‘Teen Mom 3’ Star Mackenzie McKee Reveals Her Mom’s Cancer Has Spread Again & “Has Gone Wild”

Mackenzie and her mom, Angie…Former 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom 3 star Mackenzie McKee has shared the news that her mother’s cancer has unfortunately worsened. 

In an Instagram post originally posted by Mackenzie’s mom, Angie Douthit, Mackenzie shared an update on her mom’s cancer battle, which began in January of 2018 when Angie was diagnosed with Stage 4 brain and lung cancer. Sadly, in her most recent post, Angie told followers that she found out yesterday that her cancer has “gone wild.” 

Angie explained in her post that the recent results of her scan were not what she and her family had hoped for. 

“I wish I could say that I’m in remission, or that the cancer has vanished,” she explained. “But instead this is what we were told. Basically the cancer has gone wild. I have new tumors in my brain and the old ones are growing. The tumors in both my lungs are progressing and growing again. I have three tumors in my liver. It’s in my lymph nodes. And low and behold, it’s in my bones, my breast bone and both of my femurs.” 

Angie went on to say that she was shocked, however, she “knew things were strange” because of her recent need to take headache medicine and other pain relievers twice a day to alleviate her head and body pain. Despite that, she said she “wouldn’t have ever guessed this.” 

As ‘Teen Mom’ fans may recall, Mackenzie opened up about her mom’s cancer battle during a ‘Teen Mom’ special that aired last fall. At the time, Mackenzie revealed that her mom’s cancer, which started in her lungs and spread to her brain, was terminal and incurable but that her mom was undergoing treatment. By the time the special aired, Angie’s cancer had spread to her adrenal gland and her pelvic bone. 

Both Angie and Mackenzie have continued to update followers via social media on Angie’s cancer journey, often talking about their faith and welcoming prayers from those keeping up with their family. Angie’s most recent update featured that same positive message, as she told followers that she and her husband, Brad, drove home after getting her results thanking God that she was still alive. She said the family also gathered and “prayed diligently together.” 

“I pray that I can always have a sound mind and that I can continue speaking until God is finished with me,” she added. 

Angie said the next step in her journey may be a liver biopsy, then possibly more radiation and chemo. 

“I’ll do whatever God leads me to do,” she said. 

As always, Angie ended her post with some positive words to her followers and reminded them that she is not done fighting this battle. 

“I appreciate all of your incredible prayers. Please continue to be kind and forgiving. Please do not get mad at God. This is all part of his plan. He can heal if he wants to. But, we must praise him no matter what. God is not through with me yet! #alwaysbekind #staystrongmightywarrior #itsonlycancer.” 

(Photos: Instagram) 

20 Responses

  1. Unfortunately Angie should be thinking of palliative care. At this point you really need to be thinking of quality of time with your family versus treatments that may make you very ill for a few more weeks or months. I suspect that will be their next conversation wither oncologist. I hope that she has a peaceful death and she can be kept comfortable.

  2. I often avoid these kinds of things because the way that people talk about God, praying for a miracle, like they deserve it more than others, really bothers me. But Angie is invoking God in the right way, to give her strength and accept his plan. I hope that means that she’s at peace with whatever will happen. F*ck cancer

    1. I’m so sorry to hear that x

      My mom was alive 20 months from diagnoses to her passing away.

    2. I’m so sorry for your loss. I agree, Mackenzie doesn’t know how much time she has with her,she needs to cherish every moment.

  3. If anyone should have been given a spot when they were recruiting for teen mom, it should have been Mackenzie. Besides her personal story line, cancer is an all too real and common battle so many people have dealt with, and shows a lot about the struggle between herself and her own mom overcoming their issues while dealing with her sickness. It’s a very sad and awful story, and my heart breaks for her and her family, but this is more real than a lot of the other crap they show. Maybe it’s for the best though, it might be better to have privacy at this time. Sending prayers your way Mackenzie.

    1. While I agree that Mackenzie’s cancer is heartbreaking, I do not think that she should be given a spot on Teen Mom. The things this girl has done to remain in the spotlight is shameful (the lastest being posting a video of her son nude on Snapchat). I do not want to imagine what else she would do if she was under contract. Rather than step into the limelight she needs to take a break just like some other ‘teenmoms’.

      1. Just like her fake sex tape. She also lied when she said that Josh filed for divorce at one point so she could drum up some drama to make herself look more interesting. There’s no record of him ever filing. Even if he filed and changed his mind, it would still be listed.

  4. Wow. I pray that there will be some sort of progress because this is insane. The amount of people in the world that have to deal with cancer is a huge number. I don’t know if I could stay as strong as some of these people who have a close one get it. If my husband did I would be in hysterics. My husband had a young niece with brain cancer when I met him a few years ago. I didn’t see her that often but when she passed away at 3 years old I felt so saddened that she couldn’t experience life longer or her parents and sister and other family memebers wouldn’t be able to see her grow up. It’s an awful thing.

  5. My mom died of cancer a young age.

    It’s the worse thing that’s happened in my life, as anything bad that happens from here on, will never come close to losing my mother.

      1. Thank you.

        my pic changed as my ex hacked my email that i registered on here and he changed my password, so I had to use my other email x

    1. I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my mom to breast cancer when I was 20 and still in college. It was absolute hell. My dad became pretty much absent after that and I was left to raise my younger special needs brother. Last year, I just lost my dog who I had for 18 years. The pain of losing her was just as intense as losing my mom. She was my baby. That’s another reason this Nugget situation fires me up so much!!! How could anyone do that to a dog and go unpunished?!?!

  6. My brother died from cancer at 37. It’s a horrible disease and it makes me so sad when I hear about or see another person fighting it. When will there be a cure??

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