Jenni Farley remained relatively silent regarding her impending divorce from husband Roger Mathews…until Wednesday, that is…
The Jersey Shore star just posted a long, detailed letter to her soon-to-be-ex-husband, along with a series of alarming videos showing the couple’s fights, one of which appears to have gotten physical.
In the “Letter to Roger” posted on her official website, Jenni stated that she will no longer remain silent regarding the divorce. She proceeded to spill the tea on an affair Roger admits to having, as well as accuse him of being in-cahoots with her exes to extort money from her, among other things.
(As The Ashley has previously reported, Roger has been outspoken about the couple’s estrangement, and one recent argument ended with the police being called.)
Roger previously claimed that Jenni wanted to keep him from seeing their kids– four-year-old daughter Meilani and two-year-old son Greyson. Jenni has denied that she wants to keep Roger from seeing their kids.
In the letter, Jenni let Roger have it…
“I have spent the last few months trying to protect our children from public humiliation, because as parents, we are supposed to protect them,” she wrote. “I wanted to handle this out of the spotlight because our silence is their greater good. Even when you tried to disgrace my name, make false accusations and even point blank lie, I still remained silent, as challenging as it was…I can no longer sit idly while you mistreat and malign me in such an egregious manner.”
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Jenni went on to say that she is tired of Roger presenting himself to the public “as a praiseworthy father and husband who has been suffering by my alleged actions and behavior.”
Jenni also claims that Roger was guilty of abusing her, and posted a video that seems to show Roger getting physically violent with Jenni in their kitchen.
“You are an abuser to the core, Roger,” she wrote. “You have spit at me. You have pushed me. You have shoved me. You have aggressively thrown me to the ground. You have prevented me from closing doors to escape having you coming at me. You have belittled and disparaged me. You have threatened me. You have contacted my bosses to attempt to smear my name and hurt my public image.”
She then called Roger out for some of his poor parenting decisions, such as filming himself for social media while driving a car with their kids in it; and feeding their son pizza despite his allergies to gluten and dairy. She also claims that Roger refused to let Greyson’s therapist into his home for a recent session that was scheduled during Roger’s time with the kids.
“I am curious why you didn’t post last week’s video of Greyson with his therapist on social media?” Jenni wrote. “Oh, of course! That would be because you refused to open the door (and you were home) to allow the therapist in for Greyson’s scheduled appointment, even thought she stood there knocking and ringing the bell for 30 minutes in the freezing cold…you again ignored the critical medical needs that [Greyson] requires.”
(Jenni recently revealed that Greyson has been diagnosed with autism and receives regular therapy sessions.)

“Your actions have and continue to place the children in harm’s way,” Jenni continued, later writing, “You hurt the children and you hurt me. When will it end?”
Jenni also claimed that Roger had a part in a recent extortion scheme that her ex-boyfriend, Tom Lippolis, allegedly tried to execute to get $25,000 from Jenni in exchange for not revealing personal secrets to the media. Tom, whom Jenni was dating in the early seasons of ‘Jersey Shore,’ was arrested in December and charged with third-degree extortion. The arrest came just weeks after Roger and Jenni’s big blow-up that resulted in the police being called and Roger being removed from the house.
“You personally researched the whereabouts and contacted ex-boyfriends of mine to inflict harm upon me after I filed for divorce and you were removed from the home as a result of a temporary restraining order,” Jenni wrote. “Because of you proactively contacting an ex-boyfriend of mien to team up against me, he was arrested for trying to extort money from me. You didn’t stop there though. You persisted to try to take me down.”
Jenni claimed that Roger contacted yet another one of her exes (whom she says was incarcerated after he “brutally beat me so badly that I was hospitalized”).
“I confided in you about my painful past as a survivor of domestic violence,” Jenni wrote. “How shameful that you used it to beat me down farther…you chose to reach out to this unspeakable person in order to intimate me. Your attempt to bring this heinous person back into my life (the mother of your children) after he nearly murdered me speak volumes as to who you really are.
“No real man would torture his family as you have,” she continued. “You are cruel and vicious.”

She then revealed that she recently discovered records of Roger’s multiple arrests, which she says he had kept secret from her.
“A violent person is who you really are, through and through,” Jenni wrote.
Jenni continued to spill the tea, stating that Roger has been threatening to release footage contained on a USB he has in his possession.
“I already know what is on this USB, however,” Jenni wrote. “Your intimidation tactics with footage that you intend to show out of context are meaningless. The videos are from two years ago.”
In addition to the letter, Jenni also posted several videos. In one, it appears that Roger lunges at Jenni and hits her, as a child is heard crying in the background. In another, Roger is recording himself holding Greyson as Jenni cries and yells in the background. In her letter, Jenni claims that video was shot a day after Roger allegedly choked her out and threw her down on the floor of their kitchen.
“I can’t recall why you assaulted me on that occasion,” Jenni wrote. “Just another day in the Farley-Mathews home.”
Jenni also states that Roger had an affair while they were married, and that Roger got beat up by his mistress’ husband because of it. Roger seems to be confirming in the “selfie video” that he did, indeed, have an affair.
“You got your ass kicked by the husband of the woman you were sleeping with,” Jenni says in the first video posted to her website. (It appears that video was recorded in February 2017.) “You were having a long-term affair with a woman who had a husband who knew about it.”
“That’s correct,” Roger says. “Have you seen this chick? She was smokin’ hot!”
Jenni goes on to state in her letter that she feels Roger was only with her for her money, and that he is challenging the pre-nup he signed before their 2015 wedding.
“I recall you being the man who touted himself on and off camera so many times…’I am not with you for your money. I will never want child support, alimony…I am a hard working man and can hold my own’ etc.” she wrote. “So where is this person now? How could you look me in the eye for so many years and say that you loved me for me and not for my paycheck?”
Jenni ended her letter to Roger offering help to other domestic violence sufferers and with a final thought for Roger.
“I have been broken down, beaten, hospitalized, traumatized, threatened, degraded, battered and abused,” Jenni wrote. “I got out. I stand strong today. For me. For Greyson. For Meilani. They will not grow up watching their mother being a victim of domestic violence.”
To read Jenni’s full letter to Roger, click here!
UPDATE! Roger has responded to Jenni’s letter. Click here for the latest update.
RELATED STORY: Jenni Farley Takes Out Restraining Order Against Husband Roger Mathews, Triggering His Online Meltdown
(Photos: Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images; Cindy Ord/Getty Images; Instagram; Joe Klamar/AFP/Getty Images)
44 Responses
Team Roger. She’s a nutcase and a drama queen. Roger is who he’s always been. He should have married an adult. Too bad he had an attraction to floating devices.
In advance, I’ll be Team Snooki when she divorces Gionni.
Sure, Roger.
The only guy that she hit was Mike. I never saw her hit Roger.I did see him push Jenni though, resulting in a broken/sprained foot.
Do you know her daughter? Or are you just judging based off what you see on YouTube?
ummm what? I remember him shoving her on the Jersey Shore, and her breaking her ankle because of it.
Right? I’m wondering if she watched the same show as everyone else, cause that’s nothing but lies.
I watched Jersey Shore too and never saw any of that between them. With other people, yes, but not with him.
Recommended Reading for Mrs. Jenelle Evans Eason
When the fuck did she punch him in the face? Your comments are disturbing. Lemme guess, she deserved it. She deserved to be cheated on. You’re worse then him
They both seem like violent, irrational hotheads to me. Poor kids.
There is NO WAY she wrote this! I doubt she even knows what egregious means.
A) What a weird thing to comment on considering the gravity of this post. B) She has two college degrees. Reality TV personas aren’t the full scope of who someone is. She knows what that word means.
I don’t think she’s as dumb as she’s made to look. And I didn’t even know she had 2 degrees! Good for her!
WOW! Roger is a master manipulator. I used to like him but, my whole perception has changed. I’m glad Jenni is getting out of that situation.
That video is really bad. I hope Jenni and her children will be safe.
I understand why she felt her best option was to bring the truth out.
He should go to jail to learn a family kitchen is not a boxing ring.
I was one of the people who hoped they could work it out and keep their family intact but this definitely opens my eyes. I feel bad that I thought maybe Jenni was being rash but now i see that she’s being brave and strong. What a POS Roger turned out to be. He had a lot of people fooled. I’m glad Jenni has finally spoken up.
I’m just glad she finally hit her limit and got out of there, and has the resources available to support herself and children. A lot of women stay because of financial issues, so hopefully she can find a way to help other less fortunate. I honestly think she should of just said this is a private matter and won’t speak publicly on it, because unfortunately the kids are going to see this in the future and although their father is the one that looks the worst, I feel like it all should of been kept private and dealt with privately too!
How do you post that picture of yourself dressed up as a Prince with your little girl and the nauseating comment about being the kind of man you want for your daughter…….but then throw her mother on the ground as she cries nearby, surely scared AF. What a POS. Get off of effing Instagram with your fake life and get some real help before your daughter hates you forever. What a loser.
I saw the videos that she posted of him abusing her, and in one video he hit her like she was a dude, and the things that he was saying to her in the other videos about how he cheated on her, and how hot the woman he cheated on her with, and how he blew all of her money on a property…it’s sickening. Nobody deserves that…I see exactly why she was granted that restraining order.
If all this is true, this is a prime example of how you can’t trust the narrative anyone posts on Instagram.
Right?? Just a couple of years ago I would have looked at them and been jealous of the relationship they had. Hard to always keep in mind this is just a specially selected slice they choose to show you.
Those poor kids. He could have been a great dad and husband but instead had to turn out like this. He let anger get the best of him.
I fully believe her.
Roger is that you downvoting all the comments defending Jenni? Get a life.
Definitely team Jenni. I have never particularly liked Roger and he always seemed abusive to me, always hounding her for sex or making fun of her (for their lack of sex), amongst other things. Doesn’t surprise me in the slightest that he was violent towards her. I don’t blame her for going public with this. Why should she be silent just to ‘protect’ him? He doesn’t deserve the privilege. Also his response to the affair makes me sick, what a disgusting thing to say (“But she was smoking hot!”) He seems like an uneducated POS and I’m glad she’s rid of him. I hope she finds the happiness that she (and her children) deserve.
Totally agree. I always thought he was a bully, always blaming her for things(the fight in the club where he pushed her, and she sprained her foot). He always said that Jenni lied to him constantly (see the first season of S&J), yet HE was the one that had an affair, and never told her that he been arrested multiple times.
Also, isn’t she a black belt? Why didn’t she lay his ass right out? Would have served him right to get his clock cleaned by her
And what would you have said when he defended himself and hit her? Oh, that’s right… you would have cried, “Abuse!”
Sorry, but it works both ways.
Have you seen how big he is?? She’s a black belt, not Marvels Black Widow. She would need some kind of object to take him out, not karate moves. Plus if she did beat his ass, you know he would run straight to IG and cry victim.
If Roger is as big as he is,and got his ass beat by the guy whose wife he slept with, how big is that guy?
That baby was a BABY in these videos and he’s 2 now so this has been going on for years too. My only question is, didnt he exhibit any of these behaviors all the time she was begging him to marry her or did they show after married life with kids? They certainly hid this well for a long time though.
I know my ex turned into a monster after I had our baby. It was like a switch. Before that, he never put his hands on me… He was mean in arguments, but never violent until after I had my baby… Its awful how people can change, luckily for me, I took my baby and moved to another state before it got really bad! Best thing I ever did!!
That and she was pregnant when they got married with her son, so clearly he was cheating then! Fuckin pig!! It’s funny cause he was always on IG saying how she was cheating
That is very, very sad.
Get out and don’t look back.
No one should put their hands on anybody like that, especially in front of children.
Seriously? Whoever is downvoting these comments apparently approves of domestic violence?
I can’t stand her and he’s made me teamjenni, what a horrible person and father
Those videos were heartbreaking. She sounded so depressed and he just kept taunting her..and then he threw her to the ground ? He can’t even deny his behavior because HE recorded it. I had really hoped after watching her endure the crap with Tom that Roger would have been her happily ever after. Feel so awful for her and her babies.
So, She is trying to protect her kids from public humiliation, yet posts all this on her website. Ok? If Roger is abusive, that is not ok. But, everything Jenni has been doing serns like she is trying to poison the well. I wouldn’t be shocked if Roger has something on her that she was afraid would alienate her JS fan base.
There are 3 sides to every story. Side 1, side 2 and the truth. I hate those babies are in the middle of this.
A man should never hit or push a woman in any circumstance. PERIOD!!!
Two sides to every story..now roger will be posting crap about her..they Both seem violent . The only ones I feel bad for is the kids.
You obviously didn’t watch the video of him slamming her to the floor
I did, and I don’t wanna hear his side of the story. He doesn’t deserve to be given the opportunity to try and justify/explain why he choked and slapped her like that…and I’m sure that was not the first or last time he did that. What’s also sick is that he’s got a daughter, and is choking and slapping his daughters mother in her home. He’s a shitty guy.
How do you what went on before or after that 2 second video?? You see only what Jenni Wants you to see. I’m not saying its Right for him to hit her..but I think she’s just as violent as him. They’re both Idiots for airing there dirty laundry.
What a fucking PIG!!! I KNEW he contacted tom, I called it in your first post and people said no way! Cheating abusing pig!