From surprising career goals to social media slams, it’s been another busy week for the stars/former stars of the Teen Mom franchise! In an effort to bring you up-to-date on the latest Teen Mom OG and Teen Mom 2 news, The Ashley brings you the Teen Mom News Pile.
Here are some of the major (and minor but interesting) ‘Teen Mom’-related things that happened over the last few days…
Jenelle Evans Reveals Kids’ Ironic Career Aspirations
In a recent back-to-school Instagram post, Jenelle Evans revealed that her step-daughter Maryssa wants to be a veterinarian when she grows up. An interesting choice, considering that Maryssa’s father, David Eason, is not exactly Dr. Doolittle. In addition to (allegedly) shooting and killing the family’s French Bulldog just months ago, David has been accused of committing cruelty toward animals several other times in the past year.
View this post on InstagramA post shared by Jenelle Eason (@j_evans1219) on
(On the bright side, Maryssa is no longer the solo student of the Lil’ Eason Homeschool on The Land, so there’s that…)
In another ironic twist, Jenelle’s other photo in her back-to-school post revealed that Kaiser, her son with Nathan Griffith, wants to be a police officer when he grows up. This is, of course, a fitting choice given the reported 25 Emergency Service Calls that have been made to The Land in the last year.
“Oh the irony in the jobs they picked,” one follower commented on Jenelle’s post.
“A cop and a vet lol. Wonder why,” another wrote.
Leah Messer Fires Back at Jenelle Evans
In other Jenelle Evans news this week… the former MTV reality TV star spent some of her weekend defending her primo parenting skills online—- most recently by dissing those of a former ‘Teen Mom 2’ co-star.

When a Twitter follower called Jenelle out last week for feeling the need to “announce to the world that she’s a good mom,” Jenelle let the individual know she had no plans of changing her social media ways… ever so eloquently, of course.
Well guess what? I’m A DAMN GOOD MOM AND WILL SHOUT IT UNTIL YOUR EARS BLEED 🥳💓 https://t.co/enKcpWRMKp
— Jenelle Evans (@PBandJenelley_1) July 19, 2019
“Well guess what? I’m A DAMN GOOD MOM AND WILL SHOUT IT UNTIL YOUR EARS BLEED,” she shout-tweeted.
Another (bloodied-earred) user clapped back at Jenelle, pointing out that “good moms don’t get their kids taken away,” to which Jenelle then compared herself to Leah Messer.
So I guess Leah’s not a good mom? 🧐 She got her kids taken and given back just like me 🤷🏻♀️ https://t.co/WoStknpVVF
— Jenelle Evans (@PBandJenelley_1) July 19, 2019
“So I guess Leah’s not a good mom? She got her kids taken and given back just like me,” she replied.
As fans of the show may recall, Leah struggled with a prescription pill addiction in 2015, for which she sought rehab. During that time, Corey Simms, the father of Leah’s twins, gained primary custody of the girls while Leah was allowed to have weekend visits—-an agreement that was updated the following year.
In response to Jenelle relating her story to Leah’s, a follower jumped in to point out the difference between the two situations.
“Don’t you EVER compare yourself to @TM2LeahDawn. Your situations were not similar, she always had the rights to see her children UNSUPERVISED. Her custody agreement changed for a moment and that is all. Stfu for ONCE,” the comment read.
Leah went on to defend herself as well, advising Jenelle to cool it with the social media blasts and to instead focus on herself and her kids.
She’s gotta pin her troubles on someone… why not it be me? 🧐 Worry about what’s good for you and those babies Jenelle. Stop attacking people on social media. 👀❤️
— Leah D. Messer (@LeahMesser) July 19, 2019
“She’s gotta pin her troubles on someone… why not it be me? Worry about what’s good for you and those babies Jenelle. Stop attacking people on social media,” Leah wrote.
Leah’s baby daddy and (sorta) ex-husband Jeremy Calvert joined in the online battle, bringing his, um, unique flavor to the argument.
“F**k miss Turkey gobbler…. north Carolina must have some dumb f**ks for judges….,” he tweeted, obviously in reference to a North Carolina judge giving Jenelle custody of her kids back earlier this month.
Jenelle “Turkey Gobbler” Eason has yet to respond to Jeremy’s tweet.
Sophia Abraham Defends Her Mom Against the Haters
In response to the #SaveSophia hashtag that has caught on with some Instagram users, Farrah Abraham’s 10-year-old daughter Sophia is assuring people that she’s actually living her best life under the care of the Top Celebrity In Our Nation.
Sophia (in what may be her first tabloid interview…insert eyeroll here) recently denied claims to TooFab that her mom often neglects her, adding that her mom is “always positive, she always makes me happy when I’m sad.”
“Our most mother daughter thing is vacations and traveling and we really just have a lot of cute moments together,” Sophia told the site.

Farrah’s daughter also had some words of warning to those bad-mouthing her mom.
“I hope you get karma later in life,” she said. “Don’t ever do that again because it’s wrong and we all know that it’s wrong and that should never happen.”
#StillWaitingForTheTellAll #Coming2029
Kail Lowry Shuts Down Rumors That She Funded Chris Lopez’s Hawaiian Vacay
‘Teen Mom 2’ star Kail Lowry just spent three weeks (!) in Hawaii vacationing with Leah Messer and their kids. However, when Chris Lopez (the father of Kail’s youngest son Lux) flew to Hawaii to join in on the hula-ing fun, some fans accused Kail of footing the bill to have her on- and off- boytoy come to the islands.
“That’s cool she paid for you to go on vacation lol #bum,” one person commented on Chris’ Instagram.
Kail ultimately decided to set the record straight during an Instagram Live video with Chris, telling followers that not only did Chris come to Hawaii on his own dime, but that he also came without telling her.

“Listen, let me tell y’all something,” Kail said. “I’m so sick of y’all saying that I pay him to do this. … He paid for himself. I didn’t know he was coming out here. … I paid for me and my kids and that is it.”
Kail went on to also deny the rumors on Twitter.
I have no problem saying I’ve paid for a lot of things. Chris to Hawaii was not one of them.
— Kailyn Lowry (@KailLowry) July 20, 2019
“I have no problem saying I’ve paid for a lot of things. Chris to Hawaii was not one of them,” she tweeted.
(Is anyone else hoping that, if there was any Hawaiian humping going down while Chris was in town, he and Kail will name the resulting spawn Luau? It goes great with Lux!)
To catch up on more ‘Teen Mom’ news, click here!
(Photos, MTV, Instagram)
36 Responses
U know who gives a shit all she is a baby making machine for money,that little bit of money she makes with out investments she will be broke by forty an guess what we will still going on with our lives.
I actually feel relieved to see the pictures of Maryssa and Kaiser in uniforms!!! It means they are both getting to leave the land and get outside with teachers who hopefully can see and report when custody issues and abuse issues come up. The judge failed them big time let’s hope the teachers in North Carolina aren’t as ill equipped at their jobs as that judge and the social workers.
And as a mother I’m sorry but I don’t care how advanced a kid is Sophia didn’t say those words at all. Karma and cute moments. Those are things said to a child to repeat.
Kail lies as much as Jenelle. She also has double standards like J. Chris also acts a lot like David. Chris posted a pic of Lux with his hand down his pamper. Remind you of anyone? Everybody knows she wants a baby and Chris is crazy enough to give it to her. He didn’t help with Lux and that’s the way K likes it. K made friends with Bone only to have a baby sitter,again.
Guess my comment must not have went through so here it is again – Chris is NOTHING like that idiot David.
Luau…thats hilarious!
I’m afraid of Sophia
“Jenelle “Turkey Gobbler” Eason has yet to respond to Jeremy’s tweet.“
The caption under the pic of Kail is so good too. “If I didn’t give birth to you, your travel expenses are not my responsibility.” I can actually picture Kail saying that.
Slowphia, it is also wrong to kill your family pet, Farrah, stop using little miss Satan for social media attention.
Maryssa forced, tence smile.
Poor kids.
She has every reason to be scared shitless all the time, thus the tense smile when in front of her parents, but I also wonder if some part of it is being 11 or 12 years old and mot wanting your picture up all over your crazy step mom’s social media. Her image is being used for what is basically a combination of “we’re good parents!” PR and “give us a TV show” auditioning. Maryssa, after all the crap she just went through to get away from these monsters, probably doesn’t want to be contributing to the “happy family” pics anymore but is being forced to.
And even if she were just a normal preteen, living a normal life with a normal family, she’s probably getting to the age where she doesn’t want to pose for cutesy pictures with blackboard props purchased on Etsy that proclaim childish hopes and dreams. “When I grow up I want to be a princess!! Or a mermaid! Or a Batman!” are generally what you see written on those things because they’re for little kids. I also can’t imagine Maryssa had a lot of hope for her future, which is so sad, but she just went through a hope-crushing prime example of how the world is unjust and people don’t get what they want or deserve.
My son is 13 and the last couple years he’s been uninterested in having his picture taken on the first day of school or at school events or family parties, and I don’t even have a social media account to post them onto. I can’t imagine that a girl going through a highly publicized, harrowing and terrifying part of her life that coincides with her pre-teen “awkward years” is really keen to have her picture plastered all over social media for millions of people to see.
So..MTV didn’t pay for the 3 weeks in Hawaii or film the trip?I remember seeing camera crews and random family members around.
Apparently they were filming Leah on the trip but not Kail ??♀️
Suuuuure you didnt know Chris was coming to Hawaii, kail. We all know your desperate ass was texting him the whole time, suggesting/begging he “come join them” on the trip. Also feel bad for isaac and Lincoln. Why do they have to be around Chris when he is in/out of luxs life? Never forget the scene where Kail is driving, isaac asks when she will get married. Kail says “maybe one day me and the babys (luxs) dad will get married!” So weird to say to your child when they literally arent even in a relationship. Those poor kids r prob so confused
When does school start in the states? It’s not even August yet, much less past Labour Day weekend… I’m so confused.
Depends on where you live. Michigan has 3 options. 1. Traditional goes back the Tuesday after labor day gets out 2nd week ish of June 12th\16th. 2. Private school goes back last week of August and gets out within the 1st 2 weeks of June. 3. Year round, which isn’t exactly year round, they still go the same number of school days as traditional and private, they just have a way shorter summer break and have additional breaks during the regular year to shave the days.
My kids start August 1st every year. They get out 3rd week of May ish
North Carolina has year round school.
Some NC schools are year round. It’s not universal
I was thinking the same thing. In Texas, usually toward the end of August.
Texas schools here, my kids start back August 15th this year and get out the Friday before Memorial Day.
Goddamn gotta love Jeremy sometimes LOL
Based Jeremy! Love him.
If java and / or jo had a woman in and out of their life ( baby mama or not) kail would have her control button on full blast. Friends or lovers doesn’t much matter, the relationship is soooo dysfunctional! He hurt me- he loves me, he made me look like a fool- he loves me, he hasn’t called but twice in months- he loves me , he cheated- he loves me, he didn’t show up for my birthday- he loves me , we aren’t speaking- we are just friends… the only thing Chris loves is Kail making herself available to him at any given time.
Kail Allowed him to intrude on her family vacation with her boys, pretty selfish and pathetic. She’s acting like a desperate cheap fool.
Amber? What’s going on with her?
Kail will be announcing baby #4 any moment now. I’m hoping it’s another boy!
Jeremy, you have a so/so personality to me, but I gotta love some of your tweets! Turkey Gobler will now be what I refer to Jenelle as…
Also not a Germy fan, but love it when he goes after Turkey Gobbler and Lurch. I guess that’s where Addy gets her spunk from. They’re never able to respond since they know he’ll come back harder. AND Germy also has an arsenal so Lurch can’t wave his guns and scare him.
They finally met their match with Germy.
Huh, so Chris just piggy-backed on Kail’s vacation and she had no clue it was going to happen? Sure…
Poor Leah she thought she was going on vacation with a gf and her kids, instead she got saddled with Kails baby daddy. Wonder if she had to babysit while they spent quality time together and bumped uglys.
“bumped uglys”. LOL!! May I use that?
Do kids in North Carolina really go back to school in the middle of July or is it just Jenelle’s kids?
NC has year round schools
The majority of NC is not on year round schools but we do have them
We all know that post was written by Farrah, not Sophia.
Hahaha until these tweets I forgot jenelle blocked me on Twitter when I said she should be spayed after it came out that she was pregnant with her youngest ???
I bet she had one of her famous, “LEAVE ME ALONE!!!” tantrums.???