Jorge Nava is officially Arizona Prison Inmate No. 329992!
The 90 Day Fiance star checked into his new digs at the Arizona State Prison Complex in Phoenix last week to begin serving his 22-month prison sentence. Just days earlier, an Arizona judge basically “threw the book” at Jorge, giving him the maximum sentence allowed under the plea deal that Jorge’s attorneys had arranged for him.
Jorge began his sentence on Thursday, September 13 and, according to online prison records, he will be eligible for release on August 9, 2020, with a max release date of March 9, 2021 (should he be required to serve his entire sentence). In a brand-new mugshot, Jorge can be seen sporting his prison orange jumpsuit.
Last week, Jorge and his wife Anfisa reacted to Jorge’s harsh sentence in a YouTube video, with both stating that they felt that Jorge had been “profiled” by the cop that initially pulled him over (and found nearly 300 pounds of pot in his trunk!)
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Jorge said that, due to the fact that he had been arrested several times in California for drug offenses, he ended up getting a harsher sentence than he would have had the Arizona arrest been his first offense.
“[My lawyer] told me if I didn’t have an priors, I would have probably got probation,” Jorge said. “I would have been a first-time offender in Arizona. But, I had two previous convictions for cultivation of marijuana. Just to set that straight; that’s my criminal record. I’ve never done anything else. I’ve never even had a DUI.”
Starcasm reports that Anfisa will have to travel just over five-and-a-half hours to visit Jorge in prison.
On the day Jorge officially checked into prison, Anfisa posted an emotional video to her YouTube channel, discussing her feelings about her husband being behind bars.
“Honestly it feels like Jorge is not the only one serving his sentence but I am too because, now I literally have nobody here in the United States,” Anfisa, who hails from Russia, said. “I’ve just been trying to stay busy with school and going to the gym. I’m trying not to think about it because whenever I do I get emotional.”
Anfisa stated that she has been able to talk to her husband via the telephone since he was locked up.
“For me, it feels really difficult to be alone, completely alone now, without any support system,” she said. “I do talk to Jorge on the phone but I don’t talk to him about it. I don’t want to complain about how hard it is for me because he’s in the worse situation. He’s in jail. I just feel like my problems are nothing. At least I’m free.”
Anfisa said that she and Jorge had planned to appeal Jorge’s sentence by trying to get his prior drug convictions (that took place in California before marijuana was legal) removed from his record.
“When we contacted Jorge’s attorney in Arizona, he said that we could do that but it would take us over a year, so that’s basically when Jorge would be out if we don’t appeal,” Anfisa said. “Of course, it would cost money, and it just seems like the judge has something [out] for Jorge. To me, it feels like the judge was trying to make an example of Jorge or something…”
Anfisa also addressed the comments she had received on the previous video she posted with Jorge, in which she stated that she felt Jorge’s sentence was unfair.
“I do agree with some of the comments that were not very nice,” she said. “You guys said, ‘Do the crime, do the time,’ and things like that. However, I feel like Jorge’s sentence was a bit excessive. If you do something wrong you should be punished, but the punishment should be reasonable.”
Anfisa did not mention if she plans to continue to film for the “90 Day Fiance” franchise. (She and Jorge were last featured on “90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After?” Season 3.)
Watch Anfisa’s full video below!
(Photos: YouTube, Arizona State Corrections, Instagram)
13 Responses
Well Sherlock, maybe he should not have been that open about his illegal weed business on TV.
Everything is faked, he could easily have faked a job.
I’m Team Anfisa. She made her intentions known from day one and he lied to her from day one. She’s in a foreign country where she has no friends or family and I feel bad for her.
I feel sorry for Anfisa…Jorge sold her so many dreams, and she bought them hook line and sink her, because she was and still is so young. Call her a gold digger or whatever….but she let Jorge know what she was from day 1…and he pretended to be this millionaire to get her over here and marry her…I also feel like she’s standing by him, because he’s still selling her the dream of him being a millionaire one day if she just sticks it out. Jorge is a con man….she’s only 23, so it’s easy for an older guy like Jorge to take advantage of her…I’m sure we all did stupid things, like let someone take advantage of us when we were 23. I can’t judge her too harshly.
Maybe you should get a job? Maybe Jorge should get a job that doesn’t include cultivating and trafficking and illegal substance?
I see what you’re saying….but she’s in school and at least she’s trying to become a social media influencer on the side…although not a traditional job, there can potentially be a lot of money in that…and she has a base of people that already know who she is, so she can easily get followers which would lead to paid sponsorship’s. I don’t feel like she’s super lazy or anything…but that husband needs to take time out and learn about marijuana laws if he wants to be in that line of business….he’s such a dummy, and deserves what he got.
It’s really hard for me to feel bad for either one of these idiots. He’s a compulsive liar, and she’s a typical gold digger without true love for him. She’s very selfish, and fake… she’ll be finding a REAL sugar daddy 3 months into his sentence. Just my opinion.
Ten bucks says anfisa dumps him for a new sugar daddy before jorge gets a quarter of a way through his sentence
Anfisa. I feel your pain. My hubby had to be gone for 90 days. It was hard. Im not trying to sound silly or stupid or weird, but i would br your friend. Truly i would. There are nice people out there. I live on orange county ca. Stay strong. Writing lettets every day helps. Even it is just everyday stuff you write about. Like stuff st school or what you cat got into.it does help. Good luck
Anfisa can’t react, she’s had too many facelifts and Botox injections!
If your going to do this why not move to a state that it is legal.
I am someone that actually believes that marijuana should be federally legal, yes, even recreational use, and the stigma surrounding it be removed (thank you government and reefer madness for the insane state of affairs we have today). That said, if you KNOW it’s currently illegal, and you continue to do everything surrounding it in excess anyway-without a smidge of caution, you can’t be surprised when the law comes down on you. If you have priors, you have even more reason to use caution. JFC he had 300 lbs on him, that is a LOT of weed, not personal, not even minor distribution, lol, that’s a shit ton of weed.
You enjoy marijuana, you need it, it works for you, it helps you function, it lessens your pain, it gets you through the stress of the day….you do you buddy, and I won’t judge (I mean that, wholeheartedly). But excessive is excessive, and 300 damn pounds, especially for someone WITH priors, is beyond excessive.
I feel no sympathy for either one of them, they both put themselves in this situation, despite having every opportunity not to. I feel bad for the guy that gets pulled over and thrown in jail for a gram. I feel bad for the guy that has a few joints taken away-jail or not, fine or not. I feel bad for the mom that just needs a few tokes to wind down after a day of hell, but can’t, because “illegal” and “stigma” (yet, drink all the wine you want bitches,’ cuz that’s perfectly normal). Yep, I feel bad for them, because christ on a cracker it’s a little bit of weed, it’s not a pound of meth. 300lbs, however, is not a little bit of weed. People like him make it much harder for everyone else to NOT be judged over a little bit of weed, they’re the reason reefer madness exists, they’re the reason the stigma exists.
I hope this is not one of those “pound me in the a**” prisons ‘cuz this dude (devoid of any testosterone) will not bode well.