The cast of the Teen Mom shows isn’t exactly known for being able to maintain stable romantic relationships. However, over the nine-or-so years we’ve been watching the casts’ love lives play out on our TV screens, there has been a fair share of marriage proposals.
On Thursday, MTV put together a video featuring its Top 10 ‘Teen Mom’ Marriage Proposals. (The Ashley agrees that most of the proposals deserve to be on the list; however, she is sad that they left out Gary Shirley‘s first proposal to Amber Portwood, which featured that infamous $21.40 Walmart engagement ring!)
Also, the video does not include any of the proposals that Jenelle Evans has accepted from her many soulmates. The Ashley feels genuinely ripped off for not getting to watch Nathan Griffith scream his proposal to Jenelle in the middle of a St. Thomas restaurant.
Let’s take a look back at some of the most-memorable ‘Teen Mom’ marriage proposals (according to MTV), shall we?
9. Javi Marroquin Proposes to Kail Lowry and Isaac (‘Teen Mom 2’ Season 4)

Javi adorably enlisted the help of Kail’s young son, Isaac, when he proposed to her. Javi won extra points for popping the question in Kail’s hometown (and for dressing Isaac in a mini version of his tie-and-vest combo)!
Kail looks genuinely surprised as she accepts the ring from Javi, and her innocence at that moment is kind of cute.
“I don’t know what to say!” she tells him. “I don’t know how this works!”
Meanwhile, Isaac has moved on to more important things, like playing with his “Toy Story” dolls.
Marital Status as of 2018: Divorced
8. Jeremy Calvert Fake-Proposes to Leah Messer (‘Teen Mom 2’ Season 3)

Even though this was a staged, for-the-cameras proposal (that showed off just how truly bad an actress Leah is), Jeremy’s proposal made it on the list. Leah and Jeremy go away to a cabin down in the holler for some alone time. After burning the breakfast bacon (and resisting the urge to slap Leah with it), Jeremy pops the question to Leah, who is pretending she just woke up to breakfast in bed.
Leah robotically replies “Yes.I.Will.” when Jeremy asks her to spend the rest of his life with him (and his multiple earrings).
(If you’re wondering, Jeremy’s real proposal to Leah took place at Christmas time, and he asked her to marry him by hanging an ornament on the Christmas tree.)
Marital Status as of 2018: Divorced
7. Sean Austin Proposes to Jade Cline and Her Giant Eyelashes (‘Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant’ Season 1)

Even though The Ashley is refusing to write about this show (because she doesn’t want to have to follow even more ‘Teen Mom’ trainwrecks), this proposal made the list, so she has to include it. Sean set things up all romantical for Jade, and looked genuinely excited as he popped the question. Jade accepts, but not before checking to make sure her Lee Press-on Eyelashes were still holding tight, for better or worse!
Marital Status as of 2018: Never married
6. Corey Simms Uses a Fishing Line (and Subtitles) To Propose to Leah Messer (‘Teen Mom 2’ Season 1)

You can’t help but smile while watching what may be the most “West Virginia” proposal ever! Corey takes Leah fishing in a row boat, and looks downright rascally as he distracts Leah and slides an engagement ring onto her fishing line. He daringly drops the line in the water and has a crunchy-curl-haired Leah reel it in.
“No s**!” Leah yells as she spies the sparkler. She is genuinely surprised (unlike when she receives the ‘proposal’ from Jeremy years later).
“You look like a little kid!” Leah tells Corey, who replies, “You look like a little kid too!”
(Um…that’s because you guys were probably not even legally allowed to vote when this scene was filmed.)
Leah agrees to get hitched, and, although we viewers have to rely on the subtitles to tell us what the hell these people are saying, it’s obvious that both Corey and Leah are excited and in love.
Marital Status as of 2018: Divorced
5. Bar Smith Proposes To Ashley Jones Next To Kettle Corn & A Crying Baby (‘Teen Mom: Young & Pregnant’ Season 1)

Nothing quite says “love me forever” like taking your baby mama out to the ice cream shop and popping the question next to the popcorn tubs! Bar and Ashley’s daughter cried during the proposal, but that doesn’t drowned out Bar’s ripped-from-the-rom-com-esque speech.
“We done been through hell and back, and I done put you through so much s**t,” Bar tells Ashley before proposing. Ashley accepts the proposal because, really, what girl could resist a marriage proposal that includes the word s**t, am I right?!
Marital Status as of 2018: Never married
4. Cole DeBoer Proposes to Chelsea Houska…Without MTV Cameras (‘Teen Mom 2’ Season 7A)

Cole decided to take Chelsea to a secluded spot in the woods, which sounds like the beginning of a horror movie but actually ended up being a sweet proposal. Cole was one of the few guys in the franchise that didn’t allow MTV cameras to capture the Kodak moment when he popped the question. He did bring Chelsea’s daughter, Aubree, though, and viewers had to settle for seeing a few photos on the screen of the big moment.
Marital Status as of 2018: Still married!
3. Taylor McKinney Uses ‘Teen Mom’ To Propose to Maci Bookout (‘Teen Mom OG’ Season 6)

Taylor decided to take advantage of the gorgeous California beach setting during a photoshoot he and Maci were doing for ‘Teen Mom OG.’ He informs the show’s crew of his plans and surprises Maci, who is busy cheesing for the camera. He gets down on one knee and Maci looks shocked. It’s a cute moment…until Maci pretty much ruins it by accepting the proposal and immediately following it up with, “Finally…f**k!”
Isn’t that lovely?
Marital Status as of 2018: Still married!
2. Gary Proposes To Amber…And Gets Yelled At (‘Teen Mom’ Season 2)

The Ashley feels that MTV should have made this little slice of heaven the Number 1 Proposal Moment, but apparently a sweet proposal trumps a dumpster-fire one. Anyway, during this classic scene, Gary gets down on one knee while he and Amber are on the beach on vacation. It’s the second time Gary is proposing to Amber, and he messes up the words (in Amber’s opinion).
That, of course, does not go over well with Amber, who lashes out at Gar while he’s still down on one knee!
“It’s not ‘do you want to marry me’ it’s ‘will you marry me!'” an overly tanned Amber whines as poor Gary struggles to stay down there (all while the ocean waves are lapping at his legs.)
“It’s from my heart but I’ve just done it so many times!” Gary protests as Amber yells at him. “There’s water comin’ up here, Amber!”
Finally, Amber replies an unenthusiastic “Yeahhh…” to the proposal and poor Gary limps off, bride-to-be on arm.
Marital Status as of 2018: Never married
1. Tyler Tearfully Proposes To Catelynn (‘Teen Mom’ Season 3)

Between Catelynn’s braces and Tyler’s tears, this scene is almost too adorable to watch. Catelynn seems to have no idea that Tyler is about to propose; she seems to think he’s just having a sappy moment.
Finally, Ty whips out the ring and Catelynn realizes what’s happening. She happily accepts Tyler’s proposal and they sob it out together.
Marital Status as of 2018: Still married!
Watch the full video of all the proposals below!
To read more about the ‘Teen Mom’ franchise weddings, click here!
(Photos: MTV)
18 Responses
jenelle’s been engaged like 4 times and none of them made it on the list ?
Taylor’s proposal to Maci was so funny since he was pretending her wasn’t proposing because she was pregnant….again. My cousin did the same thing: announced her engagement and a couple weeks later “oh I just found out I’m pregnant”. Um….
I was eating while reading this and almost doggone choked when I read Corey’s ding-snag caption! ?
I was hoping this was the Ashley’s list (i.e. the biggest Trash bag proposals!) lol Please Ashley, make your own list! I want to relive the horrors!
Let’s not forget the attempt at proposal from Gary’s ‘dad’ to Gary’s mom on Being Gary special. That was super painful to watch 🙁
I’m 57, I don’t go to weddings, never have. I wish them luck & tell them to send me an invitation to their 25th anniversary. Then I’ll buy you a gift & make an effort to come to the party. My husband & I had a very private wedding, but we had a hell of a 25th anniversary party. Celebrating 33 yrs this fall.
I cried when Corey proposed to Leah with the fishing pole. When Corey was crying I lost it. You could really tell he loved her.
I never felt like Leah deserved Corey. She treated him like crap and kept on with Robbie and just kept breaking poor Corey Tyler’s hearr.
Thank God Leah finally figured out her hair situation and no love lost for the lack of young & pregnant recaps..
Walmart rings and fishing poles those were the days.
In my book no one can ever top Gary splurging on a $20 ring from Walmart. When he went to the jewelry counter like he was seriously looking for something nice and buys a cheap piece of costume jewelry. The clerk who helped him had the best look on her face.
But asking about the return policy made it so much more romantic ?
Can’t believe you didn’t mention the obvious baby bump on Maci I-didn’t-know-I-was-pregnant during her proposal!
I am pretty bummed you never recapped the young and pregnant series. So much to talk about and make fun of. It is so much different seeing these new young teens go through it then it was with amber, maci and all of them. Especially a difference in how these kids (and their parents!!!!) Talk now. It is crazy entertaining to me.
Yessss, PLEASE The Ashley!! We NEED Young & Pregnant recaps! ?
It doesnt matter now. It will already be the season finale next week i think ?