Danielle Jbali Says She Gave Fellow “90 Day Fiance” Star Nicole Nafziger Advice About Marrying Azan Tefou: “I Felt Bad For Her”

“Think it over, girl!”

Former 90 Day Fiance star Danielle Jbali says she sees a lot of similarities between Nicole Nafziger’s relationship with Azan Tefou and her own failed marriage to Mohamed Jbali, and she’s hoping Nicole can learn from her mistakes!

In a new interview with In Touch Weekly, Danielle—who has since divorced Mohamed—revealed that she has reached out to Nicole to give her some advice.

“I told Nicole to go over [to Azan’s home country of Morocco] more than once to make sure that he was in it for the right reasons,” Danielle said, adding that she only went to Mohamed’s home country, Tunisia, once to visit.

Danielle said she also spoke with Nicole about being an American woman in a relationship with a Muslim man and warned her to be conscious of the culture differences.

As “90 Day Fiance” fans will recall, Nicole was very disheartened to find out that Azan wouldn’t hold her hand or be affectionate with her while they were together in Morocco.

“I told her to research the religion and culture. That’s why I could not believe she was acting like that, because before I went to meet Mohamed, I researched everything,” Danielle said. “I asked him questions 24/7, and I even investigated where I was going by looking things up and giving Mohamed ideas of what I wanted to do or what I wanted to see and stuff like that. I really invested myself into learning about his culture and religion. I don’t think Nicole did that [with Azan’s culture.]”

Danielle said Nicole should have done her research to find out what is not appropriate (or even legal) in Azan’s home country.

“I was not like that with Mohamed, trying to get him to kiss me out in public, because I knew through research and what he told me and explained to me,” Danielle said. “I respected that. And it just seems like she didn’t respect it in the very beginning.”

Danielle also gave Nicole some advice about being a single mother in a relationship with a man from another country. While Danielle is the mother of four, she said she thinks it will be more difficult for Nicole because her daughter, May, is so young.

“I could not imagine doing that with a child like Nicole’s daughter because she wouldn’t understand,” Danielle said. “See, my kids are old enough that they know who their dad is and they see their dad. So what is May gonna think if this doesn’t work out and Azan has to leave and he’s not in her life no more. How is Nicole going to explain that to her?”

Danielle said she would advise Nicole not to encourage May to call Azan daddy.

“That, I would not allow,” Danielle said. “My kids wouldn’t even call Mohamed ‘dad.’ I don’t understand why [Nicole] is doing that because that’s not [May’s] dad.”

Fans were along for the ride when Danielle’s marriage to Mohamed fell apart after she found out that he had been talking to multiple women online. (Sound familiar Nicole?) Mohamed eventually left Danielle to move in with another woman, and the couple divorced.

On last week’s episode of “90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After?” Azan admitted to Nicole’s mother, Robbalee, that he had been talking to other women. Danielle thinks Nicole should have been very concerned about this.

“I would have backed out because that is like a big red flag,” Danielle said. “And that’s why I think Nicole sat back and re-examined the situation. Because what I’ve seen, when he and Nicole were talking about it, and he was just laughing about it like it was no big deal, that was disheartening. I felt bad for her because that’s not a laughing matter. And it’s not a joke.”

Although Nicole’s stepfather Joe Fouraker confirmed last month that Nicole and Azan did not end up getting married in Morocco, it appears that the couple is still very much together. Last week, Nicole posted a pic of her and Azan to Instagram, along with the caption, “I love you forever.”

I love you forever♥️

A post shared by ;?Spread Love Not Hate?; (@alwayssnicole) on

On Thursday, she posted an Instagram photo showing Azan, her mother Robbalee and May. She captioned the pic, “I’m so happy to be surrounded by such amazing people in my life #familyfirst.”

(She did not, however, explain why it looks like Azan is strangling her in the photo…)

From the looks of it, Nicole has not heeded Danielle’s advice and is still determined to marry Azan!

To read our “90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After?” recaps, click here!

RELATED STORY: “90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After?” Star Nicole Nafziger Did Not Marry Azan Tefou in Morocco, Her Stepfather Confirms

(Photos: TLC, Instagram)

9 Responses

  1. I honestly think the child comes first before anything!!! That little girl is going to be so devastated and confused if all this does not work out which we all know it will not. All Nicole is doing is trying to keep the dreams she always dreamed of doing. But I think she likes the attention she gets from being on tv. her attitude shows she doesn’t care all this doesn’t work out which we all know it will not. That dude needs to back the hell away from her and her little girl. All he thinks about is his freedom. I mean come on! He’s not attractive looking and neither is she. It’s all about drama, attention and money!!’ PATHETIC!!

  2. Beware the “I’m so happy” social media puppets. They’re not. She’s miserable and he’s pretending. Body language and the eyes show you everything they’re not saying.

  3. Danielle, you are the LAST person that should give Nicole advice! Neither Mohammed or Azan were attracted to the women they chose online AND neither of them were worried about kissing, etc. with women they WERE attracted to so, Danielle, was just a bunch of made up lies by the guys to keep their distance from you and Nicole. Hopefully, Nicole will eventually figure out that she’s wasting her time with Azan and move on. Danielle, it has taken you all this time to accept Mohammad’s rejection of you…and you still hang on to his last name which is beyond stupid! Stop using the lame excuse that it’s too expensive to make the name change…that’s a crock! As I said, you are not qualified to give anyone advice about a failing relationship!

  4. Even though it was nice that Danielle offered her advice to Nicole, I still can’t help saying: “Excuse me, what?”

    She claims she would have backed out on Mohamed after seeing “red flags” in the beginning? How about now? After Mohamed’s flags have clearly told her on numerous occasions to please: LEAVE HIM ALONE. Still, she keeping chasing him down to the ends of the Earth, flailing a white loose leaf binder and babbling on and on about the alleged money he owes her.

    I just think that sometimes following your “own” advice, is the best example you can demonstrate for others.

    Just saying.

    1. Didn’t she chase Mohammed to Florida? Whatever, Danielle! Nicole is dumb as a box of rocks! Azan doesn’t want her.

  5. Nicole seems like one of the most hard headed human beings on planet earth. It’s blatantly obvious Azan is using her for citizenship…even immigration can see that, but she swears up and down it’s “true love”….and it’s so wrong that she has May calling Azan daddy. If anyone knows what it’s like to be totally played by someone looking for citizenship, it’s Danielle. She too was VERY hardheaded, and look what happened. God, the universe and whatever else has been slapping Nicole in the face for a while now with signs she’s being played, and she refuses to see it, so whatever happens to her she deserves it.

    1. Agreed. I think deep down that Nicole knows that Azan is bad news but she invested so much of her ego into it that she will make it happen whether it is right or wrong. Many people stay in bad relationships because they invested so much time in it and effort in defending the relationship that they think they will look foolish if the relationship ends. (I have been there). If Nicole didn’t have May, then I wouldn’t care and let her learn her lesson. But she has a toddler to consider and I don’t think May is her first priority right now. This relationship, even if he gets his paperwork approved, will fail and then May will be devastated losing a “daddy”.

      1. That’s exactly what it is….her pride and her ego are so big, she cannot admit that she is wrong and that he’s bad news. If she were smart at all she would at least find out which women he’s talking to, and where they are from…didn’t he try to gain citizenship to another country??? It’s so obvious that he’s trying everything he can to get out of Morocco. She’s just making so many bad decisions not only for her, but for her kid…She has blown SO much money

  6. I’m dying to know if Danielle had her soshul meedia binder handy when she gave Nicole this pep talk. And who does she think she’s fooling that she “researched” Tunesia and that she “would have backed out because that is like a big red flag.”

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