Derick “has not participated in ‘Counting On’ for months” and that the network “has no plans to feature him in the future.”
“TLC most likely just felt it was a good time to say something for PR reasons, but they couldn’t say I was fired because they never had any formal relationship with me,” Derick explained on Twitter.
It appears that Derick is taking his wife Jill and their kids with him in that “different direction” he was talking about.
“So you guys aren’t on the show anymore?” a fan asked.
“Correct,” Derick replied.
While Derick and Jill will be sitting on the sidelines (along with disgraced eldest Duggar son Josh) as the rest of the family films for ‘Counting On,’ it appears that Joseph Duggar and his new wife Kendra will be stepping up to fill their spot on the show. The couple just announced that they are expecting their first child, and, since beginning his courtship with Kendra, Joseph has taken on a much larger role on the show than ever before.
TLC has yet not given a specific premiere date for the new season of ‘Counting On,’ except to say that it will air sometime in the Spring of 2018.
(Photo: TLC)
39 Responses
Is he dying? Like, seriously? He looks really rough in that photo.
As soon as I heard he was ‘fired,’ I was sure he had been trying to get himself out of a contract…That he WANTED to be fired. Now that we hear his side, that he was never under contract, I’m positive he was trying to be sure he was taken off of the show. Brilliant. All of you teeny-boppers in the rest of the comment section just keep bleating like sheep. You’ve been outwitted. Game, match. LOL Love you and your family, Derrick! The entire Duggar family needs to cut ties with hedonistic TLC and I am so glad that you did! (My family will miss watching your family, though.)
Let the downvotes begin. LOL I am so thankful that I do not care about popularity! 😉 🙂
Try having to living by them or getting behind them in the grocery store. Ugh! I’m so sick of their faces! Every time they have a thing, outing, whatever it’s called, for TLC traffic is blocked,lots of peoe blocking traffic, etc…. I wish they would freaking move out of northwest ar!!!
And they’re super snooty and stuck up acting like they’re better than everyone in real life when cameras aren’t rolling!
Does Jazz wear a jock strap when she plays soccer?
Where are all the Duggar stans saying they will pray for them? Usually there is at least one comment on every article.
Does that mean he made “Fake money” he will be paying back?
“Fake fired” from your “fake job,” huh, Derick?? I guess no more cashing those “fake checks!” Leave the teenagers alone, get a job and support your family!
Now that his “fake” employer no longer pays him he will have to get a real job now. I guess no more mission trips on everyone else’s dime.
I’ve never watched the show but from what I’ve read about him and the comments he’s made- he seems like a complete douchebag! Hopefully we won’t have to hear anymore of his ignorant opinions!!!
Ohh and now I bet he will be begging online for even more money for his so called missions…
He can’t fake looking like a meth head.
Aww, he still thinks people don’t realize that he’s a piece of shit. That’s so cute!
You mean that a couple good for only pumping out babies, and asking for their next handout can be replaced by a younger sibling doing the same?! I am SHOCKED! ? You must have so many more prospective offers eh, Derrick?
This is really funny
This new direction you are taking the family…would that be begging for money online?
Well that makes a lot of sense.
I always wondered why he was so obcessed with Jazz…creepy
Sure, Jan.
As Rod and Todd Flanders from The Simpsons would say “Lies make baby Jesus cry!”
I need someone to tweet this to him!
He is so desperate for money, no way would he have quit. Nice try, Derrick.
Trolling his twitter is my new favorite pastime. It’s like watching someone become insane
That’s how I imagine following Trump on Twitter would be
The only. Ew direction your taking your family is a downward spiral to hell! Stop your lying. You’re acting disgusting and disgraceful. Get a job loser!
Liar liar pants on fire. He most certainly was given the boot.
He has something in common with Farrah. They should hang out. NIKE!
Best comment ever! Thank you for a hearty chuckle.
Right, because his real job is begging and grifting.
…the most surprising thing I found about this was the he, a conservative fundie, used a Fox News article as an example of fake news. Did I read that right?!?!?!
That fake job was the only way he could support his family. I’d be shocked if he actually got himself a real job. Guess we have more GoFundMe requests coming in 3…2…1…
Ohhh i get it…. so it must be fake news that u were banging men in central america and the one who was gonna blow ur cover got murdered. Must be a coincidence. And all those go fund me pages arent for payimg off his family and others because u are a closeted hypocrite. Hope he gets what he truely deserves. I also think he is attracted to jazz thats why he pretends to be so repulsed. What a low life
whaaaat?! where did you here this? It wouldn’t shock me
He has a lot of blind items on a lot of different websites. Butbthey all say the same thing. I truely think he did this
Hope its true hes a pos just like the rest of his disgusting family And im not the one making these accusations.just spreading them around and i dont care one bit.??hes gonna get caught playing hide the sausage but not with a girl.Cant stand people who hide behind religon to hide there sick habits and lives and act like they are holier than thou. just like this whole f#$%&d up family. Bye felicia???
Banging those fine, brown men.
Lots of huge accusations with no proof, nor anything near proof. Go sit down.
Hope its true hes a pos just like the rest of his disgusting family And im not the one making these accusations.just spreading them around and i dont care one bit.??hes gonna get caught playing hide the sausage but not with a girl.Cant stand people who hide behind religon to hide there sick habits and lives and act like they are holier than thou. just like this whole f#$%&d up family. Bye felicia???
Pfft. What a liar, thats a sin – Derrick.
Someone like him wants the biggest platform to preach his views. Without the Duggar connection and TLC the number people goes down. He needs to focus on his health, dude looks terrible. And his wife looks unhappy.
Nothing says controlling like not having your wife be able to provide a paycheck for the well-being of your family
To be honest, I don’t watch that show,but heard about this loser, Derrick and his hateful comments. What a effing pos… I cannot stand anyone in that cult-family. They are fake weirdos. Period.
However you turn their words, Derdick, you bullied a trans teenager online. There’s no coming back from that, goodbye!