Amber Portwood’s swift rebound from ex-fiancé Matt Baier to her current boyfriend Andrew Glennon is raising concerns among the pros of Marriage Boot Camp— the very show that brought the expecting parents together.
In a new interview with In Touch Weekly, one of the show’s docs described pregnant Amber’s current situation as “a mess!”
The Teen Mom OG star met Andrew during the filming of ‘Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars.’ Andrew was working on the show’s production crew, while Amber was in front of the camera, attempting to hash out her tumultuous relationship with then-fiancé, Matt. She became pregnant just a few weeks into her relationship with Andrew.
The ‘Marriage Boot Camp’ hosts, Dr. Ish Major and Dr. Venus Nicolino recently spoke to In Touch about Amber’s rebound romance with Andrew, as well as her pattern of “dysfunctional” relationships.
“The issues with [her new relationship] is the impulsivity of it,” Dr. Ish said. “You are in a program designed to get you some closure and move forward in your life, in wherever direction that takes you — but while you’re in the program, the guy you came with doesn’t work out, so you end up with another guy, and you ended up getting pregnant — it’s a mess.”
Dr. Ish added that Amber’s impulsive behavior and inability to be alone is part of “her personality issue.”
He even predicted that Andrew will eventually see some of the unpredictable (and sometimes downright violent) behavior that Amber has become known for.
“I certainly don’t like the fact that it happened while she was there, and it speaks to me that there might be more of the same in store for her with [Andrew],” Dr. Ish said. “The thing that’s the same in every dysfunctional relationship she’s had is her. She’s the common link. That makes me worry for her in this relationship also.”
Spending time after a doctor's appointment at Falls Park! Absolutely adore this place?
A post shared by Amber Leann Portwood (@realamberlportwood1__) on
Back in August, Amber’s ex-fiance, Gary Shirley, expressed a similar opinion about his ex’s quick rebound.
“I think she should’ve stayed single longer and really gotten to know herself and get over someone before getting with someone else — because that’s how you do it, man,” he said. “The correct way. You don’t need someone to make you feel like you’re living.”
As for Dr. Venus, her concerns lie more with Amber’s attempt to seek stability through her children — 9-year-old daughter Leah (whom she shares with Gary) and her unborn son, James.
“While that’s not necessarily a bad thing, we shouldn’t find stability in our children or in our relationships,” she said. “Stability needs to come from within us.”
Last month, Amber attempted to explain way her bad behavior on ‘Marriage Boot Camp.’ She admitted that she wasn’t sober at the time she filmed the show (around June 2017), but explained that she is now sober and happy in her relationship with Andrew.
Don’t let @realamberlportwood1__’s size fool you. ? #FamilyBootCamp
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“I was heavily drinking on top of my bipolar and borderline medication,” Amber tweeted. “Obviously something you shouldn’t do with medications like that. However it happened and I went through hard times in order to be truly happy finally.”
Amber is due to give birth to her son next month.
Amber and Matt’s trainwreck breakup is currently playing out on ‘Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars Family Edition,’ which airs Fridays on WEtv.
(Photos: WEtv, Instagram)
25 Responses
Gary didn’t take time in between his relationships. He was pursuing Amber while with Kristina and only committed to Kristina after she got pregnant.
I have to admit I do care for Amber and have since I watched Teen Mom from the beginning. She was a very lost soul but has done around and I think in time she will figure it all out. But on this subject all I can say is LORDY LORDY LORDY. I hope this new little guy that she has brought into the world will bring her nothing but happiness and love to surround her in. This may be just what she was looking for. A BRAND NEW START IN LIFE.
Andrew is a creep. MBC has already shown Amber trying to bump uglies with Mutt several times and Andrew was watching that behind the scenes, even admitting to everyone he wanted to watch and know everything about her. Next thing you know he’s out with her in public, feeling her up, which was then splashed all over the tabs and she hadn’t even introduced him to her daughter yet because she was too depressed. Gross.
Well, Amber is an inappropriate thug almost every waking hour of her life, but at least she won’t have to look at Dr. V’s weird, hatchet job of a face. I think she probably has the most issues of anyone on the show and constantly trips herself on her fake psychobabble but I do enjoy watching adults go to an alcohol-fueled summer camp and resolve little to nothing lol.
Totally agreed. If you need someone to make you happy you got a problem.
In other news water is wet. But at least SOMEONE acknowledges what kind of a mess she got herself into! I also completely agree with Gary: it will be a year and a half since I’m single and just now I am thinking of maybe wanting to meet someone new. (emphasis on maybe)
And just because some people like my parents (were expecting my brother about a year in their relationship) had a child early in their marriage, it doesn’t mean it works out for everyone. (Mom told me a lot of times she wished they would have had him later)
it took me 13 years to remarry after m6 divorce, over a year to start going out to listen to musix and be around other adults for a few hours. I was concentrating on my kids, my work, my homelife. period.
I hate that I feel compelled to defend Amber, but to be fair, when I broke up with my ex, I HAPPENED to meet my husband 2 months later. We got pregnant 2 months after that, miscarried 2 months in, got pregnant 2 months AFTER THAT and we have a great little family and a great relationship. He’s a good stepdad to my daughter too. Yes all the other guys have been douchebags (save for Captain Gary), but she may have just found the right guy. So what? And the common link is not AMBER doctors with your fancy phd’s and tv shows, the common link is and has always been drugs and alcohol with Amber. She’s taken the steps to fix that, then Douche King Matt sways her and she relapsed. Duh. Doctor Obvious. Sure she’s a lazy chick who hasn’t made the best decisions, but she actually made a decent one (well so far, at least he doesn’t have 2,649 kids across the continental US) and can anyone give a concrete reason as to WHY we shouldn’t like Andrew? Is it weird he met her on a marriage boot camp tv show? Well yeah. But who knows. Maybe this is good for her.
Maybe its Andrew’s track record of restraining orders against him by former girlfriends. Is that not a factor or do you really think someone who had this happen on more than one past relationship suddenly had an epiphany. While he has a job, it is not a high paying one. And he dumped it to move to Indiana. While some may see that as devotion, others may see it as someone cashing in on the TM paycheck.
Andrew seems like such a push-over, exactly Amber’s type!
I want to assume that because the filming of both TM shows have become question and answer shows, that’s the reason they are always sitting down….but I don’t think I’ve ever seen Amber standing for more then 2 minutes, even at the train store she needed to sit.
Anyway, Andrew will probably stay around and put up with the abuse that’s bound to happen. Until it becomes physical, then I think he will take the baby and run.
What is with her. She always looks like a slob. She’s either laying in bed,or has her hair up in a Sumo bun. That thing on her head reminds me of something you would wear cleaning the house. How is she gonna take care of a baby when clearly she doesn’t take care of herself or care about her appearance.
She looks so much like her daughter in that pick with the 2 of them. She has changes her look to very casual instead of #fancy” and or dressy.
This relationship will probably last quite a while. Her relationship with matt lasted for a few years, right? There is a baby now and i think she will push through even if she becomes angry in her relationship with andrew. And andrew seems calm enough right now to stay with her. I doubt though that this will last till they are in thwir old age.
This is slightly off topic, but why is it that these “famous” people think that everyone needs plastic surgery? I mean, a lot of the girls from teen mom have had work done and they are in their 20’s. This Dr. V seems like she would be very pretty if it weren’t for her face looking all distorted from whatever she’s had done to it. I just don’t understand the appeal, you never see someone like that and think oh how attractive, you just think oh they have clearly had cosmetic surgery because no one looks like that. Farrah is obviously a prime example as she doesn’t even look human anymore, and kail’s upper lip looks ridiculous and her fake teeth just look like she’s wearing dentures.
I actually thought this, too. Her “distortions” stuck out to me.
I don’t know why “growing old gracefully” is such a bad thing.
Oh my.
One has to wonder why a person would spend all that time going through medical school and what not and throw all credibility down the drain by being on a show like Marriage Boot Camp. That show is so ridiculous it makes Teen Mom look like Masterpiece Theatre. Amber is clearly very unstable, very co-dependent and will never ever be happy alone. In a few years the money will be gone, Andrew will have custody of the baby out in California and Amber will be behind Food City sucking down Newports with Caitlin’s mom April. The lack of foresight with all of the people involved with the Teen Mom franchise is unbelievable. Also, Andrew is clearly as smarmy as Matt (but in a different way) because there was absolutely nothing about Amber’s behavior in the Boot Camp house that would make any man with honorable intentions look at her a think “Now there’s a catch.”
Bewbew is going to need therapy when she sees her mom trying to get busy with Matt.0 in the giant baby crib.
Also, Dr V’s night time radio voice sounds obscene.
Oh, God! I know! I need an MIB neuralizer.
Thank God for Gary. If it weren’t for Him and Christina, who knows what poor Leah would be going thru. It’s a scary thought.
I can’t take them seriously with names like that. Also I distrust any reality show tv “doctor.”
Here’s looking at you, Dr. Pinsky.
Amber is a mess. She shd not have any kids in her care. Especially full time. She really isn’t stable as everyone knows. It’s pitiful.
Oh please ! They said nothing that any have way normal person hasn’t pointed out about Amber. Some of the shit they do on their show is so mentally abusive and they’re supposed to be doctors? These two are pigs- all forcratings and money, they’re worse than f-ck head Drew.
I want to know what the therapeutic value of the dog attack was.
I didn’t see that , I did see them give someone wrapped up dog shit for a gift, that’s when I turned it off and never watched again.. wtf kind of doctor does that???