Former “16 and Pregnant” Star Lindsey Nicholson Shares Heartbreaking Update On Premature Daughter Paisley

Lindsey and her daughter Paisley…

The infant daughter of former 16 and Pregnant star Lindsey Nicholson continues to battle health problems, three months after her premature birth.

On Thursday, Lindsey posted a heartbreaking update about her daughter Paisley’s health struggles. (As The Ashley previously told you, Lindsey gave birth to Paisley and her twin brother Jackson prematurely at just 29 weeks, 4 days gestation.) While Jackson was able to go home, Lindsey was sad to report that Paisley is back in the hospital after a period at home, due to her having serious complications of the liver.

“Paisley isn’t doing well,” Lindsey posted on Instagram. “Her liver is failing, causing her to have failure to thrive. We have absolutely no idea why her liver is doing this. We are in the process of figuring it out. Whatever it is, it is extremely rare.”

Lindsey stated that Paisley would undergo a liver biopsy on Friday in hopes that her doctors would be able to figure out what was causing her issues. On Friday, she posted a photo of Paisley as she was preparing to undergo anesthesia.

Lindsey is also the mother of six-year-old Aniyah, whom she gave birth to during her “16 and Pregnant” episode. Aniyah’s birth father is no longer in her life and Lindsey’s husband T.J. formally adopted Aniyah after marrying Lindsey in 2015.

The former reality TV star asked for prayers for her baby and her family.

“This has been extremely difficult on myself, my husband and Aniyah,” she wrote. “Thank you to everyone who has reached out.  Nobody wants to see someone they love more than anything in the world suffering. My heart is breaking for my sweet P. No baby should have to go through this. I’ve got to see who is truly there for myself, my husband, and my children this week.”

A GoFundMe page has been set up to help Lindsey and her family deal with the medical costs her twins’ treatments have brought on. If you’d like to make a donation, click here.

(Photo: Instagram)

18 Responses

  1. Whoever comes on here and downvotes people who are giving well wishes to a sick baby is the SICK one. Wow. Get professional help!!!!

    Godspeed Paisley get well soon ♡

  2. Everyone will probably disagree with me but I think just because the tm/tm2 cast has money and are in the franchise doesn’t mean they should automatically have to donate just because she’s a 16 & pregnant girl. They don’t know her personally and they all do have families that they need to provide for. Like everyone keeps saying, this won’t last so they need to be wise with their money. I just don’t think being in tm means you have to give money away.

  3. My son was also premature and had the exact same issues. He was about to have the liver biopsy and they decided to wait another day and he just started improving! We figured he was small and it took his liver and bile ducts longer to mature. Not issues since he was discharged which was around his due date.

    I know her daughter is past her due date and a lot bigger than my son so I’ll be praying for an answer. It was so hard thinking he might need a liver transplant if he didn’t improve.

  4. This is devastating. Barely born and already struggling for life. I wish all the strength in the world to Lindsey and her family and hope Paisley will be okay in the end.

  5. I follow her on Instagram and it’s so sad seeing all these updates. I do agree that the other TM should donate. They all have the money.

  6. I know this is probably petty but Kailyn donated $100 to the Go Fund Me page. Like, surely you could donate a few more bucks, you’ve been earning that MTV and sponsorship money for close to a decade and this kid’s life is hanging in the balance. Lindsey is one of the moms who wasn’t lucky enough to be chosen for the gravy train you’re on.

    Having said that though, none of the other TM or TM2 names were on there. It’s sad to see they couldn’t club together a few thousand dollars between the 9 of them to help someone in a desperate situation who needs it so much more than them and their St Thomas vacations.

    IMO MTV and the cast members should use situations like these as an opportunity to pay it forward. It would be great if they could remember those less fortunate.

      1. Excuse me, I donated $20 which isn’t a lot but seeing I got let go from my job on Monday, it’s a lot for me. You can see my name there. What did you give?

        All I said is these girls make 100’s of thousands of $$, MTV make millions from this franchise, and it’s sad that they aren’t doing more to look after the people they made money off.

        Fuck you, asshole.

  7. I hate this for her. Pisses me off that trash like Jenelle do drugs while pregnant and have the healthiest and most uneventful pregnancies ever. Meanwhile, people like Lindsey deal with these unfortunate events. Not saying any of Jenelle’s kids deserve to be ill; no child does.

  8. Mtv should offer her a spot in tm she’s better than the other options she has a stable fam stable life and seems like a good person. She could be the chelsea for their series instead of constant trashy wrecks. Plus I’m sure the extra money would help her more than the others

    1. YES the least MTV should do is donate money to Lindseys family and start Go Fund Me. They put money in the pockets of trash like Farrah and Jenelle. Shame on MTV This girl is being a great mom and trying to take care of her family Their health problems could happen to anyone. I wish the best for this family.

    2. I 100% agree but I doubt it will happen since MTV isn’t into casting people that have stability and a moral code (with the exception of Maci, Chelsea and Catelynn). MTV is mostly about casting bitchy drama queens and wants the person that will supply that which will be Mackenzie Edwards (aka THE SNAKE).

  9. I know Lindsey mentioned in an earlier update the doctors were in talks of it being liver cancer, I’m really hoping this biopsy isn’t because it’s looking more and more likely. How heartbreaking.

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