There will be a whole gaggle of new Duggar girls by the end of the year!
Counting On stars Josiah and Lauren Duggar announced on Tuesday that the baby they’re expecting later this year will be a girl. The couple– who sadly lost their first child to miscarriage last year– described their excitement in an interview with Us Weekly.
“We are so grateful that God has blessed us with a sweet baby girl!” Josiah and Lauren told the magazine. “If she only knew how loved she is already and how many people are already praying for her! She truly is a gift… a miracle from God.”
That isn’t the only female “miracle from God” the Duggar clan is expecting. Us Weekly apparently got a two-gender-reveals-for-one deal with Duggars, as Joseph Duggar and his wife Kendra also revealed to the magazine on Tuesday that they, too, are expecting a baby girl.
“Parenting has already proven to be more wonderful than we could have dreamed,” the couple— who are already parents to one-year-old son Garrett— told the magazine in a statement. “Even though we come from large families, there is nothing like having your own children. We are so thrilled that a little girl will be joining our family! Garrett is going to be such a great big brother.”
While Josiah and Lauren used a balloon filled with pink confetti to reveal their baby’s gender, Kendra and Joe went economical, incorporating their baby’s gender reveal into their son Garrett’s first birthday party.
“They gave him a smash cake, so he revealed the baby-to-be’s sex when he got to the pink frosting inside,” Us Weekly reports.
(Surely all of this “thrilling” footage will make it onto the upcoming new season of ‘Counting On!’)
In a video made for TLCMe Kendra and Joe robotically discuss their gender reveal.
“We didn’t suspect that the gender of the baby was gonna be a girl, just because with the similarities between this pregnancy and last pregnancy, we kind of thought it would be another boy,” Joe explains. “But we were so excited to hear it was a girl.”
“I’m so excited about being a mommy to a baby girl just because there’s the fun shopping and getting bows and dresses!” Kendra says. (We all know the Dugs love them some dresses!)
Joe and Kendra— who have stated that they, like most Dugs, plan to have “as many babies as God will give them”– made it clear that this baby girl won’t be their last “blessing.”
“It’s just kind of a transition time right after you have that baby, going from one to two, and then you get used to it and it’s all good after that,” Kendra said, adding, “until the next transition!”
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While the Duggars had a string of grandsons, they seem to all be having girls as of recently. Jessa and Ben Seewald welcomed a daughter, Ivy Jane, last month, and Josh and Anna Duggar recently announced that they, too, are expecting a baby girl.
Joy and Austin Forsyth are also expecting; however they have yet to reveal their baby’s gender.
RELATED STORY: Josh & Anna Duggar Reveal They’re Expecting a Baby Girl, Explain Why They Won’t Be Naming Her After Recently Deceased Grandma Mary
(Photos: Instagram, Facebook)
11 Responses
Anna Duggar has no business have more children with her sexual predator husband Josh. Joshua needs a vasectomy and not produce any more babies that he will molest like he did his own sisters. Anna 6 baby is zachs bates not Joshua. Saw them leaving a hotel together in AK a few months ago. Jokes on Josh.
Do any of the Duggar wives work or attend college? They are so young and it seems their only goal is to marry and start procreating as soon as possible. They are more worried about staying pregnant than having a career. It would be nice if they set an example for their gaggle of children that getting an education, living an independent life, and getting to know yourself BEFORE getting married and popping out babies every year is also an option.
Only John’s wife Abbie. She’s a LPN, I think. Some type of nurse. They also got married older than the other Duggars so kudos to them.
Keep them away from uncle Josh!!!!
Josh and Anna are also expecting a daughter. So they should probably keep her away from her Daddy too, huh?!! ::eye roll::. People can change!!!! You haters need to GET OVER YOURSELVES!!!!
Expressing a valid opinion isn’t hating, sheesh
A great person once said, “Opinions are like butt holes, everybody has one. But I sit on mine.”
Is it wrong that I feel sorry for the Duggar men/boys, they all are going to be bald.
These bros may be busting more nuts then me. My pull out game is much stronger thou!
Little Garrett is adorable, he looks just like his mom.