Mackenzie Edwards held nothing back during an hours-long Instagram Live Q&A session she did on Tuesday night.
The Teen Mom OG star— whose husband, Ryan Edwards, is in jail and has been for the last month—answered fans’ questions about Ryan and his current “behind bars” status, as well as her future on ‘Teen Mom OG’ and her true feelings about the show’s producers and fans.
As The Ashley reported yesterday, Mackenzie also slammed her former Reunion sparring partner, Dr. Drew Pinsky, during the Instagram Live session.
Let’s jump right in!
(By the way, The Ashley is not confirming what Mackenzie is saying to be the truth, in regard to show contracts, etc. She is simply reporting what Mackenzie said.)
Mackenzie told her followers that, since she rarely does Instagram Live sessions, she would be willing to answer any questions, regardless of the topic. Naturally, the majority of the questions Mack received were in regard to Ryan and ‘Teen Mom OG.’
On her ‘Teen Mom OG’ contract:
Mackenzie confirmed that both she and Ryan will be on the upcoming season of ‘Teen Mom OG.’ (We can assume that Ryan filmed before he got thrown in the clink in January.)
“We are filming for this season, we filmed a bunch of episodes thus far,” Mackenzie said. “You’re probably going to be bored out of your mind…Ryan’s not off the show [anymore].”
Mackenzie did not have nice things to say about her show contract, however.
“They make it very hard to walk away just because your contract is tricky,” she said. “You’re basically signing your life away. Your contract is basically a trap…you can’t get out.”

Mackenzie stated that her contract gives the MTV crew access to her home 24/7 with or without her knowledge, and the right to put hidden cameras in her house and car.
“It sounds so fake and crazy but it’s real,” she said. “It’s not a one-year contract either. It’s open-ended, so good luck trying to leave. There’s not an end date.”
Mackenzie said that both she and Ryan “tried to get out” of their contracts but were not “allowed” to leave the show.
On the ‘Teen Mom’ producers:
“They’re very big instigators,” Mackenize said of the producers. “This season, I just don’t care anymore. If I don’t want to talk about something, I’m not going to just because they ask me to.”
She did state, though, that the producer the Edwards clan is working with for the new season is better than the previous ones.
“We have a really good producer now and he ask lots of questions and I feel like he understands that I felt misunderstood and misrepresented,” Mackenzie said. “He helps us on that. But you never really know until they edit it anyway.”
On why Ryan is currently in jail:
During her Live session, Mackenzie explained that Ryan is in jail right now by choice.
“It was a decision we made together,” Mackenzie said. “To have him go to jail and then just be off probation for good…It was the smartest decision that could have been made. Otherwise, it’s a revolving door that you never get out of the system.”
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As The Ashley previously reported, Ryan was arrested in January for allegedly leaving a bar in December without paying. Although the charges were dropped, Ryan will remain in jail until April, due to the arrest breaking his probation. Mackenzie told her version of events in regard to what happened, claiming that Ryan did not leave without paying that day.
“I had the charges on my credit card from where it was paid that day,” Mackenzie said of the $36 bar tab. “It’s not that big of a deal. It was paid that day. The charges were dropped Monday, February 4 at 9 a.m.”
She did not answer any of the questions asking why Ryan remains in jail, though.
On how Ryan’s addiction is being portrayed on TV and in the media:
“Just because I don’t say some of this on TV doesn’t mean that it hasn’t been addressed, or that Ryan and I aren’t taking steps together to do what we need to do,” Mackenzie said. “That’s a very big misconception.”
Mackenzie went on to say that she prefers to keep things private.
“You deal with your crap at home,” she said. “That’s how I was raised, and that’s how I’m going to be. I’m not going to publicly humiliate him. That does not work and I believe that’s so disrespectful to do that.
“Who cares if we are part of MTV or not? Everything does not need to be public,” she added. “Just because you sign a contract with MTV doesn’t mean they get to know everything about your life…I’m here to help him and not exploit him.”
On how the show has affected her marriage to Ryan:
Surprisingly, Mackenzie denied that the show has caused problems between her and Ryan.
“We both understand it’s a job that we both do and our family benefits from it, and if that’s what they want to do, it’s fine,” she said. “You can’t blame a TV show for your relationship [problems].”
On being the self-proclaimed “villain” of ‘Teen Mom OG’:
Mackenzie stated that she is well-aware that ‘Teen Mom OG’ fans are not too fond of her.
“Literally the world hates me and that’s fine,” she said, adding that she’s different in real life from what fans see on the show.
“Do you really think my life is this bad and this negative? No. There’s always going to be a villain.”
On her first marriage:
Ryan is Mackenzie’s second husband. During the Live session, she discussed her first marriage (to her son Hudson’s father), which she said basically happened because she got knocked up.
“I married Hudson’s dad when I was 17 years old to do the right thing,” Mackenzie said, later adding, “[It was] the wrong thing! I do not advise that. It ended very badly.”
“I have full custody [of Hudson] but I try to split him with [his father] as evenly as I can.
She also stated that the reason she appeared to be so mad in the footage of her and Ryan’s wedding was because the show producer was asking Mackenzie’s friend to ask her how this wedding compared to her first one.
“It was like, why would you ask me that on my wedding day?” Mackenzie said.
On what cosmetic procedures she’s had done:
Mackenzie has been accused by ‘Teen Mom OG’ viewers of having various plastic surgery procedures done. During her Live session, Mackenzie admitted that she does have lip fillers.
“I have fillers, and they hurt so bad,” she said. “I got mine done over a year ago.”
RELATED STORY: ‘Teen Mom OG’ Star Mackenzie Edwards Blasts Dr. Drew Pinsky During Late-Night Online Rant: “I Can’t Stand Him!”
(Photos: MTV, Instagram)
37 Responses
She tries to carry herself as this highly intelligent woman who has it all together, when in reality, she married a boy who will struggle with drugs and crime for the rest of his life. She had a choice to move on from him, but she decided to bring a child into the chaos. Very selfish and stupid of her. I feel for the children.
Every time she opens her mouth she makes a bigger and bigger fool out of herself.
She married a man who was so drugged up and did nothing to stop it.
He was literally higher than a kite when he was driving them to their quickie, river-front wedding! They’re both lucky he didn’t kill both of them and/or innocent people on the road! I was so disappointed when she didn’t make him pull over so she could drive!
Your contract is so terrible and tricky, we just don’t understand? No, it’s this simple… don’t sign it! Is this what you wanted to be when you grew up, INfamous with a drug addicted SECOND husband/ baby daddy?
There’s all sorts of funding and help available should you want to GROW UP and earn a living to be proud of rather than airing your dirty laundry to the world. It’s pretty sad when you admit that the smartest decision made was to sit in jail short term instead of reporting once a month while you follow the law.
I dig her. Out of all the relationships in this F uped series I feel this one will last.
Lmao ? you’re comments are the under appreciated here.
Can we all just vote her off the Island ?
She’s such a contridictory moron.
I bet Ryan is loving jail. He gets to sit around and sleep all day, have someone else bring him 3 meals a day and doesn’t have to work or take care of kids.
Your username tho ?????????
Good point! If only he could have the little dog with him it would be heaven on earth.
I wonder why no one asked her about how Ryan cheated on her with some random after getting out of rehab??
Does she think any of us believe her?
What she’s saying about being on probation is true, it’s very hard to get off, once you’re in the system. People DO take a sentence rather than be “on paper”; taking six months in jail is truly the better choice sometimes over 5 years of probation.
No idea what Ryan’s situation is, but I get what she said about the probation.
He’s taking the Amber option!
I think Mack is just using Amber’s story
Perhaps people should try simply not breaking the law, then they wouldn’t need to worry about probation. In this scenario (and many others) it may well be that jail is the “easier” option, not necessarily the better-the system does help keep a LOT of people far more responsible than they’d otherwise be. But that doesn’t change the fact that not breaking the law in the first place is the absolute easiest.
It’s really not that damn difficult to not be a criminal.
I remember her being pissed about not being filmed…….now she is pissed about being filmed (prob because they don’t show them in the right way). Pick one!
Also Ryan going to jail voluntarily…that’s the stupidest thing I have ever heard. You can’t just come to the police and say (especially if you didn’t break the law): “Hey, arrest me and put me in jail, it’s for my own good!” and they will be like “Sure, here’s your cell!”
Compare this to Mike from JS……it’s incomparable really.
Ryan went to jail because his arrest for the unpaid bar tab was a violation of his probation. Any additional arrests while on probation is an automatic violation, with accompanying arrest warrant. Some states issue “no bond” warrants for VOP.
Remember last season when Maci refused to film because Ryan was killing himself and how pissy Mackfloozy was about that?. They let u go pretty quickly then so when is she acting like she has no choice to film?? No one want read any of these questions we all want to know about Ryan and Tinder. How many times did you get cheated on? Come on no one cares loser. Give us what we really want!
What a dumb b**** the contradictions she makes are unbelievable 2nd graders could make up better stories and be more consistent….hopefully one day she will face reality and be honest with herself and stop being a s***** person and a fake money grubbing jacka**
i like how she said she has the receipt for the bar tab from that day on her credit card. It doesn’t dispute that he walked out on the bill but it proves that she called the bar afterwards and paid it on her credit card. She only states that receipt is for teh same day, not the same time. And how could he charge anything on HER credit card? Was he carrying it? Did the bartender accept a credit card that clearly didn’t belong to him. Um no
Probation is not a revolving door unless you violate your probation! Just because Mackenzie swept in and paid his bartab does nothing to detract from the fact that Ryan is NOT sober, got shitfaced, and walked out without paying. All probation violations and an indication of his ongoing struggle to remain sober. But hey, with an enabler in his corner like his wife, why change?
MTV forces people to sign contracts. Judges will put you in jail if you request. I guess pigs fly too!!
Hahahahahaha WHAT? Is she really trying to pretend that him going to jail for a probation violation was THEIR choice? This could’ve been a moment to redeem herself a little, possibly get a little redemption for the both of them after their constant drama, but she continues to lie and blame eeeeeeveryone else. She can’t help but take the victim’s stance. It has to take so much effort to spin that much bullshit on the daily. I’m over these fools.
She cray cray!
How did Corey get out of the contract?
Corey still films?
“It was a decision we made together,” Mackenzie said. “To have him go to jail and then just be off probation for good…It was the smartest decision that could have been made. Otherwise, it’s a revolving door that you never get out of the system.”
This is the most asinine statement she’s made to date. You know how you get out of the system? STOP BREAKING THE LAW!
I bet Ryan was forced to take random drug tests as part of his probation! THAT is probably the REAL reason he doesn’t want any part of it!
It’s pretty ironic that someone that claims MTV is sooooo fake and falsely represents her is signing on for a new season. Hm…I wonder why? ?
Mack, we all know you love to be on TV. You want the money. You want the attention. Stop acting like you’re forced against your will to be on a reality TV show. You’re a terrible liar and nobody that watches this show likes you. Just stop talking already.
Also, she is lying about the one-year contract thing. They have to sign a new contract every single season. Yes, the season sometimes lasts more than a year but it’s not like they are forced to stay on the show. Adam walked away, didn’t he? Yeah, you’re full if shit, as always, Mack.
Odd choice of procedure for someone who is obviously open to cosmetic surgery. She should’ve opted for a chin implant vs lip fillers. As much as I despise her I think she would’ve actually benefited from that one.
I would imagine that Ryan’s drug & cheating problems would cause more issues in the marriage than the tv show, but what do I know?
Just about everything this chick says is so unbelievable it’s amazing she has the balls to say it. Right, Rhine’s in jail by choice! I’m sure he just called the cops while he was sitting at the bar and told them to come and pick him up. And if Adam, who is always knee-deep in methamphetamine can get out of contract, I’m sure the two of you could two. She is on another level. By the way, how’s the wedding planning business going?
Mac,you dobt have a producer because your were fired from the show. only filmed for like 2 seasons she acts like she filmed for 10 yrs. I wonder did anybody ask her do they still have the lake house and her Lexus SUV and has she got a job yet?