‘Southern Charm’ Star Kathryn Dennis Denies Thomas Ravenel’s Latest Accusations Regarding Drug Use & Sex Addiction

At this rate, their kids will be legal adults before this case is settled…

Southern Charm star Kathryn Dennis is firing back (through her attorney) at Thomas Ravenel following the latest allegations against her in the couple’s never-ending custody battle. 

Earlier this week, the Daily Mail published a report based on depositions, sworn affidavits, text message records, emails, bank statements and medical records submitted by Thomas’ attorneys and obtained by the site. Included in the submitted documents was an affidavit from Ashley Pillar, an ex-boyfriend of Kathryn’s who accused her of being “addicted to prescription medications, marijuana, alcohol and sex” during their time together. 

Me, trying to keep up with these two and their constant accusations against one another.

Ashley and Kathryn reportedly dated from the Fall of 2016 (following Kathryn’s stint in rehab) to the Summer of 2017. 

“I saw Kathryn self-medicate on uppers and downers depending on her mood every day…Kathryn was regularly on a cocktail of the two,” Ashley stated in his affidavit. 

In his latest custody move, Thomas also accused his ex of using Adderall by including text messages from one of Kathryn’s friends who appeared to be purchasing the medication “illicitly on Kathryn’s behalf.” 

According to People, Kathryn is denying the latest claims from Thomas and her attorney told the site that their own submissions to the court will discredit the allegations. 

“For ethical reasons, I try to avoid making any statements to the press whatsoever,” her attorney told People in a statement. “However, Kathryn obviously denies all of this and I believe that the submissions to the Court that we have made discredit such allegations.” 

As The Ashley told you last week, Thomas requested sole custody of five-year-old Kensie and three-year-old Saint after claiming that Kathryn tested positive for marijuana. 

Kathryn began her own fight for primary custody of the kids at the end of last year following sexual assault allegations against Thomas that were made by the couple’s former nanny, Dawn Ledwell. 

Thomas is set to stand trial for the allegations against him, while the couple’s bitter custody battle is ongoing. 

RELATED STORIES: Former ‘Southern Charm’ Star Thomas Ravenel Demands Full Custody After He Claims Kathryn Dennis Tested Positive for Marijuana 

(Photos: Bravo, Instagram) 

17 Responses

  1. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    If she’s taking Adderall ( ampetamine) and Benzo’s ( most addictive pills you can take) than she is NOT in recovery.

  2. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    I only see what’s happening on the show every week. But I’m sorry Thomas is a piece of shit that preys on younger women with the allure of living the “good life”. Katherine has and is paying the price for loving the wrong man. Give her her children and send Thomas to prison. Money should not be able to buy his way out of this. I live in South Carolina and it makes my stomach turn to see signs with his name on them. His family may have been a respectable family, but he surely is not.

  3. I believe the sex addiction absolutely! She has boned every male cast member of “Southern Charm”.

  4. Testing positive for marijuana is grounds for losing custody? She needs to stop spending $$ on expensive cribs and rides and get a better attorney to fight this douchebag. Next time, don’t get pregnant to trap a rich AH. They are both whack jobs and deserve each other.

  5. This coming from the guy who was indicted on federal cocaine distribution charges in the past…Thomas is such a spiteful brat.

  6. She should probably sell off that Rolls, this girl is going to need the $$. TRav will fight her in court until the kids are grown. This is not good parenting, the kids are going to suffer here because their parents can’t quit fighting. Unfortunately for Kathryn, she picked the WRONG rich guy to have kids with. Hope they can eventually get this settled for the kids sake.

  7. I hate to see Katherine lose her kids over her dumb past. I haven’t read the affidavit from the Ex, but I believe it’s probably true. She probably was self medicating. It’s not an uncommon thing for people to do when they’re dealing with mental health issues. Every time Thomas comes out with a new accusation about Katherine I think he’s talking about himself. He better be careful throwing stones.

    1. I believe he was lting about the Adderal. She would be much smaller if she was addicted to Adderal.

  8. Not the way it usually plays out, but I find that every new accusation against Kathryn further damages TRav’s credibility.

  9. I don’t believe this accusation. TRav is a dirt bag and Kathryn doesn’t seem like someone who needs to learn a lesson about risking the custody of her kids, due to drugs, a second time.

  10. How? Wasn’t she taking drug tests at his insistence on demand? That clearly weren’t positive because the judge would’ve given him the custody back then? This information is essentially 3 years old and was already argued about in court.

    1. This chick deserves a break. Give her children back to her. The meds are Dr rx, or the courts would have popped her on one of the many drops she does. T-Douche needs to back off, & let her mother her kids.

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