CBS is cracking down on its current crop of Big Brother houseguests!
The network issued a statement on Tuesday stating that the show’s contestants will face “future consequences” should they continue to exhibit what CBS calls “inappropriate behavior.” The statement comes just days after two houseguests were heard on the live feed making racist comments, and another was seen doing sexually inappropriate things to other people in the house.
“’Big Brother’ is a reality show about watching a group of people who have no privacy 24/7 — and capturing every unfiltered moment and conversation in their lives,” the network’s statement reads. “At times, the houseguests reveal prejudices and exhibit behavior that we do not condone. The producers have addressed two such incidents that were seen recently on the 24/7 online feed.
“In both cases, those involved have been warned about their inappropriate behavior and offensive comments, as well as future consequences. These events will not be part of any future Big Brother broadcast on CBS.”
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The racist comments the network is referring to were heard on the live feed on Monday. Us Weekly is reporting that houseguests Rachel Swindler and Angela Rummans made racially insensitive remarks while discussing their skin tones.
“My stomach is as dark as Bay,” Rachel said (referring to African-American contestant Bayleigh Dayton. “I can’t be in the sun for two days straight… I will change ethnicities. I already have.”
“I’m looking ghetto here with the skin coloration,” Angela replied.
The second incident CBS is referring to in its statement involves houseguest JC Mounduix. Live feed viewers watched as JC basically chased his roommates around with an ice cream scooper, telling contestant Kaycee Clark to “open your vagina…it feels good” even though Kaycee told him “no.” He also tried to put the scooper on the nether regions of Kaitlyn Herman and Tyler Crispen.
Fans watching the live feed took to Twitter to express their disgust over both incidents.
“Using ‘ghetto’ as she did to mean ‘low class’ has obvious racist origins,” one person wrote in response to the conversation between Rachel and Angela. “You don’t have to get it but it’s so obvious.”
“With video evidence of his inappropriate touching of females, how have producers not removed JC from the house/game?” another fan wrote in regard to the incident involving JC.
Watch the scene involving JC below:
(Photos: CBS, Instagram)
21 Responses
Their terms are correct. Brianna and her family screaming like hyenas standing on restaurant tables, telling people to suck her dick and inability to pronounce simple words, makes her ghetto. Janelles clear history of child and drug abuse, along with her choices and her defense of those choices makes her trash. Kail is just a miserable dirty whore. If the behaviors were reversed, so would the insults. The term comes with the behavior. If Janelle was standing on tables at lunch and throwing shoes and vases at reunions, she’d be ghetto too. But her behavior is more indicative of hillbilly trash. Don’t want the stereotypical descriptions, don’t emulate stereotypical behavior
did you read the article its on Big Brother not teen mom
Yes and the COMMENTS asking why only Brianna is referred to as ghetto and not Kail and Janelle. I replied to that comment but had to reload page before posting so I’m guessing that’s why it went to the top instead of to that REPLY.
you realize this is about Big Brother not teen mom
Throwing my two cents in, I hate when people us the word ghetto as well as the words white trash. It’s a way of (I think) saying poor and classless but without having the balls to say those words instead. I was at a casino w/ the in-laws waiting in a line. Someone accidentally nudged my brother in law and he loudly called them “white trash” for no good reason. I took him to task right then and there. Who the heck does he think he is?
People should be nicer to other people.
Ghetto and white trash are not even close to equivalent though.
Because whites can’t be victims of racism. right? *rolls eyes*
My compliments to you for handling you situation so well. Forgive me in advance – a small rant and questions.
I feel like I live in a different world lately. Suddenly I’ve been transported to a land where I have to ask people what pronouns they prefer because suddenly – only in the last 3 years or so – he/she would send someone into a puddle of tears. Then I can’t say “disability” even if it’s in reference to a limitation in one’s ability to do something. Then I can’t say someone’s progress has been retarded – even when their progress has been hampered by circumstances. I can’t say niggardly if someone is being cheap. Then I worry if I note how I express the tone of my skin following sun exposure or lack thereof.
I guess what I’m saying is – why is everyone so hung up policing everyones language all the sudden? I grew up in a world of “stick and stones” where you learn early on to ignore everyone elses opinions and “do you”. So what difference does it make it someone uses language or says something you prefer expressed in a different way? I’m 100%, genuinely, and with all sincerity baffled by today’s focus on this. How does this effect one’s life – and more importantly – why does someone ALLOW it to effect their life?
I didn’t even know about the “people first” language. What is that, if you dont mind me asking. I suddenly feel like I’m someone’s 85 year old Pee-Paw rocking on the porch shaking my fist at the kids on my lawn.
People first language addresses the person first, then whatever condition they have. For example, I would be called a person who uses a wheelchair rather than a wheelchair user. The idea behind it is that the disability shouldn’t define them as an individual. I don’t really care because I am disabled 24/7 so I kind of feel like it does have a big impact on my life. As far as why people care so much about labels, I can see both sides of it. Other people’s opinions shouldn’t matter, but no one wants to feel like they aren’t good enough. In my experience, people who have had to deal with hate over something they can’t control can care some deep emotional pain about it. Reducing them down to a label and making assumptions about their lives because of it can hurt. Again, I think intent matters a lot. Someone could honestly make a mistake about someone’s gender, apologize and the person in question probably wouldn’t care. But it’s kind of hard to see anything but transphobia if someone called them a freak or refused to call them by the right gender after being corrected.
I am not a poc so I certainly can’t speak for the poc community. However, I deal with politically correct terms as a person with a disability. For me, I worry more about intent than I do the actual words used. For example, an older person may say handicapped or even refer to me as a cripple because it was appropriate in their day. Usually they don’t mean to be offensive, so I don’t take offense. When someone calls me a freak of nature, a burden to society and my family who should be mercy killed, I am fine with that too because it automatically shows me they are trash who I shouldn’t waste my time on. In a strange turn of events, I have actually been corrected by able bodied people when I call myself a wheelchair user or my son an autistic person because I wasn’t using people first language. It just strikes me as strange that they thought my son didn’t have the right to put his autism right out there because he is proud of being different.
With all that being said, if someone told me that they preferred a certain PC term, then I would use it as a courtesy. In the context of this article, I think using the word “ghetto” was meant to be derogatory and not only did they talk about “changing ethnicities”, they compared themselves to a houseguest who is a poc. There are examples of racist speech in every race, but I feel like it is different for an oppressed group of people. Words like the “n” word are often connected to violence whereas words like “cracker” aren’t. We’ve put people in chains physically in the past and continue to use systematic racism to enslave people mentally and emotionally. I don’t understand the struggle, but I do understand why this is hurtful. It solves nothing and is very patronizing to tell people that they are dumb for getting upset instead of trying to understand their point of view.
I’m so glad someone recognizes that usually, when the word “ghetto” is thrown around, it’s mainly more to do with race than class. Especially when used in reference to persons of color! Example: Briana from TM2. I don’t like her as much as the next, but none of you that comment here have ever used that word to refer to Jenelle or Kail, and both of them are just as annoying and trashy as Briana. You only use it when talking about her and her Dominican/Puerto Rican Family. Why is that? Keep saying, “it has nothing to do with that.” Well, if that’s not the case, then can someone answer the question in a genuine fashion, without being condescending????? As much crap that Jenelle has done, how come I’ve never seen any of you call her “ghetto”? If the meaning is really representing “class”, she’s the epitome… right? Kid was born on drugs, constant CPS involvement, drug abuser, etc.
Well, let me give you a little history lesson, BOO-FREAKIN-HOO! I am flat out disgusted that blacks and Hispanics in America decided to add “ghetto” to their list of “offensive” words that whites can’t say to further expand their victimhood culture. The word “ghetto” actually originated from the Holocaust. The “ghettos” were created in order to segregate and confine Jews in Europe. If anyone should be offended by the word, it should be me because I’m Jewish. But guess what??? I’m not offended because it’s just a damn word and I choose not to act like a victim! Sorry not sorry if that offends you!
People are getting way to crazy about political correctness. The “racist” comments were not racist. She was just talking about skin tone. She didn’t say anything negative or racist about POC. Now the “ghetto” comment was probably borderline inappropriate but come on! Does she deserve to get kicked off the show for that? No way. It’s not like she said the “n” word. People need to stop being so damn sensitive.
Now as far as what JC did, I think touching people is a whole different issue and definitely needs to be addressed. I didn’t see it but from what I’m reading, it sounds pretty inappropriate.
Ghetto has a bad connotation: low class, criminal, loud, dirty, unmown lawns, littering, homes falling apart, beaten up cars on the side of the road. And then you have someone saying that because their skin is getting so dark, they look black, and thus ghetto. So here, ghetto=black people. That’s completely and totally racist and inappropriate. It’s not “not that bad,” or “borderline offensive,” It’s completely and totally offensive.
Whether it’s offensive or not is not really the issue, Amy. You can choose to get offended by what people say without being a fascist and fascism is basically what PC culture is turning into. At the end of the day, words are words. For people to let words have this much power and control is insane. Also, it’s very one sided. POC say offensive things about white people on TV and social media and yet they don’t receive half the backlash (sometimes none). Cheyenne Floyd (the new Teen Mom cast member) for example retweeted a friends saying she wanted to kill white babies and yet nobody was nearly as upset about that as they were about much less serious racist comments said in the past from other white people on TV. So because there are so many double standards, it makes me question the motive behind PC culture more.
What do you mean??? As a black woman, you’re damned right that I’m offended by that. I have every right to “choose” to be offended when someone refers to the skin of my culture in a derogatory fashion. Is nobody supposed to be offended by that?
@Boo I already said you can choose (yes, it’s a choice) to be offended. I have heard many people say stereotypical statements about whites but I just roll my eyes and go on with my day. I don’t think letting inanimate words control your life is the way to go but if that’s what you want, then go right ahead. What I disagree with is when PC culture goes to the extreme to assassinate somebody’s character when things like this happen. Not every white person that uses the term “ghetto” is coming from a hateful, racist place. Some people are just ignorant and don’t understand the background behind words (especially if those words are used in music, movies and TV a lot which “ghetto” is). People need to take that into consideration instead of just jumping to the conclusion that those people are racist and deserve to be fired from their jobs or harassed by the public which is happening more and more. That is what I find absurd and over the top.
Thank you Amy!!!!!! But users here will continues to act as if that wasn’t a freaking problem!!! My analogy of how they all comment on TM2’s Briana DeJesus stands on this as well.
Jenelle and Kail are complete trash and have just as much drama, if not more, as Briana(especially Jenelle). However, I’ve never seen any of them start using the word “ghetto” until Briana joined the cast and they only use it in reference to her and her family.
I agree with you. Everyone is called a racist, sexist, homophobe or bigot nowadays over the smallest, most ridiculous things. Yes, there are certain things you shouldn’t say and are inappropriate but people don’t need to over react like this. This generation is filled of a bunch of self-entitled, over sensitive, politically correct pansies. Grow a backbone for crying out loud. Words can’t hurt you. Sticks and stones can break my bones…
It may not be racist, but there are undertones of unaddressed racial bias at the very least. Your comment proves that. Example: Briana on TM2 is constantly referred to as “ghetto” by users on here. I guess because herself and her family are loud and full of drama.
But what about Jenelle? Who is not only loud, physically abusive and trashy, but CPS is always in and out of her house and one of her kids was born on drugs. She’s the epitome of “ghetto” and it’s connotation. But none of you have ever labeled her as “ghetto”. Same with Kail, 3 kids, 3 father’s, she’s bisexual one day, then she isn’t the next. She’s mean spirited and full of drama as well. But, the word “ghetto” still isn’t branded for her. But Briana, who is Puerto Rican/Dominican, automatically is labeled this by almost every user here??? How do you explain that?
People call Jenelle “white trash” all the time. But nobody is crying racism over that are they?