Secret Footage Reveals Amber Portwood May Have Hooked Up With Andrew Glennon On Set Of ‘Marriage Boot Camp’

Nope…nothing creepy about this at all…

Amber Portwood and Andrew Glennon‘s tale of how their romance bloomed after they met on the set of Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars may be a big fat lie, according to new “secret” footage that will air next week!

The Teen Mom OG star claimed that show crew member Andrew hit her up after the filming of the ‘MBC’ season was complete, and they began to get to know each other from there. However, according to the trailer for the upcoming ‘MBC’ “Secrets Revealed” episode, it looks like ol’ Andy was sliding into Amber’s canopy bed for a little baby-making action while filming was still happening!

(As The Ashley previously reported, the couple’s son James was born this week.)

But, then again, who hasn’t gone on a reality show with their fiancé, ended things with him, hooked up with a crew member and ended up pregnant? Am I right?

“We never had a crew member impregnate a Boot Camper before,” one producer says in the episode preview (as he disturbingly uses his fingers to show how that impregnation may have happened).

We are also treated to Amber telling Andrew “I’m going to find out your name,” as well as black-and-white footage of Andrew slipping into a bedroom.

“Our cameras caught everything!” the promo video states, showing a canopy bed with a giant “CENSORED” message across it.

Awww…they should really print this photo out and put it in James’ baby book!

Finally, we hear Amber blissfully say “Oh my God.” (Perhaps that was the moment Baby James was created?)

While there is no proof (yet) that Amber and Andrew actually had sex (and conceived their child) while on-set, the deed happened shortly after, based on James’ birthdate. Either way, one of the show’s doctor’s, Dr. Ish Major, expressed his concerns over how fast Amber moved from being in a relationship with Matt to being with Andrew…and having his baby.

“The issues with [her new relationship] is the impulsivity of it,” Dr. Ish said recently in an interview with In Touch Weekly. “You are in a program designed to get you some closure and move forward in your life, in wherever direction that takes you — but while you’re in the program, the guy you came with doesn’t work out, so you end up with another guy, and you ended up getting pregnant — it’s a mess.”

“I’m just going to check to make sure Amber has enough towels…yeah, that’s it…”

Still, the new ‘Marriage Boot Camp’ footage proves that things between Amber and Andrew didn’t happen the way the couple told the story.

“He didn’t really know who I was and we didn’t talk on the show because, you know, he would get in trouble, but I didn’t even know that he even liked me,” Amber told Us Weekly in August 2017, shortly after her romance with Andrew went public. “It just simply was he had a little crush on me.”

Amber said she was only back in Indiana for two weeks when Andrew reached out to her. He eventually came to visit her in Indianapolis.

“We decided that we just wanted to be friends at first because we were just having so much fun talking with each other, and, you know, then when he came out to hang out, we just had even more fun together, so that’s just how it started,” she said.

Sure, Jan….

The ‘Marriage Boot Camp’ “Secrets Revealed” episode airs Friday on WEtv. Watch the crazy footage captured on camera below:

Related Story: ‘Teen Mom’ Amber Portwood Explains Her Bad Behavior On ‘Marriage Boot Camp’; Admits She Wasn’t Sober

(Photos: WEtv)

43 Responses

  1. That’s what I’m talking about! It’s so creepy and I don’t see how Amber doesn’t see it! She is just so desperate and has to have a man. (Although I wouldn’t call anyone Amber dates a man even though they are old creepy perverts) She acted like she was so depressed over Matt that she was doing Leah a favor by keeping her away but I believe she was just spending the whole time in bed with the new creepy guy! Gary was right that she’s not a mom to Leah, she’s just there for cameras and just has Leah tag along to do her nails or a spa day.

  2. Considering Andrew has a history of stalking and Amber has a history of being d@mn fool, this isn’t shocking at all. He watched her, learned her vulnerabilities and issues, and pounced knowing she would date any man who presented himself. No sane person would pursue Amber with good intentions. It’s only a matter of time before this falls apart. And when it does, poor Leah and James will pay the price.

  3. This is why I don’t think this new guy is any better than Matt… this guy saw Amber while filming, he saw her ugly side and how nasty she gets and still wanted her! Then there’s the fact that he listened in on all her “therapy” seasons and he totally learned about her so he could be/do what she wants in a guy to get her. That’s creepy as hell! That’s like spying on someone and finding out all about them with out her knowing when she should be the one telling him this stuff on their dates getting to know each other. He knows exactly how to play her and what to say. Amber is such an idiot and loser that it’s not shocking that she attracts only idiots and losers!!!

  4. Leah has the nice warm and safe Gary and Christine family to go to for stability. Poor little James is stuck with total losers. As soon as motherhood becomes stressful she will be back on drugs. Take that to the bank.

  5. Poor Leah! Gary and Kristina have to deal with all of her questions about this, and the countless other issues it is causing for her.

  6. As I said… fake drama! Amber and Matt were most likely broke up way before boot camp and went for the money. Amber probably knew Andrew longer than what we are led to believe , I’m sure they interviewed for the show way before it filmed . The bigger the drama, the bigger the check.

  7. In the ongoing saga of: “what goes around comes around, does this mean Andrew now has to keep his own eye on the MTV camera guys — when Amber’s “depressed”?

    Can’t help wishing Leah NEVER sees this.


  8. Keeping it classy eh Amber, Poor Leah.

    Care to comment now Bubby??? I’d be so embarrassed, that this is out there, if it were my sister.

    Bew bew’z friends parents wil see this too.

      1. I wasn’t sure if Amber was telling the truth about Matt hitting her, but she passed the test. However, she still makes awful decisions. When she got called out about her anger, she called the doctor a liar.

  9. Even though that is still bizarre and creepy if they hooked up then, I don’t think she got knocked up while they were filming MBC. If I remember correctly, they filmed in April 2017. If she had gotten pregnant then, she would’ve gave birth to James in January or February 2018.

    1. Marriage Bootcamp was filmed mid June, MTV filmed her reacting pregnancy test in September when they were in Hawaii

  10. That bedroom looks like Renee & her sisters room! I hope it was a spare room but some how I doubt it! Amber is the worst type of person!???

  11. Still a better love story than Twilight.
    Leah is gonna be soooo embarrased of her mom when she gets older… Or the day after this episode airs and her classmates bully her for having a slutty mom. Poor kid.

    1. No no, no. Normally I’d agree but Twilight is LIGHTYEARS better than any of Amber’s hookups.

  12. I don’t want to judge anyone and I might be getting my dates mixed but then the whole month Amber didn’t visit Leah because she “was so drepressed about Matt” would more likely be her spending it with Andrew and trying to keep it secret?

    Either way Leah is the one to pay.

    1. She was definitely with Andrew. They both posted photos during that time on their IG a/cs. She didnt look depressed at all but looked like woman in the first flush of “romance”.

    2. Leah is better off without Amber, anyway. This is a woman who thinks massages is a good way to spend time with a 9 year old girl.

  13. Amber lying?! THAT IS BRAND NEW INFORMATION!!!

    But seriously, it was to be expected, she can’t be single for one hot minute. (I guess her claiming she was single for a WHOLE MONTH doesn’t work now, right? LOL)

  14. Dammit the video won’t work in Canada.

    I have nothing to say other than “ew” to all of this.

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