David Eason and Jenelle Evans have been making headlines for months for their antics, but their recent custody court battles have thrust several people associated with them and their kids into the spotlight, including David’s ex-wife Whitney Johnson, who is the mother of his oldest daughter Maryssa.
As The Ashley told you, Whitney attended the court hearings last month, in which several of those close to the former Teen Mom 2 stars testified what they knew about the Easons’ home life. Over the course of the court battle, much has been said about Whitney, her relationship with her daughter Maryssa, and her past issues.
In an exclusive interview with The Ashley, Whitney’s current husband Shane Rich revealed what really happened to make Whitney lose custody of Maryssa years ago, where her custody situation currently stands, and how he and Whitney feel about the kids being removed from Jenelle and David’s care.
“We feel sorry for all the kids involved in all of this and we hope Jenelle and David can get their life straightened out,” Shane told The Ashley. “If you set your mind to being better, you will be.”

Shane says Whitney (who actually goes by her married name, Whitney Rich), is a testament to that statement. While he admits that Whitney did struggle at one time with substance abuse issues, he says that her life is nothing like it’s been portrayed in some media reports. He also revealed that he and Whitney plan to fight for custody of Maryssa.
On why Whitney and David divorced:
Whitney and David got married in October 2006, and their daughter Maryssa was born in August 2007. They officially divorced in September 2013.
“She divorced David because he wouldn’t work and stayed gone all the time,” Shane stated. “She got in a car wreck once when Maryssa was two and David left the next day, leaving Whitney to tend to a toddler all by herself, while Whitney could hardly walk. They eventually got back together, but his patterns stayed the same.”
Once the couple divorced, Shane said that Whitney entered a dark period in her life.
“He was still trying to get back with her until he got with Jenelle, but Whitney never fell for his crap and [she] was left to raise Maryssa by herself,” he said. “Eventually, [Whitney] got into an abusive relationship with another man, who was the devil in disguise. He beat her and didn’t let her go to the hospital out of fear of the cops getting involved, so he would give her pain pills to cope with her injuries. She would finally get away from him, but struggled with substance abuse for a brief while.”
On Whitney’s life now:
Shane revealed that Whitney is currently pregnant with their second child.
“My wife and I have an 8 month old son and a daughter on the way,” he said. “She is the sweetest, most gentle soul I know. A man couldn’t ask for a better wife, or mother, to their children, and we have a wonderful marriage.”
She is also sober, Shane says.
“Whitney has been clean going on three years,” he said. “I’m very proud of her and she’s proud of that also.”
On the current state of Whitney’s relationship with her daughter Maryssa:
Whitney has always remained in Maryssa’s life, even while she was living on The Land with David and Jenelle. (In fact, eagle-eyed ‘Teen Mom 2’ viewers may have spotted her in the background during a 2016 episode, when she was picking up Maryssa for a visit.)
“She loves Maryssa and is very involved in her life,” Shane stated. “She’s been to every court hearing and sat in the courtroom the whole time.”
Shane also informed The Ashley that her previous report that Whitney lives with her mother is incorrect. (The Ashley regrets this error and has corrected it in the previous story.)
“My wife doesn’t stay with Maryssa’s grandma,” he said. “We have our own house. Maryssa looks at me like a father and I treat her like my daughter. My wife is clean and is doing very well. She talks to Maryssa everyday and has kept her numerous times, unsupervised.”
Currently, Whitney’s mother has non-secure kinship of Maryssa, as CPS still has official custody of all of Jenelle and David’s kids. However, Shane says that reports that Whitney’s mom had custody of Maryssa before David got her are untrue.
“My wife had custody from the time her and David separated until the day he came and took her and got legal custody,” Shane said. “Maryssa wants to be with us and we want her here with us.”
On how Whitney lost custody of Maryssa to David in 2017:
Back in 2017, The Ashley broke the news that David had obtained full custody of Maryssa. Here, Shane revealed how that happened.
“David only got custody because Whitney didn’t have the money, at the time, to fight him for custody, and didn’t want to deal with the public humiliation of her previous substance abuse,” he said. “She also was in the process of getting her life on track, and was actually clean at the time Maryssa was taken from her.”
On their plans to regain custody of Maryssa:
Shane says he and Whitney are prepared to fight for custody of Maryssa (which may be easier now that David and Jenelle are not trying to win back custody of the 11-year-old).
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“My wife has a lawyer now, and things went too far, so now we are fighting for Maryssa. No child should have to live in fear,” he said.
He says that Maryssa’s grandmother is on-board with them getting custody.
“Maryssa’s grandma and my wife are very close, so that’s what Maryssa’s grandma wants as well, for her to be here!” Shane said.
On his opinion of David and the time Maryssa spent on The Land:
“We would like to see David get some help and get straightened out and back on track,” he said. “We’re not mean people and believe that everyone deserves a second chance, so we wouldn’t keep [Maryssa] from her daddy if that’s what she decides, if she comes here.”
He even had positive things to say about (some) of the things Maryssa got to do as a result of living with people who have the amount of money that Jenelle and David had.
“As far as the care that was provided by David and Jenelle while having Maryssa in their custody, she was able to experience numerous travels and vacations, along with the privilege of having nice things,” Shane said. “But honestly, me and my wife believe that nurturing love, affection and proper attention means the most at the end of the day. Maryssa is an extremely smart, gifted child.”
David and Jenelle are due back in front of the judge on Tuesday, where they will learn the reunification plan and the steps they must complete to try to get custody back of any of their children.
RELATED STORY: EXCLUSIVE! Judge Rules Jenelle Evans & David Eason Will NOT Regain Custody of Their Kids: Get All the Details!
(Photos: Courtesy Shane Rich; Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images; Instagram)
84 Responses
Oh awesome, I hope they get her back they seem wonderful. & due to david and jenelles recent “split” I’d hate for maryssa to just be alone with David.
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Maryssa is no better off now than she was before These two arelike David and Jenelle’s twins None of them think of the kids. All they think of is who can out do the other and that’s sad cause kids don’t ask to be born into this kinda of crap. They all need to grow up!!! I hope CPS sees the truth before they let Maryssa go from one hell to another. As far as Whitney and her mom she treats her mom like crap if her mom doesn’t do everything she wants her to do then she won’t talk to her Her mom has supported her financially all her life and she would of pay for a lawyer cause she paid fir lawyer all the other times whitney needed one she would pay a lawyer to fight for Maryssa if Whitney would of been clean and of been there for Maryssa. When David took Maryssa it was days before Whitney knew she was gone cause nobody knew where she was. She has a habit of going ghost on her kids and family. Oh and how many jobs has she had cause she doesn’t think she should have to work Theres a lot that people will never know and none of it’s good I know you all have heard that saying a wolf in sheep clothing. Aliso as for a great marriage she left him back in November cause she said he was abusive and all they do is fuss and fight She was also seen at a party with another man and was telling people she wasn’t with Shane anymore then surprise she’s pregnant again and goes back to Shane This is the same thing that happen when she was pregnant with the little boy she was between Shane and another guy now a DNA has been ordered Cause in November when she had left Shane she told the other guy they needed a DNA cause it could be his. She likes to play games with people to get what she wants Is that really what Maryssa need to learn and is that the way she needs to be raised??? If anyone noticed Shane does all the talking for Whitney can’t she talk for herself There’s so many lies in his statement that it’s not even funny but what’s really funny is they believe all their lies cause they live in a fantasy world of what they make up to be true
Maryssa used to look so healthy and happy, lately she’s looked so withdrawn and sad. Imagine being pulled out of school and any semblance of normalcy, and forced to live in that house with those 2 narcissists. With David teaching her hate and intolerance.
Its disgusting that these people bed hop and have unprotected sex with whomever, and pop out babies left and right. That are most likely on government assistance that we’re all paying for. Looks like Whitney has 3 kids with 3 different baby daddies as well. Including 2 that live/lived with their fathers.. it doesn’t matter HOW much money David (Jenelle) had to spend on a lawyer, judges hardly EVER give full custody of a kid to the father, especially in the part of the country they’re from. This guy can say whatever right now, and be believed about it, because it’s about David and janelle.
I feel bad for Maryssa because not only does she have a shitty father but her mother and step father is no better!!! Whitney didn’t loose just Maryssa but her other son (2nd child) as well… yess there is another child that Whitney don’t have…not because she was in an abusive relationship but because she was on drugs since loosing both of her kids to two separate men David and the father of her oldest son (pretty much at the same time) she still hasn’t completed rehab successfully nor has she completed her parenting classes that was court ordered … Her oldest son has a medical condition she does not go to his appointments she don’t call to check on him after his appointments… she don’t even contact the father to get him every other weekend like she’s suppose too… that whole happy marriage/home is a crock of bullshit!!! They’re both strung out… Shane also has two other kids that he don’t get either!!! It’s not even 100% yet that the youngest son Whitney’s 3rd child is even Shane’s!!! && I’m pretty sure that when the dna test is done if it’s not Shane’s Baby he will go to his father as well !!! If ya don’t believe me just show up to court tomorrow in pender county .
Well that was quite a lot of piping hot tea! I wonder if it’s true?
All I care about is that the children and animals are safe and out of harm’s way. This is just sad all around. These children never asked to be here, nor did they ask to be filmed. I hope they can break the cycle of dysfunction.
If your grammar is any indicator- a day in Pender County Court sounds like a great and entertaining way to spend a day!
Aww, Maryssa looks like her. I’m glad to get to hear their side of things. He sounds like a great guy and Whitney deserves that in her life, finally!
I didn’t realize Whitney and David we’re married for almost 7 years. I wonder how long they were separated. They divorced in September of 2013 and Kaden (Olivia’s son) was born November 2013.
I can’t wait to find out how the hearing went. We all know that Jenelle and David won’t be able to follow a parenting plan, because they believe that they’re above the law.
I believe Maryssa’s step dad 100% over lying Jenelle, who in the beginning painted unemployed David as this terrific guy who was a welder by profession. She also apparently told a bold face lie once about how he gave HER money back then, so it wasn’t as if he was only after her MTV cash. Total horsesh*t. Through and through.
And soon, when all “her” money runs dry there’ll be nothing left to buy their trashy asses out of ANYTHING, or have their way over people like Maryssa’s mom who couldn’t afford to fight back in court.
I really hope that their home life is as nice as Whitney’s husband makes it sound. Maryssa deserves a stable, happy home.
Shane makes it sound like David went from Whitney to Jenelle. Wasn’t there another woman in the interim? Kaden’s mother?
Yes, I’m between Whitney and Jenelle was Olivia, Kaden’s mom. She was 18 at the time and now Kaden is 5. It is possible David was still pursuing Whitney while he was with Olivia.
*in between not I’m ??♀️
I feel like what he’s saying about how she lost custody is very possible. David seems like a true manipulative bully who could take advantage of her weakness.
Bless you for getting away from them freaking lunatic but I know you had to have a big problem to leave your daughter with him hopefully you have her back there is no way in hell he ever should have had custody of that girl such a shame and Janelle has always been a train wreck
His reasoning for how Whitney lost custody in the first place actually makes a lot of sense…David had just started dating Jenelle when he got custody of Maryssa, so he definitely had A LOT more money than the average POS to throw around. At the end of the day, I just hope that Maryssa will stop being bounced from house to house, and will get the life she deserves..far far FARRRR away from David and Jenelle.
How much do you want to bet that all the very neg stories came from Jenelle & David’s camp so people would see David in a positive light cause he “stepped up” to take care of his daughter cause her “druggie” mom couldn’t take care of her?
I agree. They went after her with money. David seems like the type of person who knows how to pick women he knows he can break. I mean Jenelle wasn’t a decent mother before he met her but he really severed those emotional ties every mother is meant to have to their children.
Hopefully all works out and Whitney can regain custody one day. Maybe if they’re lucky, David will get mad enough at Maryssa and allows this guy to adopt her.
I sincerely hope Whitney gets a chance to read my comment…
Thanks to this site, myself and countless others are hearing quite a ‘different side of the story’. I’ll admit, past articles around the Web had me wondering what kind of Mom would lose custody to a man like David. Now it all makes sense. When David married Jenelle, her $ became his $ too. As much as we’d like not to believe it, even in Family Court, money prevails.
I am a recovering pain pill addict myself (4 years this August!), who also went through a heart-wrenching custody battle, so this story really pulled at my heart strings.
People with addiction issues CAN and DO overcome. 3 years sober is no small feat, and if this is accurate, Whitney & her husband have a good chance to gain full custody of Maryssa. She is right at that age when a girl really need their Mama.
Like I said, I know firsthand how difficult it is to fight for custody, especially when your ex has a higher income. There are no court-appointed attorneys in Family Court, like in criminal cases. If you can’t afford a family law attorney, and your ex can – you’re in deep.
In this case, because they’re married, Jenelle’s income IS David’s income. That MTV $$ is on it’s way out though. I think we all suspect that J&D didn’t make any good financial investments (Building a manufactured home on swampland for instance).
I really feel for Whitney. Can you imagine dealing w an opiate addiction, all while also dealing with having David as your ex? Ouch!!
Kudos to her for staying on the straight & narrow. It must be hugely painful to see all of this play out in the public. I admit, I’m guilty of wondering “how bad could Maryssa’s Mom be, to lose custody to DAVID?!”
This article helped it all make sense.
I hope Whitney continues to live a sober life, her hard work WILL pay off in the end. ?
If Whitney & her husband are as stable as this article states, and in fact DO own their own home, etc — I pray that Maryssa is soon returned to their care.
Jenelle & David have A LOT more work ahead. These court-appointed classes aren’t diddly squat. David has MAJOR mental issues plaguing him; he needs actual treatment and medication. A few classes here & there aren’t going to miraculously turn him into a great Dad. Jenelle; she has to leave David before ANY of her healing can begin, and we have watched time & time again, how she places her relationships with men above the welfare of her children.
I don’t think Jenelle is capable of producing consistent CLEAN drug tests either. Marijuana may or may not be legal in NC w prescription, but it’s all the other drugs that worry me. Heroin, for one. I do realize that was several years ago, but a heroin habit isn’t something that just “goes away” without in-depth treatment. David admits to Adderall; a stimulant, and although I’m sure that Adderall can be very helpful to some, David’s wild behavior doesn’t reflect well. Stimulants can increase anger & irritability – something he already seems very full of.
Drug use aside, Jenelle & David’s codependent issues and their LONG list of legal issues are going to (hopefully) make the Judge’s decision an easy one.
As far as David/Jenelle having more $ to fight in court, yes, they can probably afford a good family attorney (and unfortunately in family court, you do NOT get a public defender). I pray that Whitney and her husband can afford representation. In family court, you may not represent yourself either. So when it comes to fighting for your kids, you’ve gotta have enough $$ to even show up, $$ to file paperwork, etc. It’s a nightmare I lived. Even the cheaper ones will run you $200/hr.
I’m REALLY pulling for Whitney & her husband. That little girl needs her Mom, and a stable home.
Excellent comment, very well said.
Well done to you.
Omg! I’m so happy to hear this!♡ I hope she gets a home where she feels loved and wanted!! This poor has been through enough!♡
I hope she really is doing well but having more kids back to back when you’re getting sober and don’t have custody of your oldest isn’t exactly an indicator of stability. There’s no way they’re going to have a lot of time for Maryssa with 2 under 2 in the house. She’s better off than on the swamp, let’s be clear about that, but pointing out having more kids as a sign how well you’re doing, where have we seen that before? Oh right.
This all sounds really good and for Maryssa’s sake I hope it is true and her mom and step-dad are good, stable people. But the fact that she wasn’t given temporary custody like Nathan was makes me wonder if that is true. Generally if custody is taken from one parent as long as the other is ‘fit’ it would automatically go to the other parent. The one thing I think about Jenelle that was admirable was she really did seem to embrace Maryssa unlike David who always seemed to resent Kaiser and Jace.
She was nicer to Maryssa than she was to Kaiser
David dropped both Maryssa and Ensley off with Whitney’s mom, so he kind of made that determination (probably because he didn’t want Whitney to have her). It could be that the judge decided that letting Maryssa stay there was the best option while he/she sorts through this, especially since Whitney previously lost custody.
Whit got a great man now it seems. He seems reasonable and a real father figure for Maryssa (who she will need OF COURSE) if they get custody. If Nathan got his life sorted for Nathan, she can get it for her daughter too. I hope they win it!
I’m glad to hear Whitney is sober and has a good support system. I’m glad we finally got their side of the story.
The problem with substance abuse is relapsing is common, especially in the first year or two of sobriety. I think the three years sobriety is enough time for a judge to see Whitney is stable.
I commend Whitney for getting sober, staying sober, and caring about her kid in that they are now fighting for custody.
You can’t change the spots on a leopard, David is what is and has been for years!! The only thing JE and David change is their manipulating acting skills, they’re actually quite good at that… narcissist traits you know.
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I believe this guy, and thank ou for feeling in the blanks. Also you won’t speak bad about David cause he’s her father. My stepdad did the same thing and I loved him for it. He could have said some bad true stuff. And I’ve used that a few times in my life. Never speak negatively about a child’s parents.if you can’t say something positive say nothing. I like this guy let’s hope they get custody. Marisa needs that in her life…#teenmom. #Jenelle
it’s not a matter of being judgmental. Even when you adopt a child you have to prove you have the financial means to do so. Like Brandon and Teresa that adopted Caitlyn’s child, they were financially secure, that is one of the criterias for adopting a child. Barbara would never qualify. Now she has three kids she’s raising, she should not have them. They also prefer a two parent household for placement. Adult children my ass. Janelle was what 16 when she got pregnant with Jace, where was Barbara when she was out spreading her legs as a 15 year old? I can you tell you this. I knew exactly where and what my daughter was doing when she was 15. She’s not a loser Thank god, she’s successful with a great life. The two daughters having children they can’t take care of, is more than a coincidence, it stems from in part Barbara’s poor parenting skills. Those are the facts you don’t like it TOUGH!
For everyone who buys this, I have ocean front property in Kansas to sell you! This is so fairytale bullshit you know it’s a lie! Didn’t have money for a lawyer? The court will GIVE YOU LEGAL AID! Give me a fucking break. This dude is feeding people a line of shit a mile long.I am NOT a fan of Jenelle or David. In fact, I have been blocked from her Instagram page for voicing my opinion. This is just too far fetched to believe. Marrysa is better off with her grandma!
The court doesn’t give you a lawyer in custody matters. You don’t have a right to counsel in custody matters.
Depending on where you are, the legal aid society may not take on custody cases.
I don’t know which Eason family member you are, but you should get to scootin’ to vacation at your beachfront property in Kansas City.
So what are the time lines for David’s baby mama’s?
This guy sounds like a good person. As for Maryssa’s mom she should be very proud of herself, I’ve known addicts and know the struggle to get and stay clean can be very hard. It takes some people years and countless tries to get it right. I hope they can get custody of Maryssa she deserves a loving, nurturing, stable home and I feel like they can provide this for her. I think she is a beautiful girl who has always seemed like a good kid. I just feel really bad for her because when your that young no matter how shitty your parents are you still love them and want them to show you love and attention, the fact that her dad just gave up on her so easily will hurt for a long time. I pray that god will heal her heart and help her to understand that she did absolutely nothing wrong!
I wish you would have asked him about being home schooled.
Like doesnt the mother have to sign off on a big change like that?
Maybe not because she didn’t have custody? Dunno.
No, if David had legal custody he can make educational decisions (amongst other decisions) himself. That is why retaining joint legal custody is important for a caring parent even if you don’t have physical custody.
There are so many parallels between this and the Southern Charm drama between Thomas and Kathryn. In both, the much richer man is able to get full custody from the woman because she failed a drug test, and in both the man turned out to be incredibly unstable and a terrible person. Don’t get me wrong, it’s wrong to do drugs and it’s absolutely not something kids should be around, but if the parent is now sober, I feel like it shouldn’t be such a difficult process to get the kids away from the lunatic parent. They should be able to make custody changes happen much faster. If I was the child, I’d rather be with a former addict parent than one who was a psychopath, and I wouldn’t want to have to spend years waiting for that to happen
I touched on this in my original comment this AM. It is truly sad – money plays a HUGE part in Family Court. Gone are the days where the Mother usually gets the kids. The statistics are changing – wildly!!
I’m not trying to scare anymore here, but these are facts. If you’re a STAY AT HOME MOM: Even if the Father is your children is off the hinges (yes, Southern Charm’s Kathryn/Thomas issue is a perfect example), the courts will not automatically side with the Mother, In that case, Thomas had all the $$$. He took the kids away 100%. Yes, Kathryn failed a drug test, but Thomas is a FELON who served prison time, and he still won.
So glad Karma is finally getting him.
Be prepared. Even though you don’t think your husband would EVER leave and try to take the kids, have your own money – home based business or whatever it takes. When you face that judge, YOU and you alone, will need to show proof that you can afford to raise the kids. You cannot claim child support as your hopeful income. Have a backup plan, that’s all I can say.
Too bad they will want to fight for Maryssa now that it’s out there publicly that someone else actually wants to do right by the poor child ?
MTV funded 2 violent sociopaths to steamroll a vulnerable mother and daughter with $$$ in order to create “entertainment” and profit from child abuse/neglect.
I hope lawmakers are taking note, because this should be illegal. MTV got lucky this time — poor Nugget had to die before a legal intervention, but the children survived. I hope each child gets an attorney that sues the pants off of MTV/Viacom for aiding an abetting animal and child abuse. Truly despicable.
I agree with you 100%
First of all, love your screen name!!! Secondly, I’ve said from the beginning that MTV/Viacom is wholly responsible for this entire situation, especially the abuse at the hands of those barbarians! It was highly exploitive and watching the abuse second hand and failing to report to the authorities, is just as criminal as committing the abuse first hand, IMO. MTV/Viacom should be held accountable and sued by the families/guardians of each child. MTV’s footage should be subpoenaed because it’s all there, 10 years worth!! This show just makes me sick, and needs to be done with!
Thanks @ Bailey B! David makes Stan look like Prince Charming, LoL.
All jokes aside, it seems that Jenelle and/or MTV have hired bots to sway opinions in the comments. There is no way that anyone would downvote people’s concern for the children and disappointment with their exploitation. Shameful.
Lmao @Dorothy Zbornak!!! Where is Sofia when you need her?? She’d never let this happen! ☺️
I agree with you though. If you’ve noticed, almost all of the comments pertaining to these two vile people in the Ashley’s articles, have at least one or two down votes. Even going back to when poor Nugget was viciously murdered. Who in their right mind would down vote those comments?? My initial thoughts were that it had to be those pathetic, worthless degenerates. You know how much they crave attention, so of course they’re reading these articles. So between them, her for hire tag along cronie Katrina, and whomever else they’ve paid off, they definitely are responsible for over 90% (or more even), of the negative votes. On a subject matter that is very sensitive, regarding children; child neglect and abuse, domestic violence, animal abuse and murder, I think it’s absolutely reprehensible what they have done.
I wish we could post gifs here. Every time I see Jenelle and David I hear Dorothy’s voice in my head: “I could just vomit looking at you!” ?
Rofl, you got in a dis on Stan!
I have been in a very similar situation. Custody should not come down to who has more money and can afford the best legal help.
I beat him badly multiple times,until the last time when I had no chance against his lawyer. A few days ago he was sententeced to 2 1/2 years in the state prison for attacking and trying to choke to death our oldest daughter. It should have NEVER came to that,and only did because of money.
That being said,I think regardless of what happens,the truth always comes out and this is another example of that.I hope Marissa gets to be with her mom and they all have a happy ending.And honestly,I hope David and Jenelle get it together too for the sake of their children.
This sounds very nice, BUT I’m sure there is another side too. This Whitney woman has been sober for 3 years? She has a baby and another on the way? That sounds like a recipe for disaster. I think all of these people are trash. Every single one of them. We only know about any of them because Jenelle comes from a crazy white trash family. She opened her legs extensively as a teenager, and so we know about these losers. That’s the only reason. There isn’t anything interesting or fascinating about any of them. They aren’t raving beauties, they aren’t Rhode scholars, they are white trash, work in Walmart, have criminal records, prone to violence. Why must we be inundated with this trash? Because MTV finds some trash and exploits them for all it’s worth. It’s sad and disgusting and these poor children are the innocent victims of MTV’s shameless exploitation. Also why is Whitney’s husband doing all the talking Ashley? I find that a little odd!
My mom worked at Walmart is she trash ?
Amen, girl!
My thoughts exactly. This lady sounds very judgemental!
No, I don’t know your mom. Barbara is trash, she raised children that are very troubled. Now she has the troubled children’s offspring. That doesn’t even make sense on any level. I think that kids should be surrounded by high achievers in order to have the best chance at success. You’re taking a child away from it’s mother and giving it to someone like Barbara is criminal IMO. She seems mentally challenged, has a sailor mouth, and doesn’t seem of high quality to me. She failed as a parent, we shouldn’t give her another chance to destroy some more innocent children!
How about you get off your high horse. Barbs kids are both adults. Whatever decisions they make regarding their lives falls on them, not barb. You can be raised with the absolute best parents and still become trash.
Ooohhhh sailor mouth. You have virgin ears and can’t handle words.
You don’t seem high quality to me. And destroy more innocent children? LMAO. Jace can actually have a decent life thanks to Barb.
Couldn’t have put it better Ava.
While it is true, Barb has not obtained professional employment, it does not make her a bad person. My uncle was a welder all his life and he is the kindest man I know. I think Barb has said she ended up in an abusive relationship but the important part is she got out. She did support her children on her own. She has learned a great deal about parenting with Jace and working through therapy. She desperately wants to get things right this time around and it shows. Her children have two sets of genes, you are leaving out their father entirely, his is probably the one messed up. Pat why are you even watching this show, wouldn’t your rather enjoy reading the Bible?
Farah? David? Which one are you?
Well my brother is clean now 2 years and him and his wife had a baby a year ago. And it has done nothing but helped further. You clearly don’t have a clue what you are talking about every recovered person is different and you are showing serious ignorance to people who have suffered from addiction. I’m not American but is having a job at Walmart a bad thing ? It is a job isn’t it like do you think you’re better than people that work in retail ? As for Maryssa mother, you have no idea what she has been through, for one she was with abusive David so no wonder she turned to drugs. Her husband is probably speaking for her aswell because it’s best for her not to speak just Incase she does try to go for full custody. Your whole reply just looks like you want it all to fail for the kids constantly putting Maryssa’s mother down for no apparent reason other than you’re a complete snob.
I think you need to be careful when you start making blanket statements, especially when they’re judgmental and offensive
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Yet, here your are getting all worked up over “trash”. Nobody is forcing you to watch or read about anything Teen Mom related.
Wow…the sheer amount of ignorance and hatefulness (not to mention terrible grammar) in your rant is truly overwhelming.
You go on and on about how awful MTV and the cast of this show are,yet here you are,taking time out of your day to leave a comment ( the longest one on here might I add) an it…do you not see how absurd that looks?
What’s sad and disgusting is that anyone can say and believe the kind of nastiness you just spewed. Fortunately,the majority of people are better then that.
Clearly you are a deeply troubled and miserable person and I do hope things get better for you
Wow…it is astonishing how miserable and sad you must be to leave such a hateful, ignorant and downright absurd rant.
You go on and on about how awful these people are,yet you take time out of your day to leave a hate filled comment ( the longest one on here by the way) about it,on an article you clearly took time to read and obviously you watch the show. Do you see how stupid that looks?
Everyone needs to stop whining about it being MTVs fault. As far as them not reporting abuse,what exact abuse are you talking about? How do you know they didn’t try? People don’t just get arrested because of accusations and opinions. If MTV is at fault for the actions on this show,we are all just as guilty for watching it.
They aren’t all white trash. Cheyenne is black trash. So let’s just call them trash.
I really hope everything he says is true because Maryssa needs parents like this… She deserves that! Especially at her age when everything is amplified in life. I really hope she doesn’t have a hard time in school and that she has some true friends since her whole life is being portrayed for the world because kids are mean.
It sounds like this is a good man and Maryssa has a good chance with this side of the family. It would have been really easy for him to jump on “The Land” hate train, but he chose to take the high road (which Lurch and Jenelle NEVER would have done). Maryssa seems like she has her head on straight and wanted away from the bs, so hopefully they weren’t able to damage her too much and she’s able to lead a normal, happy life. P.S. Jenelle and Lurch are such steaming piles of horse s**t, subjecting these beautiful children to their nonsense/selfishness, living in a drug-addled haze picking fights with anonymous folks on the internet because they lead s**t lives. It’s a shame that it took the murder of a dog for a light bulb to go off over authorities’ heads. Shameful.
This guy sounds like he has a good head on his shoulders. I don’t get the drama whore vibe. If they get custody of Maryssa, they better treat that girl like gold and give her the world. She deserves it.
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I think marissa should be there with her mom and step dad
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Wow, this is unbelievably classy of Shane to say. He defended his wife, explained their side and said positive things about the father of Maryssa (even though they’re undeserved). This is how you you defend someone. Jenelle should take note, because declaring the world is against David isn’t a sustainable argument.
He wouldn’t work and stayed gone all the time…I’m not surprised by this, but YUCK!! Well, David certainly found a cash cow with Jenelle. Barf!
This story makes me smile. He sounds like a good man and father, and I have high hopes for this little family. All the positive vibes. Maryssa deserves the best.
Maryssa needs a stable parents and thankfully it sounds like her mother and this guy are. I don’t think they’ll have any problem getting full custody of her.
He sounds reasonably sane. This doesn’t read like a b.s. Story. Hopefully all of this is true and Marissa can get back to a normal , healthy life and enjoy the childhood she has left. I’ll never fault a person for tripping and being able to pick themselves back up. Though, I would have suffered the public humiliation, I can understand why she didn’t want to give David the opportunity to crucify her to the world. It may have been too much for a newly sober person trying to stay sober. I hope for this kids sake, she’s got it together and gets her back
MTV is to blame for all of this. They should have fired Jenelle at the first sign of child abuse/drug abuse. I thought you’re supposed to report abuse of children when you see it. If they would’ve fired her along time ago this would’ve never happened. MTV is closing their eyes to child abuse for ratings/$$$$.
YES!!!! YES!!! A Thousand times YES!!!!!! I don’t know why people can’t or won’t see that??? If you see someone on the street in need of medical attention, you stop and help, correct? Or at LEAST call 911, right?
These children were in desperate need of medical attention!!! No one called 911 for them! That’s why it’s appalling that MTV/Viacom could stand by and let this happen all in the name of “entertainment.” It’s sickening and shameful and they need to be held accountable for these deplorable actions.
Just like I always said, Maryssa’s Mom had no money to go up against the monsters, with their 6 figure salary. And him being a dog murdering monster, he bullied that woman! I hope they get to have that precious child, and do right by her. Monster ex-teen childless abusive mom, named Jenelle, you are the nastiest bitch I have ever read about. I can’t say I watch you on TV because I don’t watch this crap. The only thing that keeps you from being above Casey Anthony, is that you and the monster dog murderer have YET to kill a child, just a little dog that that was beat senseless, then shot. You will both will be going to hell, if the devil will have you, because God don’t want you! I am just sickened by your behavior! You stupid trashy skank bitch!!!
Nice. What makes me feel really good he sounds like a really nice man. And a very nice man that he doesn’t have anything else to say about David and Jenelle.
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This guy sounds like he has a good head on his shoulders. I don’t get the drama whore vibe. If they get custody of Maryssa, they better treat that girl like gold and give her the world. She deserves it.
That poor girl is going to needs so much therapy. Stuck in the middle and now apparently David doesn’t want her? My heart hurts for her ?
Janelle looks a lot like her.
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Janelle looks a lot like her…. Hmmmm