WEtv is changing things up for the next season of Marriage Boot Camp!
The network has announced that it is ditching the trainwreck reality TV star couples for the next season of ‘Marriage Boot Camp’ and replacing them with trainwreck couples from the hip hop industry! The next season of the show will feature a cast made up of stars from the hip hop stars and their estranged significant others, some of whom have appeared on VH1’s Love and Hip Hop: Atlanta.
“After successfully expanding the ‘Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars’ franchise with our ‘Family Edition,’ we’re excited to broaden this universe even further, giving our favorite hip hop stars a chance to ‘face the music’ when it comes to their fractured relationships,” WEtv President Marc Juris said in a statement. “When confronted with the reality of the intensive ‘Marriage Boot Camp’ process, we will see if these celebrity couples are permanently out of tune or if they can get back on the right track.”
The ‘Marriage Boot Camp: Hip Hip Edition’ cast includes:
- Soulja Boy and Nia Riley
- Waka Flocka and his wife Tammy Rivera
- Lil’ Mo and her boxer husband Karl Dargan
- Jessica Dime and her pro basketball player fiancé Shawne Williams
- Lil’ Fizz (of B2K fame) and his ex Tiffany Campbell
(Sadly rapping Teen Mom OG star Debra “Debz OG” Danielsen was not included in the hip hop cast…)

‘Marriage Boot Camp’ relationship counselors Dr. Venus Nicolino and Dr. Ish Major will return for the ‘Hip Hop Edition,’ as will Divorce Court judge Lynn Toler.
“Every single couple here is from the same industry, same community, same culture,” Dr. Major tells the cast in the season’s trailer.
‘Marriage Boot Camp: Hip Hop Edition’ premieres January 10 on WEtv.
Watch the first season trailer below!
(Photos: WEtv)
7 Responses
I’m sick of you racist people on this website. Always got a problem with black people.
yea because if it was all white people speaking country or Irish accents you would watch. right? that’s right..everything is a double standard. and btw has nothing to do with the color..has to do with how this cast acts, talks and what they are about. same people that dont watch love and hip hop or whatever..wont want to watch this season. and it’s so funny how black people are always complaining about others being rasist..blacks are the most racist there is..every word out of mouths are something negative towards white people…I dont black people in white marchs..look how many white people r always fighting with/for u.smh not one person in these comments said anything about being black…one person said trash and I’m sure they would say the same thing if it were white trailer trash that person didnt seem to like. again…YOU jumped at the racist shit u poor victim.
yea because if it was all white people speaking country or Irish accents you would watch. right? that’s right..everything is a double standard. and btw has nothing to do with the color..has to do with how this cast acts, talks and what they are about. same people that dont watch love and hip hop or whatever..wont want to watch this season. and it’s so funny how black people are always complaining about others being rasist..blacks are the most racist there is..every word out of ur mouths is something negative or insulting towards white people…I dont see black people in white marches..look how many white people r always fighting with/for u.smh not one person in these comments said anything about being black…one person said trash and I’m sure they would say the same thing if it were white trailer trash..and they said the r stoked and love love &hiphoo. again…YOU jumped at the racist shit u poor victim.
Gaahd I love me some trashtastic, brain-rot television… and I love all the L&HH so I’m stoked on this ??
I think mixing all the shows is what made it so good. It’s new drama that we haven’t seen before on their show or some reunion special plus they all judge each other once they meet for the first time. I’ll skip this season.
I think no season can beat Amber randomly humping her (now) baby daddy while she was still with Matt!
guess I wont be watching that season.