Sister Wives fans rejoice! TLC has announced that it has renewed the long-running reality show and will continue to follow the hi-jinks of Kody Brown & Co.!
This news comes a few months after several sites reported that the cable network had plans to cancel the show due to poor ratings.
“We’ve followed the Browns through plenty of ups and downs, but their story is far from over. We’re excited to share that ‘Sister Wives’ will return to TLC to continue following the journey of the Brown family,” the network posted to its website on Monday.
Although the ratings for the current season of ‘Sister Wives’ are lower than they have been since the show premiered in 2010, it is still bringing in decent ratings, especially for a show that has been on for nearly eight years.
(For instance, the current season’s premiere episode brought in about 1.8 million viewers, according to TV By the Numbers. To compare, the May 2016 season premiere got a whopping 2.2 million viewers.)
With the next season of ‘Sister Wives’ secured, we can likely count on seeing Kody and Christine‘s daughter Aspyn get married. (As The Ashley told you, she is set to marry Mitch Thompson in June.)
To read our ‘Sister Wives’ recaps, click here!
(Photo: TLC)
43 Responses
Love y’all
I think the show lost ratings do to the whole Mary catfish ordeal and her daughter acting so rude and disrespectful. I can only handle so much of Mary and her daughters woe is me attitude for so long. Love janell and Robyn. Then there’s Christine who needs so much attention, omg enough. She’s acting like she a teenager with her daughters husband and their boyfriends.
Please keep Sister Wives on the air I’m addicted to the show. Thank you Anchorage AK
You all are not to judge your not god so it’s uncalled for name calling are you jealous i like this show and i been watching sence they started in 2010 i can’t wait to watch this season
So Kody proposed to a 25 year old who turned him down? Haha. He is so deluded, thinks he is a stud. Reality check, Kody!
I was hoping it would be canceled .. I can’t stand them there too weird n lost all about fame n money .. I’m so glad meri left that asshole .. She in a better place w someone who truly cared about her not a dumb ass boring show Jody only loves himself .. Thanks for bring it back on . I’m done watching it your dragging it out too long time to let it go
At least Aspyn isn’t a spoiled brat like her sisters Mirah and Mykelti. That wedding was horrific with the family trying to act like they were happy with Mykeltis choice of a husband. His family didn’t act like they were all that thrilled with Tony choice either. Miriah is just selfish and hateful.
Excellent! Fantastic news I love this show, just wish everyone and I mean everyone would be more real. Viewers relate more to honesty amongst family rather then scripted for ratings—try it and you’ll see!
Show is a snooze fest. If it wasn’t for these fab recaps I wouldn’t watch either.
I understand that they don’t see it as cheating. You’re so right about Kody. He’ll never see it that way though. Long ago, I remember Meri being upset because Kody was courting Robyn. Up until that point, she had been the only one who was courted.
Meri set Robin up with Kody too. She probably regrets that now cause she stole Kody from her and ended their marriage.
Kody said that he will never forgive Meri for the catfishing thing. That’s pretty unfair. Isn’t polygamy another form of cheating? Seems like it to me.
They don’t see it as cheating, so I don’t think that’s why it is unfair.
It is unfair because it was Kody that was ignoring Meri and pushing her away and spending all his time with Robyn. Meri was lonely and that’s how she got catfished. Meri wasn’t completely innocent in this, but Kody played a big part and it’s unfair for him to place all the blame on her and act like it is some unforgiveable sin.
What a bunch of speculation with no facts. Mary behaves like a spoiled child. She tries to overanalyze everything and figures it all wrong. She needs to just quit whining and act like an adult. And for god’s sake quit making all those ugly faces. I wouldn’t want to be around her. What a downer. Get off your daughters back with all the pressure also.
Actually, in the episode where Kody talked to Mariah about her being a class A witch to Meri, he admitted that he was partially to blame. Mariah didn’t want to believe it but he said that yes, he had a hand in it too.
I don’t have all the facts, so I based it on what I saw. You analysis of Meri isn’t wrong though – but the catfishing wasn’t all Meri’s fault.
The catfishing is unfortunate but that’s what you are subjecting yourself to on social media. Having said that I can’t understand the big ongoing deal about it. There are lots of harder things to deal with in life much more serious so dragging that whole thing around is rather ridiculous. Please move on and forget it. It’s really a big nothing.
Completely agree, Jacqueline – they really need to move on. And if they choose to not move on, then at least stop bringing it up every other week.
I am so tired of Sister Wives, I also think it’s funny that they all have their own business. I do believe that if the network cancelled their show they would have no income, they all live in these,large beautiful homes filled with lovely furmiture. How else can they afford their homes, none of them work.I also think the women keep getting pregnant just so,they can have more attention from Cody. Please cancel this show, I’m tired of Mary getting catfished, crying about it. I’ve also noticed they spend most of their time in therapy!!
In my opinion, the show would do better if they didn’t try to force on storylines. Stretching out weddings and births fo the children get so boring. It felt like Mykelti’s wedding lasted for an entire year. I’m honestly fascinated by the day to day stuff and relationship dynamics. That’s how it used to be and the ratings were much better. What that many people, the drama will manufacture itself organically.
You’re right about that. It’s like the Duggar.. All about weddings and births.
I think there is no day to day stuff and relationship dynamics. They all have separate houses, separate lives. I think they just don’t really interact anymore.
When they were in Utah, the original 3 were all in the same house (broken up, but same house), but now they could probably go days or weeks without all being together, if it wasn’t for the cameras and the weddings and births.
So……..they will stretch Aspyn’s wedding through the whole season? Because I don’t think only one wedding would be interesting enough (Logan said himself he won’t marry until 2020 I think which is long but more power to him for not rushing it!) so, new babies or grandbabies or maybe focus on the relationship of PAEDON who hasn’t been single for a while but nobody gives a hoot. (I guess his girlfriend doesn’t want to be filmed tho)
I liked it when Paedon refused to go to that march. He seems like a nice kid, I didn’t know he had a GF, and I don’t blame her for not being on camera with that bunch. So sick of Meri and Mariah, I hope they won’t be on constantly next season.
Paedon stool up for himself. That seems rare in this family.
This crew can’t be living like true “sister wives.” They all have separate houses, children and lives…the only thing they share is Cody’s penis! I don’t get it. I thought they shared the raising of the children, preparing meals, etc. Meri has stated that she’s bored which is why she ended up getting catfishes. She could have been helping Robin with the 2 children she has popped out in the past 2 years! I’m suspicious of this crew!
Mary is just to busy whining all the time!
I think the only one getting Cody’s penis nowadays is robin
I’m thinking she’s the only one who still wants it!
I think Christine is back on it…Robyn seems over Kody..she is legal wife, has her two trap babies with him, she’s done.
I have just 1 question for kody. If love should be multiplied and not divided why does that mean only one husband and multiple wives? Seems strangely lopsided to me.
Wait, this show has fans?
This show is such a snooze fest. I enjoy the recaps, but have no time to watch. Kody is absolutely nauseating with self righteousness. I wish MERI would get out!!
I really do feel bad for Meri – she was so starved for attention and love she thought she found it online. Unfortunately because of her faith and lifestyle, she’s a bit naive in the ways of the real world and it never even occurred to her that the person she was speaking with wasn’t what was claimed.
I think the other wives are only nice to her when the cameras are around. And don’t forget Meri is the one that introduced Robyn into the family – probably as a way to have a “friend” among the wives because it was clear that Janelle and Christine weren’t that interested in being her friend. But then Robyn swooped in and magically became THE wife (most likely through manipulation and taking advantage of the depression Meri was already suffering from). At the beginning of the show, I thought Meri was terrible but looking back I realize that she was just miserable and lonely.
OK so I finally watched my first episode last week… I got to say my heart broke for Mary. One of the wife’s when speaking to Mary kept contradicting herself so I wasn’t even sure what she was trying to say by the end of the conversation it came across horribly It seems like Mary would be happier away from the family
Ashley, I was wondering if you heard or read anything about their salary they were trying to negotiate (ACCEPTING QUITE A BIT LESS PER SEASON ON ORDER TO KEEP AIRING) to keep the show on air?
The show was originally cancelled earlier this year but apparently Kody desperate for money said they would take 1/2 of their previous pay to renew the show.
I want to see a woman with 4 husbands. Ok tlc go find that I would watch. Tired of men having all the fun.
Let’s be honest y’all, his new do on the reunion show previews was what snagged them a new season. Maybe we’ll watch Janelle and Meri pull each others hair out while Robin and Christine battle it out over King Kody. Gag.
As long as I don’t have to hear about Meri being catfished than I may watch. Honestly I heart hurt for Meri in the lastest episode.
Oh joy… hopefully we at least see Meri run free
My thoughts exactly! They are all so mean to her something that happened a long time ago. They just keep dragging it out. Get over it already! I hope she leaves I feel terrible for her!
Yea! I don’t watch the show, but I love The Ashley’s recaps!