“90 Day Fiance” Couple Steven & Olga Frend Say They Can’t Pay Their Bills: Ask Fans to Donate Money to Them

“Give us money!”

Steven and Olga Frend are asking their fans to send them some money this holiday season!

The 90 Day Fiance couple took a page out of Daniell Jbali‘s playbook and created a GoFundMe fundraiser page for themselves in hopes that fans will donate money to them that they can use to pay their bills and take care of their young son. (As The Ashley previously reported, Danielle started a fundraiser to raise money to pay her rent and ended up getting enough donations to cover her bills.)

On the fundraising page, which Steven created on Thursday, Steven explains to fans why they should donate money to him and his family.

“Drastic times call for drastic measures, as myself (Steven) am only 21 years old,” he wrote. “Trying my hardest to get my life on the right track and I feel as if I’m doing a great job. But we face certain hardships.”

Steven explained that Olga (who hails from Russia) is not able to work, and that he has accepted an apprenticeship to become a fire sprinkler installer. The apprenticeship only pays $16 an hour, according to Steven, who added that he is also taking classes at a community college.

“Babies are expensive…and stuff….”

“Starting out at $16 an hour isn’t the best but in the long run it’ll do us okay…But $16 an hour isn’t enough to support a family of 3 as well as taking care of home bills, gas, etc,” Steven wrote. “I’m very nervous on how things will play out but I have faith God will take matters into his own hands. I’m not asking for a lot, in a matter of fact I feel ashamed having to make this campaign but I must do what is best to support my family.”

After Steven posted the fundraising page (which has a goal set to $10,000), he was met with some harsh criticism from fans, causing him to explain why he is begging for money on the Internet.

“Since people obviously have hate over a reality show and think I should work hard for my wife instead of asking for a little help, let’s go over some things,” Steven wrote in an update, adding that his family lives in the most-expensive county in the state of Maryland.

“Average rent a month on this county $2,000 a month, Utilities, Car insurance, Gas, Food, Diapers and clothes for our son, student LOANS since people think I have an advantage to college,” he wrote. “I can work my ass off [for] my wife and I do.”

He then explained that he doesn’t want to work so hard that he doesn’t get to spend time with his family.

“I want time with my wife and son, no matter how much money you make in life, you’ll regret all the time you didn’t spend with you family because you were to busy focusing on paper,” Steven wrote. “I’m only 20, I’m trying my best but I still need to be there for my family.”

Steven, Olga and Danielle are not the only “90 Day Fiance” stars to publicly discuss their money issues. As Starcasm reported, the people who star on the show are paid much less than the stars of a lot of other reality TV shows. The site reports that the “90 Day Fiance” couples are paid only $1,000 per episode for their first season with the franchise, and an additional fee (sometimes) to appear on the season’s Tell All episode.

At press time, the couple’s fundraising page had already raised $900.

RELATED STORY: Former “90 Day Fiance” Star Danielle Jbali Asks Fans for Financial Help to Pay Rent on Her Mobile Home 

(Photos: GoFundMe, TLC, Instagram)

28 Responses

  1. Kinda wish we can keep her and send him to Russia. What a dirt bag and a half, Guess what, If you only make $16/hour then find another job or he’s a crazy idea … live a $16/hour lifestyle !!!
    But NOOO lets beg on the internet, no different then walking up to people on the street and ask for money, actually that takes balls to do, why do that when a few keystrokes and he can get a bunch of other looser’s money. That kid deserves better.

  2. Wow this is such a joke all these people having gofundmepages for normal life. Get a job. Almost all the people started funding for legal, living, baby. Maybe you should have thought about this in advance

  3. The original goal was $10,000. That wasn’t enough so he raised it to $15,000. Now he has over $5,000 and decided he set the goal too high and has lowered it to $5,000 with ipdsye 3. Did he won the lottery or did he suddenly realize asking for handouts won’t look good when people see you skateboarding and couch surfing all day.

  4. Wow, people donated over $3,000 that will now be going into a bank account for the baby. It wont be spent on bills that he said he’d need help with..so I’m guessing he’s going to have to work more hours then, so now he wont be spending that extra time with his family like he kept saying he wanted so bad.

    Go to the GoFundMe page and click update.
    Isnt this again GoFundMe? He said it was needed for bills, now its not?

  5. I’m so confused. I know 90 day Fiancé doesn’t pay a lot but according to reports they do make at least 1K per episode. This season has about 12 episodes, I believe, plus the Tell All so that means he has made at least 12K from the show alone! Where did all this money go?? He’s made 12K more than any of us and he’s asking for money? I am very confused lol

    1. They have only appeared on one season and only he gets paid. There are 10 episodes in that season. The K1 visa process is very expensive plus they got married which also cost money. $12,000 would go quick between getting married, paying for her visa, paying to move two people to the US, paying rent, and paying bills.

  6. Welcome to being a grown up. Next time perhaps you will not habe unprotected sex. Condoms are som nuch cheaper.

  7. Yeah no, real responsible. Hey let’s have unprotected sex for a month with a total stranger from a different country. Everything will turn out fine. Yeah see, all that money traveling to and from Russia and money to get her over to the states. And now you need people to give you money because you’re a idiot and feel like working a full time job is too hard. Dummy?

  8. I’m sorry but $16 per hour is ALOT more then I made alone as a single parent with 2 babies. I never asked anyone for help. I’ve lived in homeless shelters. It wasn’t fun but I moved away and found a job that was minimum wage but the cost of living was way less. If I can do it without help and 2 babies they can also. It makes me sick that people ask for handouts like it’s normal. It’s NOT and I was also going to school but I didn’t have anyone to help with bills so I went part time. Yeah it’s hard and sucks (takes forever) but you gotta do what you gotta do for your kids. They didn’t ask to be born. So selfish… #DISGUISTED

  9. Sounds like a personal problem to me…he’s such a prick. The way he treats Olga is absolutely horrible. I was already done with him when he got jealous that Olga was spending “too much time” on new born Richie and not “acknowledging all that Steven had done for them”…Then I was totally done with him when he wanted to take Richie back to America without Olga while she was breastfeeding…

  10. «I have faith God will take matters into his own hands». I don’t understand this. People (also religious people) suffer greatly everywhere, and die from horrific diseases, starvation or war, but God is going to make sure you get a little more money? If God is unable to help victims of human trafficking and torture, why would he bother with your tiny (in comparison) problems?
    I would think God had bigger fish to fry…

  11. It’s amazing to me that even while asking for money, he still manages to come off like a complete asshole. My heart hurts for poor Olga. I can’t imagine how trapped she feels, especially now that they have a baby. He does not seem like a nice person whatsoever and I hope that he either a) can learn to treat her with respect or b) she can get far, far away from him.

  12. With a $16/hr apprenticeship, likely to lead to a substantially higher wage without attendant student debt, you’re not actually that badly off. Starting off as a young independent adult is hard, starting off as a young father is harder. Lots of people work longer hours than they’d like to, I’m afraid.

  13. I feel for Olga. She has such a sad past.
    Her parents killed her sister & they are in jail or an institution.
    They thought Olga was possessed & married to the devil. On Russian orthodox Christmas (Jan 7th) they performed some ritual & killed her while Olga (only 13 at the time) called the police while hiding with her neice & nephew.

    1. Wow! That’s so sad!…A few people in this seasons cast have tragic pasts…Ashley was kidnapped, assaulted and raped a few years ago. So sad…I do wish Steven would treat Olga better. He’s so mean and entitled with her.

  14. Welcome to LIFE, kids… somehow all of us in the same boat, or more of the same boat still manage to get by and provide without asking for handouts from strangers, sorry – Fans.

    1. Sorry that I basically said the same thing. Didn’t read the comments first. But she’s going to need her own escape money sooner than later. He’s an a hole to her. Very controlling.

    2. For real…he treats her TERRIBLY. Poor girl had a c-section and he was such an asshole. I can’t imagine how he treats her now that he has the stress of being broke. If she complains once, I’m sure he throws “all he does for their family” in her face every chance he gets, knowing she can’t contribute much.

  15. Again…what are the background and credit checks entailing for this K1?? Most of the people on this show are no where near financially able to support themselves, let alone their sponsored spouses and children they are having.

    1. Yeah, I saw that. That was so wrong. You just don’t do that to someone for no good reason. I couldn’t believe my ears.

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