EXCLUSIVE! Jenelle Evans & David Eason’s Fourth Day in Custody Court Ends Early: Here’s What Happened

“Y’all best be givin’ us back those youngins!”

After four full days in court fighting to win custody of their kids back, Jenelle Evans and David Eason got out early on Friday, but they’ll have to wait until after the holiday weekend to see if they will be getting their kids Maryssa, Kaiser and Ensley back!

The Ashley‘s sources tell her that, on Tuesday, the judge will make his final ruling on where the Evans/Eason kids will be staying. (There is no court on Monday due to Memorial Day.)

Until then, the kids will remain where they are. (As The Ashley told you, Jace and Ensley are with Jenelle’s mom, Barbara Evans, Kaiser is with his father Nathan Griffith and David’s daughter Maryssa is with her maternal grandmother currently.)

Friday’s court proceedings were shorter than the marathon court days of the past weeks. However, it was an important day in court because at least one person from within the family took the stand today to tell what they know about what goes on on The Land.

Jenelle and David are scheduled to see their children Friday after court in a visitation supervised by CPS, but, according to The Ashley’s sources, “Jenelle indicated that she would not be able to make the visitation due to illness.”

The Ashley hears Jenelle actually left the courtroom early on Friday, stating that she was not feeling well.

A witness said that, on Friday, Jenelle “looked tired, scared and worn out.” (She was sporting her finest courtin’ attire for the occasion, though…even throwing on her fancy pearl necklace to obtain that “more classier” court look!) 

Radar Online obtained video of David walking out of the courtroom on Friday– sans his kids and Jenelle. 

The Ashley will update this story when she has more info! To catch up on what happened on the first three days of custody court, click the links below!

Day 3

Day 2

Day 1

(Photos: Instagram)

232 Responses

  1. No doubt they used those “child free” days to do their own thing without being tied down and with free child care !

  2. When he kills someone, which he will, hopefully it’s not those kids.

    That poor dog. They could have rehomed a French Bulldog in 22 seconds. Instead he beat and shot it to death. I hope his scrotum explodes.

  3. I am afraid for Barbra, he is going to hurt her because she has his daughter. Please be safe Barbra and don’t us social media to talk about or show his daughter please for your own good. Be safe.

    1. Me Too! He will go in their guns a blazin’ take her life, maybe Jace, just to get Ensley back. He is a ticking time bomb. And now there is no money? This situation just seems scary! You can only get convicted of murder once.

    For their portrayal of “CARING PARENTS “

  5. No matter what the laws are in any state or in any country, If someone wants to get a hold of a gun badly enough they will! It’s sad it’s scary but it’s true !

  6. And NOW comes the bullshit of the evil monster ” I think I need anger management sessions ” Too little too late, AND besides that , it’s SOOOOO transparent! All the anger management sessions in the world couldn’t fix you …You physco!

  7. Jenelle is posting about her court battle with the kids, I thought due to her being on gag order she was forbidden to even talk about the case let alone talk about it on her Twitter. If true couldn’t that sabotage getting her kids back ?.

    1. Well, if there’s one thing Jenelle is really good at, it’s sabotaging herself. She has a self-destructive streak a mile wide.

    2. She’s a media whore , probably hoping to make a few bucks! She got the shits because Nathan had posted photos of Kaiser looking healthy and happy and she reckoned it was to “rub her nose in the fact that she had lost her battle ” Dumb bitch! Did it not occur to her that Nathan was only posting photos because he’s a proud parent!!!!. She’s been CONSTANTLY posting photos lately… Probably trying to convince people what a “loving mother ” she is. Her excuses to get out of having visits with them has just concerted the fact that she’s a shit mother that doesn’t give a f*** about her kids!

      1. I’ve had legal custody of my half sister’s children for 3 years. They spent 6 months in foster care before that. She still posts pics from almost 4 years ago on her fb, trying to pretend she has something to do with them.

        1. First off, I’d like to say what a very special loving person you must be and those children are so lucky to have you in their lives.
          As for people who post “happy snaps” to make it appear to outsiders ” what wonderful parents ” they are when in actual fact really couldn’t care less about their children but try to give off the impression that “kids are so special to them”. They should just fuck right off and stay out of the kids lives and with the people who REALLY stood up and provided the love care and stability of a true family life !

    3. I thought they were not allowed to talk about the case also??

      0h I hope she has damaged her chances of getting those poor kids back.

      She’s such a self centred idiot.
      Bet lurch was egging her on too.

    4. Obviously a desperate attempt at making herself look like “mum of the year” Fuck off Jennelle, no-one is buying your bullshit!

    5. Let’s just hope the judge finds out about it, and terminates her rights to the kids, and David’s rights too.

  8. I just saw on Instagram that they have pigs and chickens. Someone hurry up and get them before that ugly p.o.s s.o.b kills them for doing something that any NORMAL animal would do!!!! These dumbasses don’t deserve to have anything (pets or children). I’m so glad those children were FINALLY removed!!!! I hope they NEVER get them back!!!!!

  9. I just saw on Instagram that they have pigs and chickens. Someone hurry up and get them before that ugly p.o.s s.o.b kills them for doing something that any NORMAL animal would do!!!! These dumbasses don’t deserve to have anything (pets or children). I’m so glad those children were FINALLY removed!!!! I hope they NEVER get them back!!!!!

  10. So Barbara has posted a picture of Ensley at the beach on her Instagram with her son Colin. I posted to her that she is poking a bear, and he may come for them. The monster dog murderer is not going to like this. I also told her that we are all happy that she has stepped up, but this, I feel, is a matter of safety for her. Childless Ex-Teen Monster Mom may see these and aggravate the situation. She will rile him up.

    1. He’d be an absolute idiot to try anything now with so many eyes on him ! Then again it is David we’re talking about!…. The monster with no shame and believes his above the law and everybody else !

        1. True! That’s a really good point, and he’s arrogant enough to think he’d get away with it!

          1. Also another good point! I don’t know how stupid they think people are, but from going from their “we don’t care what anyone says or thinks about us” attitude to boohoo ” I’ve realised I need anger management sessions ” is just pathetic!

  11. So Barbara has posted a picture of Ensley at the beach on her Instagram with her son Colin. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx7lGVDFxVu/ I posted to her that she is poking a bear, and he may come for them. The monster dog murderer is not going to like this. I also told her that we are all happy that she has stepped up, but this, I feel, is a matter of safety for her. Childless Ex-Teen Monster Mom may see these and aggravate the situation. She will rile him up.

  12. I live in NC and the law is that you can own a gun if you have not been convicted of a felony. You can own a gun if you’ve been convicted of a misdemeanor-doesn’t matter what the crime was. I find it hard to believe after secret service had to visit him because of threats he is still allowed to own them, but unfortunately the law allows it. Hopefully he will be convicted of animal cruelty (which is a felony in NC) so he would not be allowed to possess or own a firearm ever again. Although I think it’s safe to assume while he couldn’t legally own a gun if convicted he most likely will still have guns in his possession illegally.

    1. I hope someone in North Carolina is pursuing evidence in Nugget’s death. That poor baby, his death will not have been in vain if it means those kids are saved. Bet dogkiller dave never saw that coming.

      1. I shed tears everyday for that baby. I just get overwhelmed with the brutality of it. I have spent my entire life loving my family and to this day, I help all animals in every way I can. I look at the 11 cats that I have rescued, and I can’t not smile and go and love on them. My boss rescues horses. A much larger scale and a whole lot more money, but her and I have cried several times when one of them didn’t make it. He just doesn’t deserve to not be punished for this.

        1. I know! Someone like him will never understand why people are so outraged, or Jenelle either. They’re both empty inside.

        2. Thank you for your beautiful kind heart for taking in and loving animals that have been unwanted/abandoned/ mistreated.
          The world needs more people like you. ??

    2. No matter what the laws are in any state or in any country, If someone wants to get a hold of a gun badly enough they will! It’s sad it’s scary but it’s true !

      1. LOL , TO be honest i can’t remember i think i went into my peofile settings and clicked on where the little image was in there and then went into my gallery and picked a photo out of their to replace it. I hope this helps ??

          1. I think it was through my gmail and you click on subscribe , it’s the page where you put in your name and email address and stuff, so try googling The Ashleyreality round up and you should be able to do it that way . PS: My husband’s nickname for me is Monkey Lol

          2. LOL, I See you worked out how to change the pic, sorry about the vague instructions but I honestly couldn’t remember how id done it ! I LOOOOVE the new pic though ????? Just don’t go getting into any road rage incidents!

  13. TOTALLY AGREED, Does a “celebrity” become exempt from the law JUST BECAUSE they’re making a company $$$

  14. I just don’t get it. They don’t even like their own children. Why not have another bonfire over the holiday weekend that you can fall into to celebrate a child-free Land?
    Oh right, because David needs multiple voiceless souls to abuse to feel powerful and Jenelle just cannot live without drama in her life, while complaining about how stressful everything is.

    1. You have described both of them AND the whole situation perfectly! Apparently Jenelle showed NO signs of being upset or crying in court!(I know i would be beside myself and crying hysterically ) YET on the very last day of court(Friday )she must have realized that people were discussing how cold emotionless and uncaring she was, so she thought she’d better do her “fake cry” thing and try and get some sympathy points ! YOUR INNOCENT BABIES deserve the sympathy Jenelle!

    2. She fell in a fire? Was she drunk? She has been on the crazy train for awhile? MTV should be held accountable for all this bad behavior. If monster dog murderer goes after those children, they need to be sued. I feel sorry for their ex’s. And poor Barbara, he’ll kill her. Everyone says he shows her no respect. And the oldest girl, Maryssa went to her maternal grandmother, not his mother? We’ll see what happens Tuesday. Also, people have commented on how they got such a quick court date? Maybe the authorities just wanted to be done with them. I hope everyone involved is sittin’ on ready. By Tuesday, he may have reached the end of his rope.

      1. I think in most cases when there’s been an emergency removal, they go to court fast, IF the parents hire attorneys to request said children be returned. I’ll be interested to see how long the court case drags on when they inevitably run out of money.
        Don’t they have to be able to show they can support the kids? I wonder what that plan looks like?!

        1. They have been to court 3 times already? And monster dog murderer acted like he was walking the red carpet? I can’t even look at his photos or hers. Those children just can’t go beck there. If they say Kaiser needs to go back, that Daddy needs to go underground with him. When I have been reading the stories of how they were treated, I am just sick about it. The toothbrush story for that young lady Maryssa, the Jace stories are so sad, and poor Kaiser. THEY ARE MONSTERS AND NOT WORTHY OF THESE CHILDREN!!!

          1. Jenelle used maryssa’s tooth brush to clean the toilet.
            The filty bitch

  15. That’s it Jenelle, keep making excuses NOT to see the kids when you HAVE been given the opportunity TO see them…… That will REALLY convince the judge how sincere you are about wanting them back !!!!! YOU’RE PATHETIC, And your FAKE waterworks tears aren’t fooling anybody!

  16. I didn’t like Barb at first but as I watched more of the show I started to realize that she is the one that genuinely cares for and provides stability for Jace!. She’s tried her hardest with Jenelle, but Jenelle is and will continue to be a self centred vicious nasty little bitch!

  17. I know how dangerous someone like him can be she will never see it until too late and he kill’s them all so they do not take them again next it will be something else. I think it a little late for counseling for him he act like it working and it not doing anything. I hope those kid’s do not get returned until he is not in the home but she would just sneak him in and lie about it.

  18. I’d puke my way into the courthouse to see my kids! Reeeeallly!!! She could care less. She was probably hung over. POS!

  19. MTV needs to be held accountable at some level, to some degree for the mess they helped create with Janelle. I agree with a comment made earlier about how Kaiser was called a bit cheaper for simply acting as toddlers act, Jace in the front seat of the car witnessing first hand as Janelle went off on her Road Rage loop, pulling a gun and then lying about it and calling Jace a liar. Jace could have been seriously hurt or lost his life if her actions had spun out further. Thankfully, while David killed this small innocent dog, that if you ask me he set up to snap at Ensley, Jace was with Barbara. Who knows the emotional damage that would have done to his already fragile state. MTV has seen things and enabled things. I imagine they have quite a bit on film. But it fed their ratings and their pocketbooks so to hell with the welfare of those kids.

    1. I would have thought that MTV had some kind of “Duty of care” when it came to the kids. They film what the viewers see, AND they have seen plenty! It’s disturbing that they haven’t stepped in and done something to get Jenelle and Neanderthal man investigated.

  20. Barbara comes off as nutty sometimes but she has been right. She said David was Jenelles worst bf. she said Jenelle would lose everything. She said David abuse J and the kids. Barbara also said David would kill her(Barbra) and then go kill Nathan’s mom. How can David own a gun when he has been convicted of DV?

    1. “How can David own a gun when he’s been convicted of DV?” Super great question I’d love to see the politicians answer. While it’s not technically a *felony* (which Lurch and Jenelle have NOT technically been convicted of) it certainly begs the question why someone who appears so unhinged as David is allowed to own multiple guns and ridiculous amounts of ammo, while threatening politicians, even TRUMP, because they can’t get bump stocks to gun down multiple things faster…

      1. Was David in jail for DV or something else. I thought he was in jail because he abused his pregnant baby mama.

        I know in Va they ask have you ever been convicted of dv. They also ask do you have any mental defects.

        1. His second DV will be charged a felony. Like DV isn’t bad enough the first time, just wait till the next time you do it then the law is going to make it a hefty charge. I know, lovely, isn’t it?

          1. You would think! Obviously it didn’t seem to important to whoever it is that let him have a gun license! So when the inevitable happens… I’m not a fan of guns AT ALL. But at the end of the day ,guns don t kill people PEOPLE KILL people …

  21. I’m sorry but your kids have been taken off you, your desperate to see them & gain back custody, you have a CPS approved visitation and no matter what you’d go see those kids. No illness would stop me seeing my children. Sounds to me like pathetic excuses. She doesn’t deserve her kids she choose him over them anyways.

    1. Well if she can only see them without David, there’s your answer. She can’t do anything by herself. And even if she could or wanted to, he still wouldn’t allow her to go without him.

      1. Yet the girl acts like ” the tough guy” and follows a random man full of road rage” down a dirt road to god knows where whilst hurling abuse at him ; with her child and a gun in the car !

  22. If you read my comments and wonder, I’m a mommy, I’m a pet owner. I have to train them co exist. There is a difference in a 120 lb animal on a child vs small animal and toddler. Please excuse Me, I have strong feelings regarding child and animal abuse. I believe in adult intervention and guidance. I believe in parent responsibility

  23. Please examine this case: small dog snips at child; man who claims this has happened films it before acting; he beats dog… where was the gun??? Did he grab it and chase the dog?? In which case why was it loaded and convenient? Couldn’t the kids have grabbed it just as fast??? Or… did he beat the dog, then after the dog ran away take the time to go retrieve said weapon from safe place and load it, after the dangerous 11lb threat to this macho tough guy’s family had ran outside???? It’s either the animal left and was no longer a threat or he had a gun in a child’s possession and killed an animal in a fit of rage. She went back to him…..

  24. I’ve entertained the idea of a movement. While the Eason case regarding Nugget gained notoriety due to the exploration of Evans/Eason child abuse via MTV… how many more animals suffer in silence? I say let’s start the David Eason challenge! Let’s share pics and stories about small animals snapping or clawing children in a natural defensive mechanism. Small children do not differiante small animals from toys, they do not understand animals have fears and feelings; small animals react when they feel threatened. It’s our jobs as pet owners and parents to train both. My 12lb cat clawed my niece’s face for pulling her tail. David Eason challenge; should I beat and murder my cat? Or be a responsible parent/pet owner?

    1. Um, let’s not? Are you alittle late to the party? Literally no one but CPS and Animal Services are asking these questions. Anyone, like me, who has been in DV situations understands the abuser goes for the weak link or a weaker being to try to control the main person or situation. Nugget’s death was not justified, shit for brains David and Jenelle tried, but most people saw right through it. Now the children have been removed, Nugget’s death will not be in vain

      1. Yes, very late to the party lol. I know I was a bit off topic but I just shared what I was thinking while reading the comments. This entire situation is nothing short of appalling, and given all that they have gotten away with thus so far it’s hard to have faith in the justice system when a “celebrity” is involved. You did however raise an excellent question, in my state if you have any kind of violent charge not limited to dv, you can not own a weapon, felony or misdemeanor. I believe I read a reply stating he was acquitted but didn’t he have a couple of charges that stuck?

  25. Someone made the greatest statement on here and I’m stealing her sentiment! Jenelle showed more emotion over Kesha than she does for her kids. She was willing to go to jail for a Kesha concert, however is not willing to even temparyily remove her dog killing husband for her children. It’d be great if Kesha called her stupid behind out lol. #realmommy #devotedmommy

  26. Who is trying to get custody of Ensley and Maryssa?
    Is this just temporarily on the girls also?

    1. I don’t think anyone is necessarily trying to get custody as much as CPS removed the kids. Maryssa is with her maternal grandmother which she was with prior to going to David’s and Ensley with her maternal grandmother (Babs). I don’t think Babs petitioned for custody, CPS/the judge just deemed Ensley safest with her (blood relative). This may have to do with her already having custody of Jace and/or David’s family not being a good placement for whatever reason. Chances are, if Jenelle plays her cards right (leaves David, does what the court asks of her), she will get some sort of custody of Ensley – supervised visits or whatnot. But Jenelle has no claim to Maryssa since there is no blood relationship. David is under investigation so it does not look good for him for Maryssa or Ensley. Especially with how he’s acting. If Jenelle sticks with him, I doubt they will allow Jace, Kaiser, or Ensley to be around her unsupervised

  27. MTV bailed their “star” out of alot of shit…like the road rage incident, hitting Nathan’s girlfriend with a mason jar, or all the fights she got into on camera like with Torrey or when she got into fights with here Gary or violating her probation or trespassing charges when her and keifer were trespassing squatting in that house or whatever she got locked up for the time Kailyn had to bail her out. The list goes on and on. Jenelle was collecting mugshots and jail stays until TM blew up and became a major hit. Then overnight Jenelle stopped getting arrested or going to jail. She still broke the law alot but she was never punished to the extend that it would stop her from filming. MTV sent in their high powered team of attorney and probably scared the beejeezus out of that little hicktown legal system. MTV created this mess.

    1. That’s why poor Jessica Henry needs her own 30 minute special. Jenelle hit her with a mason jar and Nathan choked her.

  28. Well, Jenelle, I can’t imagine any illness that would stop me from just giving my kids a quick hug and talking for a minute. Jesus god.

    1. And the court would take note that she chose to go home rather than see her kids before a long break without them. She’s hurting herself here.

  29. From the very beginning, when she brought Jace home from the hospital Jenelle made it clear that she didn’t want to stay home and care for her baby. Jenelle put Jace to bed, changed her clothes and went out with friends and got trashed. Barbara told her she just couldn’t leave Jace and I think she thought that all she had to do was put him in his crib and then she could leave until the next morning. When she found out that she had to be there to feed him, change him and care for him- she seemed really angry. I was so relieved that Barbara was there for Jace, otherwise he might not have made it through his first few months.

    1. Oh boy do I remeber Jenelles teen mom episode. They all,kept referring to Jace as “it.” They wouldn’t even call him by his name at first. It was a sad situation.

    2. I remember that too, seems like Barbara did tell her that and Jenelle came back with some nonsense about how now that she was a mom, she would do whatever she wanted. She just left in spite of Barbara’s strenuous objections.

      I am so hoping Jenelle and dogkiller dave are ordered to pay child support, to all parties involved.

      1. Me Too! The only thing that kept him from going to jail, was the monster ex-mom who is childless now, she paid that. They will start selling off things or not. I don’t see them getting a job or even caring about it. I hope the judge takes that MTV salary and all they own, and makes the child support sky high. Do they pay Barbara anything or is she the legal guardian? That monster dog murderer abuser is really going to hate it if he has to pay Kaiser’s Dad. If I was him, I’d just let it go and keep my child away from them. The cute little boy looks so happy with the girlfriend in the video. He looks clean, and has his hair combed and cleaned. I hope she is sincere. She seemed to be. Or she’s just pissing off the monster ex-mom.

        1. I know the photos of the kids are just stirring the toxic pot, over on the land. I’d gloat about that but I’m honestly concerned about all the kids and their caregivers.
          Barbara has to realize this; I bet she’s quietly making plans this weekend for security come Tuesday, Nathan as well.

          1. Isn’t this awful, that a grandmother has to live in fear, bought on by her child’s choices, to protect her grand children? I just think he needs to be locked up for awhile, and let all the innocent victims have some peace. I am so sick of all the laws that protect him. I have always said that laws were made for criminals.

  30. I fear the end of all of this. If those poor babies have to go back to the Land they’re going to be faced with a higher risk of physical and mental abuse.

    I also fear what happens if they don’t get custody back.

    Each option honestly ends in one way…and I hope I’m wrong. IF they manage to get the kids back, how long until it becomes a mass murder/suicide? IF they lose custody, I fear David going on a rampage- going to where Maryssa is living and killing her/anyone else in the house, going to Nathan’s and killing Kaiser, Nathan, and Doris and whomever else lives there, going to Babs’ house and killing Babs, Jace, Ensley, any of the extra grandkids and siblings that are living there.

    I hope they arrest David on the spot after the hearing and seize all of his weapons. That’s the only positive outcome that this could yield. We all know he’s batsh*t crazy and wouldn’t blink an eye murdering everyone.

    1. Isn’t this whole situation awful? Those children cannot go back there. When I saw him walk out of the courthouse and not say a word, I thought, silent but deadly. I hope we all will not have to say the words, “I told them so.” Monster mom was supposedly already sitting in the brand new $75,000 SUV. She was in the passenger seat when they drove off. They said she was upset? Fuck her! We are all upset!

      1. Your right we are all upset.
        Poor nugget suffered for those kids to be saved.

        I just got back from my vacation in the Uk yesterday, I couldn’t wait to see my fur babies.

        1. Eerily enough David monster Eason isn’t “SILENT BUT DEADLY” He’s a BIG MOUTH AND DEADLY!

  31. To all the people saying if only she’d leave David, everything would be fine- not true. She has never been single for more than 0.28 seconds. And every person she dates, gets engaged to or marries, has more problems than the person before. So even if by some miracle she leaves him, she’s gonna go straight back to tinder and find someone equally awful (or maybe worse).

    1. Agreed. She doesn’t know how to be single. She is so co-dependent. She always picks men with more issues than her. All the men she has ever dated have had DUI’s, domestic violence charges, not to mention all have either a drinking or drug problem, and many of them have fathered multiple children from different women and they dont pay child support.

    2. That’s what I’ve always thought. She can’t be alone, and with David out of the picture she’ll cry for a couple of days and be hooking up with her next soulmate the next week. And because no decent man will go within a mile of her, it will be someone as bad as or worse than David.

  32. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    She’s as bad as him, if not worse. Who picks that pos over their kids, job, dog, everything? Those kids shouldn’t be anywhere near either of them.

    1. Sorry to sound dumb but what does.

      [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]


      I’ve seen it in a few other comments on here

  33. Reminds me of those commercials for cold medicine…. moms don’t take sick days. Says it all “moms”

  34. I’m terrified for what could happen to Kaiser, the oldest girl and Jace if they are allowed back. I read Kaiser told his school counselor about David killing his dog, Jace/Oldest daughter possibly spoke out in court.. Could you imagine if they went back? You think they are being abused now? Just wait. They will hang that over their heads for the rest of their lives because that’s the type of sick people they are. “it’s your fault.” it’s just disgusting that people like this exist. I just can’t wrap my head around it as a mother. None of them will ever speak up again if they go back. Please if there is a God protect these kids and keep them where they are.

    1. Their only hope is Marissa. If she speaks up, the judge will believe her, she’s old enough. Hopefully her mom and grandparents are pumping her full of”we love you, we won’t let anything happen to you” courage

      1. A judge would believe Jace too. If you recall, Jace spoke up to Barb about Jenelle’s gun incident a year or so ago.

        There’s a lot of parties (and witnesses) and several years of time involved in the court though.

    2. Jace has never lived on the land, he used to go there for visitation but that’s all.

      It’s poor kaiser that’s the one in danger from David, maryssa is old enough to say where she wants to live, and since she is terrified of her father I’m sure she’ll beg not to go back to live in the land.

      1. True, Jace has never lived on the land but he has spent enough time there. His visitation was at least a weekend a month, no? Jace is a credible witness. I wouldn’t doubt he has seen a usual pattern of behavior with anyone regularly on The Land and may understand quite a bit even though he’s young.

        1. Also, I might add Jace has been around quite a few of Jenelle’s “soulmates”. He obviously wouldn’t know Andrew, he is probably too young to remember Keiffer but he would certainly remember Nathan, Gary, Courtland, and David. This is probably dependent on the amount of time he was around Gary and Courtland but Jace would certainly remember Nathan and David.

  35. I remember that, because Barbara explained what the law is in NC. Jenelle doesn’t love those kids. She also doesn’t want them to be loved by anyone else. She’s so selfish! I had a teacher in high school who used to say that just because a person has the ability to have kids, that doesn’t necessarily mean he or she is fit to be a parent. I’m seeing that in this case.

  36. Since all of this broke out I’m reading so many posts on here with people pouring their hearts out , feeling fearful for Jenelle and relating it to their own abuse they’ve suffered as victims.
    While it’s heartwarming that so many people are willing to open up and express their concerns, I have to ask… were you trapped financially and dependent on your abuser?
    Jenelle made three hundred thousand dollars a year! I think she willingly goes along with every bad decision made in her adult life. Also, Jenelle is a pretty violent absuser herself , the way she went after her mother in the past was utterly disgusting.

    1. Exactly
      The only thing Jenelle fears is being alone. Her biggest fear is being alone in that house with those kids.

      Just like the 1 episode when David told Jenelle to leave the moldy house with Kaiser, go to a hotel while he finished packing. She lost her mind “being alone with Kaiser in a hotel, yeah thats a lot of fun” 10pm at night & she couldnt even be alone for a couple hours with her own son

    2. Bailee, Please don’t think that I don’t hate her! I do!!!No one’s life is perfect, but to behave like those monsters did? I think monster mom is one of the worst POS I have read about! I hate her!!! She will now have no money, then we’ll see how she acts. Also, if anyone knows, will they both be responsible for child support? Barbara has 2 of the kids. They just bought a $75,000 new car. This was right before she was fired.

      1. Aundrey S., no no no.. I understand completely. I just see Jenelle’s life bringing back so many horrible memories for people , people who have suffered terrible fear and abuse. I don’t think Jenelle wants out and never has wanted out… she’s David’s equal in my eyes. Jenelle has no shame, she see nothing wrong with her lifestyle.
        I think we’ll all breath a little easier come Tuesday. I’m sure the judge wants to go through his notes and any findings that may have been submitted today before he makes his ruling next week. I don’t think the kids will be living on the land for at least a while. Barb may not be willing to commit long term to Ensley, that Could have been an obstacle that held things up this past week. When we see what the case plan involves and the minimum time it can take to complete, we will better know what more Jenelle and David will be held accountable for as far as supporting the kids.

    3. $400,000 not counting endorsements or clickbait or extra stuff.


    4. That’s a really good point! Jennelle had way more advantages than “An average person “. She had a chance to leave…SHE DIDN’T! She chose her husband over children!

    1. … pretty sure she got her tubes tied. It was pretty big news around the Ashley when it happened ?

    1. Those poor kids
      I hope Kaiser never sets foot on that swamp land.
      If David is their he will take this all out on poor Kaiser. If Jenelle leaves David to get the kids back she will blame Kaiser.
      He has no chance on that swamp

  37. She’s sick after CPS testified what the kids witnessed at the …”Land ” , not looking good for her at all .

  38. Let’s hope that on Tuesday the Judge leaves the children where they are for their safety they are already traumatized enough by everything that is happened.I’m sure it’s their well being and safety is the Judges number one priority.They need to be in a stable home and not have to live in fear

  39. She left before the monster dog murderer? How did she get out of there and no one saw? She left because she was sick and left that uneducated baboon ass face to deal with the court hearings? WOW! I’m starting to think she loves drugs better than anything else.

  40. I have no sympathy for Jenelle. She has thrown away everything for a man with a long history of violence, a man who doesn’t even have enough sense to behave himself in the presence of the judge who has full authority to determine the their fate regarding parental rights. She would have total protection and support if she left him, she would likely get her children and the only job she’s ever known back. She is every bit as unfit, I found the road rage incident way more concerning than the dog’s death. She put her child directly in harm’s way. She is so negligent that she actually tried to have Kaiser placed with a friend instead of with his father, in a home he’s comfortable with surrounded by family for no other reason than her pride and sheer selfishness. She is low. Even if she opted for therapy as opposed to divorce David and Jenelle both could decide that the well being of the children is more important than whatever it is that they are trying to prove regarding their marriage, David could temporarily leave the home and the children could be together under one roof with their mother. But she would rather have her man…. She makes everything poor Jenelle and has her little pity parties, never once in all her little tantrums has her children’s feelings ever been the reason for her upset. I feel as though CPS and the Columbus County Sheriff’s department are every bit as responsible, there should have been consequences for the road rage incident. The level of physical and mental harm was appalling, and the fact she called the poor child a liar for telling the truth. I feel like if she was still on TM2 that nothing would have happened this time. I stopped watching the show about the time Kaiser was called a “little b@#$h” for doing what all toddlers do when they are hungry, sleepy, ignored, sad; which he always seems to be…. MTV used the drama factor in all this abuse for ratings, they exploited these children for greed. MTV used these children’s abuse and neglect. And as they did, all the people who gripe about Jenelle and David consistently help support their lifestyle by tuning in every week to watch these people abuse these kids. People should have spoke out sooner, should have boycotted the show. Yes, I think animal abuse is sickening, but I reiterate, I find the abuse and neglect of these children far more disconcerting.

    1. I couldn’t agree more with this comment. She proves herself unworthy of being a mother time and time again. I pray the judge sees this!

  41. To ill to see the kids she’s fighting to have back.

    Ffs judge take away any custody and remove all remaining animals.
    These two are not worthy of having any custody

  42. Not feeling good Cuz she is out of drugs or took too many… ?
    Dumbass, get rid of your husband and get ur kids back!

  43. ANOTHER chance that Jenelle has blown at seeing the kids ! Sick or not, I know if I was in that situation id have to be on deaths door. She refused the visit with Kaiser because her wanker husband couldn’t attend with her, and now she’s avoided another visit!!!! GEEZE Jenelle, you’re really showing the world how heartbroken you are !!!

    1. Seriously. She showed more emotion learning she would miss a Kesha concert than anything related to her children

    2. Yeah and heartbroken over nugget. All of its just a fake situation. the only reason she wants back those kids it’s just because she don’t want those other people to have them she doesn’t want them back because she loves them. First they were a meal ticket now is just to show everybody what a good mom she is……..FAKE

      1. I still cry over that poor baby dog. Sometimes, when I’m at work or on the road, I just sob for the brutality of this poor baby angel’s death. Sometimes I just imagine her screaming when he was so mean to her! As I sob now! This is why I don’t own a gun.

      2. She was still thinking that she could weasel her way back on Teen Mom but she realized if. she loses her kids she will never be on TM or any reality tv show again. Well maybe she can be on Intervention. Plus she would be on the hook pay8ng child support for all those kids with no job. Im sure she is somewhere getting high right now stressing over it.

        1. Yeah you’re right, The thing is her bad behavior has gone on for so long and no – one has called her out on it , that she seems to have a sense of entitlement! She’s delusional! She thought she was irreplaceable…GUESS WHAT Jenelle… you’re not !

  44. Please revoke her parenting rights how are you too sick to see your children!!! I could have the flu or worse but if I had a chance to see my babies I would. Any mother who truly loves and misses her children would be there in a heart beat. Jenelle is just not a good mother, I’ve said this before but not all women are meant to be mothers. There is something missing in her, she only tolerates her children because she feels she has too. Even if she leaves David she’ll just find another abusive loser to take his place. Please give those children a shot at a good life.

    1. I felt that way when she got fired from MTV…and then I read she’s going on Marriage Boot Camp? My heart sank! Then we all went after their website, facebook, TMZ facebook, RadarOnLine facebook, WE TV website…then they finally released a statement that they were not hiring them. And then Kaiser went…YEAH…and then the girls…Yeah! Please don’t let this victory be for nothing. And I really wonder what Maryssa has said. It’s to late for Nugget, but I hope they protect these children. What a weight on monster mom’s mother, Barbara. I hope she is safe.

  45. Jenelle always “feels sick” when she’s been called out, in trouble, or has been caught in a lie. That is her go to, which hopefully means court went well (for the kids) today.

    1. It’s a pattern for her. I agree with this 100%. I find it sad for her kids though. They love their mom so much and crave her attention. They have to! What child doesn’t need the comfort of their mom, ya know. Hopefully one day they can be settled in a loving environment. I’ll keep my fingers crossed she loses them for good or comes to her senses and takes the trash out (lurch). I was really rooting for her! After the Nugget incident and she went back to him that’s when I finally gave up. She doesn’t deserve them. I was hoping for her kids sake.. But maybe this is best.

  46. “Too sick” aka detoxing from whatever pills, weed, etc she needs out of her system before the court decides to drug test her.

  47. I hate bringing up the video of “snapping” but I really hope someone sees what I have as the mother of girl who was a victim of horrible DV. Maybe that makes somethings jump out at me IDK. I spotted a time line in less than 15 min. after the video with dates, up coming events and what prompted it.  If you actually can get past the “snap” heard around the world knowing what followed- keeping in mind David has already said this isn’t the first time that it was aggressive towards Ensley and yet there she is with the dog trapped behind her on the couch trying to get away before she gets in Nuggets face – David is the one taking the video on his phone and with no panic towards getting to the child can be heard saying “good girl Nug” as the clip ends. Point being this was set up for an excuse to kill that poor dog.

    Last babbling statement that I’m sure many will disagree with and that’s ok. Jenelle has issues and needs help, serious help. Personally I think she has bipolar issues that she self medicates. If you do some research you’ll see the manic episodes both highs and lows and she’s admitted to the street drugs, they have posted clips of the pills, and the alcohol. I think she’s scared to go and scared to stay – wouldn’t you be? please don’t mistake this for me saying what she has done is right it’s not! I’m saying she needs help more than even she knows.

    1. I agree with you on that David intended to kill Nugget, he totally set him up to do it. He knew the dog would snip at Ensley, thus he’d have an ‘excuse’ to kill her.
      Also, I believe Jenelle has said that she’s bipolar. Don’t quote me on that, but I’m pretty sure she has. I think that’s what her excuse was for smoking weed all the time, to help with that.

      1. That sweet baby dog was just acting like a dog. It was a warning. Anytime you get in a dog’s face, they just want you to back away. The monster dog murderer encouraged all of this. As far as her being Bipolar, has a doctor diagnosed this? I just think she’s a nasty selfish bitch, and MTV created this mess! All of it!

        1. My heart breaks for that poor pupster.

          I hate those two morons.
          And I pray they lose all rights to the kids and get life time bans from owning animals

    2. The first video that was posted was longer and David was egging Ensley on to kiss the dog.
      What most people haven’t seen is the video of Nuggett being attacked by the Ducks and David and Jenelle egging them on lol and Nugget did nothing back to them while they continued to bite Nugget. That dog was being tortured the last days and I think he finally had enough. But David 100 percent set it up.

  48. I think it’s great that she is ” too sick” to see the kids, the less she see’s them, and whatever reason she
    gives the court will see this and take it into consideration that she isn’t doing all she can to see them.
    I would guess she might think they will get them back after the next hearing so right now, maybe her and David
    want to party this wknd with all the booze and drugs they can possibly do and they think it’s great not having
    the kids there for a long wknd, they can do what they want without the kids being around, that’s just my thought
    I’m just trying to get inside Janelle’s head, because why else would you not see your kids, you would have to be
    close to death not to want to visit with them, and she probably figures she can go home and facetime with them,
    which is easier for her to do. Again just my thoughts. I pray they don’t get those kids back, because I have a feeling
    if they get them back then they get them back for good, like this is the last chance for them to lose them. So the courts better make it the right call and keep them away from David and Janelle, I wonder also if they would be testing Marrisya (not sure of the spelling, sorry) her to see how she is doing with school work, considering she is being home schooled, at her age, it is not going to be teaching her social skills not being around kids her own age, which is really sad, a young girl like that needs that kind of scene, as she is missing out on a lot. I can’t imagine David’s temperament if she gets a math question wrong, she looks very skittish now, her eyes have this glazed over look, and very sad face. I do feel very sorry for her. I wish Nathan would not allow Janelle to have any supervised visits with Kaiser, I think right now he needs this long break from his mother, where he doesn’t have to think about, or worry about seeing her, this is his time with his dad, and gramma this is like a holiday for him, which I really think is only going to do him good. Because any breaks here and there where he has to see her probably just adds more stress to him, and after the murder of their dog, he is going to have major ptsd just from that, especially if he saw David covered in nugget’s blood, that is something right there that no child should have to have permanently in their memory. David and Janelle, are like bonnie and clyde they should just stay on the land alone, and have to deal with just eachother, that’s what they deserve.

    1. I’m thinking Jenelle is probably angry at the kids for telling on her. She is juvenile like that. Rememmber how she snapped at Jace and called him a liar when he said what happened in thst road rage incident?

      1. I remember that, she called Jace a liar( the look on his face, poor boy)
        Was she that stupid she didn’t think barb would see for herself when that episode aired.

        She’s a horrible mother and person

  49. why didn’t the judge throw the book at her and take the kids away now if she is too sick to visit them why wait till tuesday I fear the answer is because the kids will be back there come tuesday night

    1. Judges often prefer to hand down their decision in a case with volatile parties via email to the attorneys, not in open court. Though I’m rotting for the kids being removed, and an open court announcement, and David going postal (note he will not have guns on him, or any other weaposn, courts see t that.)

  50. Jenelle plays the sick card. Then she goes to the dr. She’s hoping she’ll get whatever she’s on now. If they give her a drug test and she fails it. She will have a script from the dr. Saying he gave it to her. The same reason David got a hair cut. If they give him a hair follicle test.

    1. Good point. I always felt like she fakes being sick (Munchausen). She is always ill, or “feeling unwell” or anxious. I feel it’s a cop out to get her hands of prescription meds. After all she is a recovering heroin addict ?‍♀️ I remember back when Ensley tested positive for THC at birth, Jenelle got out of it because she had a “medical marijuana license”

      1. She didn’t get out of it CPS was brought in but of course nothing happened. Remember her saying her OBGYN told her to smoke because she had really bad nausea issues.

    2. I think they have her flagged from narcotics and benzodiazepines? I recall her flying to NYC and telling her mom they flagged her in North Carolina. This was when she was making up bullshit about hot flashes, knees hurting, etc.

  51. this makes me sick i’ve said from day one these will be right back there which is what will happen on tuesday

  52. It really is twisted that Jenelle and David losing custody of all of their children is trending news story. I really believe the reason for the interest – let’s be honest here – in what should be a private matter is due to the fact that everyone that watches the show or follows Jenelle on any platform knows how dangerous it has become on The Land.

    All of the interest in this story is a direct result of Jenelle and David’s very public actions. The way they (and especially David) treat those innocent children has literally made millions of people gravely concerned for the safety of those children. We all know that some really terrible things must be happening in private, based on the disgusting way they treat, speak to and discipline their children on film and social media.

    In short, this has become a huge story because so many people are genuinely concerned for the safety and well being of these children.

  53. She’s sick because she see’s the writing on the wall , she’s going to lose all of the kids .

  54. Ever so curious *who* took the stand about The Land life… I suppose they won’t tell us, but who is allowed on the Land? David hates Babs, so wouldn’t think her but I could be wrong

    1. I just hope he doesn’t go after her in his manic crazy state. She has the baby girl, so she might be in the most danger.

      1. I agree! Babs is very much in danger. I hope she has contacted her local police and they have increased their patrols in her neighborhood. Or she is staying in an unknown location.

        1. I’m a social worker (not in NC, thank God) but it’s always a red flag when a parent skips a supervised visit with their child or children. Do parents genuinely get sick? Yes. But do you still have to parent when you are sick? Yes. My intuition tells me that these kids probably aren’t heartbroken to skip a visit with Jenelle though. Praying that the judge rules in the best interest of the children.

    2. Me too- it says someone from “within the family”, does that mean the direct family, as in the kids, or extended fam (ie; Babs). I’m confused. Apparently David had not been speaking to his family, and Barbara was rarely there, and they would likely be on better behavior with her over the house. Jenelle leaving court early “sick” (aka, upset and angry) makes me suspect it was someone directly related to her. My guess is it was either Barbara speaking on behalf of things she has seen/told by Jenelle in the past/told by Jace, or Jace himself. *But* since Jace is underage, would he have the attorney testify for him? Anyone who works for CPS willing to chime in? Sorry, just putting all my thoughts out there- wish I knew people in real life who were TM fans!

      1. Attorney here, not CPS, no, no attorney may testify for a client. Jace has a GAL protecting him, and he is also old enough to know the difference between telling the truth, and telling a lie, which is the standard measure in most courts for allowing children to testify. Maryssa is old enough to testify as well.

      2. It’s UNETHICAL to put the kids on the stand in this case. If the judge wanted to hear from the kids it would be in closed chambers. This had NOTHING to do with the children being able to distinguish truth and fiction, the courts aren’t going to throw these kids to the wolves of intimidation. The kids have been appointed a guardian ad liteum , this is the voice of the children and who will be running the show.
        MTV hasn’t filmed from the land in a long time, we don’t know who does and doesn’t visit them. We don’t even know if CPS or the GAL has made a “home visit” to the land yet- David is probably fixing holes in the walls as we speak. I think this whole mess is way too fresh to expect an outcome right now.

  55. who took her out of there? could she be escaping? one could only hope.

    unfortunately drug sick is a strong possibility. So is reallity that tv world isn’t bailing her out this time. could mtv have bailed knowing this was a losing battle?

    1. RadarOnLine has a video of her in the passenger seat of her brand new $75,000 SUV. David drives them away, Happy Memorial Day you nasty ass bitch and the monster dog murderer.

      1. I love that your so blunt in what you say about those 2 scummy bastards.

        Please don’t hold back as I agree with your comments ??


  56. Ya know I was a junkie almost 7 years clean now. My kids were babies both younger then 2. I still held my sh!t together. When cps tried to take them I was sick as hell but I made damn sure I was there and did everything they asked. She’s a sorry pos. Get your life together already. Your almost 30…. you had a good job that paid you way to much. When cops said leave the baby’s daddy I left…. I had no job no money an addiction but guess what I did it. Homeless shelters suck especially in the ghetto but who cares. My kids meant more to me then any guy drug or money…. well jenelle you laid down with dogs now you got up with fleas… David’s famous quote… she’s no mother. Never has been never will be. I’d like to personally beat the crap outta her. She makes me that mad…. ughh I’m done.

    1. CMO, I am so proud of you! You are an example that maybe she should follow. Thank you for sharing your story. It means a lot to me.

    2. You are a real mother oh, she’s an egg donor. Congratulations on all your accomplishments. And thank you for sharing your story

    3. Proud of you!!
      And yes that’s exactly what a mother should do.
      Glad everything worked out. And there is a long line to whip her a$$ but it would be worth the wait. I honestly hate Jennelle more than David because I feel like she allowed all of this.

      1. That’s fantastic, Good on you! A mother’s love for her child is a very powerful thing and you have prooven that .I hope your enjoying every day with live and happiness. Thank you for sharing this, Maybe Jenelle will see this and get and get her head out of her ass for her kids sake ! I highly doubt it though! She’s never tried to lift her game and if she didn’t do it after giving birth to Jace and giving him up she never will.
        Once again thanks for sharing your experience ?

  57. Jenelle being “sick” could have several reasons: 1)withdrawal – the money train has stopped and she can no longer afford her drugs 2)it’s her go to excuse when she wants to escape a situation i.e. when Nessa confronted her during the reunion, she suddenly claimed to be sick 3)she wants to gain sympathy by pretending to have become sick because of the whole situation 4) if she can’t go to the visitation center, then David probably won’t go either and they can avoid him being thrown out again 5)she’s pretending to be sick, so she’ll have a reason not to go because David won’t allow her to go visit the kids by herself. I could imagine him having a ban after his last visit ended so badly.

    1. Well, she better stop trying with the sympathy card, because I wish the monster dog murderer had done to her what was done to Nugget! I hate her! And if any of those children witnessed this brutal murder, and they tell, I hope he goes to prison for it! The longer the kids are away from them, the more relaxed they will become with their surroundings, and they may tell. Ashley, who testified today? Do you know? S She’s only sickening, not sick!

    2. no she pulls this every time things are not going her way. not saying she isn’t doing drugs clearly her daughter was born with pot in her system and she is a junkie but she pulls I’m sick all the time like when she doesn’t want to film or give her kids to nathan or barb at one time

  58. Is evident she doesn’t want her kids. She is nuts, her mom should be in jail for threatening Kail on social media… instead the judge have her another of Janelle’s kids. I feel bad for the kids in the situation. Glad we won’t be seeing them on teen mom anymore.

  59. She’s having a laugh her isn’t she. “To sick to see my kids” said no mother worth her salt ever.

    I think “sick” is a come down and she’s back on the gear.

  60. David and Jenelle are synonyms for the word loser. I’m so disgusted by all of this. Imagine how Kaiser felt knowing David could beat him whenever he wanted and his mom would allow it and maybe even encouraged it. Your mom is supposed to be that one person who loves and protects you no matter what. Kaiser had no refuge at all on the land. It’s so sickening.
    Speaking of sickening, the fact that Jenelle passed on visiting her kids due to not feeling well should tell us all she doesn’t gaf AT ALL. If I was in a damn coma, I would still find a way to see my kids. Ugh I can’t with her

    1. I think it’s great that she is ” too sick” to see the kids, the less she see’s them, and whatever reason she
      gives the court will see this and take it into consideration that she isn’t doing all she can to see them.
      I would guess she might think they will get them back after the next hearing so right now, maybe her and David
      want to party this wknd with all the booze and drugs they can possibly do and they think it’s great not having
      the kids there for a long wknd, they can do what they want without the kids being around, that’s just my thought
      I’m just trying to get inside Janelle’s head, because why else would you not see your kids, you would have to be
      close to death not to want to visit with them, and she probably figures she can go home and facetime with them,
      which is easier for her to do. Again just my thoughts. I pray they don’t get those kids back, because I have a feeling
      if they get them back then they get them back for good, like this is the last chance for them to lose them. So the courts better make it the right call and keep them away from David and Janelle, I wonder also if they would be testing Marrisya (not sure of the spelling, sorry) her to see how she is doing with school work, considering she is being home schooled, at her age, it is not going to be teaching her social skills not being around kids her own age, which is really sad, a young girl like that needs that kind of scene, as she is missing out on a lot. I can’t imagine David’s temperament if she gets a math question wrong, she looks very skittish now, her eyes have this glazed over look, and very sad face. I do feel very sorry for her. I wish Nathan would not allow Janelle to have any supervised visits with Kaiser, I think right now he needs this long break from his mother, where he doesn’t have to think about, or worry about seeing her, this is his time with his dad, and gramma this is like a holiday for him, which I really think is only going to do him good. Because any breaks here and there where he has to see her probably just adds more stress to him, and after the murder of their dog, he is going to have major ptsd just from that, especially if he saw David covered in nugget’s blood, that is something right there that no child should have to have permanently in their memory. David and Janelle, are like bonnie and clyde they should just stay on the land alone, and have to deal with just eachother, that’s what they deserve.

    1. That’s interesting to me as well… wonder if we’re starting to see the cracks in thier facade

  61. I seriously wish I could take David, aka the speckled swamp monster, by the heels and swing him until he got some good sense!! He’s been enabled by every person that’s in his life, especially his mama!!

  62. Didn’t she also say that if David can’t come with her to see Kaiser, she woukdnt go to see him. Like why does David have to be there? If I had to choose between my kids and my shitty husband, I choose my kids every time. No doubt.

    1. David would probably beat her up if she even attempted to go see Kaiser without him. Maybe she wants to, but it’s irrelevant, because she’ll never disobey David. Pretty sure he’s also coaching and instructing her in this every step of the way. After all, she has no mind of her own.

  63. To sick to see your babies that haven’t been with you wtf?
    And who dresses David?
    And why is that reporter in jail?
    Lol lol lol lol

  64. Is it true Barbara has her son and other daughter living with her? Plus 3 grandkids? Sick my ass. Don’t feel bad for Jenelle at all. I hope someone gives David a beat down. I will be happy when they are both in prison. I hope they check the kids for sexual abuse. David just gives off that vibe to me.

    Side note. Kail now is saying Chris put hands on her. Kail doesn’t seem to tell the truth about anything. Narcissistic Kail

    1. I don’t think her adult kids live with her but she has raised at least one of Ashleigh’s kids.

  65. I’m genuinely scared for her. Based on how he walked out of that courthouse and his posture plus her being scared it would not surprise me in the slightest if he goes home and tries to kill her

    1. Give me a break.

      When you’re a parent, you tough out not feeling well and take care of your kids. I have medicated and propped myself up to be present for my kids.

      1. Erin, I completely agree – but my money is on her going through withdrawals from drugs either bc of lack or money or fear of drug testing. If that’s the case, she’s probably paranoid whoever is supervising the visit will report back to CPS/the judge.

      2. I was in labor with my second daughter, but I didn’t want the older one to worry. I got her ready for school, dressed and breakfast, while I kept going into the bedroom and roll around on my bed in pain. She was just 5 years old, and she had her school pictures that day.

  66. If I haven’t seen my children in days there is NOTHING that would stop me from spending time with them. I don’t care how sick I feel, I could have a massive head wound. Nothing would keep me from them. Even if it were just to give them one hug. NOTHING would stop me. She was given a chance to see them, hug them and tell them she’s fighting for them and she declined because she didn’t feel well. That’s ridiculous. Whatever she’s withdrawing from is messing with her mind.

    1. Oh I’m sure the judge is making note of that – that she’s opting not to visit her kids when given the opportunity. That cannot look good. Plus leaving court early? Making them continue this over a long weekend? I feel like that would piss a judge off

  67. Well, Jenelle is “sick” and we all know what that means…someone told the truth about something that doesn’t reflect well on her!

    I want to say it’s unbelievable that she doesn’t want to see her kids, but it’s all too believable.

    1. I think there’s a decent possibility she’s in withdrawal and that’s why she’s “sick”. She’s dope sick.

    2. I was thinking she was hungover, but your guess makes more sense.

      I could have just lost a limb and that still wouldn’t keep me from my kids. Jenelle is a poor excuse for a human.

  68. Your kids are removed from your home and you forego a visitation because you don’t feel well? Get your shit together you idiot.

  69. You had your children removed and you are foregoing a visitation because you don’t feel well? Get your sh*t together you idiot!

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