Like so many of the Teen Mom stars who came before her, Kayla Sessler is having baby daddy drama!
In a new interview with Hollywood Life, the Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant star claims that it’s been months since her baby daddy Stephan Alexander has seen their son Izaiah.
“[Stephan] hasn’t seen Izaiah in over two months on his choice,” Kayla told the site, adding that this makes her “heart break for Izaiah.”
However, Kayla says she’s happy that her former boyfriend isn’t around.
“I’d rather Stephan be out of his life, rather than in and out because I feel like that will just hurt my son even more,” she said.
Kayla confirmed that her co-parenting relationship with Stephan has not improved since the couple filmed the ‘Teen Mom: Young & Pregnant’ Season 1B Reunion in November.
“After the reunion we met with a counselor there and I thought that we came to a good agreement and then when e returned back home nothing changed at all,” she said.
In October, Kayla told Radar Online that she and Stephan had no relationship, and that he does not see Izaiah.
The show covered Stephan and Kayla’s tumultuous relationship. Things came to a head last May when a domestic violence incident occurred between the couple. Following that incident, Kayla took out an emergency order of protection against Stephan, which a judge granted for two weeks. The order was lifted in June.
In her interview with Radar Online, Kayla gave her version of what happened.
“The argument resulted in him pulling me out of the car and throwing me on the ground,” she explained. “He started hitting and kicking me. And [my friend] Annabelle called the police… He ended up not getting arrested because police said they did not have enough evidence even though I had bruises on me.”
(The incident was discussed on an episode of ‘Teen Mom: Young & Pregnant,’ and viewers got to see the alleged bruises during an episode, as Kayla’s mom took pictures for evidence.)
In her new interview with Hollywood Life, Kayla talked about the struggles she faces being a single mom to 15-month-old Izaiah.
“I think the hardest part is just worrying that your son is going to be disappointed when he’s older, like wonder where his dad is and how I’m going to explain the situation,” she said.

She credited her mom with helping to keep her focused.
“My mom’s really supportive emotionally,” Kayla said. “I know I can go talk to her if I’m upset about something.”
Stephan has yet to respond publicly to Kayla’s claims. However, last week The Ashley previously broke the news that ‘Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant’ has been picked up for a another season so we will likely get to see the Kayla/Stephan drama play out on TV soon.
RELATED STORY: Exclusive! ‘Teen Mom: Young & Pregnant’ Officially Renewed for Another Season: Get the Details!
(Photos: MTV, Instagram)
16 Responses
The baby is so cute. There is no way Stephan is the father. He’s too ugly. Men who abuse women abuse children too.
If I was her I would be thankful I was not dealing with his whiny, immature, angry ass again!
He is such an unattractive man inside and out. I’m glad she left him.
He’s such a LOSER !!!!
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Since this show has been renewed,does this mean Stephen will collect a payxheck? We all know he won’t give any to his son. Why hasn’t he been arrested? I do not understand this.
He’ll be back when the cameras start rolling, the useless POS.
These children having children is heartbreaking. The kid is doomed. Sorry, bUT it’s true. BIRTH CONTROL. PERIOD.
Color me shocked
He would have been history when he stole my mom’s credit card and then got in her face.
Kayla is very manipulative. I still remember the entitled, spoiled brat, Kayla, laughing at her mothers rules about having Steffan over. The “domestic violence” incident did not result in Steffan’s arrest which is strange. Because IL takes domestic violence very seriously.
I live in Illinois and I wouldn’t say they take it very seriously. Illinois is broke and there aren’t enough cops or really resources for anything in the government. I think it’s probably more likely Kayla was hesitating when it came to actually accusing him, and they figured she’d never go through with it so they just didn’t push it
Not saying it’s ok but if there’s a history like they have, it’s easy for cops to become jaded
It’s so depressing to see these kids born into these fucked up families with almost no shot at a decent life. Izaiah will probably grow up to be just as big of a piece of shit as his dad. Watching these generational cycles play out is heart wrenching. I hope he’s one of the few that make it. Same with most of the other Teen Mom kids. These environments are just terrible places to raise children.
Samanda, I so agree with you. The cycles are repeated one generation after the next.. heartbreaking.
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I am relieved for her and Isaiah. I hope she takes this as an opportunity to close this chapter and heal completely. Hopefully he doesn’t randomly change his mind because him and his mom seem like the type to call Kayla a b”itch, blame her, etc. to their child and that can damage Isaiah completely.
Steffans is probably somewhere stewing thsf, he can’t get a ride since Cayla took her car back and since UBER charges for ride then that’s not an option either.
In this case it’s probably a good thing, that this dude hasn’t seen the baby. He is completely volatile, no matter how much your ex gets on your nerves, there’s no need to cuss them and absolutely no excuse for physical violence. It’s really not hard too not be a piece of sh*t.