“90 Day Fiance” Star Danielle Jbali Says She Has a New Boyfriend: “It’s Good Because It’s Private!”

“Sorry boys…you had your chance!”

Memorable 90 Day Fiancé star Danielle Jbali says she’s got herself a new man!

On Tuesday, Danielle hosted a Q&A session for her fans on Instagram, informing them that she’s gettin’ some lovin’ from someone new. However, unlike her very public relationship with her ex-husband, Mohamed Jbali, this relationship is being kept on the down-low, according to Danielle.

“Are you seeing anyone at the moment and if you are how’s it going,” a fan asked.

Danielle confirmed that she does have a new boyfriend.

“Yes, I am and it’s going good because it’s private,” she replied.

Later she spoke with In Touch Weekly about her new relationship.

“He had reached out to me and Mohamed both during our first season of ‘90 Day Fiance,’” Danielle said. “We stayed in contact after me and Mohamed split. He was there for me and my kids after Mohamed left…”

According to Danielle, after the split her new man made his move.

“He approached me and did a hypothetical scenario, [saying] ‘What if there was someone who would love you, support you and be there for you?’” Danielle told the magazine. “When he first did the hypothetical, I cried…I never thought someone like him would be interested in me because he is educated in the profession of teaching… We are still together.”

“His name is George…George, um, Glass, that’s it!”

Danielle also answered some of her fans’ other questions, revealing why she still uses Mohamed’s last name even though she’s moved on from that marriage.

“I use my legal name on social media due to getting my accounts verified,” she said.

Danielle, who is currently appearing on 90 Day Fiancé: What Now?, told fans on Twitter that she chose to put her life on display again because she wanted to help people understand what it’s like to go through a divorce.

“They are updating how my life is now after the divorce and how I’m going,” she said. “It’s not easy after a divorce…especially when you are still connected, because I am still legally responsible for him if he would get government assistance.”

Danielle and Mohamed first appeared on “90 Day Fiance” in 2014. Danielle brought the Tunisian-born Mohamed to Ohio to get married and live with her and her three teenage daughters. The relationship didn’t last and the two divorced in 2017.

RELATED STORY: “90 Day Fiance” Star Danielle Jbali Addresses Her Alleged Hygiene Issues, Reveals Why She Still Uses Ex-Husband’s Last Name & More

(Photos: TLC, Instagram)

30 Responses

  1. Colt and Debbie CREEPY!
    They probably only just stopped sharing a bed when Larrissa came to town !!!!!

  2. What person , other than reality reporters, reach out to these crazies?! I’ve certainly never been watching tv and thought hey I should call and see how Danielle is?

  3. Colt thinks he’s handsome. Yuck! No decent woman wants a man with serious mommy issues.

    1. Colt and Debbie CREEPY!
      They probably only just stopped sharing a bed when Larrissa came to town !!!!!

  4. I’m confused why is this special needs women the scam artist? I would think that was her so called “husband” I must have missed something unless it was him saying she told him she had more money then she really had. But clearly he wasn’t here for her love.
    By the way George Glass lol kill me now!!!

    1. she has taken her dead mothers social security number and opened up charges but don’t worry its ok because it was ages ago and she needed stuff. she repeatedly rang up multiple fraud charges over bounced checks repeated fraudler go fund mes it all out there public knowledge her answer it was years ago she is is also not special needs she is very manipulative he earned that green card. he also didn’t want to bring up the problem with her body odor the idiot brought that up on tv. she is also famous for sitting in front of the bedroom door blocking him while sceaming I want my sex while her teenage daughters room was next door

      1. oh and yes she lied to him about how bad things were her fiances and she even tried to hide she lost her job i mean look at her I’m here age not over weight i would never assume I could get a young guy she needs to grow up

    2. I didn’t keep up with her story, but I don’t think she’s special needs just the DERP is strong with that one. She certainly misrepresentated what her life was like here while he tried to butter her up for a greencard, no one is better than the other, she just comes off as a pathetic desperate old fool and MO just a conman to get a greencard

    1. god if he was maybe he could tell her to stop putting has in every other word doesn’t even make sense

  5. She still uses that last name because she is so obsessed with the man she scammed into marrying her, she wants to hold onto any remaining shred of attachment that she has left. Same reason why she’s still on this show. I am concerned that this woman has three daughters. They probably parent her more than she does them.

    On a positive note, her eyebrows look great in those Instagram pictures.

  6. This woman is a disaster! At one point, didn’t she say that she was giving Nicole advice? Umm… Okay???

    1. also she is dating a teacher clearly its not working how she will ever be a nurse is a laugh criminal background every other sentence she says has she has no understanding of English or grammar

  7. I actually don’t believe her. She was single for a long time after they divorced and also tried to date the man who she showed up to his house and he ignored her.
    Don’t know what’s wrong with being single, but I think she’s lying.

    I’m dead as fuck, I love this trash so much

    1. I was just coming down here to comment on that line…

      Clearly someone is educated in that relationship and it ain’t her.

      “educated in the profession of teaching” bwahahahahahhahaha

      I’m assuming he’s a teacher and there’s nothing wrong with that – I started college as an education major – but I’ve NEVER heard it described in such a way. She’s the conductor of the hot mess express.

      1. Hang on, so she is dating a fan basicly, creepy.
        She is dating a Matt Baier/ Javi. He will not stay private, I bet you.

        1. What if it IS Matt? Oh, that would be wonderful! He’s trying to get on a new network.

          Watch out for the Camaro with Ohio plates that say MANIELLE!!!!

    1. Same with Larissa… she’s divorced (I don’t think they even made it a year) and physically assaulted Colt multiple times… but I think she’s still here. But, hey, let’s worry about those running for thier lives at the border when we clearly just let abusive conmen/women into our country.

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