EXCLUSIVE! ‘Teen Mom 2’ Star Jeremy Calvert Talks Reconciling With Ex-Wife Leah Messer: “I Didn’t Cheat On My Girlfriend Desi With Leah”

“At least we didn’t make no more babies!”

Teen Mom 2 viewers got a glimpse of what Season 8B will entail when MTV released the season’s extended trailer last week. The trailer showed Leah Messer playing with the idea of getting back together with her ex-husband (and baby daddy #2) Jeremy Calvert, with Leah even admitting to her friend that she “hooked up” with her ex.

In an exclusive interview with The Ashley, Jeremy discusses how he feels about Leah now, several months after those ‘Teen Mom 2’ scenes were filmed. Plus, he reveals where his current girlfriend, Desi Kibler, fits into the puzzle.

“I didn’t cheat on my girlfriend Desi with Leah,” Jeremy told The Ashley. “When me and Leah hooked up, I was a single man.”

Jeremy explains that he and Desi briefly dated in late December/early January, but decided to go on a “Ross and Rachel”-esque break shortly after.

“Everybody acts like me and Desi had been together this whole time but we actually were not together from mid-January until April,” Jeremy said. “She had a lot going on with school so we took a step back so she could figure out what she wanted to do.

“It was a mature thing to do,” Jeremy added. “We weren’t trying to rush anything, so we took a step back.”

Jeremy says it was after he and Desi went their separate ways that he and Leah began to talk about starting things up again.

“Does it make me feel like Addie could have her family back together? Yes,” Leah tells her friend in the trailer.

“Oh, Jeremy Lynn, ya got my loins a’quiverin’!”

However, the exes (who share custody of their five-year-old daughter Addie) did not end up getting back together, Jeremy says. They did, indeed, hook up, though.

“I don’t know how MTV is going to edit it, but we didn’t get back into a relationship,” Jeremy said. “We were both single, though. Me and Desi werent’ together when me and Leah hooked up.”

As The Ashley previously reported, Leah discussed her hookup with Jeremy during an appearance on Kail Lowry‘s Coffee Convos podcast back in February.

“We’re friends and we get along great for Addie,” Leah said at the time. “I guess at first maybe I considered [getting back together with Jeremy]. Like, ‘If we are getting along this great, why not try it again for Addie’s sake’ but at the end of the day we weren’t happy. We didn’t do well together but we do great as friends.”

Eventually, Jeremy says he reconnected with Desi, and the two made things official in April. Later that month, Jeremy bailed Desi out of jail after she was arrested for DUI twice in one night. (Click here for more info on that!)

Jeremy says that, although he and Leah didn’t end up getting back together, he still has a great relationship with her.

“We get along really well,” he said. “I have nothing negative to say about Leah. She knows she can always call me, even if she just needs to vent about something. I really loved that girl a lot but, as of right now, we are basically like two good friends who had a baby.

“I’d rather be friendly with my ex-wife than us arguing every day,” he added. “I don’t want that tension around my daughter.”

He did say, however, that he is very pleased with how Leah has turned her life around in recent years. (Leah went to rehab to combat depression and anxiety, and a rumored drug habit, although she has never confirmed that she dealt with substance abuse issues.)

“She’s healthy and she’s doing great for herself,” Jeremy said of Leah, whom he was married to from 2012 to 2015. “I’m really proud of her for straightening up and getting back on her own two feet. That’s my kid’s mother; I want her to be happy.”

Related Story: Jeremy Calvert & Randy Houska React to Jenelle Evans’ Gun-Pulling Incident

(Photos: Twitter, MTV)

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24 Responses

  1. 7
    Rate This

    Jeremy will always be my favorite Teen Mom dad. That’s classy as all hell. To be able to put all the crap aside and man up and still be there for not only your kid, but recognizing that part of being there for your kid is getting along with her mother

    1. 0
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      he hooked up with her. He is getting along with her now so they can bump uglies.

  2. 16
    Rate This

    I’m actually glad these two are acting like mature adults and raising their daughter well. Regardless of if you were single or not, hooking up with your ex is never the right move, Jeremy, I bet you had enough exes to figure that out. Anyway, this thing is history now. Hopefully forever. Addie doesn’t need to question it all the time whether her parents will be together again or not.

  3. 28
    Rate This

    I’d they want to hook up that’s their business. Can’t say I blame either one. Nothing wrong with having a safe sex life. At least they didn’t make a baby.

  4. 25
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    Leah could have had a united family but she chased Corey away with her infidelity. That was her mistake. I never understood Germy’s deal – why would a decent looking guy with a job be in a rush to knock up Leah. Something didn’t smell right from the start with him. Maybe he wanted the fame (despite his half-assed denials). That or the dating pool in WV isn’t well.

    Look at how long Chelsea chased after Adumb in an attempt to have a complete family. I used to fast forward past her segments because they were downright pathetic.

    Maybe Leah will eventually find herself in a good place in life like Chelsea eventually did. I’ll probably get a few downvotes, but like Leah, Chelsea isn’t the brightest bulb although she came from a better and more wealthy family than Leah. She was smart when it came to picking her next man, though, and hopefully Leah will choose well. That guy Leah went on a Bumble date with looked like he went straight to Corey’s closet to pick out his clothes (down to the round chawin’ tobacco countainer in the back pocket of his jeans). Leah immediately shot that guy down. Maybe he reminded her too much of Corey.

  5. 45
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    It’s the jeans I tell ya!! He blinds all the girlses with the bedazzles!

  6. 57
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    I’m sorry, but does anyone else think Jeremy’s “we weren’t together when she and I hooked up” story is alllll too familiar? This shit is so damn stupid at this point. Desi is telling people they were together much longer than what people know, meanwhile Jeremy just legit confirmed the timeline as being WEEKS. Apparently, they dated for a couple of weeks around the holidays and then took a 3-month break, during which he and Leah were hooking up. Then he starting getting with Desi again and two weeks later, it was time to start planning for marriage, babies and a home together. I literally cannot with this guy.

    I will say, it was nice to hear Jeremy say something positive about my girl Leah. Girl has come leaps and bounds from where she was and his ass dragged her when she was down. Now we see what kind of man he really is, what with the jumping from girl to girl the same way Jenelle jumps men. Wonder how long soulmate Desi will last…

    1. 22
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      Jeremy isn’t a real man because he jumps from girl to girl, but Leah is your girl? Wow, that’s some major hypocrisy right there.

      1. 40
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        Leah hasn’t had a serious boyfriend since Jeremy…Jeremy jumped into a marriage with Leah, then jumped into an engagement with Brooke and is now thinking marriage with this new girl. So yes, I find it ridiculous and not at ALL hypocritical to think a man pushing 30 should have grown up by now.

        Leah was just a kid when she married Corey and was super young when she married Jeremy as well. I never said she didn’t make mistakes, but what I did say is that she has come leaps and bounds from where she was. Jeremy, in my opinion, cannot say the same

          1. 7
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            I believe it was reported that she was, but that was 3 years ago

        1. 28
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          I would say Leah dating TR was more of a drug fuelled decision than a sober one. Since getting sober, she hasn’t dated anyone. I applaud her for working on herself without needing a man (Unlike Jenelle, Amber, and Catelynn)

  7. 47
    Rate This

    Their marriage lasted a lot longer than i thought it did. Boy, years go by so fast. Ive been watching this show since the beginning. Thats a lot of hours for watching teen mom and 16 and pregnant lol

    1. 37
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      Oh but didn’t you hear? It was all the cops’ fault.
      Cause who hasn’t other people’s pills lying around in their car and knows you can’t drive yourself home on a suspended driver’s license after you have been arrested for a DUI, in your car that still has the same license plate issue nowadays?

  8. 62
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    Eh, I tend to think it’s really easy to fall back into that trap of, “maybe we can try again and *the family* stay together”… Some can make it work, but I think in hindsight Leah really needed to get sober and learn to live by herself. Glad Leah seems to have gotten it together and her girls’ fathers seem to be trying to do right for them.

    1. 33
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      That seems to be a common trait with the girls – they want their perfect family despite not having the “perfect” relationship.

      There’s a lot of negatives for Jeremy, but I love that he calls Jenelle on bullshit and does try to be a loving father to his daughter. Also, he has a job, so that’s already a +1!

      I wish we got to see Corey more, I think he is an awesome dad. He does really try, even since the beginning, and I wish the show would portray good dads too. Not even teen dad is a deadbeat.

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