The Ashley does her best to bring you all the latest news on reality TV shows and their stars. The Roundup can’t cover every reality TV show and event, though, so here’s a listing of some reality TV stories that weren’t covered by The Ashley this week!
Lopez to Lowry! Starcasm: ‘Teen Mom 2’ Star Kail Lowry Wins Court Battle With Ex: Officially Changes Son Lux’s Last Name
Another Bad Kardashian Baby Name! Reality Tea: Khloe Kardashian Reveals Daughter’s Name & Hints She’s Still With Her Cheating Baby Daddy
‘Teen Mom 2’ Bad Dad! The Stir: The Dumbest Things Jenelle Evans’ Husband David Eason Has Said & Done
Cash Me On TV! TMZ: “Cash Me Outside” Girl Danielle Bregoli Scores Her Own Reality TV Show
‘Pump’ the Brakes! In Touch Weekly: Jax Taylor Breaks Up With Brittany Cartwright On ‘Vanderpump Rules’
(Photo: Instagram)
20 Responses
Wow lux is cute and his hair is beautiful.
Gorgeous baby he is.
Ok, so this is mean and I know it, but that baby is NOT cute. Not at all can I say he is anywhere near cute. He looks just like her. And the dad is not attractive either. Doomed from the get go. Her other two boys are adorable though, take after their daddies.
It’s a shame Kail didn’t change his first name while she was at it.
Kail has the nerve to put up azz pics. Iam sure she’s trying to make Chris Or Javi want her back or trying to hook another baby daddy. She’s a controlling betch.
Kail is a total moron. First of all, I have a hard time believing he got violent with her. Seeing as filing PFAs against all of her baby daddies is her favorite past time. Which is ironic because I’ve only ever seen her be both verbally and physically abusive to all of them, not the other way around. Also, I wonder why a judge would grant that name change? From what I know, he’s been trying to see his son, but has been held back by Kail. Did he not establish paternity or something by either signing the birth certificate or taking a paternity test? I’m confused how she was so easily able to get a full last name change instead of a simple hyphenation.
Cash me outside girl also got nominated for best female rapper for the Billboard awards. Which is bigger news than the reality tv show news.
Lmao so she can have 1/3 at least with the same last name as her. Disrespectful to the dad. Hyphenation is the way to go.
I don’t usually comment on them but I am getting pretty fed up by the fact how Kardashians name their kids: North, Saint, Chicago, Dream, Stormi, True……….like why would you do this to an innocent baby!!
Wait, who named their kid Dream?
Rob’ s daughter’s name. And yes, I think all of those names are stupid, with the exception of Mason and Penelope.
Rob Kardashian.
I like most of those names actually. It’s not like they named them Creampuff or Chicken Pox or Bullet in Your Head.
But fyi True is the name of Kris Jenner’s grandfather, and it is the middle name of her father. It is a family name. Just because it’s not Joseph or Matthew or John doesn’t mean it’s not a “good” name. Everyone assumes it’s some made-up name without even looking into it but it’s actually the baby’s great-great-grandfather’s name.
And for the record, my kids have boring names – Matthew, Kevin, and Joshua – so it’s not like I’m only saying this because I gave my kids unusual names. I didn’t. But if someone wants to, that’s fine. It’s their kid, no one else’s business.
And no, the kids with the unusual names don’t automatically get picked on. Popular kids with unusual names are still seen as cool and the outsiders with completely normal names are still bullied. It’s the same as always. It has nothing to do with your name, and everything to do with your “place” or your clique in school.
True, these Kardashian kids will never ever have to put their name on a real resume or apply for some scholarship where they would totally be judged for their names. They’re set for life so name the whatever, Creampuff or Trix or Honestia.
Think about. Kim, Kylie, Khloe and Rob all have mix kids. So they get ghetto names. Which fits the stereotype of blacks having ghetto names. Kourtney has white kids and they have normal, decent names.
Reign is a “normal,” “white person” name?
Interesting that Kail’s petition was granted. Wonder what the reasoning was. If Chris was paying child support and seeing the kid, I can’t see a judge doing that.
I can’t stand Petty Betty! I hope there was a good reason for her request being granted.
I thought he wasn’t seeing him though. Only saw him twice in his life or something similar to that low number.
Kail has problems with power and control. That is why she plays the games with Javi and apparently this dude too. She probably thought muff divin’ was empowering too until she realized that chick gave less of a shit about her than one of her baby daddys. It became really apparent when Javi re-deployed and she began clinching that wildebeest jaw. She is a crapgoblin.