“90 Day Fiance” Star Russ Mayfield Defends Himself & His Marriage to Paola: “There’s Much More To Me Than What You See On TV!”

“Not trying to be mean, babe, but it’s gonna be really hard to convince people you’re cool when you have that hairstyle…”

After spending multiple seasons of TLC’s 90 Day Fiance complaining about his wife’s risqué modeling, Russ Mayfield took to Instagram over the weekend to insist that he isn’t the jealous prude that some of the show’s fans think he is.

In the photo caption of an Instagram pic showing off his wife Paola’s ample, um, ASSets, Russ told “90 Day Fiance” fans that, while he’s not thrilled that Paola frequently models skimpy outfits, he’s OK with it… sort of.

“There’s much more to me than what you see on TV,” Russ wrote. “I’m honestly not the jealous type and although I’d had preferred to keep my wife’s curves a mystery, especially when it comes to the lusting creeps out there. I accept and am proud of my wife for the beautiful woman she is and she’s all mine but like most relationships, we find ourselves with differing opinions at times and love costs and takes effort for it to work.”

Russ also shot back at the “haters” who frequently tell him his marriage is doomed, based on what they see on 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After?

There’s much more to me than what you see on tv. I’m honestly not the jealous type and although I’d had preferred to keep my wife’s curves a mystery, especially when it comes to the lusting creeps out there. I accept and am proud of my wife for the beautiful woman she is and she’s all mine but like most relationships, we find ourselves with differing opinions at times and love costs and takes effort for it to work. I am tired of the comments from the marriage “experts” stating I deserve better, my wife doesn’t respect me, or she only loves me for my money and so on and so forth. The mere glimpse of our lives shown doesn’t always show our best moments but impressions and expressions from our cultural differences and how we are coming together as an even stronger couple. If I or my story bores you and creating a mocking meme or mocking comment of me and/or my wife is how you make yourself feel better about your unshared and perfect life, well thank you for your benightedness as it only spices us up even more, so go on and keep hating and commenting to better your dull lives because your opinions are meaningless in my eyes but you’re only hurting yourself hiding behind your keyboard which proves nothing to you or me especially when I have yet to meet someone to end a conversation with me with such nescience and mockery. I am proud of where I come from and where I am going and that’s with the love of my life, whom I love for better or for worse. I am not perfect and only look for support from my followers, not hypocritical and judgmental ignorance seeking ‘like’ attention. #russandpao #oklahomanabroad #happilyeverafter

A post shared by Russ Mayfield (@russ_mayfield) on

“I am tired of the comments from the marriage ‘experts’ stating that I deserve better, my wife doesn’t respect me, or she only like loves me for my money and so on and so forth.” Russ wrote before addressing the frequent comment he apparently gets from viewers who feel he is too boring for Paola (or reality TV).

“If I or my story bores you and creating a mocking meme or mocking comment of me and/or my wife is how you make yourself feel better about your unshared and perfect life, well thank you for your benightedness as it only spices us up even more, so go on and keep hating and commenting to better your dull lives because your opinions are meaningless in my eyes,” he wrote.

Paola also recently made a post to clap back at the haters. Naturally, she included a picture of herself in a skimpy bikini in the Instagram post.

“Did my husband ever get over me taking pics like this? Well, yes and no but it doesn’t affect him as much as some of you,” Pao wrote. “He accepts me, loves me, and respects me the way I am and lets me work even when he’s not 100% comfortable.”

I hope this photo gets your attention! Frequently asked questions: *** Did my husband ever get over me taking photos like this? Well, yes an no but it doesn’t affect him as much as some of you. He accepts me, loves me and respects me the way I am and lets me work even when he is not 100% comfortable. We fight and we make up. Girls talk like never they fight with their spouses ? talking about me not being a “good wife” just because the gigs I take are “too sexy” but let’s be honest, none of you have seen photos of me completely naked or rumors of me being unfaithful to my husband. My only “sin” is my work ? God will be the only one judging me, not wanna be perfects! **** Why do I not end up my friendship with Juan? It is easy to say it but you wouldn't call it a friendship if you don't care about someone after 16 years of friendship and without trying to make it work. I don't have many friends, maybe because I don't trust people that easy and I am ok with that but giving up part of my life and past isn't easy for me. I love my husband but I also love my friends. My life didn't end when I got married, it was the beginning of a new chapter. *** My “delusional” modeling and acting career. This is one is easy. I really don’t know why people care so much if I model or act at my age. Is it your business if I succeed or fail? No. Is it your life? No. I'm living my life to the fullest and I'm having so much fun with all that I do! My conscience is clear and clean ❤️ Just happy that I'm doing great and I’m chasing my dreams ?

A post shared by Paola Mayfield (@paola_mayfield) on

Paola said her “conscience is clean and clear” and she’s “just happy [to be] doing great and chasing her dream.”

She also scolded viewers who criticize her for modeling skimpy clothes and bikinis against her husband’s wishes.

“[People] talking about me not being a ‘good wife’ just because the gigs I take are ‘too sexy’ but let’s be honest, none of you have seen photos of me completely naked or rumors of me being unfaithful to my husband. My only ‘sin’ is my work,” Paola wrote.

Russ and Paola, who we first met during “90 Day Fiance” Season 1, will celebrate their fifth wedding anniversary in October. They are staring on the current season of “90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After?”

Click here to read our “90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After?” Season 3 recaps!

(Photos: TLC, Instagram)

15 Responses

  1. Not only is she less than a mediocre model she is also a horrible actress. Their staged fights are the most ridiculous things I’ve ever seen. She tears him a new one and when he runs away she can barely contain herself from laughing. Who do they think they are kidding? I don’t know why they keep bringing this couple back; their story line hasn’t changed since day one. And her melodrama is annoying.

  2. Am I the only one who was disturbed by the fact that Pao’s parents were watching her on her “modeling” job? That made me pretty uncomfortable.

  3. Gotta love the “our relationship is none of your business” babble from PEOPLE SIGNING UP FOR REALITY TV.
    I don’t watch the show, just read the recaps, but it’s a general sense that Russ is being used by Paola. If Russ is cool with P’s imaginary “career” (seriously, she’s barely bothered to be covered, just let her pose nude) and her LYING/BLAMING him for her cutting off contact with family (and rumor has it his giving up everything to follow her around has embarrassed his family) then more power to this delusional couple.

  4. If he really didn’t care about the comments he wouldn’t have responded. I do find them and their storyline boring. I ff through their scenes.

  5. It’s blatantly obvious Lard Ass is using Russ for security. It’s not like he makes a lot, but it’s better than what her “type” can offer. She will hold onto him until she is more grounded or gets a better offer. On a side note, what’s with all of these super-average-looking foreign women thinking they can come here and become models? Yes, Paola, you are DELUSIONAL.

  6. Translation: “My wife may parade around in nothing but two bandaids and a cork, but golly gosh darn it we are happy! And our marriage is none of your business (even though we air all of our dirty laundry on social media and reality tv).”

  7. I’m guessing that neither Russ nor Pao have considered that beyond a bird’s eye view of the crack of Pao’s “pow pow” each week, along with listening over and over again to her about her “carr-eeer,” there’s really not much else to their overall story line.

    Which is why viewers might always seem to focus on that, simply because that’s ALL there is.

    Anyway, again…just a guess.

  8. I swear to god she wrote that post. It’s a mess and barely comprehensible. They are a funny looking couple. He looks like he should be filing my taxes and she looks like she should be holding a sign at a boxing match.

  9. Russ is a giant man child. I can’t stand him. I laugh when he tries to put on the tough guy act.

  10. Is this Farah Abrahams friend Paola Quezada? How many Paola’s that look like porn stars can’t there possibly be?

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