‘Teen Mom 2’ Dad Adam Lind Arrested For Violating Protective Order & Not Paying Child Support

“I sure hope they saved me my special cell!”

Adam Lind is spending Memorial Day at his home away from home– a South Dakota jail cell!

The Teen Mom 2 dad was arrested (again!) early Monday morning on three charges: violating a protective or no contact order; violating a domestic stalking protective order and not paying child support.

Radar Online broke the news of Adam’s latest arrest. The site also revealed last month that a warrant had been issued last month for Adam’s arrest.

(The Ashley can confirm, according to county records, that warrant was issued due to his alleged violation of a no-contact/protective order.)

At press time, Adam was still resting comfortably in a Minnehaha County jail cell, where he’s being held without bond. Once a judge sets his bond, Adam will be able to bond out. However, as The Ashley previously told you, Adam has been experiencing some financial problems lately– go figure– and even had to move back in with his parents, so scrounging up bond money may pose a challenge for the ‘Teen Mom 2’ bad dad.

Anyway, it is not currently known which protective/stalking order Adam allegedly violated to land himself behind bars. As far as The Ashley is aware, two women currently have protective orders against Adam: his ex-girlfriend Brooke Beaton, who accused Adam of stalking her back in 2014; and his ex-fiance Stasia Huber, who, in December 2017 was granted a five-year restraining order against Adam.

Back in December, Adam landed himself in jail for violating the no-contact order that Brooke had against him.

Caught me a pumpasoures rex at the gym ! ??

A post shared by Adam Lind (@adamjoelind) on

Chelsea Houska, who is the mother of Adam’s oldest daughter Aubree, recently discussed the relationship Adam has with Aubree. During an appearance on Kail Lowry‘s Coffee Convos podcast, Chelsea confirmed that Adam doesn’t see Aubree regularly. (After Adam failed multiple drug tests, Chelsea went to court to ensure Adam only saw Aubree at a court-supervised visitation center.)

“He has to set it up, which he doesn’t,” she said. “He’s also allowed to have lunch at her school once a week, because his mom goes, but he just recently went to his first one.”

She also talked about how she explained what’s happening with Adam to Aubree.

“I wanted her to know as much as possible, in a gentle way, what was going on,” Chelsea said. “I said, ‘This is what’s happening. Your dad’s sick right now and he’s not making good choices. And for that reason, and for your safety to know that everything’s OK, you’re going to have to see him [at the visitation center] now if he sets them up. You’re going to still see your grandparents on that side.”

It’s highly unlikely ‘Teen Mom 2’ fans will see Adam’s recent arrest play out on the show, as he has not appeared on ‘Teen Mom 2’ since Season 7. Before quitting the show, he frequently lashed out at the network and the show’s production crew about not wanting to be filmed.

(Photos: MTV, Instagram)

37 Responses

  1. I just wish he would sign over his rights and allow Cole to adopt Aubree. None of then need to deal with him their is no benefit to Aubree.

  2. I love how Chelsea tells Aubree the truth in an age appropriate way. Not too much detail. I know adults who think it’s okay to tell a kid absolutely everything. That’s the wrong approach.

  3. I’m sorry, I had to recover from this shock, Adam arrested, THAT IS BRAND NEW INFORMATION!!!

    Now that I stop making fun of it, seriously, this guy is a major douche. I’m just glad no other woman is falling in his trap atm and that he won’t have anymore children. Dude, your daughters already know you won’t see them, they are both old enough to know better, esp with their moms married to their amazing stepfathers.

  4. Chelsea is 100% Heaven-bound! I’m saying it’s tormenting to be a young mother whose child has an awful father. No matter how hard you try and make things right for your child, you can’t make your child’s father love and care for his child. It breaks your heart. No mother deserves that kind of pain.

  5. Every time I see a post with a picture of Adam on it, I think it will be the news that he’s dead. He is a lost soul. I pray for Aubree, but I pray for Chelsea, too. There is a special hell for a mother who has even inadvertently saddled her child with a father like that. It usually happens because you are too young and inexperienced to know what it will do to your child. So sad for Aubree, so sad for all of them.

    1. I’m sorry, but are you saying Chelsea’s going to hell for having a child with Adam?

    2. There is a special kind of hell for a woman like you to judge someone like chelsea that way .she was 16 when she got pregnant by Adam and she tried for YEARS to make that work. How was she to know he’d end up a drug addict who has rage issues? She’s made the safest home for Aubree and I commend her for being so mature and stable.

    3. Guys, I really think she meant that Chelsea must go through hell feeling bad that she stuck Aubree with Adam as a father. I think it’s just phrased strangely. If I’m wrong though, yes she’s a jerk for saying that.

  6. I really hate that this is douche is the father of not 1 but 2 kids…His kids don’t deserve to have this loser as their father, and he continues to refuse to be the father they deserve. At least he got sterilized. Too bad it wasn’t sooner…but at least Aubree has Cole as a great step father, and Paislee has Taylors new husband as a step father as well.

    1. Look at it this way……..he got snipped so there’s a good chance no other child will suffer unless he gets it reversed.

  7. And Chelsea is hearing about this and thinking “dammit! Now everyone is gonna be asking about this for weeks, trying to get a soundbyte from me, and making a bigger deal out of it than it really is for us”

  8. I’m surprised we haven’t read about Adam’s death. I know it’s awful and callous sounding, but holy crap, this guy has always seemed hellbent on dying young. Constant bad decisions and just being a generally shitty person. His parents did a bang up job with him.

  9. Nothing to do with this loser, but I just HAD to comment on JENELLE’S EYEBROWS! (Plus her delusional interpretation of what Jace’s therapist said….)…some times we just need a real time open thread to snark away, not wait!

  10. This is as surprising as the recent headline ‘water is wet’.

    Can someone tell me if a 5 year restraining order is a normal duration? Where I come from 1 year is the standard and it is incredibly difficult to get a longer one.

    1. I can yell you that 5 years is the max in the state where I live ( Ohio) the range varies by location. A five year order is usually under very serious circumstances- more than verbal threats, you won’t find the max too often in a situation where there are binding ties like children involved as it’s almost inevitable to cause chaos with school functions, many things both patents want to share in. It’s pretty safe to say that Adam posts a huge treat to this woman for the judge to slam down five years, he’s a disgusting human being.

    2. In Oklahoma
      Mine is for 5 years. The cop (friend) I spoke to before I got it said it would be for 2 or 3, but wasn’t surprised they did a 5 year one.

  11. I want to say he’s the worst dad in the series but I can’t knowing how abused poor kaiser is. Nathan needs to step the hell up

  12. Well he is at least the ONLY person who has actually quit TM instead of just threatening to do so, but he is still a total POS.

    1. True, but I always suspected his decision to quit the show was largely influenced by his drug habit. I imagine it’s quite difficult to film without it becoming obvious that you’re on something (ahem, Ryan Edwards, ahem.) I feel like Adam didn’t like having his poor decisions on blast for the world to see, because then he had to be held accountable for them.

      1. Yeah, and that would just not go with a narcissist personality disorder, which I totally agree with Chelsea that he has.

  13. This guy is just the worst. Another person on the show who has no ability to see they cause all their own problems. I do think he’s worse than all the other teen dads.

  14. i bet even after all these arrests he’ll still try to make chelsea look like the bad person in this situation smh

  15. The text messages he sent Chelsea years ago in 16 and pregnant already showed his violent attitude towards women. This guy is very very sick and absolutely disgusting because of that.. poor Aubree, hopefully she sees Cole as her role model of men in her future life

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