It’s been over a year since David Eason was kicked off of Teen Mom 2 for posting a series of homophobic and transphobic tweets, but it seems that the husband of Jenelle Eason is still upset about the lost job. On Thursday, David took to Facebook page to state that the ‘Teen Mom’ producers who kicked him off the show should pay for making him look bad!
David, who recently reunited with Jenelle after a brief split, compared what the show’s producers did to him to the recent Jussie Smollett (alleged) fake hate crime case.
“A fake hate crime is a hate crime,” a meme posted by David stated. David added to the post, insinuating that he was accused by the ‘Teen Mom’ producers of a hate crime for writing those tweets, which he feels is a hate crime in itself.
“Just like these a**holes from MTV who said I made homophobic comments…. No that’s just what you call it to make it seem like I did something horrible,” David wrote. “‘Teen Mom’ producer’s ought to be locked up just like this a**wipe.”
(Basically, David is saying that the producers called what he wrote “homophobic” enough though, according to David, it wasn’t. Therefore, the ‘Teen Mom’ producers who called his tweets homophobic and fired him committed a hate crime against David…)
The post got a lot of backlash, with several people pointing out that David’s tweets— which, as you’ll remember compared gay and transgender people to dogs with fleas, and called them abominations who are the result of bad parenting, among other things– were, indeed, homophobic.
David’s responses were…interesting. He stated that, just because he compared gay and transgender people to dogs with fleas, that doesn’t mean he meant it in a homophobic way.
“If you think that simile is comparing people to animals then you have the brain of a flea,” he wrote. “Maybe you should have asked me if it was meant as a homophobic slur instead of assuming. Assumptions get you nowhere in life, keep guessing.”

“But you did make homophobic comments,” one person wrote.
“No I didn’t,” David replied. “That’s your opinion and it’s wrong.”
(It’s possible that David may not know what the term ‘homophobic’ means. Back in February 2018, he stated on Twitter that he is not homophobic, because he is not “scared of s**, especially a homo.”)
David and Jenelle at first denied that David had been fired by MTV at all, despite the network releasing an official statement on February 20, 2018 that stated they were ending their relationship with David immediately.
Soon after, David told TMZ that MTV never fired him.

“I don’t know who posted the thing on Twitter from the MTV social media account but whoever runs MTV’s social media is not the boss man!” he said. “That’s not the person that makes the rules,” he adds. “They said that and that’s fine, but they never called me and said I was fired. They never told me that I’m not getting my money so they can do whatever they want, because it doesn’t really matter to me. They have not treated me unfairly.”
As The Ashley told you at the time, David and Jenelle worked tirelessly to get David back on ‘Teen Mom 2,’ but to no avail. He has not been filmed since February 2018, but according to The Ashley’s sources, David has managed to ruin nearly every shoot that Jenelle and MTV has set up over the last few months.
RELATED STORY: Jenelle Evans Makes Statement About “Not Filming” After Getting Back Together with Husband David Eason
(Photos: Facebook, MTV)
77 Responses
Get rid of Jenelle…So over her dramatics and bs!!!
Idiot! Gosh!
Wow David and Jenelle seem to forget that everything they did or said is now on tape or in print. They are both completely delusional, they were aleady caught red handed. You cannot back pedal now and re-write history. Who else is stupid enough to bite the hand thats feeds you without a backup plan? David spends her money faster than she can make it. What morons.
???????? poor David!
What a idiot. Pick up a book and read. Learn the definition if homophobic u idiot. U spit so much diarrhea u have no clue what u are saying. Get a real job and stop riding mtv. U got fired over a year ago and u still talking past. For the sake of your kids, take a class, read a book it jus get a life
Since Janelle refuses to film MTV needs to tell her to kick rocks. She wouldn’t have the life has without Teen Mom. Girl bye!
They put david Eason back on teen mom
Where did you hear this !!
If stupidity was a legal charge, David and Jenelle would actually be locked up.
Did the real estate lady who went to TMZ ever file a police report about David terrorizing her?
Didnt he say that gays are an abomination?
But i guess he meant it in solidarity
Can these 2 ever keep their lies straight.
He was never fired he doesnt want to film then he was fired & they are wrong.
Can we just get rid of him.. Why after a year he still brings this all up.. The remark was made deal with your choice and move on.. I think this was their only job So now what with all the babies. CSD better keep checking on them
Move on jenelle. We are all sick of you drama and your brain dead husband
Settle down there pony boy!
I say fire jenelle I literally fast forward her scenes as they are heartbreaking. bring on jade from young and pregnant. She would make a nice addition
Lmfao!!! He is just like jussie a narsisitic sociopath!!! And an abuser to top it off. He will be back where he belongs in jail. Living his best life taking it up the pooper. That’s what he really wishes he was doing. That’s why hes so angry all the time. He is in closet.
Same David’s a moron. Hey MTV fire his dumbass wife already or better yet just cancel the whole same show.
He makes himself look bad…don’t give anyone else that credit!! Grow up and be accountable for your words and actions….so tired hearing about him….stop giving him the publicity already!!
This dude is a complete idot and dumbass
David’s an ass, he doesn’t like gays, he said he didn’t want his kids around them or for them to become gay. Ok that’s his opinion hes entitled.
Cheyenne says she wants to kill all white people & kick white children in the head. That’s not an opinion, those are threats to do harm.
It’s the fcking hypocrisy that pisses me off. Both said terrible things, yet one gets fired & vilified, while the later gets hired, & given praise for being a strong black women.
Piss off MTV. Hire em all or fire em all
It’s so much easier to blame MTV for making you look like a bad person, rather than take responsibility for your own actions. When you act/speak like a fool when you clearly know you’re being filmed, that’s on YOU. If you weren’t acting/saying ignorant crap MTV wouldn’t have been able to air the footage because there would’ve been no ignorant footage of you to air. Btw, you & Janelle have filmed & posted plenty of videos yourselves that are WAY WORSE than what MTV has shown. GROW UP!!! You claim to be so knowledgeable/smart, PROVE IT!
In the words of Comedian Ron White, “YOU CAN’T FIX STUPID.”
At this point, it’s incredibly clear that neither David nor Jenelle will ever take accountability for their actions. Always somebody else’s fault, right, David and Jenelle? Well, David, the last time I checked, you towed a disabled man’s truck illegally (during which time you also caused damages to said truck), terrorized an innocent realtor, terrorized your stepson, made disgusting remarks about the LGTBQ community, threatened to “slap the sh*t out of your own children if they ever identified as LGBTQ, and while being filmed by your wife, you admitted to taking Adderall. Many of these things happened AFTER you were already fired were no longer being filmed by MTV. You cannot continue to blame MTV for bad editing when you are no longer a part of the “Teen Mom” circle. Please slither to the swamp where you belong, and shut your mouth. You are not the victim: you are the perpetrator.
Does anyone believe that the real reason mtv fired him wasn’t really over the homophobic rant but for fear of their safety? They used the rant to cover up the main reason so they could still continue to film Jenelle?
Yes TJ, I’m with you. First of all I don’t believe for one minute that he was fired. David’s tweets happened shortly before the new season started LAST year, when the season started David was still the first few episodes….WHY? Why didn’t they edit him out if they were appalled as we the viewers were? Roseanne left a disgusting tweet and ABC was in disgrace, immediately they stoped the show and fired her yet mtv still shows us David nobody Eason!!
Now, you’ll recall David and Jenelle both admittedly stating he wasn’t fired… he wasn’t! Mtv didn’t want to deal with the mess of firing him , they just didn’t film him and still paid out his contract … when the contract was up they didn’t renew David’s .. that’s not firing him.
MTV never said they fired him, they said they will no longer film him, this is why Jenelle thought they should still pay his way to the reunion. MTV didn’t want to chance a protest outside their studio… they could care less what David said.
David needs to find a REAL job, he isn’t in the teen mom franchise and NEVER made the show better, he is a narcissistic pig who should stay on “the land” and never be allowed to leave.. Jenelle should be fired bc she can cry wolf so many times and I think that was proven YRS ago!!
David needs to find a REAL job, he isn’t in the teen mom franchise and NEVER made the show better, he is a narcissistic pig who should stay on “the land” and never be allowed to leave.. Jenelle should be fired bc she can cry wolf so many times and I think that was proven YRS ago!!
He is just a total jerk trying to act intelligent. Glad we don’t have to see this hateful man anymore!
OMG he is a total imbecile. Seriously, he is so brain dead and soo effing ignorant. He’s an abusive bully. He needs to keep his trap shut. Period.
Him and Jenelle deserve each other. “I’m not the problem, they are!” it’s what she kept on saying even before she met this prick. They think they can do no wrong and that it’s all other people’s fault.
Sure, Dave….
Just fire Jenelle she doesn’t add anything to the show and David is a threat to everyone on the crew !
I miss David being on TM. He honestly is level headed.
Oh hi Jenelle!
Wanting to fill the street with uppercuts and comparing talking words to fighting words isn’t exactly what you’d call “level headed”.
If he’s going to compare himself to the actor then can two people get paid to beat him up lol that’s footage I would love to see.
Yaaaaaas ??????
David is right…..Someone should be in jail. If only stupidity was a crime.
MTV should get rid of Janelle as well. Look at how much better the show is w/o Farrah, Janelle is the same way. All she does is make up bullshit to cover for David but when/if she does quit/fired I truly hope she has enough $ saved in her Doomsday Piggybank bc she is going to need it. She isn’t a role model for young girls, if anything she is a clear warning of what NOT to do. She constantly complains that her business is in the media and the blogs make up stuff but they put it all out there not only on MTV but social media, so they really need to think about who to blame. It’s just pathetic and shameful!
OMG!Just please go away!
Janelle needs help! She should not have the kids in that abusive home! Poor Kaiser is terrified to go with her and the bruises on that baby is horrific! Why cannot he be removed from a toxic home environment! Why why is he not removed from the home!! David is mentally and physically abusive to Janelle and Kaiser!!
Just looking at him makes my skin crawl. Such a disgusting person. Fire his pathetic wife, her “story” is depressing it is literally just her getting froyo or sitting on the park bench talking about that pos. She adds nothing to the show and is a hassle. That mtv money is just going to his booze/drug/gun stash. She needs to save it for the years of therapy her kids are going to need.
Fire Janelle. She’s a loser like her husband.
Get rid of both those lying losers already MTV. Everything that comes out of Jenelles mouth is a lie and I dont understand why in the world she is still on the show. Both of them should be in jail for child abuse. Disgusting!
Omg just by listening to his statements you know how he manipulates his family into backing up his crazy. The majority call it hate but you shouldn’t be punished cause your just stating your opinion? You insulted gays by comparing them to immoral animals and that parents of gays are bad parents but you should be paid to continue to make statements like that?! Really?! Your being wronged and humiliated?! Your oldest step son is scared of you, your middle stepson said you’ve hit him, your wife called the police on you, your oldest daughter rarely smiles and barely speaks around you, your son is being kept away from you and at one point had a no contact order against you, your bragging about towing a handicap mans car on YouTube, you threatened a real estate agent and secret service agents, you tried to intimidate everyone with your doomsday arsenal and we are all supposed to think your some down to earth family man and good father?! Am I missing something?!
He literally makes me sick.
I always knew that David and Janelle weren’t the smartest people but this is just plain stupidity. He literally uses the word “homo’ in a sentence where he is denying that he is homophobic. I bet he is still upset he got fired because now he may actually have to get a job at some point. Although, he does seem content to just live off of his wife’s money. Then he goes and tries to get her fired or to qiute?! Seriously, dude.
Probably cause Barb called him out on his unemployment. Jenelle always claimed he works and he owns a company but when has he ever truly gone out and done it. He’s always attached to her like he doesn’t trust her without him. He once posted about woman being submissive so I’m guessing when that cane out it made him look awful.
This season is SOOOOOOO boring with her. Get rid of her.
I always knew that David and Janelle weren’t the smartest people in the world but this is bordering on just plain stupid! He literally uses the word “homo” in a sentence where he is denying being homophobic! He and Janelle are both dumb as a box of rocks.
Didn’t MTV even tell him that if he apologized he could remain on the show or am I misremembering that??
LOL Oh sweetie….you don’t need the producers to make your look bad…You do that good enough on your own.
Yeah…I’m almost 100% David doesn’t know the meaning of homophobic…smh. I’m starting over again in the relationship arena, & I sincerely pray this isn’t all that’s out there or I plan on dying alone ?
Yeah…I’m almost 100% David doesn’t know the meaning of homophobic…smh. I’m starting over again in the relationship arena, & I sincerely pray this isn’t all that’s out there or I plan on dying alone ?
Why don they get a restraining order to stop him from ruining there scenes, isnt it harassment what he is doing ?
And why do we even care? They all need some help in some way!
It’s always someone else’s fault with these two.
David protests too much. Is it because he is an under cover gay himself?
Why don’t these jackasses on this show understand that if you act like a butthole on camera, they are going to show it – that’s not “making you look bad”, that’s “showing you when you are awful”. Is he claiming that he wasn’t the one that wrote those tweets? No. Is he claiming that he was locked in a dungeon somewhere and MTV found an exact replica of David or a Pod Person that would take his place when filming to make David look bad? No.
Uncle Bad Touch, you make yourself look bad all on your own, sweet pea. And quite frankly, MTV isn’t even the only outlet where you look bad – you and Juhnelle post videos of your behavior quite frequently. If you are going to blame MTV, you’d best get on the ball and blame Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, and wherever else you post your dumb videos for making you look bad because we see your crappy attitude and actions all over the place.
Holy cow – when Nathan is the one that looks like a saint compared to you, you need to take a good hard look at your life and reevaluate your life choices, bub.
Pure poetry chicken lips, very well worded. Unfortunately, he doesn’t even know the definition of homophobic, so your eloquently worded yet easy to understand comment (at least, for most people, cough cough) falls on his ignorant, homophobic ears. Yes David, we know you read these.
But Jojo, can David & Duhnelle even read?
This Guy, im just saying couldn’t be right even on the wrong side. Or the inside,outside,the other side,or any side. When your not part of the conversation move on.
Nobody made David look bad ,he did it to himself, 100% his fault
For someone who talks crap about Teen Mom on the regular he sure has a real desire to be back on the show.
Why is everyone being so mean to David??? He just abuses his wife and stepson and threatens to shoot people for no reason on occasion. Leave the poor guy alone!
You guys need to stop using pictures of when he was hiding his crazy a bit better, this man is a goat bearded homunculus.
David ought to be locked up for going out in public looking like that.
All of this is my opinion. David you don’t need help to look bad. You do a good enough job all on your own. Your a low life gigolo that latched onto your gravy train. Grow the “F” up. If she quits or gets fired you better go get a real job. Or loose everything you own. You got fired because you think your so damn macho and your not crap. Take your prison mentality and get over yourself. It’s too bad Jenelle keeps picking losers and can’t find a REAL MAN. But that would take some work on her part to work on herself…Sorry Nathan the jury is still out on you since your trying to get your crap together.
Apparently David posts on opposite day.. Isn’t he a little old to have opposite day?
Apparently David posts on opposite day.
Okay. I am going to need him to provide definitions of simile and homophobic.
Why is everyone being so mean to David?? He’s just a nice family man who occasionally beats his stepson and wife and threatens to shoot people who aren’t doing anything wrong….what’s wrong with you all?
David…IMHO you do a good enough job of making yourself look bad and like a bully. Also IMHO you are a POS that lives off your wife and what she makes from the show. Well if she stops filming then it looks like you will actually have to get a job. Once again IMHO it is too bad she just doesn’t know how to stop picking loser and find A REAL MAN…Sorry Nathan your trying to get your crap together so the jury is still out on you.
David, honey. Bless your heart. No one needs to make you look bad. You do a fine job of that all on your own.
Seriously… It took you a year to think that up swamp man? Seriously… If you really didn’t mean it you would have said this a long time ago, and wouldn’t be being so vindictive (as you usually are) we all know you only came home for control and the cash. Get a job. Be a
Man then maybe she can afford to leave the show. You and her are equally disliked and horrible parents. So at least the two of you are in it together. Enjoy reading since you are so self centered you have Google notifications on. ??
Seriously… It took you a year to think that up swamp man? Seriously… If you really didn’t mean it you would have said this a long time ago, and wouldn’t be being so vindictive (as you usually are) we all know you only came home for control and the cash. Get a job. Be a
Man then maybe she can afford to leave the show. You and her are equally disliked and horrible parents. So at least the two of you are in it together. Enjoy reading since you are so self centered you have Google notifications on. ??
‘Teen Mom’ producers who kicked him off the show should pay for making him look bad!
He was paid for being himself. Still butt hurt over his firing? ?
Go get a job you lazy deadbeat, and quit crying in your corona.
They sure are missing that extra money, ouch.
MTV cut her loose already. Surely you can find another train wreck to fill her spot, and for less money. The show is scripted anyway. Fire Jenelle!
Now I want a Corona…minus the tears.
No one makes him look bad. He does that all on his own.
You can’t make sense of wacked. Either way, it wouldn’t hurt the whole crew of MTV of to obtain a restraining order against David. He sounds like he has an ax to grind and no telling where he’s going to grind it.