‘Married At First Sight’ Season 6 Star Jonathan Francetic Confirms He’s Now Dating One Of the Experts From the Show

“How YOU doin’?”

Jonathan Francetic didn’t find love with the woman he was matched with by experts on Married At First Sight— so it appears he’s giving romance a try with the show’s expert psychologist, Dr. Jessica Griffin.

Earlier this week Jon— who met, married and divorced Molly Duff during Season 6— confirmed via Instagram that he and Jessica are now dating. After Jon posted a photo of himself with his arm around Jessica, ‘MAFS’ Season 1 star (and “Unfiltered” host) Jamie Otis congratulated the couple on their relationship.

“Thanks homie,” Jon replied.

Convinced someone to run a @spartan with me ?

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‘Married at First Sight’ fans have speculated for months that Jon was dating Jessica (who was one of the show’s experts who matched him with Molly). Jon and Jessica have been hinting on social media that they were in a relationship, causing fans to express both positive and negative feelings toward the romance.

Some fans felt that, since Jessica also served as the marriage counselor to Jon and Molly, it was a conflict of interest for her to date the now-divorced Jon.

“My personal opinion is that it’s completely inappropriate if they are dating,” one person wrote in the comment section of the post. “Regardless of the situation she’s suppose to be a professional and she has crossed boundaries.”

“This is why they should only put older and married experts. Not attractive and single ones,” another person wrote in the comments. “That’s a no no.”

In the comment section of a photo posted to Jessica’s Instagram on August 16, Jon defended his relationship with Jessica in the comment section.

“I rarely reply to people I don’t know, but given your persistence let me put your mind at ease- I completely agree that those ethical codes exist for a reason,” he wrote. “And should you wish to try and have her license taken I only ask that you show up to the board hearing where my contract (the contents of which you have never read, seen, or know anything about) will be shown as evidence.

“When you are educated on why a client/patient relationship cannot exist (hint: confidentiality means it’s not broadcast on national television) then I’m sure you will have no choice but to admit defeat in this situation,” he continued.

Jon added that he and Jessica did, indeed, consult the “industry rule book” before entering into a relationship with each other.

“Also, if you believe that we did not research the ethical codes you previously sited before pursuing anything, then clearly you’re not giving our intelligence enough credit. But thank you for your concerns, happy Monday.”

Some ‘Married At First Sight’ fans, though, loved the idea of Dr. Jessica and Jon together, given how badly Jon’s marriage to Molly ended.

“I knew it! That day she snapped on Molly… I just knew she wanted him for herself!” one fan wrote. “I love it tho! Molly didn’t deserve him! Good luck guys!”

“If he cheated on Molly with Dr. Jessica then yea I’d say that’s a huge no no,” another person wrote. “But he was properly divorced, no one cheated, it’s all consensual. Two grown adults found a good partner in a place they never imagined and never intended to. I say good for them!”

Back in May, Jessica posted a blog to her personal website, explaining why the work she does with participants on ‘Married At First Sight’ (and another relationship reality show Seven Year Switch) is very different from the clinical work she does as a professional psychologist and therapist.

“It must also be stated that at no point should the role I (or others) provide be construed as replacing actual therapy,” Jessica wrote. “We are NOT individuals’ or couples’ therapists on these television shows or in real life. We do not have a client/therapist or doctor/patient relationship at any point during production or any point, period. Outside companies are hired to conduct the psychological evaluations of cast members.

“My role that I am hired to do as a ‘Relationship Expert’ is to provide consultation to the cast of a television show and consultation to production on topics that fall within my expertise,” she added.

Jon’s ex-wife, Molly, has yet to comment on his relationship with Jessica.

Watch a scene from ‘Married At First Sight’ Season 6 in which Jessica scolds Molly for treating Jon so poorly!

(Photos: Lifetime, Instagram)

12 Responses

  1. Go Jon and Dr. Jessica! I love this show and I am a VERY happily married woman, with a HOT husband, but given the chance, I would have jumped Jon’s bones, he’s so hot! Molly obviously didn’t have correct intentions going in, any woman, even if he wasn’t their “type” would have went there! Congrats!

  2. I am extremely happy for Jon and the relationship expert. Molly is a super deceitful person. Even to herself. She’s got some real psychological issues. May she get the professional help she needs. She’s an unabashed liar. I mean cold.

  3. I was so happy to hear about Jon and Jessica. They are both really good people and they deserve to find love. I’m excited for them both. Jon was treated so poorly by Molly. Nobody deserves that. I hope Molly has found someone to be happy with too.

  4. I LOVED Jon and hated molly! he was definitely to good for her and she is stuck up and blind. way too skinny and bitchy to be that conceited. glad he is with jessica! she will know how to treat him and their relationship!

  5. See nothing wrong with this relationship. It was properly entered into. You can’t always choose who you love. Yet to love pass you by just because some disapprove makes no sense. Love watching the show. Molly treated Jon badly. If he later found love through the show, then yes, it was worth the effort no matter how it came about. Jon is a great catch and deserves to be happy.

  6. I am thrilled that Jonathan is dating Jessica, or anyone for that matter, that appreciates all he has to offer. Congratulations to both of you!

  7. Jon is a handsome and well educated man. Molly was a cold, uncaring fish. Jon did the right thing by giving Molly the boot.

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