Jenelle Evans and David Eason were back in court on Tuesday, trying to make headway in their quest to regain custody of their assorted children. While the former Teen Mom 2 stars have spent the last month or so child-less (and scooting around Washington D.C., taking out their boat, etc.), on Tuesday they had to sit through more testimonies from people who are trying to keep them from regaining custody.
The Ashley has all the details of what went down today in court!
Despite Internet rumors that Tuesday’s court date would possibly end with David and Jenelle regaining custody of some of the kids, The Ashley’s sources tell her that is completely false.
“There’s no way they are getting the kids back this week,” one source stated. “This court hearing was the pre-adjudication hearing. After that will be the adjudication hearing and then the disposition. It could go on for months.”
The source explained more about what the adjudication hearing is.
“Basically that’s the time where the court hears more testimony from the CPS agents and witnesses to prove the allegations that caused [them] to lose custody,” the source said. “There may be experts called up as well and evidence shown.”
At least one of the kids testified on Tuesday as well, The Ashley hears.
The source said that Jenelle and David were each given a list of tasks they need to complete.
The source also confirmed that Jenelle and David’s visits with their kids will continue to be once a week, at a court-supervised visitation center, for the foreseeable future.
Another source provided some insight on the recent visits. (TMZ reported that David and Jenelle saw the kids on Tuesday; that is not true. The video below was posted by TMZ on Tuesday, showing Jenelle and David walking into the court today.)
“This week’s visit will be on Thursday, at the [visitation] center,” the source told The Ashley. “Right now, Jenelle and David visit with all of the kids, except Maryssa. They get one hour a week.”
Earlier this month, Jenelle gave an interview stating that The Ashley’s story about them not pursing visitation or custody of Maryssa was false. However, The Ashley’s sources tell her this is not true, and that Jenelle and David have not visited with Maryssa in a while.
“Both parties [aka Maryssa and her grandmother, and David and Jenelle] agreed to discontinue the visits until further notice,” the source said, stating that Maryssa refused to talk to David during the visitation she did attend last month.
On Tuesday, David posted a message to his Snapchat, trying to entice his followers to subscribe to his YouTube channel.
“Subscribe to my channel so I can go live and show y’all some real LIVE action,” he wrote. “See everything before it hits the news on my YouTube! Have to have 1000 followers to go live.”
The source stated that this is likely because David needs to prove he has income. Once a YouTube channel has 1,000 subscribers, the channel’s owner can join the YouTube Partner Program and monetize their videos with ads. (The source confirmed to The Ashley that they are not positive that this was David’s motive for posting this, though.)
In the past, David has been reluctant to seek employment.

The source stated that the case has been continued, and will pick up again on Thursday.
The Ashley will update this story when she has more info…
(Photos: Instagram, Snapchat)
83 Responses
@theashley…. why are you not mentioning the new judge? How did jenelle and lurch get that to happen????
They truly have no clue what court ordered supervision ONLY means. I don’t know what legal advice they’re getting but they need a refund if they’re following it. This is insanity at its finest as far as a child custody well being anything as far as the best interest of these poor children!
The court here in Ind. is no joke I sit in horror with what has gone on there. Here it would have been over both adults in jail and no discussion on returning anything anytime in the near future either. Oh and the animals would have been removed over the abusive videos before poor hero Nuggets murder. They would be lucky to own or have a plant.
I’m afraid with all preg hints and throwback stuff she is in fact preg. Just my own scared thoughts. But if you recall she stated she only had ONE tube tied due to female problems. This also occurred during a time when some of the other moms were having female issues too. She couldn’t be left out. This surgery also happened just in time to get the spot light off the fight with Nathan’s gf – making her now a victim of horrible female problems. Plus she had court with Nathan coming up gotta have a poor me story lined up for that too.
There is always a tit for tat with them regarding everything. While David’s is a violent outburst, more than scary to say the least but you can follow his – at least it jumps out to me – maybe because I’m a mom of a daughter who was the victim of DV. Jenelle’s is anyone’s guess if it will be her mouth, neglect of anyone or anything around, or violence. Nothing is EVER her fault. Everyone is out to get her- but she seems to forget who she hurts via words or actions. Anyone who tries to help her look out. Somewhere in her warped mind she isn’t worth it so she has to get them first cuz only reason they would help her is to hurt her later. David feeds on this as every good DV abuser would. He has managed to alienate her from every true friend she has had; her source of income and protection (MTV); and most important in their arsonal – her family. Barb got back in for a minute when she stopped fighting about David and just waited for her to tell her what she wanted to. Barb even said she KNEW David was guilty over the 911 call the bonfire night, but she knew if she called him out over it Jenelle wouldn’t have gone to her in an emergency. She has tried so hard to be there for her only to have David throw her under the bus making it Barbs fault she has Jace and now Ensley. It’s easy to twist things when they are the only one in their victims ear. They do it well and this is the one time Jenelle could throw her hands up- be the true victim and people would have rallied behind her – got her the help she needs desperately (drugs, mental, health). The longer and harder she fights for “poor David” the less support she will have, if it isn’t too late already. Like the 911 calls – no one is rushing out to her from there because of “false drama” she has created. I say “false drama” because let’s be honest keys in the car – on FB but not answering the phone – how many more made up 25 calls?
Is it me or does anyone else wonder how on $400k she doesn’t own better and more professional clothes? The same striped shirt with the gap getting wider between the buttons on her chest. Brown shoes with black pants? Why just why doesn’t she own clothes for a professional setting? hmmm wonder where and what the money went for.
I noticed this as well. In the video you can see how much weight she’s gained, at least 20 pounds.
She has repeated this look, and it wasn’t good to begin with.
Please do not subscribe to this sorry excuse of a man! He’s looking to get paid from you tube!
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Go away get a life both of you are oxygen theives Worthless killers of innocent animals need to have Justin for poor nugget you don’t deserve to have your kids you guys need professional help you guys make me puke get help
Both of them need a whole lot of counseling and parenting classes Jenell need to be in divorce court next because he is mental
#courtheels AND court glasses! ?
Don’t subscribe. Just do what the rest of us do and watch videos without subscribing with an ad blocker. They don’t get money when ad blocker is activated on your phone or laptop. *I see that “the ones” are subscribing and he’s hit over 1000 now. ?
The kids are safe at the moment !!!! Let’s hope it stays that way. They are both crazy she doesn’t obviously care about her kids !!! They are the type of couple you will read about in the headlines when it’s to late.
I am curious to know if when David and Jenelle do visitation it Kaiser, Jayce and Ensley does that 1 hour involve all three kids together or is it an hour per child and separate from their siblings. Does anyone know who this works with multiple children and parent combinations?
Good question. I know they’re not seeing Maryssa at present; I wonder about their interactions with the other kids. Poor Ensley; IMO her future looks the bleakest. God forbid Kaiser is ever forced to go back.
Hopefully they never get their kids back!! God bless the family taking care of them….the way they should be raised in happy healthy home. Let’s hope justice wins!!
Ashley why didn’t Janelle get in trouble for having contact with ensley outside of court the last time. While Barbra was trying to get her something fo eat. That was totally out of line. Especially since she barely paid attention and was arguing in front of her.she should have been held in contempt.
I really hope someone has brought this tape to the attention of the prosecuting attorney or the court or children services or the advocate for Ensley. Ensley’s advocate I think would be best but probably not the easiest to reach.
How does David have the right to visit Kaiser . I don’t believe this is true. David would never allow it.
Nathan would never allow it!!!!
Love the name! Lol
It says that on Tuesday at least one of the children testified. Just imagine how flat out terrified that kid must have been thinking about the consequences of testifying in court against Lurch and Morticia Eason if they’re ever sent back to live with them.
Jenelle and David can zip around on scooters, get chunky as hell (which is exactly what Jenelle looks like in these photos) and have as much YouTube nonsense going on as they like. My prayers are still with a safe, non-fearful environment for the children born into this chaotic sh*t show.
North Carolina courts and judges PLEASE decide what’s best for the kids.
No outcome is the greatest if you think about but the best outcome is for them to not get those kids back. Jenelle rarely lifts a finger to mother those kids. She has never been shown to cook or clean or help with hw etc. the most I’ve seen her do is make a baby bottle and do ensley’s hair. David does everything. I think if they get any of them back it would be Ensley and I can guarantee she’ll be made so isolated she’ll rebel against them in the future so bad.
These two imbeciles are white trash losers. They are disgusting. Period.
Audrey, Thank you so much for continuing to spread the word about David and his awful antics along with #justicefornugget. You are appreciated beyond words for keeping everyone out of the teenmom circle up to date on his horrific actions. Blessings
Well I checked his youtube channel. He has over 1500 subscribers. Why would anyone sub to him boggles my mind. I checked out the youtube partner requirements and you need a minimum of 1000 subs along with more than 4000 public watch hours in the last 12 months. He has two videos one with 12k views and the other has 201k views so he probably meets that requirement as well.
It won’t happen but it would be funny if they got banned from every single social media site and was forced to get regular jobs with minimum wage pay.
You Tube sent out an email that you had a list of requirements and if you didn’t meet them, you were taken off.
Also, any video containing profanity, illegal activities, or copyrighted content is ineligible for monetization.
Those of us who are business savvy know how to temper it. David is not, and likely won’t be able to.
If everyone constantly reports their vids then they will get strikes and then banned from their Youtube channels. YouTube don’t mess around. It’s easy as fuck to get your vids pulled there and shut down.
Her medical marijuana card is useless in North Carolina. Medicinal weed isn’t legal there. Recreational and medical are legal in DC, that’s why they’ve been going there on weekends. Business meetings, my ass.
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I hope she never gets her kids back and I’m so thankful she had her tubes tied
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I’m sorry, but The Ashley always says she has sources but never names them. A good journalist, rather than a stalker would, right? Why are we supposed to believe what this site says over anyone else?
Journalists have gone to jail rather than to reveal a source. First amendment rights vary depending on jurisdiction. Google it.
Everyone knows neither Jenelle nor David will complete the tasks to regain custody of Kaiser or Ensley. Also, any likable person on Youtube has 1000k subscribers….I’ll have another amazing day when David and Jenelle have to seek employment like regular people. The other amazing days were obviously when all kids left their care.
What the hell is he gonna talk about in his podcast??? How to abuse animals? How to get the smell of crotch rot out of a beard? How to blow shit up? How to fill the streets with uppercuts??? Like what??
can someone kindly tell me ( with the exception of playing around a little on line, I’m not very computer savvy- thank goddess I have someone that does this for me at work ) is David guaranteed wages once he meets the quota of subscribers??? He automatically pulls a paycheck?
It’s like this whole TM franchise has some sort of “ get rich quick “ scheme going on. They do the bare minimum by slapping their name on clothes, cosmetics,milkshakes, etc., and call it a job.
I knew that having steady income would be a stipulation in the case plan to regain the kids, however, it’s not a good look that these two are looking to finagle to get money rather than seeking some honest work. The pro, the less they do, the better it is for the kids.
This is what someone said on the tmog reddit
“Even if you have 1000 subscribers + 4000 watch hours, you still have to apply to be a YouTube Partner (monetization program). They have tightened their policies after advertisers were boycotting after their ads appeared on videos with inappropriate content. After you apply, you channel is reviewed to make sure it is “advertiser friendly”. David has two videos: One where he is literally committing a crime (illegally towing Terry’s truck), and the second he is screaming at a man in the middle of the woods, fighting over dead, rotting, bloody deer carcasses (I’m being serious).. Unless the employee assigned to review his account has been smokin’ on the front porch wif Keiffah and it slips through the cracks, there is NO CHANCE he will be approved for monetization. The video he currently has straight up violates YouTube Terms of Service (illegal activity), and I highly encourage people to take a few minutes and report his video(s) and channel for hateful & dangerous content. If there are enough reports, it will be flagged for review and YouTube might be added to the list of many social media platforms to shut David’s account down.””
@TF. Thanks a mill for the well detailed answer.?
I have already filled out a complaint against him on You Tube. When you Google them, Jenelle also has some videos. There is one from OK magazine about the pigs, which I won’t watch. I googled this, jenelle evans eason and david eason pod cast and she has some. I really was glad that you detailed this. Thanks TF!
To pull a good paycheck from YouTube, you have to be pretty popular and have endorsements (ads) on your vids. Ad blocker, obviously blocks the ads from playing before the vids. So, if you have it in your phone or laptop, they don’t get paid for those watches (hits). They will still get money if you watch it without an ad blocker tho. Subscribed or not. I turn off my ad blocker on channels I really like, and have no problem with them getting paid by me watching them. Also, a good friend of mine is big on YouTube and he has to constantly post vids weekly and interesting ones at that, to get a good amount of money. It’s hit and miss. Not steady at all. I wouldn’t think in the courts eyes. As, a steady job. Unless, your one with millions of subscribers.
Good for Maryssa. I hope she is having a fun, carefree summer.
Google David Eason Podcast. Then the people running the podcast, have a contact us page. I complained and sent them some links like the Change petition #justicefornugget. I asked them why they were allowing those monsters to have a podcast on their site and make money.
I’ve contacted podCa$t0Ne Also, to express my disgust that they have allowed a child abusing animal killer to make money via them.
Anddd he got over 1000.
What the heck are you doing, people?
Can we report him to YouTube or the people who run the podcast?
It probably alot of reporters and bloggers subscribing so that they can report the dumbness of this all to us. As long as his following is low he won’t make alot of money. He may make enough to keep the lights on in the sinking swamp palace and maybe pay child support, maybe.
You can’t just monetize with 1000 subs, you also need a bunch of other stuff like 1000 hours watch time and other new requirements as of January 2018.
I beieve it’s 10,000 and the hours quota. He doesn’t deserve squat.
I believe it’s 10,000 subscribers and the hours quota. He doesn’t deserve squat.
Poor Jenelle and David, I’m seriously starting to feel bad for them. They need to get a job and not do drugs? Jesus God Leah, that must be hard on them! ?
Good!!! There is no hope for them. They dont think they have done anything wrong. I think they just dont give a fuck. People like them will never change. I’m glad that it’s looking like those kids will never be going back there again.
Can’t they get their swamp boat business running? I mean it is summer and the hurricane is over.Guess chicken goat pig farmer dog killer doesn’t make enough taxable income to count as a job,And stay at home dad is shot to hell. Remember he has to pay support on Kaden also.
Well said!
You forgot he can’t work outside, because of his Vitiligo.
That was the excuse he gave the judge lol
Everyone says they wont subscribe to J or D’S page but the sad truth is their subscribers have went up. Please Stop Putting Money In their pockets. Drop J and D. If you are subscribed to them you should be ashamed. Make J and D get a regular job.
What about the parenting classes and a phycho evaluation for David? Isn’t he suppose to go to anger management class? Shouldn’t they have started all this already? What am I missing?
David needs Youtube so he gets paid from it that’s why he says he needs 1000 subscribers ,,,lol
He trying hard to act normal but he did that in the beginning than the little signs started to show. She cannot protect her are those kids she can’t keep the house clean I so happy that I do not have to worry about if he going to hurt them today.
I’m also worried about the remaining animals on the swamp
David’s tasks include getting a job? Yeah, that’ll never happen. Looks like Maryssa, Kaiser, and Ensley are safe for the foreseeable future.
His job is a podcast? Where he tells the real live action before the news?
They better not get custody of those kids and I hope his subscriber numbers stay low…these 2 are looking for an income…don’t give it to them.
He already has 810.
RadarOnLine had a short clip of the dog murderer talking to some lady and Maryssa was there. They were outside the court house. Does the dog murderer not have a driver license? She is always driving.
Maryssa hasn’t seen David since the last time she refused to even see him. Which wasn’t even that day either
They will
Never see there kids again !! Give up your rights Davis and jenelle let these kids live. A happy healthy life where they are !! Be gone bitches !! You make Charlie Manson look like a saint
While I hope that happens courts do everything to get them back with parents which would be horrible but I think it will happen
Can you imagine how much he smells? I seriously can smell him from here.
Please people don’t subscribe to the white trash devil spawn.
I can’t even look at them!
I will never subscribe! No one should. The money will run out soon. I just want him punished for the little dogs death!
I can’t even imagine watching or listening to David spew his word vomit.
Hopefully he continues to show what an unstable, violent, hateful asshole he is. He posted himself towing the truck, she shared the video of him tell her to die. They will show themselves to be unsuitable and at least there is that silver lining.
Man, I CANNOT wait to hear from the experts!!!!
When do they testify?
David looked pretty dapper in that TMZ vid. Jelly looked thick AF.
He looks like a dirty swamp ass wrapped up in geriatric suit. I hate them. They are never getting those kids back.
And jenelle is eating her feeling because she cant do drugs right now. Boohoo!!! Kill eachother do this world and your kids who hate u a favor.
Yes! Please! They are the worst people ever!
I literally hate the 2 of them so much. And I’m a really nice person. They are using perfectly good oxygen!!!
Hate to break it to ya, but really nice people don’t tell other people to kill themselves. ??♀️
I totally agree with you, Jane and Audrey ??
I dont consider david as a human being. Hes a monster.
Shes probably smoking a LOT of weed. Remember she has a medical marijuana card for all of her phantom ailments.
Her medical marijuana card is useless in North Carolina. Medicinal weed isn’t legal there. Recreational and medical are legal in DC, that’s why they’ve been going there on weekends. Business meetings, my ass.
Did I dream this!!!! But aren’t they growing weed on the land??
Maybe they are growing it in the sheShed, aka, smack/crack shack ??