Dog the Bounty Hunter’s Store Burglarized, Items Owned By His Late Wife Beth Chapman Stolen Along with Family Mementos, Merchandise & More

Dog the Bounty Hunter’s family store in Edgewater, Colorado, has been burglarized and ransacked, with items owned by Dog’s recently deceased wife, Beth Chapman, also stolen. 

According to The Blast, the merchandise store owned by Duane “Dog” Chapman and Beth was found completely ransacked Thursday afternoon when a member of Dog’s team went to the store to conduct some business and instead walked into the crime scene. The damaged shop was first noticed by a passerby, who alerted the police. 

Merchandise inside the family store was reportedly stolen, including thousands of dollars in “Dog and Beth” show merchandise, family mementos and even some of Beth’s personal bounty hunting gear, which had been arranged in the store to serve as a makeshift memorial for Beth, who passed away in June from cancer. 

“The official Dog and Beth merchandise store was robbed on Thursday,” the Chapman Family statement reads. “Not only did the thieves take thousands of dollars of clothing, these criminals took priceless personal belongings of our beloved Beth, including tributes to her kindly left by our amazing fans. We are working with our friends in law enforcement to find these perpetrators, and are offering a cash reward to anyone who provides information about their identity. To whoever did this, you better watch out. Dog is coming for you.”

A priceless Chapman family heirloom—- a wooden elephant that once belonged to Dog’s mother—- was also targeted by the burglars, who reportedly broke the item without taking it. The site reports that Dog believes the damaged heirloom to be a personal slight against his family. He also believes the burglary exhibited signs of a highly-emotional crime. 

In addition to the list of damaged and stolen items, the store’s cash register was also emptied during the raid; however, the burglars only got away with around $100 in change, as the store employees do nightly cash drops. 

The one-bedroom apartment connected to the shop was targeted as well, as burglars smashed through the front door and unbolted the back door to remove furniture. An expensive stereo and other electronics were also reportedly stolen. 

Dog shared the news of the burglary and cash reward on social media.

“The bible says it is an unforgivable sin to steal from the dead,” he wrote. “LARGE CASH REWARD FOR ANY INFORMATION ABOUT WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS !!!” 

On Friday, the Edgewater Police released photo stills from surveillence footage taken by the cameras of a nearby store. At a news conference held on Friday, Dog said that if the person/people responsible turned themselves in within 48 hours, he would not press charges against them.

“I will try to get you probation, a job and help for any type of addiction [you may have],” Dog said during the news conference. “Because me and you got a special connection now. But if you don’t, they’ll be no mercy.

A suspect in the burglary was captured on surveillance footage…

“This person will be caught very soon,” Dog said, later adding, “[The cops] already have some really, really good leads, so you guys have got 48 hours to call me and ask for forgiveness. And of course I’ll do that.”

“This hits home pretty bad,” Dog said.

Dog told the press that they had just cancelled their insurance on the building because they planned on moving to another location.

Anyone with information can contact police at (303) 235-0500.

Watch Dog’s full press conference interview below!

RELATED STORY: Beth Chapman, Wife of Dog the Bounty Hunter, Dies After Battle with Cancer

(Photos: Teresa Kroeger/Getty Images, Instagram)

27 Responses

  1. This is so weird because I live in Colorado, near the store, and it’s located on a very busy, high traffic street. I can’t imagine how someone could have busted through the front glass without attracting anyone’s attention. Also, Edgewater is a super tiny city located in the heart of Denver with a tiny police agency. I’m not sure how successful their investigation will be.

    1. I guess my point is that if this happened at night, then nobody would hear glass breaking. Especially in a high traffic, busy part of town. There would be too much noise and drivers ought to be focused on the road (whether in daylight or dark).

  2. When your loved one is dying you don’t think of all you should do. You are praying and zoning in on them. Almost feels wrong to think of taking care of business. No not alone when you speak of staying by their side till they pass. Every breath is precious.Difficult. Miss them so.

    1. This is the same way i felt directly after my mother’s passing. But I finally realized that it did absolutely NO GOOD to second guess myself and whatever decisions I made, my mother would be happy with them. But it was REALLY hard making ANY decisions without her input because I respected it so much and leaned upon her guidance to do what made HER happy!!!!

  3. Laura, I’m sorry for what you and your family went through. I hope they catch whoever did this. It was a hateful thing to do. “Where mercy is shown, mercy is given.” God bless the Chapman family as they continue to grieve.

    1. Last I looked Leland had tattoo sleeves (on both arms I believe) and long hair (that guy has short, buzzed-cut hair. But speaking of Leland, I hope he’s the person that tracks this guy down, THAT BOY CAN RUN!!!! And I’d hate to be the guilty party and have Leland catch me (especially in this case)!!!!

    2. Leland recently tore his Achilles’ tendon in half on a hunt a few weeks after Beth died. He apparently had to have major surgery and is on crutches for at least six weeks. So not a chance this was him.

  4. My sincere condolences on the loss of your wonderful wife Beth. Kind of you to give them 48 hours. God knows who they are. You will get him.when my mom passed someone came into our home while we were at her funeral and stole the money collected for cancer research. Doing these kind of things to grieving families is a heartless thing.

    1. Omg Laura that’s terrible, for anyone to steal whilst your at your moms funeral.

      I lost my mother to cancer also….

      And my young niece is is remission from aplastic anemia, and someone stole her collection money for aplastic anemia charity….

      Sickening that anyone would be so callous and vile….

      And shame on you ( whoever you are) for down voting this comment too

  5. Why in the world would you cancel your insurance before you are completely moved out. That’s just damn stupid.

    1. I lost my mother last year. Insurances and wills and probate and all that kind of stuff can be really difficult. And involve things that never even occurred to you. Maybe some of the things were in Beth’s name only, or in both of their names. Sometimes if it’s in 2 people’s name and one dies, a new policy is written.

      1. That is true. My point is that @Dumb Move needed to look at things from his EMOTIONAL standpoint. When you lose someone that you love so much, it is almost like a piece of your heart gets ripped away when they are gone. A person’s mind is constantly being pulled in different directions, “should I do this, should I do that, how do I do this/that. Or at least that was the way I was when my mom died, I was always second guessing myself. Was I wrong in saying what I said?

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