‘Little Women: LA’ Star Christy Gibel Asks Judge for Annulment: Claims She Never Had Sex with Husband Todd Gibel During Their Five-Year Marriage

Christy, tell us how much sex you and Todd had…

Christy Gibel is demanding her marriage be annulled– even though she’s been hitched to her husband Todd for over five years!

The Little Women: LA star recently filed court documents requesting that her five-year marriage be annulled for two reasons: presence of fraud and lack of nookie! 

TMZ reports that Christy claims she and Todd never consummated their marriage, which took place in May 2014. Christy makes this claim even though ‘Little Women: LA’ fans watched as Todd and Christy struggled to try to have a baby together. (During one memorable episode, Christy’s teenage daughter insinuated that she could hear Christy and Todd doing the nasty in another room!) 

However, according to TMZ‘s sources, “baby-making-talk was all just part of the show.”

A marriage can be annulled in California for several reasons: incest, bigamy, a spouse being under the age of 18, a spouse being forced into the marriage, or a spouse being of unsound mind at the time of the marriage. The last two reasons apply to Christy’s claims: fraud and/or a physical incapacity that causes a spouse to be unable to consummate the relationship.

Todd told TMZ that Christy’s claims of a nookie-less marriage are invalid.

“It’s been a while since they’ve had sex, but they’ve DEFINITELY had sex during the marriage,” the site claims Todd told them.

During a Season 3 episode (that aired in 2015), Christy and Todd visited a fertility specialist, and Christy acknowledged that she and Todd had been “trying for a year” to get pregnant but it wasn’t happening. We can assume by “trying” Christy meant banging it out. That was just one of many times Christy admitted that she and Todd have been trying to conceive.

“You didn’t give me any!”

Christy also claims that Todd committed financial fraud against her during their marriage.

“Our Christy sources claim Todd opened credit card accounts and took out loans under her name without her consent,” TMZ reports.

Todd refused to comment on the fraud claims, stating that his lawyer advised him to remain silent about it until he faces off with Christy in court. 

Christy and Todd have had a chaotic marriage for years. Last month, Christy filed for a restraining order against Todd, claiming Todd was doing everything he could to make her miserable, including turning up the heat in her house to “unbearable levels,” yelling and cursing at her, impersonating her via emails, ripping up her mail, and getting her shut out of her own social media account.

In mid-May, Christy’s temporary restraining order request was granted. Todd was ordered to stay 100 yards away from Christy and her daughter. He was also ordered to move out of the home he had been living in with Christy. 

On Thursday, Christy posted a message to her Instagram that many fans figured was aimed at Todd.

“You can try to destroy us but we are born survivors!” she captioned a collage of photos of herself with her daughter. “We will get up and thrive. #momanddaughter #bestgirlfriend#thetruthwillcomeout ?#littlewomenla”


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You can try to destroy us but we are born survivors! We will get up and thrive. #momanddaughter #bestgirlfriend #thetruthwillcomeout ?#littlewomenla

A post shared by Christy McGinity (@lilchristyrocks) on

(Photos: Lifetime, Instagram) 

43 Responses

  1. The article keeps referring to Autumn as her daughter, but legally he is her father. He adopted her.

  2. Not only is she lying about never having sex but she also claims he only purposed to her to steal her money.
    We all watched how she begged him to get married and even went ring shopping without him.
    She must be the person who has down voted every comment.
    She is really pathetic and isn’t being a good role model for her daughter.

    1. Christy is a liar and a fake, Whenever she is talking to someone; her eyes are looking everywhere except the person she’s talking to.
      Terras husband Joe was right;she’s an opportunist!
      Do yourself a favor Todd and run!!!!

  3. If you stayed for 5 years and choose to share this information now, it means you only want to humiliate this man for your own personal gain.
    I just don’t believe her.

    1. When she’s talked about trying to get pregnant ( naturally) , made sexual references whilst checking out lingerie, your OWN daughter saying she can “hear you” because the walls are thin …. Kind of makes the non-consumated reason for annulment seem like a load of BULLSHIT !

    1. LOL, It took me a while to work this comment out , when I did I nearly choked on my drink ??????

      1. I saw that one preview of Christy and Terra getting into it her friend and daughter need too shut up. Shame Penny isn’t big enough she tell Christy daughter off or stop her @ss!!!

  4. I agree with every single one of the comments. I have never liked her. Karma is a bitch!!

  5. If they had no sex. How come is was doing pregnancy test. If I remember sex education. That is how a baby is made. You need sex.

    1. Christy was definitely the instigator in this case. I’ve just been watching the reunion; I’m not sure what season, but Elena; Brianna and Terra are all pregnant. Matt’s been called out on his lies. It has flash backs to “the bar fight” Christy DEFINITELY caused it ! It shows Christy blubbering into Briannas shoulder and wiping snot all over her …..I WANT A BABY she wails ! God help that poor baby. And if Todd’s such a shot husband, why did she want him to adopt her daughter and have another child with him?
      I’m not a huge fan of Terra; but I wish the glass would have hit Christy harder !!!!

  6. I’m going to call some major BS. They admitted on camera that they were desperately trying to conceive a child. She’s even discussed their sex life on the most recent season. I don’t think she wants to have another divorce and would rather have an annulment so that it’s as though she was never married. It’s her way of placing the blame on him and keeping her even dirtier laundry sealed. It’s time for her to grow up a bit!

    1. Surely though all they’ll need to do is go back through the footage and get some of her remarks that’s she’s made …..Not just to the other girls, but to Todd , to her mother…..She’s a fucking liar!

  7. Christy is lamest out of a the woman on the show. Her and Todd not having sex is stupid. She tends to forget Todd was one of the fewest that stood by her during the whole bar scene with Tera. She a big idiot.

    1. OMG ! That bar scene with Terra was RIDICULOUS, Terra’s cup BARELY touched Christy. I’m not a huge fan of Terra , but Christy saw an opportunity and she ran with it, I wish Terra had connected a bit harder! As Joe said , You have done something to an opportunist bitch; she wants to sue everyone. Of COURSE it was Christy that leaked the story to TMZ!

      1. Not to mention the fact that Christy actually threw her drink in Terra’s face BEFORE Terra threw her cup. That’s legally an assault and she could’ve been arrested for that. Terra turned it into mutual combat though by throwing her cup.
        That’s why no charges were officially filed against Terra.
        Just saying…

        1. I KNOW, I watched it several times to just double check lol. I’m not a huge fan of Terra, but Christy definitely was the instigator; and the cup BARELY touched her!
          And it wasn’t to hard to work out that Christy was the one to leak it to TMZ.
          She’s a freaking drama queen!!!!! I can’t stand her OR that miserable sour faced bitch of a daughter of hers.

        2. Christy was definitely the instigator in this case. I’ve just been watching the reunion; I’m not sure what season, but Elena; Brianna and Terra are all pregnant. Matt’s been called out on his lies. It has flash backs to “the bar fight” Christy DEFINITELY caused it ! It shows Christy blubbering into Briannas shoulder and wiping snot all over her …..I WANT A BABY she wails ! God help that poor baby. And if Todd’s such a shot husband, why did she want him to adopt her daughter and have another child with him?
          I’m not a huge fan of Terra; but I wish the glass would have hit Christy harder !!!!

        3. And THEN Christy wants to gather around and sing “Kumbaya”…… And wondered why Terra gave her the cold shoulder!!!!! FFS!

  8. The black and white pics at the top are terrible. The daughter looks like she is in the middle of a sneeze. And the mom looks like she’s been bawling her eyes out. And both have greasy looking hair. Don’t get it.

    1. I think they’re supposed to “Show the world the suffering and pain they “supposedly” endured…..
      I’m still calling BULLSHIT! Her and her daughter are ugly little sour faced trolls !

    2. I think the idea they’re trying for is “SYMPATHY SNAPS” . Not working here, I’ve got NO sympathy for her or her brat daughter!

    3. While I agree with your comment, I don’t understand how you have the same user name and avatar as me. I’ve had it for years.

      1. I think …… AND this is just a guess , but the photos are supposed to represent
        Before and After…..The top ones portraying how miserable they were supposed to have been

        And the bottom ones portraying how “wonderful” life is now ….Like I said it’s just a guess LOL.
        It won’t be long before Christy is wanting to sue this new guy over something!
        She’s not happy unless she’s miserable

    1. I think they’re meant to depict “supposedly ” The pain and suffering……blah blah blah , that they’re going through
      BULLSHIT !!!!!!

  9. What a load of shit !!!!!! Christy was always mouthing off and making comments about hers and Todd’s sex life !!!!!

  10. Her daughter will continue the cycle…she will be just like Crusty. It seems she acts out sexually so maybe she will have a sex addiction rather than a booze addiction. And Crusty is trying to live vicariously through her daughter, it is sickening. Crusty isn’t to be trusted, and ol’Todd is going to find out just how vindictive she can be.

    1. Sorry I accidentally hit that bloody down vote again!I meant to up’vote
      You’re right about Christy’s daughter! The night her and her friends went out “clubbing” she put on quite a “performance ” up on the bar !!!!!!

      1. You can change your down vote to an up vote by hitting the up vote. It may take a few taps but it will work. It’s happened to me a few times and I’ve always rectified it. Just a fyi.

  11. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    Give me a break with her she is a drama queen and Terra did not never sleep with Todd her daughter needs to be quiet.

  12. I wanted to pull for Christy. She always seemed like the outsider and has done very well (at least on TV) overcoming her addictions. HOWEVER she had gone WAAAAY over the beam with this divorce. She is demonstrating why others do not trust her. She is an evil troll who will scoop to anything to “win.” I feel sorry for her daughter.

    1. Sorry TEAMPENNY I accidentally hit the down button!
      I used to feel a bit bad for Christy….. NOT ANYMORE!
      She is nothing but a lying manipulating evil jealous little troll!….. She’s so fake its sickening! Terras husband described her spot on ! A LYING LITTLE OPPORTUNIST, always looking out for a way to make a dollar , score sympathy, and LAW SUIT is one of her favorite words.
      Terras fake cry/talk used to drive me insane BUT Christy’s makes me want to slam my own head into a wall !

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