EXCLUSIVE! Maryssa Eason’s Stepfather Speaks Out About David Eason & Jenelle Evans Regaining Custody of Maryssa: “The Justice System Failed Her”

Whitney Johnson’s husband is speaking out on the judge’s decision to return Maryssa to David’s care…

Teen Mom 2 fans were shocked on Wednesday when news broke that a judge had unexpectedly dismissed the case against Jenelle Evans and David Eason, and ordered their children be returned to them immediately, following a nearly two-month battle in court. David’s daughter Maryssa— who testified against Jenelle and David in court— was also ordered returned to David’s care, as he currently has full custody of the 11-year-old.

Maryssa, as well as Jenelle’s son Kaiser and the couple’s daughter Ensley, are all back on The Land as of Thursday, and many fans expressed their fear for Maryssa on social media.

In an exclusive interview with The Ashley, Maryssa’s stepdad, Shane Rich, stated that he, as well as his wife (and David’s ex) Whitney Johnson Rich, are afraid for Maryssa to be back in the care of Jenelle and David.

“We are very upset and Maryssa is traumatized,” Shane told The Ashley. “She was very brave and honest and the justice system failed her. We just told her to protect herself…and do what she has to do to peacefully survive there. It’s a sad thing for a child to have to do, but it’s the only option in this situation, for now.

“My wife feels helpless and we both have a very bad feeling about this,” he added.

As The Ashley previously reported, Maryssa was the star witness in the case against Jenelle and David. The judge dismissed the case on Wednesday, declaring that she saw no evidence of neglect. The Ashley’s sources stated that an old recording was played in court that helped the Easons’ case, and Shane provided more info about it.

“The recording they tried to use was supposedly from 3+ years ago,” he said, adding that it was allegedly provided by Whitney’s old boyfriend. According to Shane, the recording was of Whitney stating that Maryssa was “loyal to her.”

Shane stated that Whitney’s ex got on the stand at the custody hearing and helped the Easons’ case. 

“We’re unsure of how much weight that carried,” Shane, who attended the hearings with Whitney, said. “My wife and her lawyer fought a good fight. And people will say they’d do this and that, but they don’t know unless they’re in that situation. What you think you can do might not be what you can get done.”

Maryssa with David, Jenelle and Ensley in February…

The Ashley’s sources told her that all of the caretakers’ lawyers, as well as those on the case for CPS, are planning on appealing the judge’s decision. However, Shane stated that he and his family feel helpless right now. 

“My wife’s lawyer and CPS said there’s nothing anyone can do. CPS had strong evidence, but there’s no justice system,” he said. “There’s no redemption for a woman whose had a previous substance abuse problem. My wife already knew how she was going to be looked at, she’s been through it time and time again. We hope [the judge] slept real good last night. We surely didn’t! Our hearts are broken!”

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Jenelle posted photos of her and David celebrating with the kids on Thursday, which was also the 4th of July holiday. Maryssa, as well as Kaiser, Jace and Ensley, can all be clearly seen in the Instagram videos.

“We are not okay with the decision, but unless a suitcase full of money fell out of the sky we wouldn’t even stand a chance, going up against lawyers who are paid six figures and linger things out to try and flush the average person out by draining their pockets,” Shane said.

Jenelle’s mother, Barbara Evans, (who was the temporary caretaker of Ensley through the custody battle, and has full custody of Jace), has also expressed her outrage about the judge allowing the kids to be returned to Jenelle and David. 

“It was an injustice to the children,” she told Radar Online after the judge’s decision went public. “We are all sick to our stomachs.”

Before the custody case, Jenelle was allowed unsupervised visits with Jace. After the case was dismissed, Barbara had to allow the 10-year-old to go with Jenelle, as the custody status reverted back to where it was before the CPS case. Jenelle and David picked up daughter Ensley at Barbara’s house on July 3.

“David came over my house, and started a fight all over again. Jace was very upset, and he didn’t want to go with [David and Jenelle],” Barbara said. “[David] just is the same person he normally is. He’s not going to change. He is an evil f**king person.”

Barbara has vowed to continue to fight to have the children removed from Jenelle and David’s care. 

As for Shane, he says he’s worried for his stepdaughter Maryssa’s safety.

“We’ve all seen what sometimes happens next,” he told The Ashley. “[Maryssa] will have to act happy and suck her feelings up, if she can, but a child shouldn’t have to do that.”

Maryssa will still be allowed to visit her mother and maternal family members every other weekend, just as she was doing before she was removed from The Land by CPS.

RELATED STORY: Custody Case of Former ‘Teen Mom 2’ Stars Jenelle Evans & David Eason Dismissed: Get Exclusive Details

(Photos: Facebook; Instagram; Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images;

118 Responses

  1. I am an ECEAP teacher and have worked with children over 14 years. I have seen many cases, usually Grandparent vs. Parent where the child was put back with their parent and it has ended in tragedy. Just last year, a 4 old boy was beaten to death by his own mother just weeks after she regained custody (she claimed she couldn’t handle the stress). The grandma had him since he was 19 months and then lost him in the most painful way anyone could imagine. I think about him everyday and can’t imagine what that poor woman goes through because a judge made a huge mistake. The children needs DO NOT come first in the courts eyes, its the parents and the children are the ones who pay the price.

    1. This has just brought a massive lump to my throat and tears to my eyes……….SHAME SHAME SHAME. What are these judges thinking? I hope they never sleep soundly AGAIN!

  2. What justice system????, those poor children. Especially Maryssa, brave honest little girl who has been so wronged by this judge. Somethings not right. Why did it just end, just like that, over. Who knows who? Or how much? There was ample evidence, so that statement in itself doesn’t make sense. All we can do is pray for those children. Hopefully there will be an appeal, and if so A decent judge. I’m so shocked. ????

  3. My point is that some people have said that Maryssa can choose who she wants to live with when she turns twelve, and I was just telling them when her birthday is. I also don’t think it’s that simple.

  4. These poor poor kids. I hear the state is appealing. Hopefully in the end those scumbags lose their children. But their poor souls are broken, the trust is gone and Maryssa will probably never testify again.

  5. It not right they call 911 25 time the kids are not self i hope barb fight to keep full custody of Jace and Maryssa mom can get custody of her.and kasher go with his dad and they souldnt have animail ether

  6. Somebody needs to check that judge’s bank account. I’m talkin’ major bank all of a sudden.

  7. The system did indeed fail Maryssa and the other children, big time. At 11 years of age Maryssa is old enough to decide where and with whom she would like to safely live. She should be attending a regular school and have friends of her own age to play with. She doesn’t need to be isolated with Jenelle and David all day long, and be forced to take care of the younger children. She deserves a safe, happy and healthy childhood, as do all the children.

    1. Unfortunately David has full custody, not shared custody of Maryssa. For some reason, a judge decided he was the better parent. His ex must have had some issues as they like to keep kids with their mothers. This was an old ruling and if I were her, I would go back into court and fight for custody. If they don’t have money they can be assigned a lawyer for free. She cannot be a worse parent than David or Jenelle. Unfortunately unless she does that, there’s no chance Maryssa can “choose” to live with her mom.

      1. She lost custody of her daughter because of money. As soon as David hooked up with Jenelle they went to court and used her high payed lawyers to fight for custody of Maryssa. Her mother didnt have a chance to fight this.

        1. Not defending dog killer but she didn’t lose custody because of money. She lost custody long before David met Jenelle. Maryssa didn’t even live with her while Lurch was in jail, she lived with her grandparents. When David & Jenelle were first together (before they moved to the swamp)he still had visitation, then he took her grandparents to court for custody and won. So it’s deeper lying issues that caused Whitney to lose custody all these years ago, not the current financial situation.

  8. It’s been eating at me all day about this go fund me account to help with attorney fees for Whitney. I realize that none of us know each other on this site, It doesn’t matter if we agree or disagree with each other’s feelings… it’s still kind of like our online Ashley family.
    I’m begging any of you that are thinking of taking your hard earned money to contribute to this, please don’t. We have no idea what the money will be used for, no idea of what the truth is behind Whitney’s story( don’t forget that Marysa was placed with her grandmother, not her mother), we have no idea how the appeal will work out.
    They can sell a car, refinance their home, borrow it , or work for it.. it’s her daughter and her responsibility to do what she has to for her child.
    I sponsor three children through BUILD AFRICA, it’s very reasonable ($39), these poor kids need medical, food, water , education,etc. and there’s no IF’s about it.. they need help and your money helps them. It’s rewarding to know and see your help make a difference.
    It’s none of my business what anyone does with their money , I just feel it’s a shot in the dark that it will go toward your cause and don’t want to see people get duped.

    1. I can guarantee you her mom and stepdad will use every mean possible to help Marissa and how do you know they haven’t done some of this already. Let people help if they fell a need.

    1. If they want good comments, then they should mind their Ps and Q’s and change quite a few things about themselves!!! I’m not perfect mind you, but I do know enough to realize that in order for someone to say something good about me, I have to deserve it first. As the Golden Rule says, “Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You.”

  9. Yes I get the same vibe. David seems like a man that would commit murder/ suicide if the pressure git to much for him. Also prob would love to live in infamy like that POS Josh Powell. Wondering if both Jenelle & Lurch had to have psych evals to get back the xhildren

      1. I actually wouldn’t put it past him to “fake his own death”. I can just the headline know, “Husband Of Teen Mom 2 Alum Jenelle Evans Commits Suicide”. I can see her posting some whacked out “emotional” post, man she would rack up the sympathy, popularity and maybe even a few Go Fund Me donations then!!!

  10. My heart breaks for poor Maryssa and also for Kaiser (David’s resident punching bag) who told his daycare workers about the hellish conditions on THE LAND.

    I hope the crooked judge and niece of Jenelle and David’s lawyer can sleep at night after this horrifying decision.

    And if she can’t…then GOOD, dammit!

    1. I hope she will never have a good night’s sleep again, along with another host of unpleasant, embarrassing issues.

      1. I’m all for home School ng. However some parents do that do as to not expose their kids to public school/ activities where they could perhaps let someone know if abuse in the household. Scary

        1. Maryssa told the court that they did no schooling at all, they sat around all day getting high while Maryssa did child care. I guess that was okay with the new judge. Smdh.

          1. Well seems to me that some entity should b checking up on that. How will she pass the exams to graduate? Know she’s only a n what 6th grade but still…

  11. Maryssa’s no little kid anymore. Can’t she request to live with her mom or grandparents full time or 50/50?

  12. Whitney and Shane, DO NOT GIVE UP! DO NOT LET THEM INTIMIDATE YOU WITH THIER FINANCES. Please set up a “go fund me accoun”t asking the fans of TeenMomm2. Make a strong statement in the go fund me account, that all money will be set up to go to the attorneys and if, and only if, there is money left over, the attorneys will disburse to Whitney and Shane to care for the children under their care.

    Whitney is cutting herself short, people from all classes, including doctors, can fall into substance abuse. The people who are strong enough to turn things around, are the ones who need our support and Whitney you deserve that support. And if for some chance it is not right for Maryssa to be with you full time, then if grandma, will take not the responsibility, that is ok too. We just need a good lawyer to see through the laziness of Judge Pauline Hankins. After placement care with caregivers is a lot work and the Judge was just out wright to damn lazy to develop a action plan.

    Whitney, you got this girl, DO NOT LET THE PAST DEFINE WHO YOU ARE TODAY. As you grow older, thorough your lifetime, you will hear more and more stories of people’s life and what they have over come. You can too! I am encouraging Nathan too to do the same, I know we can get you guys some money rolling in for legal bills.

  13. Who is the judge that dismissed the case? Maybe people should flood her office and higher ups with messages of what an outrage this is-something I normally think is useless but not in this situation. I agree with twittafame to vote for judges opponent in next years reelection but most of us do not live in the county to vote. Also agree that facebook posts are probably not effective. What might be effective is getting some media attention as well as pressure from others so they realize this isn’t going to slip under the radar and that eyes are on this case.

    1. It is Judge Pauline Hankins, published every where now. She is one of the judges that handle custody issues in Columbus County, NC.

    2. I went to her Facebook and posted all of David’s crazy videos blasting the secret service, law enforcement, showing off all his guns, second video harassing an elderly man for accidentally going on “the Land”, the video some lady posted of the kid on his bicycle coming out of Jennell’s gate and asking told the lady how much he was charging for drugs to sell her (the lady int he truck), the video of David telling Jenelle she will die. I asked her why she did not consider this “evidence”. David’s videos are straight from the horses mouth!

      1. Thank you for doing that MamaRJ! And i love your sweet comment to Whitney,i wish everybody was so nice.

      2. Thanks MAMARJ. I’m wondering if this judge saw this stuff & still felt the kids were not in any danger. If so that’s scary

  14. Wow. I really thought there was a strong enough case that the children would not be returned to Jenelle. Hoping that all the children will still b seeing their therapists. It is sad that Marysa will ” have to suck up & pretend everything is hunky dory” & yes a child shouldn’t have to do that.

  15. By following her on social media you support Jenelle financially… who are her millions of followers? Not me

  16. Jenelle basically admitted that her expensive lawyer helped her a lot to win this case. Money seems to rulr the justice system. Even without Teenmom Jenelle still earns a lot. If you want to stop Jenelle’s income through clickbait, unsuscribe / unfollow from all her social media.
    You could also try to give Whitney and Nathan money for better lawyers through fundraising.

    @Whitney: Jenelle is a former drug addict, too. So, maybe you can still win custody.

  17. Well like other people have been saying, unsubscribe from all her social media pages and she will go low on money. I just read on TMZ that she has a cosmetic line coming out on September 1st, if people don’t buy then she makes no money. And write the people who are teaming up with her to help launch,then she will need to get a real job like the rest of us!

  18. The judge made a big mistake. They don’t deserve the kids nor animals and that low life needs to be arrested and thrown in jail for killing the poor dog Nugget. I hope someone gets that low life and put a good hurting on him and mean a good hurting being the law is falling to do their jobs.

  19. Someone needs to start a gofundme page for Maryssa’s family to raise money for them to fight for her. I’ll happily donate and share it!

  20. The only thing I know about this whole situation Is that they no longer have 6 figures a year. So they cant afford the lawyers they had. Sorry to say it but next time something bad happens they wont be able to pay off everyone. Disgusting. The blood will be on these pos hands and they will be out of job and that’s when the judge and the lawyers will care. And they will only care about themselves not the lives that are being ruined. Shame on them!!!! There are no pockets in a shroud!

    1. They are making big money from all the clickbait she is posting, so money is not an issue unfortunately. Its sick they are profiting off the abuse of those children

    2. I have a feeling that MTV will bring her back, now that the case is dismissed. I vaguely remember that the announcement was something like “we are currently not working with” so, since they said currently there is always the possibility of bringing her back

  21. I don’t know about this. I saw that video of all of them that Jenelle posted, & Maryssa seemed to be having a blast just as much as the other kids. I wonder what’s really going on inside her head.

    1. Maryssa.

      She’s good at lying remember??? Jenelle and lurch taught her to pretend all is okay, when it isn’t.

  22. I have a horrible feeling. I am so afraid for her especially. And kaiser this is terrible. I remember the story when that guy josh something killed his wife and blew up the kids years back when cps was at the door. I get that vibe. I feel like I’m a little to emotionally invested in this whole situation. I just know something bad is going to happen and I’m very upset over this. The legal system is a fucking joke in North Carolina. I am heart broken for these kids.

    1. Josh Powell… they never found the wife’s body but it’s believed her killed her and his brother helped hide the body. Their father was also weirdly obsessed with her and took photos of her in the bathroom without her knowledge… the brother killed himself, and Josh grabbed the kids during a surprised visit – HACKED THEM WITH AN AXE/HATCHET – then blew the house up killing all three of them. (Incase anyone wanted to research the horrific case)

    2. Yes I get the same vibe. David seems like a man that would commit murder/ suicide if the pressure git to much for him. Also prob would love to live in infamy like that POS Josh Powell. Wondering if both Jenelle & Lurch had to have psych evals to get back the xhildren

      1. I think the original judge ordered a psych evaluation for David, not sure about Jenelle. But now we obviously know the 2nd judge just disregarded everything from CPS and prior judge

  23. Marissa should be in school at the very least. And isn’t she old enough to choose which parent she wants to reside with

  24. If that recording was from 3 years ago, wasnt that taken from the time that David initially got custody of Maryssa? Whitney was just getting sober around that time too. A lot can happen in three years and I don’t think a recording calling a then 8 year old Maryssa a “good liar” relevant. Those children are all in danger, even more so now. I hope Jenelle p*sses away all her money. How would a reasonable person see J&D stable in ANY way?

  25. **Public Service Announcement** It’s spreading like wildfire that Jenelle’s attorney and judge are related. This is NOT true. The attorney people are pointing fingers at (Gore) did not represent her, and the judge (Gore) did not hear the case. Please stop harassing them. Attorney Gore was getting so much hate that he posted on his law firm’s Facebook page that he did not represent them (and shared the names of the attorneys who did). The judge who *did* hear the case is up for reelection next year. Instead of harassing her on Facebook, get involved and publicly support her opponent if that is where you want to put your energy, because truly that is the only thing that will have an impact. It’s really gross to see what is going on, just based on a rumor. And now people have been leaving horrible comments on the judge’s social media page. That will change nothing. How about starting a GoFundMe for legal fees for Whitney and family? Because that WILL make a difference. Someone should get in touch with them. They need the best attorney possible.

      1. DEJESUSGAWDLEAH Read the comment! The lawyer and the judge are NOT related. Don’t spread false information.

        1. My apologies
          I read what I wrote elsewhere in here, don’t Accuse me of spreading something, that Many others in this site have stated.

          I realised my mistake after I posted my comment, but as I have said, that similar comment, was all over here before I wrote it ok

  26. David and Jenelle need to be looking for jobs. How are they gonna support all those kids now? The only kid whose lucky in all this is the son David has that has successfully managed to stay the f**k away from him because his mother fights to make sure he can’t be anywhere near David and Jenelle.

  27. Notice how it took Babs losing her gig at MTV to finally call a spade a spade, and is done playing nice in order to have a relationship with her bitch of a daughtah…I hope that she will be able to get the unsupervised visitation away, but it seems like the way the NC judicial system is set up, that’s likely not going to happen.

    I feel really bad for Maryssa. She did everything that she could to protect herself, and her siblings and it backfired…now this poor girl is going to be stuck with that vindictive, homophobic, pet murdering bigot 24/7, 365…she can’t even go to school to escape since his dumbass home schools her. I honestly do believe Whitney and her husband…clearly money talks in NC, and they don’t have enough to compete with David and Jenelle.

    Let’s just hope that Nathan gets primary custody of Kaiser…and he needs to stop inviting Jenelle and David to family events.

    1. I honestly think barbara knows her daughter and knew that she wouldnt listen. I think she played nice just to be on her good side to get a look at how bad it actually is. to see what was going on. I believe she didnt see any other way of going about it. I honestly think she genuinely feared for her life.

  28. the case dismissal was obviously money motivated. what could david eason get away with before Jenelle Evans? nothing! and now? everything! Jenelle has gotten off scott free so manyyyyyyy times. its ridiculous. she has enough mug shots to fill up a hilbilly high school yearbook. how can people sleep at night letting these 2 freaking loones have the children back in their care?! after it was supposed to be a “months” long court process. with all the findings.. it damn well should have been.. but the minute they had the new judge it was dismissed with a snap of the fingers.. with no conditions added at all, like a slow transition back home.. anger management classes..domestic violence classes.. parenting classes.. it’s evident none of the other parties are going to win against Jenelle. these children have no choice but to endure the sufferings brought onto them by these monsters until they can run far far away. David’s sons mom is lucky to have whatever she has going on in order to be able to fight for her son in court. whether it be because of who she knows what she knows or $.

    1. Hopefully Nathan’s attorney is as good as Janelle’s. The only comfort is that at some point (likely within five years) she will have pissed everything away and she will no longer be able to afford good attorneys. THEN she’ll finally lose her kids and get hard time for whatever antic she’s pulling at the time.

      The only concerning thing is Lurch might kill or seriously harm someone before the money is gone. And the kids will continue to be emotionally scarred until the money is gone. The Janelle and Lurch monsters that have proven time and time again that they are above the law were brought to us by MTV.

  29. I am not condoning J&D in anyway,but, I’d like to ask Shane… Marysa goes to her mother or mother’s family for visitation, wasn’t she telling horror stories about J&D? Marisa’s mother has been clean for the last few years according to Shane’s earlier interview, so why did you wait? Why did you wait for CPS to have to step in?
    If my child was taken from me for reasons I needed to work on, you better believe I’d be fighting for my baby back at first chance.
    I’m not saying that Nathan or Whitney aren’t the better of the choice, I will say that’s it’s a rotten shame that all these kids don’t have one parent that doesn’t have a history of some sort of substance abuse.

    1. Maryssa wasnt allowed to talk about what happened at the swamp by orders of J&D, just like they ordered her to lie to CPS.

    2. Interesting question but it sounds like she felt helpless ever since she lost custody due to her substance abuse. Maybe she felt since CPS made a move and everyone else was too, it was her shot to fight also?

      1. No, when CPS steps in, it’s the worst time to look for custody, that’s why Nathan’s case was postponed. Everyone is misunderstood, CPS has a GOAL to reunite children with the parent they took them from. COS was fighting to keep the keeps away while they “ fix” the problems.
        In all actuality, CPS wants to help the family they removed the children from.

    3. As the child of an alcoholic mother: my parents had shared custody, so I stayed with my mom one week and with my dad the other. While I did tell him a LOT, I never told him about the worst things, and he didn’t catch on that it was that bad (since my mom had been a good mother up until that point, atleast he thought she was). I also spoke in a joking manner a lot of the time.

      My situation wasn’t nearly as bad as Maryssa’s, but she might’ve been doing the same thing. Dropping some hints and some stories, but never really bad ones and not in a very -serious- way.

      Abused children still adore their parents, so they might not always want to speak ill of them. I didn’t until I was 17 and we went to court. Court is very different here though (Belgium) and my dad immediately gained full custody + montly child support from my mom. I’m 24 now and he still gets he CS because I’m still a student. In Maryssa’s case, the court failed her.

      As for Maryssa’s mom, I honestly don’t know and I don’t like to speculate about people I know nothing about. I just hope that she is in a better place right now and is able to fight for Maryssa, because that child needs it.

    4. Jenelle and Lurch were just fired from MTV when all this went down. Before that they had contracts paying them $300,000+ a year. They had unlimited money for lawyers. Plus, the steady, high paying, long term employment that Jenelle could point to as a reason why she was the parent who could provide a better, more stable life. Jenelle has never ever been found guilty of any of the major things she’s been charged with, has never had to do jail time, has always gotten away with everything. She wins all her custody cases (except for Jace but that’s one where she’s trying to gain back custody of a child she signed away her rights to, and not one where she’s just trying to keep custody). I can see how Whitney, who has a history of losing custody, possibly being convicted of crimes, having to spend time in jail and/or rehab, and who does not have access to hundreds of thousands of dollars each year, nor a high paying job, nor the same MTV protection, or the same platform Jenelle has to spin her own narrative directly to social media followers, viewers, and the press, would feel like she doesn’t have a chance in hell of winning anything against Jenelle and David. Once David got with Jenelle he suddenly stopped facing legal consequences for all of his bad behavior, too. He started winning custody cases (for Maryssa). They’re unstoppable.

      And they fight dirty. They don’t try to prove they’re innocent and good parents who love their kids. They draw custody cases out, ask for extra time, switch lawyers, switch judges, try to malign the CPS officers who work on their case, try to get things thrown out on technicalities, and spend all their time trying to ruin the reputation of the person they’re fighting against. They have no problem lying repeatedly and they’re good at it. They’re also the type of people who record every phone conversation you’ve had with them, save all your text messages, video tape you without letting know they’re recording you, make videos of their kids complaining about something the other parent did, and do things like regularly coach their kids to lie to anyone who asks questions. They call 911 or CPS to report everything and anything so that there’s a legal record of it. Something to bring up in court later. They’re constantly ready with all sorts of evidence to use against you, even if it’s weird or doesn’t make sense. Whereas if David came to Whitney’s house and started threatening her, she probably wouldn’t be thinking “I need to record this ASAP,” she’d just be trying to survive in the moment and keep her kid safe. So then she doesn’t have admissible evidence, like a video, of his threats. She just has her story that it happened.

      If you have seriously limited funds, and you have your own sketchy history that Jenelle and Lurch can exploit, then they will take advantage of that. Every time you file for custody and lose, it makes it harder the next time you try. It adds ANOTHER win to Jenelle and Lurch. Another judge has decided they’re the fittest parents. All of that adds up. I can see why Whitney thought she would never have a chance and why she would wait for something like MTV firing them, or the other kids being removed, or something huge like David murdering the dog.

      1. ????????

        This is the most accurate comments that I have read, regarding jenelle and David.

        And I agree with this a million percent.

  30. My heart is going out too you if I had the money I would give it too you but I am so sorry I do not. I would check in to getting counsling when you have her and write everthing down film when he comes over and start’s trouble and you let her know she a brave too keep telling the truth I will keep praying for those kid’s.

  31. The justice system failed ALL of these children (not just poor little Maryssa’s)!!! But justice will be served (whether it be here on earth or by the Good Lord himself), no one knows!! Only He is the truly faithful judge!!!!

    1. Whether you are a believer or not, just how is this supposed to help the affected kids in their lifetimes? With every minute they are in the care of J&D, immessurable damage is being done to their innocent souls.

  32. UNSUBSCRIBE! If you don’t you are condoning child abuse. Maryssa is being tortured. Maryssa doesn’t want to be around Dand J. I can only imagine the attitude she is getting from them. I hope J and D one day reap what they have sowed. All the kids are in danger. I hope Maryssa calls the cops when J and D have a fight. The kids look like they are all ready going down hill in that short amount of time. Pray for all the kids.

      1. To all of Jenelle and David’s accounts. Twitter, instagram, Facebook,and Snapchat. That’s how she makes money. If you are subscribed to them unsubscribe.

          1. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
            Same here, DejesusGawdLeah??

  33. I haven’t even seen an episode with Maryssa in it (turned cable off before David came around and get my info via The Ashley) but my heart breaks for her. I’m sick thinking about what horrible things she and Kaiser will have to deal with every day. Jace at least jas most of his time with Barbara and I doubt they’ll do anything to Ensley since she’s their mutual baby, but David has always hated Kaiser and now he believes Maryssa betrayed them.

    Please keep these poor children in your prayers. Maybe we could start a GoFundMe to help pay for the lawyers for the appeal?

  34. Yeah, Jenelle was on Facebook bragging about having the best lawyer in the world. Fuck her & the court system that condones this horse shit. That little girl seemed happier than I’ve ever seen her; she went through the stress of testifying against these monsters & now is going to be put back in their care. Sounds SUPER SAFE! If something happens to her it’s on the judge’s head. There should be legal consequences when courts knowingly make decisions that get people hurt or killed.

    The only way these two get stopped is if they die. The justice system is a fucking joke.

    1. Janelle and David aren’t going to be able to afford those fancy lawyers if money dries up. No more paychecks from Teen Mom…so if you see anything that looks like a income source or their potential income, boycott it! Bring to the sponsors attention exa4what type of people their dealing with. No money, no fancy lawyers!

  35. F Jenelle, F David, F William Gore Jr (attorney, uncle of judge) & F C. ASHLEY GORE (judge, niece of lawyer)!!!! One single fiber of Maryssa’s or Kaiser’s being harmed in any what-so-ever negative way, THE BLOOD IS ON THEIR HANDS!!!!! These 4 douche bags are ALL to blame!!!! BOTH GORE’S NEED TO BE DISBARRED!!!! THIS is why the kids are back in DANGER – JUDGE AND LAWYER ARE FAMILY AND NIECE WAS HELPING UNCLE WIN AFTER UNCLE GOT CASE SWITCHED OVER TO HER!!!!!! ??????

    1. It’s already been shown not to be true, but that would also 100% NEVER happen, even in some backwoods hilljack courthouse. No way would the other side EVER waive that conflict of interest. Clearly the NC justice systems blows goats, but they would never risk anything like that because that would be overturned in a minute.

    2. Oh, same judge from other Juhnelle cases? In other words – judge was paid off?

      This whole situation reminds me of the song, “The Night the Lights Went Out in Georiga” – you got your backwoods southern lawyers and the judge in the town’s got bloodstains on [her] hands.

    3. STOP SPREADING FALSE INFORMATION. Ashley Gore was not the judge. William Gore was not the attorney in the custody case either. Attorney Gore even posted on his law firm’s FB page who both Jenelle and David’s attorneys (and judge) were because he was getting so much flack from people jumping to conclusions. You’re direction emotions (and harassment) towards the wrong people. You need to do some more research before flipping out, because innocent people are being affected.
      The judge in Jenelle’s case is up for reelection next year. The best way to show how you feel about the decision is to openly support fund her opponent. It’s all about politics, especially in that area.

        1. People keep saying the judge is up for reelection but no one is telling us what the real judge’s name is. Those of us in NC want to know so we can do something!

    4. ????????????????????
      I agree with every word.

      So many red flags on the land, and the poor kids have been sent back to hell on the compound.

      I hope the judge and her uncle are fired and disbarred.
      Conflict of interest and $$$$

  36. Is it true that the new judge is related to Jenelle’s lawyer? That is clearly a conflict of interest, isn’t it?

  37. David & Jenelle- I know you’re happy.. not because you got your children back but because you feel you’ve ‘won’. You haven’t. You both are empty, sad, angry miserable people. You always will be. Those children will grow up. And when they do (long after this money you have now has dried up). You will be alone. Not one of them will have anything to do with you. You will never know happiness. You will never know what it feels like to be loved. You enjoy this time of attention you love so much.. it is temporary. You are both farts in the wind- now and forever.

  38. Just horrific what Maryssa has been through. She has been so let down! I can’t imagine how she must feel!

  39. Those poor kids. Its sad that something is going to have to happen to the kids before they are taken for good. Like I’ve said before money talks. I’m sure that judge was paid off.

    1. Well… we will all know the judge after this eminent murder suicide. I cant understand how this happened? Is the judge a lady or a man? Does anyone know? Not that it matters I’m just curious.

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