Weekend Link-a-Polooza! Other Reality TV News From Around the Web

The Houskas ain’t happy!

The Ashley does her best to bring you all the latest news on reality TV shows and their stars. The Roundup can’t cover every reality TV show and event, though, so here’s a listing of some reality TV stories that weren’t covered by The Ashley this week!

Team Houska is Angry! In Touch Weekly: Chelsea & Randy Houska Blast ‘Teen Mom 2’ Producers for Putting Pregnant Chelsea in Danger During Violent Reunion

WTF? Perez Hilton: Lindsay Lohan Says Women Who Spoke Out as Part of the #MeToo Movement Look “Weak”

Showmance Update! Reality TV World: Where Are The ‘Big Brother’ Couples Now: Who’s Still Together & Who Has Split?

New Housewife! Reality Tea: Actress Denise Richards Joins Cast of ‘Real Housewives of Beverly Hills’

Health Scare! Starcasm: ‘Breaking Amish’ Star Sabrina Burkholder Overdosed on Heroin, Will Be in Rehab “For A Long Time”

(Photo: MTV)



11 Responses

  1. Chelsea won’t quit and why should she? It’s pretty easy money for her and she doesn’t look like a shot show. She’s mildly inconvenienced for six figures

  2. You had my thoughts exactly. It’s not an attack on Chelsea as a person or putting her segments down as boring. She’s finally got her life set and with everyone around her on the show turning into entitled train wrecks I’m confused as to why she continues to hang onto this sinking ship. The only thing I can think of is she loves being that fairytale come to life or the only positive in a sea of crazy. If I saw all that around me, felt my safety and my child’s were at risk, that my only bad moments were mtv bad editing and my family enjoys their privacy I would have refused to sign another contract and enjoy my life with the rest of the money I’m sure they’ve comfortably saved. She has no need to stick with that mess. Leave with dignity.

  3. Damn, Sabrina, somehow I so feel for her. She could have such a good life with the right support system. She is a sweet and good person under her issues. She so longs to be loved. I hope she will find real friends and the right support system.

    1. I thought Sabrina was going to get better to take care of her girls. That was a long time ago. Well, hopefully she’ll be able to do it this time. I hope she keeps away from Jeremiah and Carmela. Jeremiah. just seems to be a real weakness for her. Personally, I don’t get what anybody sees in him.

  4. Lindsay completely missed the point of the movement and is trying to spark controversy just to stay relevant. (Having her own show is supposed to help with that too)

    1. Lyndsay still makes most of her money whoring herself out on yachts in Dubai… that’s why she made that comment.

  5. O please Chelsea and ‘Randilicious’. Quit being on the shitshow then. O wait, you want the cash and attention. So suck it up. You know what you were in for.

    1. I agree. They have complained many times about MTV’s conduct and editing. While agree that situation was awful for Chelsea being pregnant and in middle of brawl, with all the complaints they already had I was surprised a new contract was signed. Chelsea had said Cole doesn’t like to be on camera, she wants to keep s lot in her life private. She seems to be doing fine so why put herself thru that again? If she had chose to quit I think people would understand.

    2. Well put! What role model would Chelsea be if it hadn’t been for the protection and financial support of Randy? He asks like Chelsea wasn’t a hot mess in the past.

      She brings nothing to the show. I’m tired of these girls dictating and griping about the show when they gladly accept the check!

      1. Obviously I’m going to get downvotes for this, but I agree.

        Chelsea and her family seem like decent people, but the TM girls set the bar so low that she looks like Wonder Woman in comparison. As a result, she gets probably too much credit for not being a waste of space and/or batshit crazy. and yes, her dad’s $$ helped her along when she was stuck in the Adam vortex of depression she and self-loathing. She got training in a career which is what an adult is SUPPOSED to do although she’s in the minority of the TM girls on that one. She’s in a stable marriage to a good guy who is a kind father figure to her daughter (AHEM Jenelle and Kail). A good thing indeed, but she gets a friggin trophy for it by some fans.

        Randy seems to enjoy the spotlight a bit too much – South Dee-Koh-Tah Mary seems to keep a lower profile.

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