Jenelle Evans continues to stand by her husband David Eason, despite his actions having contributed to (or in some instances, been completely responsible for) the loss of her dog, her job on Teen Mom 2 and now the custody of her kids. While many fans have given up on the idea of Jenelle ever leaving her turbulent marriage, Dr. Jenn Mann of VH1’s Couples Therapy is one of the few who remain hopeful.
In a new interview with Hollywood Life, Dr. Jenn—- a relationship expert, therapist and former rape and domestic violence counselor—- says Jenelle may find being without her children to be so painful that she’s motivated to leave David once and for all.
“I think that the pain is a great motivator for people, so losing her children hopefully will motivate her,” Dr. Jenn told the site. “If that doesn’t, I don’t know what [will].”
It’s worth noting, however, that Dr. Jenn has not worked with either Jenelle or David. (She apparently hasn’t seen the photos that Jenelle posted to Facebook on Monday. The photos show Jenelle and David smiling while on a trip to Washington D.C., a trip that occurred just one day after they spent a week in court unsuccessfully fighting to regain custody of their kids.)
When speaking on Jenelle’s situation, Dr. Jenn attributed some of her recent poor decisions to low self-esteem.
“I would say that, while Jenelle is ultimately responsible for her choices, the mindset that she is in right now is clearly one of someone who has been victimized, and also someone with terrible self-esteem,” Dr. Jenn continued. “I do believe that she loves her children. She clearly states it. But you don’t make a life choice like this [to stay] if you are someone who feels good about yourself.”
“I think that everyone around her needs to be giving her a constant reality check,” Dr. Jenn said. “This is not the time to mince words or be codependent and enable her in an irrational thinking. In my opinion as a therapist, this is an incredibly self-destructive relationship for Jenelle.”

Although Dr. Jenn has never worked with Jenelle or David, she has worked with a lot of the other ‘Teen Mom’ Franchise stars, including Farrah Abraham,Catelynn Lowelland Tyler Baltierra, all of whom appeared on ‘Couples Therapy’ at one time or another.
Anyway, Dr. Jenn has watched with the rest of the world as Jenelle was fired from ‘Teen Mom 2’ last month, after it was revealed that David had shot and killed her dog, Nugget, while some of their children were present on The Land. Jenelle stood by David as Child Protective Services in North Carolina stepped in to temporarily remove the couple’s daughter Ensley, as well as Kaiser, Jenelle’s son with ex Nathan Griffith, and Maryssa, David’s daughter with ex-wife Whitney Johnson.
At the moment, Kaiser is living with Nathan, while Ensley has been placed in the care of Jenelle’s mom, Barbara Evans. (Barbara continues to care for Jenelle’s oldest son, Jace, who has remained in her custody since infancy.) Maryssa is currently living with her maternal grandmother, although her stepfather, Shane Rich, recently told The Ashley he and Maryssa’s mother are prepared to fight for custody.
Since having lost custody of all her kids, Jenelle has said– via statements to the media– she will do “anything necessary” to get them back, that she loves being a mother and that she and David “will get through this.”

RELATED STORY: Law Enforcement Confirms There Have Been 25 Emergency Service Calls To Jenelle Evans’ & David Eason’s House in the Last Year
(Photos: MTV, VH1, Instagram, Facebook)
89 Responses
People like Janelle, provoke any attention, negative or positive. They will not stop until they drain you, it is up to the other adults in the room to stop exchanging with her and finally see that their attempts are futile. The adults need to change their behavior, seek counseling for themselves and move on. Janelle is an anchor, she will take down a sinking ship with all of her disorders and she has a list of them.
“I do believe she loves her children…” BASED ON WHAT??? It kills me when so-called professionals base their opinions on “facts that are not in evidence”. Neither her or Dr.Drew are worth a damn if they can’t see that Jenelle has clearly and consistently displayed ALL of diagnostic criteria of a Borderline Personality Disorder. I hope she NEVER gets her children back. She’s already done enough damage to them to last a lifetime.
How do these 2 moron not only own guns but can carry them in public.
They both have lengthy criminal records (cant believe none are felonies).
He has a restraining order on him & went to jail for choking & throwing is pregnant girlfriend (at the time) down stairs. Thats 1 reason why he cant see his son.
And Jenelle, in addition to her lengthy record of drug charges & assault decided to follow a man to his house run over his mailbox then pulled out a gun on him all while her son Jace sat next to her.
My state wouldnt let these idiot own a slingshot with all of their problems
With all due respect to “Dr. Jen”, she doesn’t know of who she speaks! Jenelle is just fine, happily posting on social media, about her beloved “chickens”. She shows more attention, love and concern for her chickens, than she has EVER shown for her “children”. She isn’t sad, she’s enjoying it! This is a person who “loves being a mother” so much, that she sticks in children in daycare, all day, EVERY day, to be rid of them! SHE is not/has never been a MOTHER!
Don’t you know they’re fine? Everything is fine, their marriage is better than ever.
*staggers under weight of heavy sarcasm*
Drugnelle, are you reading these comments? I think you are! It’s quite amazing how folks have such a LOW, LOW, LOW opinion of you! I guess you as your own PR person isn’t quite cutting the mustard, is it????
Time to take a long and hard look at yourself. People will hate you less if you at least admitted to making mistakes. One cannot improve if one doesn’t do this first step!
Lay off your mother, start showing her appreciation for cleaning up your mess, and pay her child support is a good start. Clean up your trash dump on the compound. Stop with the drugs and beating each other up. oh – lose the husband. Commit to therapy and medication. Get a job.
I could go on, but that’s enough for you to start on right there….
First thing I thought when I saw the headline was “Thank you Captain Obvious!”…Jenelle’s self esteem is totally shot, and she definitely has abandonment and daddy issues. Every season she bitched about how Babs didn’t “nourish” (I believe she meant nurture, but it is Jenelle) her when she was a child, she never told her she was lovable, Jenelle (during her Kieffah days) would constantly say no one loved her and that Barb would always scream at her and call her a slut and a whore, and never forget the scene where she ran after Kieffah like a bat outta hell when he tried to leave her…Jenelle’s got some SERIOUS issues, but the thing is I don’t think she’s capable of acknowledging those issues, and doesn’t take professional help seriously. Honestly she’s a lost cause. Let her stay with David…at least as long as she’s with him, she won’t be allowed anywhere near those kids.
Jenelle and “motivated” should never be used in the same sentence. She is so lazy and was bitching and moaning for YEARS about “When I get Jace back”, and really did nothing to get him back besides make 2 replacement babies that she can’t even take care of. Jenelle doesn’t want those kids back, and she’s not going to go anywhere because she got her tubes tied, and can’t trap another dude with a replacement baby.
What a breakthrough
Who would have thought?
I think most of us already knew Jenelle had Self esteem issues & we didnt even go to med school.
I think it start as abandonment issues from her dad.
I heard he lived on the same street but refused to see/visit her or even talk to her
He needs to be arrested for killing that dog. Maybe then she’ll be away from him to see clearly and not be afraid. He’s a poor excuse for a man. I can’t describe him nor his stupid actions. I have no words!!!!!!!
If she doesn’t care about her kids to leave him then the kids are better off. The kids will realize what she did a d didn’t do for them. No lies!!!! Its all documented on social media.
I’m sorry- distraction over here. But how on earth is David NOT on a no-fly list? Apparently one must threaten the president of #Merica more strongly to get banned. Much less be in photo distance of the White House after Secret Service is dispensed TO YOUR HOME!! ?
How do these 2 moron not only own guns but can carry them in public.
They both have lengthy criminal records (cant believe none are felonies).
He has a restraining order on him & went to jail for choking & throwing is pregnant girlfriend (at the time) down stairs. Thats 1 reason why he cant see his son.
And Jenelle, in addition to her lengthy record of drug charges & assault decided to follow a man to his house run over his mailbox then pulled out a gun on him all while her son Jace sat next to her.
My state wouldnt let these idiot own a slingshot with all of their problems
I’ve tried several times to watch couples rehab and Dr. Jenn just oozes insincerity. She’s all about the camera and getting that sound bite. I think of her as another “dr phil”…. they may be smart people IRL but they honestly care more about the money and making their producers happy than some screwed up patient/civilian.
please dr jen has no business telling anyone what to do with their life this is the same idiot that tried to defend teen moms farrahs actions
Honestly, Jenelle and David are probably enjoying life without children while “pretending they are so sad”.
True love will conquer all Dr Jenn you hack! #tvdr #dumbass
True love?
Where is true love?
Keep in mind how they met
He was a cellmate of her ex husband.
He talked about how much he loved Jenelle & told David all about her Teen mom job. Since David was released first he took that opportunity to find her online & the rest is history.
He was looking for a mealticket
Just about all of them have a codependency problem. I was disturbed over last nights show, Amber was so sad that it was hard to watch. I was looking forward to watching last night, assuming they’d start the season off with some positive things..not so much.
Jenelle’s problems as well as most of the others stem way beyond being codependent.
Cate, and now Amber have shared that they’ve planned suicide! It’s amazing what these people jeopardize for money.
I’m waiting for her to have a “miracle baby” then lose her sh*t when said baby is taken by CPS.
How about a doc stating the actual truth: she has a borderline personality disorder. Low self esteem is the least of her worries
Amber openly discusses it. I was actually proud of her for putting that out there….
This is why I still have a grudging respect for Amber, hear me out. She’s a mess but she seems to want to get better. Jenelle would never admit anything is wrong to begin with, I don’t think she’s capable of growth. She and the dogkiller can’t even understand why people are done with them, I’d pay money to hear some of the conversations in the swamp these days. I’m sure it’s a lot of “not fair!” , etc.
Anyway. Amber is human, Jenelle is not. IMO.
I would argue the opposite, that she is a narcissist and thinks way too highly of herself. She is self centered and incapable of doing what’s right for her children. Being a good mother means being selfless, something Jenelle could never be.
Girl, bye
Dr. Jenn doesn’t have any idea what she’s talking about. Jenelle doesn’t have a maternal bone in her body. If one child is crying and another one asks for a popsicle in the same 15 minute period, she has a meltdown and starts screaming about how she can’t handle it. I’ve never truly seen her enjoy and love her time with her children. She’s either going to cute spots to get pictures to post online to prove how happy they all are, or she’s stressed out beyond belief. She is never just being herself and hanging out having fun playing with them. Her relationship with Jace is like a teenage babysitter that doesn’t even know him that well.
So Dr. Jenn, if you think her desperate love for her children is going to make her leave David, you’re delusional. She just doesn’t have that connection with them. She’s probably enjoying her child-free days right now & is relieved to have this break from her kids. If she loses them permanently because she won’t leave David, she’ll spend the rest of her life ranting about how the system was against her and her husband, who was only trying to protect his family. But she’s not leaving him for the kids. No way.
Look at that. You analyzed the situation better than a doctor that specializes in it. Who’d have guessed that a reality show doctor from a show that exploits D-List celebrities’ emotional and relationship problems is nothing but a fame-hungry quack?
Please down deep she’s happy they drive her nuts if you have watched the show she’s an idiot and she’s gotta be scared of that ugly crazy mother —— if they didn’t drive nuts she’d be fighting harder just waiting to see on the internet that he has killed her probably gonna happen cause why on earth would she stay with him hes soo nasty WTF
This woman is a quack! Seems to be a few fries short of a Happy Meal.
Jenelle doesn’t think like a mother, therefore her losing custody will not lead her to make ANY life changes. She gave up a child to her mother, regardless of how old she was, that says a lot about a woman.
I really, really hope jenelle is paying Barbara child support or at least giving her money on the side for all barb has done for her kids. But I wouldn’t put it past her to not give barb a dime. Disgusting when you think about it. Barbara taking care of these two young kids by herself, as if they’re hers. No doubt David discourages jenelle from giving barb money too. “She wanted to take away custody of your kids so you shouldn’t have to pay her”
Can you please use another username please. I’ve been using this one awhile. Thanks.
Oh, didnt realize it belonged to you. Lol!
Dont be a brat… we are all here to comment in good fun and share our opinions. 😉
I’m not being a brat, I have used this username in every single post regarding Jenelle for maybe the last year. I think it’s shitty to steal another person’s username that they use regularly. Can’t you think of your own?
Dr. Jenn. Wrong wrong wrong.
In those photos its clear she isn’t bothered by the fact that her kids aren’t woth her. I would be distraught and bawling my eyes out i wouldn’t be out on vacation woth the man who made me lose custody of my kids! Some women just don’t habe the mothers instinct she is a clear example
I am one of those women. I knew since before I became sexually active that I wasn’t mother material. It’s been almost 20 years and still haven’t faltered on my stance.
I took every measure to ensure I didn’t become pregnant. What’s interesting about what I’ve just revealed is that throughout following this entire Jenelle/David debacle, I’ve felt nothing but rage at them for being so toxic to their children, and utter disgust with MTV, CPS and the legal system for not doing a damn thing about the mental and physical abuse to those innocent, defenseless kids for YEARS.
TL;DR: I have no children, nor will I ever, by choice, and never really felt that “motherly instinct”, yet apparently I still feel more motherly towards Jenelle’s kids than she does. Sad.
Lol NO. Jenelle is a narcissist and has never been a loving mother, even before David. She doesn’t miss her kids and only values them to the extent they can bring in money or attention. Nothing she has done in the past decade has been about what’s best for her kids. Pretending that it’s all David is naive. Obviously, he is an abusive POS, but Jenelle thrives on attention (positive or negative) and puts herself above everyone. She’s right where she wants to be. That DC picture proves it. The day before that she was too sick to see her children and left court early. Then she flies to DC and is all smiles the weekend after all of her children were taken. She’s not in any pain over this.
This is so spot on, it’s not even funny.
Methinks Dr. Jenn is angling for an infamous cast member on her show.
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Jenelle has made it obvious that she loves her kids? ummm what? When?
Well miss Pathological Liar will say she misses her kids when there’s a camera around, and some people may be dumb enough to believe her
According to Dr. Jenn, “She clearly states it.”
I therefore state that I am Queen of the Internet. Thus it is so. You may bow before me.
Jenelle is a sociopath in my opinion. She goes through all the right motions and says the right things with regard to getting her children back but her actions are contradictory. How dare the court tell her when and where she can see her children, so she ambushed her mother in the parking lot. She gets “sick” when confronted and uses 911 as a weapon. Everything all the time is about her and her perception without empathy or ever truly grasping how her actions affect others.
When I read this, all I saw was ‘blah blah blah, blahity blahity blah. I don’t know Delusionelle personally, but blah blah blah.’ This is the same ‘therapist’ that enabled Farrah and didn’t call out her ass either, I take nothing she says seriously.
Yes, Jenelle SHOULD be motivated to leave David, but she isn’t. She’s believes she’s the perpetual victim, and no doubt thinks everyone is jealous of her and David and that’s why they’re ‘doing this to them.’ Jenelle is just as bad as David, this is the psycho bitch that snapped out because someone pissed her off driving so they chased them TO THEIR OWN HOME AND PULLED A GUN on them. ON CAMERA!! Then called their OWN SON a liar when he told on her. Jenelle is a piece of shit and is just as bad as David, and always has been. Jace called it perfectly when he said mommy and David were pieces of shit. She’s just met her match now, they’re a narcissist/borderline BPD match made in heaven.
Yup, and she didn’t just call Jace a liar. She gaslit him! “Jace, why would you say that?! That’s not what happened!” That poor little boy looked so confused.
That was the saddest scene this show has ever had. I can’t fathom doing that to any child, let alone your own!!
As horrible as that was, the saddest for me was when they went to the cabin and David flipped, making them leave early. The look Kaiser gave the camera in the car before David realized it was there and shut it off was so haunting.
When Jace was in the back seat singing to himself trying to make things better was also hard to watch.
David dragging Kaiser to the swings and him screaming to Feed me!!
When Kaiser hit the camera guy in the crouch and David took him in another room and you hear the baby saying No David No and Kaiser gets spanked….Shall I go on CPS? Where the F–k were you? You almost waited to long, guess it’s a good thing a dog lost his life because you guys sure dropped the ball.Your lucky it wasn’t a child.
She’s shown sociopathic/borderline personality dispersed symptoms long before David entered the picture, and even when he’s not around. David is a psychopath, that’s why he can’t successfully blend in with society. But Henelle (typo and it stays) is a sociopath who knows how to mimic human emotions for her own gain but does not actually feel them. This makes her just as scary.
This Dr. Jenn is either woefully uninformed about the 10-year documented history of Jenelle (and should therefore have a nice cup of STFU), or is just being an entertainer now, like Dr. Drew (who has a body count on his celebrity rehab show, BTW). Disgusting.
Meanwhile, the children suffer the consequences. Shane on MTV and everyone involved who has turned a blind eye to this disaster.
Perfectly said!!
You can start with self esteem issues but then move on to being constantly rewarded for bad behavior, never living in the real world with a real 9 to 5 job, etc etc. Playing on the land all day keeps you a kid.
You got that right! So now it’s revealed in court that Jenelle made $400K and David from $60-120K. OMG! Half a mill these two got. With all that money you feel you can act as bad as you want to be.
I’m sure “Dr” Jenn has done a lot of good work during her career; however, in my opinion she has no credibility due to her participation on those VH1 shows. I’ve only watched snippets of them over the years ou of curiousity (how could one watch any other way) and the way she justifies these peoples deviant anti-Christ behavior seems to be totally counter productive. I saw a little bit when Farrah was on and she just went right along with the victim narrative to excuse the way she acts. Sorry “Dr” Jenn some people are just bad apples, Farrah is garbage and so is Jenelle. You don’t need to be a therapist to see Jenelle has low self-esteem, but she and many of the other “celebrities” she’s “counseled” on those shows have it easier/better than 99% of the population, but we don’t get coddled by celebrity therapists, constantly given special treatment by the law etc., Jenelle loves her soulmate of the moment more than her children, she always has and always will period.
My comment is to MTV. This franchise has run its course. Most of the “women” have showed bad choices from when they were 16 until now. They are not teens anymore and MTV needs to let all these women go. The longer they are on the show the harder its gonna be for them to actually grow up and find real jobs. Does someone have to get really hurt or even killed for MTV to realize this franchise has run its course? Let it go MTV or you will have to take responsibility for the downfall of everyone that has and is being g paid by you?
MTV is a business. Their job is to make money, period. They’re doing that. It’s not their responsibility to force these women, who are nearly THIRTY, to grow up and find real jobs. That’s up to the women and the women alone. MAYBE their friends and family. But MTV offers them this job, they have accepted it, and they are grown adults. Their bad choices are on them, not on MTV.
Ha Ha. Dr. Jenn that would be true If Jenelle loved her kids. Jenelle doesn’t love her kids. If she does love her kids. She sure as hell doesn’t love them more than David.
I remember David calling Kaiser a “pussy like his father” when he was a baby. Kaiser hadn’t even started walking yet. You can only imagine what he did when they weren’t filming.
When did David do this? Link?
David was talking to his friend. Jenelle was on the boat with Kaiser. It wasn’t long after she met David because Kaiser was still young. Iam sure it’s on you tube.
I thought he said he was a “little bitch” like his daddy…either way it’s sickening that he called that baby a little whatever, and Jenelle didn’t say a WORD.
Correction, he said “He takes after his daddy, he’s a little screaming bitch”
I’m not 100% sure but I think he called him a little bitch, just like his father.
This woman hasn’t got a clue about the chin.
She’s as useless as dr drew.
Jenelle is a grown woman and we have watched this train come off the rails since she signed over her firstborn to her Mum.
I just hope the kids stay where they are now and received the appropriate therapy and some rehabilitation into NORMALLY loving family life.
There’s an awkward ‘ive been locked in the basement’ look when they’re around these two freaks.
Thanks for keeping us posted The Ashley.
We’re all waiting for the murder/suicide between these two. Or the miracle baby ???
She has some horridly prioritized priorities… vacation the second she loses custody after court? Sounds like she’s enjoying the time without her kids.
This was the day after she was “too sick” to have visitation with the kids.
I’m not a psychiatrist, but she shows all the textbook signs of borderline personality disorder. Like she’s terrified of being alone and letting go of any guy that comes her way. She’ll hang on until the next one comes along and gives her attention. Sure, she likes her kids just fine. But there is no way that she’ll actually give up on Lurch, or these morons that run in and out of her life – Even if that means never getting her kids back. She refuses to recognize that she needs serious help to better herself. And if someone tells her that she needs to, she’ll take it as someone telling her how to live her pathetic life. It’s very sad.
She’s white trash with MTV money.
I hate to say this, but it’s like a train wreck. It’s awful, but I can’t look away lol ??♀️?
Uhm, losing her children will not motivate her.
She loves her kids just because she has “stated” that she loves them? No. She has NEVER SHOWN that she cares for them. They are merely an annoying consequence of unprotected sex with a plethora of terrible partners and a way for her to get attention.
I hope she isn’t motivated to work on getting them back as they will be far better off without her.
She uses her kids as props to make herself look good.
There is no hope the butch deserves to lose her kids!
Jenelle may have low self estee but she’s always been a terrible person and horrible mother.
Dr Jen is just as bad as Dr Drew. Jenelle is not a decent or normal person. Don’t blame David, because Jenelle will believe it. She is the problem. She’s the one who abandoned her fist son. She holds Kaiser hostage to spite Nathan while feeding him crap like hot dogs and pizza. She’s the one who smokes weed while pregnant. She’s the one who chases a stranger and pulls a gun then calls Jace a liar . Even Lurch told her that stunt was crazy. This is who Jenelle is, She’s no damsel in distress. She will have her own SNAPPED episode soon.
I will never forget her dumping canned corn on his high chair tray, for him to eat with his hands. She has never ever cared about those kids, not really.
Seriously? I missed that.Was it cold?
Yes. He was a baby! And she dumped out that cold corn straight from the can like you’d feed a dog. Only most of us love our dogs.
Jenelle may have low self estee but she’s always been a terrible person and horrible mother.
In those photos its clear she isn’t bothered by the fact that her kids aren’t woth her. I would be distraught and bawling my eyes out i wouldn’t be out on vacation woth the man who made me lose custody of my kids! Some women just don’t habe the mothers instinct she is a clear example
Right?! If my dog was taken from me, I’d be ugly crying and inconsolable, let alone my kids. The fact that she can head out of town and pose for selfies tells us everything we need to know. Not to mention that after this trip to DC, she couldn’t handle Ensley for 2 minutes before snapping at her on the TMZ video. Like, the walk to the car was too much and she let her facade drop for a moment before remembering she was being filmed.
I do not think she will ever leave she loves the negative and the fighting too much and she skipping out on her visit with them.
Not the greatest decision maker.
Jenelle was prepared to go to jail rather than miss a Kesha concert.
Afterwards, she said it wasn’t worth it.
I am wondering at what point she realises that her marriage isn’t worth losing her dog, her job and her kids for.
Nope. If Jenelle wanted her children she would never cancel her one hour supervised visits, stop leaving court early to go out of town. Jenelle needs a man around because she is afraid to be alone. Jenelle will always pick a man over her children. The children were always in daycare so her and David could be alone all day. Dont be fooled with Jenelle ppsting pics of her kids on social media. She knows that her kids are the only way she will be able to earn a paycheck again. Basically she uses her kids as props
This whole situation is soo sad. Jenelle clearly has MAJOR MAJOR issues and does not know how to be a mother. I think she needs therapy and parenting classes for years before she will be ready. However, I do think she should be able to maintain some sort of relationship with her children in the meantime because regardless of what the world thinks those kids look at her as “mommy” and they love her. Poor Ensley has known nothing else but, her and even though she may be in good hands with her grandmother she still wants her mom.
On another note David should not be allowed anywhere near his kids, her kids, or their kid together. He is extremely volatile and clearly dangerous. He cannot control his temper or actions and no child should be subjected to that that. I just pray everything works out in the end and most importantly in the best interest of the children for the first time in their short lives!
Children cling to what,is familiar. They also can be easily brain washed. Children just like pets will cling to their abusers if that’s all they know. That whole “they love their mommy” mess is bull if mommy is a danger to them. If she cant get her shit together for her kids sake then they really are better of without her and just like Jace realizes it they will too. Poor Kaiser clings to everbody. He just wants love at this point. He clings to Doris and Nathan. The bar has been set and Jenelle can no longer be a detrimental deadbeat in her kids lives.
That poor child got more love from Andre the camera man than he ever did from Jenelle.
Notice how her photos don’t show much from the neck down? Jenelle has gained a lot of weight, all that she shed time is taking it’s toll.
This tells me that she doesn’t really know anything about Jenelle. Yes, she said she will do anything to get her kids back, but she doesn’t actually mean that she will do anything.
Jenelle suffers from terminal contrary-ism (an apt, if totally imaginary diagnosis), where she is functionally incapable of complying with court orders, or from taking advice from people. She always knows better, and takes feedback as a personal challenge to defy it.
Also, she doesn’t actually like her kids, and won’t start for being under the level of scrutiny she will face from the courts and CPS if she ever does her her kids back.
Yes! ? I will add, Jenelle likes the Attention her kids get her.
This far beyond just Low self-esteem…
More than “the pain of missing her kids” is “the pain of missing the money shots with the kids as props”.
AKA oppositional defiant disorder.
I feel soo sad for everyone in this situation.
Jenelle has major major issues and clearly doesn’t know how to be a mother, she needs therapy and parenting classes for years before I think she would be ready. That being said I do still hope she can maintain some sort of relationship with them in the meantime because no matter what the world thinks those kids still look at her as “mommy” and they don’t know any better. Poor Ensley doesn’t know anyone else and regardless if she is in good hands with her grandmother she still loves and needs her mother.
On another note David should not be allowed anywhere near any of those children. Jenelle’s or his or his with Jenelle! He is violent and clearly has no control and that is extremely dangerous and no child should be exposed to it! I pray everything works out in the end the way it should & most importantly in the children’s favor.