EXCLUSIVE! Debra Danielsen Comments on Amber Portwood’s Recent Arrest; Suggests She Take Time Off From Filming ‘Teen Mom OG’ to Get Help

Debz OG: offering sick rhymes AND emotional support…

Farrah Abraham’s mother Debra Danielsen is showing support for Amber Portwood— her former Teen Mom OG co-star— in the wake of Amber’s recent arrest.  

In an exclusive interview with The Ashley, Deb— who has been close to Amber in the past— said she feels bad about what happened, especially after hearing that Amber allegedly threatened to kill herself during the altercation. 

“First of all, I feel super bad that she feels so sad that she wants to kill herself,” Deb said. “There are so many people that would love to help her, myself included.”

As The Ashley previously told you, Amber was arrested July 5 after her boyfriend Andrew Glennon (the father of her infant son, James) contacted police alleging that Amber assaulted him with a shoe while he was holding James,  and then pulled out a machete. Amber has since been charged with three felonies—Domestic Battery, Domestic Battery committed in the presence of a child less than 16 years old and Criminal Recklessness Committed with a Deadly Weapon—and has been ordered to stay away from both Andrew and James.

The allegations in the affidavit filed by Andrew stated that, on the night in question, Amber “went to her drawer and took a handful of Klonopin and tossed it back like it was nothing” and regurgitated the pills shortly after.

Deb said Amber’s actions indicate that Amber needs to take time off from being in the public eye and get some serious help.

“I think it’s time that she takes a timeout to learn to love herself and to really fully concentrate on herself, and not have to do whatever she’s feeling bad about,” she said. “I don’t know what the problem is, but I think she deserves the time to take care of it. 

“Maybe she’s got a severe anger problem, but there’s something down inside of her that she needs time away to fully explore and get it out.” 

As for the advice she would offer the ‘Teen Mom OG’ star, Deb said Amber needs to be willing to put in the work to overcome her issues, even if that means walking away from the show. 

“It’s not easy work,” she said. “It’s painful and it takes a lot of time and maybe the cost is high. Maybe she can’t film [for ‘Teen Mom OG’] for a while, but in the long run I think it would be better for her.” 

“Perhaps listening to my music can be part of the therapy process?”

Deb placed some of the blame for what Amber is dealing with on the criticism that comes with being in the spotlight, and the impact it may have had on Amber’s self-worth. 

“I pray for her, I want her to be happy and healthy,” she said. “Everybody slams her for sitting on the couch or laying in the bed. For years, all the time we filmed, everybody slammed her. 

“I think she sort of gave up on herself at some point, so maybe she is depressed about something, and maybe she doesn’t even know that. She hasn’t gotten the help or attention to know what’s going on.” 

Deb also commented on MTV’s role in how each story is told on the show.

“I know [the producers] know that each girl has a weakness and they think they’re helping other people by showing the girls’ stories, even their struggles,” she said. “But it’s hard on the people in front of the camera. It is very hard to have your demons play out in front of millions of people in real time each week.” 

As The Ashley already told you, Farrah also spoke on the recent arrest of her former co-star; however, her comments were far less kind (naturally). 

“Whatever Michael–I mean Amber. Sorry if all my truth-speaking made you feel bad.”

“Amber doesn’t have custody of [her daughter] Leah and I’m pretty sure even though she’s trying her hardest to be a great mom and have a new opportunity to be a great mom [to son James], she’s probably lost custody of her new child,” Farrah said. “She’s just not good in relationships. Maybe being on ‘Teen Mom’ hasn’t made her tougher or made her learn her lesson.” 

In an separate interview with TMZ, Farrah stated that she felt Amber and Teen Mom 2 star Jenelle Evans have “failed as mothers.” 

Stay tuned for Part 2 of The Ashley’s exclusive interview with Debra “Debz OG” Danielsen! 

RELATED STORIES: A Suicide, A Shoe & A Machete: Inside the Terrifying Night Amber Portwood Was Arrested for Domestic Battery Against Andrew Glennon (Exclusive)

(Photos: MTV, Facebook)

23 Responses

  1. Farrah isn’t good in relationships either, she can’t find anyone who’d put up with her craziness.


  3. Oh dear, here comes Christian Masters Degree Debra with another moot point. Mind your own prostitution ring, I mean, family. People going to gel dont have a choice in stepping away from the cameras lol thats how TM died the 1st time. As for mental help, thats the pot calling the kettle black if ever I saw it. Eyeroll.

  4. I wish everyone would realize that Amber has help as far as her mental health is concerned. Two episodes back they showed her ( and Andrew) in session with a licensed practitioner who seemed very professional, sympathetic, patient, and qualified to treat her.
    Ambers criminal behavior is just that , bad behavior. All of this shit with her mental problems is no more than a crutch, an excuse, and it’s a piss poor one!
    The Ashley reported she may or may not be taking her medication.. I believe that not only is she taking her klonipin , she’s abusing it.
    I’m irked that she pulls this shit and gets so many people sucked in to thinking she’s not responsible for it.

    1. Yeah, I don’t know why everyone is talking about how she needs to get mental health help instead of going to jail as if they’re mutually exclusive. She can do both. She can go to jail first, because we, as a society, have determined that going after a baby with a machete is a behavior that we would like to discourage, so when people go after babies with machetes, we put them in jail. And then, after jail, she can go to whatever rehab/inpatient treatment/outpatient treatment/intensive therapy place she wants to go to. It’s not like anyone is suggesting she needs to live literally the rest of her life in prison. We’re just saying she needs to do her time for this repeat domestic violence assault in front of a baby crime. She could even start to get help while she’s in jail. They have doctors for people who are incarcerated. It doesn’t have to be one or the others. Doing your time for a violent crime you committed against your domestic partner and baby doesn’t mean you’re never allowed to work on your mental health again. She can do both.

  5. Normally this would be taken as sound advice HOWEVER it is being given by the person who spawned Farrah so never mind. Shut your ears.

  6. Deb would know all about clocking someone in the heat of the moment and trying to minimize it afterwards, wouldn’t she?

  7. Says the woman who spawned Farrah…mmmkay. Let’s all stay well within our lanes, shall we? And Ashley – can we get the details regarding Sophia being left in the hotel room alone while Farrah went to turn a trick??

    1. Left alone, in a room paid for by the guy her mom was with whilst Sophia was on her own.

      Was what I heard !!!

      1. Ummm please call her by her full name formal name, DebzOG EMBA. Let’s be respectful here! She’s more than a mom, she’s da bomb.com

        Ash, I’m excited for part 2! Something tells me we ain’t seen nothin’ yet!

  8. This woman feels the need to advise Amber. Seriously? Maybe she should focus on her own train wreck aka her own daughter Farrah. When your own daughter has numerous run-ins with law enforcement, films porn, and threatens to kill people? Please ? focus on yo ho of a daughter

  9. Is anyone going to mention the story going around about Sophia being left alone for hours in a hotel room?

    1. I heard about that too.
      Left alone, in a room paid for by the guy her mom was with whilst Sophia was on her own.

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