EXCLUSIVE! Former ‘Teen Mom 2′ Star David Eason Accused of Threatening Woman with a Gun: Alleged Victims’ Daughter Gives More Details

“Y’all stay outta these parts, ya hear?”

David Eason is in the headlines yet again for (allegedly) wreaking havoc near the North Carolina land he owns with Teen Mom 2 star Jenelle Evans.

TMZ reported on Wednesday that the booted ‘Teen Mom 2’ star allegedly threatened real estate agent Sandra Britt with a gun — after, he claims, she parked near his Riegelwood-based property (which is, of course, known as “The Land” to ‘Teen Mom’ fans).

While Sandra talked to TMZ about what allegedly happened, The Ashley spoke with Sandra’s daughter, Kelli Faulk, to get more details on what Kelli says was a terrifying incident for her mother.

Kelli says her mom is a real estate agent who was looking at properties in the area for her clients.

“She was parked on a public road, not their property — and he chases her down with his four-wheeler,” Kelli told The Ashley. “He pulled out his gun and said he would shoot her then begins cussing her out. He pulled off and then my mom starts moving her car further down the road because she was scared and he comes back again cussing her out and taking pictures of her car and had his gun.

“He spun off and started doing donuts on his four-wheeler, acting completely crazy,” Kelli added.

“David like guns. Guns good…”

Sandra told TMZ that David approached her and yelled, “’What the motherf**k are you looking at my house for? That’s right. I got a gun, I will shoot you.’”

Kelli tells The Ashley that David “could have easily killed my mom. He even said he would shoot her. He can’t keep doing things like this! He’s a loose cannon, and one day he’s going to hurt someone. He’s out of control.”

According to Kelli, Sandra was unfamiliar with Jenelle and David’s celebrity status, as she had never watched ‘Teen Mom 2.’ Kelli claims that she is familiar with David, as they have a few mutual acquaintances, and that she is outraged over the Easons’ recent antics.

“What they get away with is just horrible,” Kelli told The Ashley. “Why? Because they are on a reality TV show? It gives them no right to be above the law.”

After the TMZ story posted on Wednesday, David took to Snapchat to tell his version of events. He insisted that he saw Sandra’s car stopped and offered her help. He also claims she offered him a business card in case he wanted to purchase land in the area.

“I never pulled a gun on nobody in my life,” he says. “This b**ch who says I pulled a gun on her is obviously lying, because that’s not something I’ve done to anyone. If I had, it would be in the case of trying to protect my life.”

David has stated in numerous other social media posts that he carries a gun with him at all times, and he often posts photos of his gun holstered on his hip. However, in his Snapchat video, he claims he was not armed when he confronted Sandra.

“Not only did I not have my gun on me, but in no way was I trying to defend my life,” David said, later adding, “This bitch even tried to say that I chased her, but she stopped at the end of my driveway and then on the side of the road….you stopped on the side of my road and I asked you if you needed help! You told me you were looking for land for sale, and I told you that there’s no land for sale on this road, and if there is, I’m going to buy it!”

“Everyone wants to hang out on The Land, obviously!”

Jenelle, who shares two-year-old daughter Ensley with David, echoed his sentiments on her Instagram story, claiming people make up stories about her husband.

“People are just making up s**t about David now to get him in trouble,” she wrote on Instagram on January 14. “Trying to make themselves the victim when David’s within 5-10 ft of them. #GTFO.”

This comes on the heels of David’s self-towing fiasco — when he posted video footage of himself towing a stranger’s truck because he felt the driver had parked too close to his boat on a Wilmington, North Carolina, street. The truck’s owner eventually pressed charges against David, stating that David’s actions caused costly damage to his vehicle. David will deal with those charges in court on January 28.

Sandra told TMZ that she will be filing a report against David with the Sheriff’s Department over the alleged incident.


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Thanks for the visit from your @secretservice friends today @realdonaldtrump. I told them how much I like you except the fact you want to ban bump stocks and take guns away from people just because someone “red flagged” them. Then I told them to get the fuck out of my house and dont ever come pass my trespassing signs again. Like holy shit, I thought your people were all about border security. Well there is a border around my land that is protected from intruders by lethal force also, just like your house. Dont expect my gate to ever be open again. I hope and pray that nobody ever tries to trespass on my property as they will be met with fire and fury, the likes of which they have never seen before. #stayoffmyland #notrespassing #donttreadonme #posted #privateproperty

A post shared by David Eason (@easondavid88) on

On Wednesday afternoon, TMZ posted an update in which a rep for David denies threatening Sandra. (To The Ashley’s knowledge David has no rep, just for the record…)

“[David says] he did confront the woman … but never threatened to shoot her, nor was he carrying a gun,” TMZ reports. “We’re told Dave noticed the same woman snooping around their property and tampering with their mailbox two days prior, and drove up to her this time on his ATV. The rep tells us all he said to her was that nothing was for sale when she said she was a realtor looking for property.”

RELATED STORY: ‘Teen Mom 2’ Dad Feud! David Eason Lashes Out At Javi Marroquin After Javi Makes Comments About David’s “Issues” & “Crazy Tantrums”

(Photos: Snapchat, Instagram)

47 Responses

  1. Well Dahviid, when you regularly act like a psycho AND document it, that becomes your character. Now, you will always be presumed guilty (99.9% chance rightfully so) of these types of accusations. It’s only a matter of time before you’ll have to pay some consequences. You two have gotten away with far too much for far too long. You think you’re invincible and you’re going to fall and fall hard for that mentality

  2. I live on fifty acres on a country road and realtors often leave notice on my mailbox saying to contact them if I want to sell or saying they sold a local property.

  3. Coming out of that kind of situation I want to feel sympathetic but she ruins it with all the crazy talk. She’s crying over how people treat David bad but this girl called the police for domestic violence on him, two of her children told others they are terrified of him, one has bruises to prove it and was called names by said guy. She has everyone’s support to leave but spits on it. I just worry about those kids. I just don’t understand how with the mass negatives he’s bringing into her life that she’s not embarrassed and more quiet. She was bragging about helping fix her she shed but how is it a she shed if he’s always there in it with her? I heard he’s accusing Nathan of raping a kid and how he has all these domestic abuse charges…ummm so does he. And I have a hard time believing that story if courts have allowed him around his children. Can’t say the same for David. As a mother my child comes first but she can’t function without a man and since she has no friends she knows she’s stuck if he’s gone with Atleast 2 of the kids. And can someone explain to me how they claim they had friends over for a bonfire and that’s when her and David fell in a hole arguing which led to the 911 call but not one witness cane forward to clear their story? All they do is lie. I think jenelle has secrets what will come out if anything happens to David.

    1. Wasn’t Nathan’s charge that got dropped about choking his ex-girlfriend Jessica Henry? Am I getting charges mixed up? Nathan mentioned a “now dropped charge” was the reason why his visits were supervised with Kaiser to begin with.

  4. I won’t recap what a pos this guy is but “starts moving her car further down the road”? Why wouldn’t you floor it after being threatened by a crazy person with a gun? After an exchange like that I promise you I would not have a second confrontation and let his 4 wheeler catch up to me. Was she sticking with her plan to continue the property hunt in that area?

  5. “there’s no land for sale on this road, and if there is, I’m going to buy it!”

    David you couldnt buy a pack of gum. You dont work. “Dont you mean my verbally and physically abused wife will buy it for me”

  6. So he owns the road too? I guess if he doesn’t want people saying things like this he shouldn’t be making threats on social media to anyone and everyone.

  7. And now she was already seen 2 days before, tampering their mailbox all of a sudden.
    That’s what they always do when they lie, keep adding things to their story.

    1. She was “tampering” with his mailbox 2 days ago but David politely went up to her & asked if she needed help?
      Yeah sounds just like David, always trying to be help.

  8. His effing eyes look crazy. Meth eyes, perhaps?? Especially in the top photo… He is truly sick, and deranged. Janelle’s a moron for enabling this imbecile. Actually both are.

  9. I think David does these things just to stay relevant. Since he can’t film on the show he needs to do something to get people talking. He’s all bark and no bite.

    Also that picture of him “sleeping” with a gun makes him look like an isis member.

  10. To people saying this story seems exaggerated, are we talking about the same David? The guy who has threatened almost every member of the cast of teen mom 2 in some form or another, the guy who whipped out a knife to slash through balloons with national tv cameras pointed at him from every direction, the guy whose wife called 911 claiming DV like a month ago and the guy who is routinely completely unhinged and abusive on camera? Yeah I 100% buy this story. The mother and daughter’s stories don’t match up because the daughter was not there. Naturally there will be mismatches.

    He needs to be arrested and taken away from those defenseless children and then we can sort out what is fact from fiction with this crazy clown safely behind bars where he belongs.

  11. Ok, we know that Lurch is violent, unstable and heavily armed. And an uneducated, abusive piece of human excrement. With a face like an infected testis.

    But his story is completely exaggerated and suspect. Smells at least a little like bullshit.

    1. Even if what the mom said was true (mom said he never pulled out a gun but he did have it on his hip & told her he had it). He did nothing illegal.
      He acted like a jerk but thats not a criminal offense.

  12. Jennell Evans if you are reading this, you need to leave your Husband David right now, l am not kidding, he is dangerous and you need to leave and take your kids with you where you and your kids will be safe from harm’s way, John Wayne Causey Broken Arrow Oklahoma

    1. She can’t leave him. There’s no way his fragile ego would allow that. The most common time that domestic violence cases escalate to murder happen when the abused party tries to leave. Statistics on that are plentiful. And David fits exactly the profile of the asshole who will kill his entire family before letting them leave.

  13. I’m definitely not a fan of David’s I think he’s a douchebag but it’s her word against his and if someone threatened my life with a gun you better believe I would have already filed that report, I’m not totally convinced on this one.

  14. One if these days this a$$hat is going to meet someone who doesn’t play his cowardly tough guy act. I hope that day comes soon.

  15. Human garbage pile: dirty diaper filled, litter box emptied into, pile of trash, that’s all David Eason is.

  16. Fuck David and Jenelle. Hope he gets charged and sent to prison and they make him shave that raggedy beard

  17. Just like David was so nice and inviting to Secret Service yet he uploaded a video of him cursing and threatening them as they left. Hard to believe anyone would think David would be anything else but accommodating and helpful.

    1. *snorts* right! Not to mention the police and CPS as well. These aren’t “fans” trying to get on your property, they are legit government personnel trying to do their job.

  18. If she gave him her card, then surely he can produce that to prove his side of the story? Honestly he is a disgusting bully and he is seriously going to hurt or kill someone before something is done about it.

  19. He pointed a gun at her and threatened to shoot her? The woman told tmz “She claims he then put his hand on what appeared to be a gun in a holster on his waist and said, “That’s right. I got a gun, I will shoot you.” She says David then took a pic of her license plate, and then bolted. Now I think david is a piece of garbage but the mom’s story doesn’t match the daughter’s.

    1. She says it was in a holster and the daughter says he had it out threatening her. I mean, it just doesn’t make sense.

    2. I know David is a psycho but I also thought the story was one that could be sold to TMZ. Like you said The girlses ding dong dang lunches the stories don’t add up and they seem convient.l for David’s current fiascos.

      1. I agree. I can’t stand this POS at all, but this story doesn’t add up. I’ll get hella down votes for saying so, but oh well. To me, it seems like the case of 2 women who probably can’t stabd David as much as the rest of the world, wanting to help get this nut job put away. However, making up or exaggerating things isn’t helpful either. I don’t doubt that he was probably an asshole and rude when confronting her. But all of this seems so convenient to happen right now. He still needs to be put away and the kids still need to be removed from the land. He’s a wreck less danger, whether or not this story may or may not have been exaggerated.

      2. not sure what happened at the end of my reply but what I was trying to say was it’s Davids current fiascos that’s making this story convient. Regardless I am not a fan of this guy at all! He creeps me out.

    1. It doesn’t work like that unfortunately.
      Also David posted a video of himself for something else and that womens car was in it and David called her old and nosey or something like that.

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