Jenelle Evans’ loss of a job is apparently the Teen Mom 2 crew’s gain!
The Ashley can exclusively reveal that the folks behind the long-running MTV reality show were pleasantly surprised by how easy the show’s newest star Jade Cline was to work with while shooting the upcoming Season 9B… especially compared to working with Jenelle, the girl whom Jade replaced!
“She’s been lovely to work with; honestly a real dream,” one person who has worked on some of Jade’s shoots tells The Ashley. “Everyone really likes her. She’s reliable, and has treated the crew and producers with respect.”
As ‘Teen Mom 2’ fans know, Jenelle was fired from ‘Teen Mom 2’ in May. Immediately after Jenelle’s firing, The Ashley broke the news that the show’s producers had chosen Jade to replace Jenelle on the show.
The Ashley’s sources tell her that, although Jade does not have the same producer that Jenelle had (Kristen Schylinski), the crew members circulate between all of the girls’ shoots, so many of them who worked on Jenelle’s shoots are now working on Jade’s.
“Jade has been the exact opposite of Jenelle,” another source said. “She is not a diva whatsoever— which some of the other girls on these shows tend to be— and has not had any issues with anyone on the shoots. It’s been a refreshing and nice change, actually.”

The source, who worked on some of Jenelle’s shoots over the years, described Jenelle’s shoots in one word: “Chaos!”
“It was so touch-and-go. We never knew if we were actually going to be shooting if we were scheduled to film with Jenelle,” the source told The Ashley. “And if we did film, [we didn’t know] if we would get any usable footage, if she would storm off and refuse to film, or if David [Eason] would try to mess with the shoot.”
The source said that viewers can expect a very dramatic season, particularly with Jade and Leah Messer‘s stories.
“Jade’s story is just really sad,” one behind-the-scenes source tells The Ashley. “There were some super-tense moments, especially concerning her ex-boyfriend that were very scary.”

The Ashley’s sources tell her that, while the other four girls are still shooting for the new season of ‘Teen Mom 2,’ Jade has already wrapped.
“There was so much to film!” the source said. “We have so much footage we don’t need any more for this season. It was so easy to get, not having to deal with cancelled shoots and drama queen tantrums!”
(Photos: MTV)
78 Responses
MTV please tell us you’re getting rid of Amber Portwood!! It would be really wrong if you let Amber stay and fire Jenelle! Amber is worse than Jenelle!! Amber is nuttier than Jenelle ever was!! Amber beats people up and threatens them, I hope you have plans to get rid of Amber who smells like rotten eggs!!!
Give her time..She will be thinking That she’s running the show and production like Amber Jenelle Farah
No offense to Jade, I’m sure she is nice but come on Charles Manson would have probably been more delightful to work with than Jenelle (if he was alive).
Plus Jade is new to this she hasnt earned nearly a fraction of the other girls, give her time & that easy money & her head will be as big as the other girls.
But no one will ever be as bad to work with as Jenelle & Lurch)
She wouldn’t have that job for very long. Customers would HATE her.
I am so happy that you got rid of Janelle, all she was was drama. I wish her mother was still on the show, I really liked Barbara, I really don’t know how she put up with her daughter for all those years. Janelle was never a mother to her kids,and never will be.
Completely agree! I wish so badly that barb would either take Jenelles spot or that MTV would have yet another spin off and have it be barb and nathans continued stories. Barb still has full custody of Jace so there’s that and Nathan would just be to piss David and Jenelle off!!
Jenelle had to learn it from from someplace. How can a person who condones her daughter acting like that?
I meant to say, “how can a person like someone who condones her daughter acting like that?”
Both of Barb’s children are like that. Barb has custody of her son’s child Gabriel and Jenelle’s children Jace and Ensley. It is beyond me why a judge would give custody to a woman who is obviously responsible for why her children are like they are!!
WOW you sure have high opinions for someone that has no clue what your talking about.
“Barb has custody of her sons child”
Her son Colin (Jenelles brother) does not have any kids.
Why is this all on Barbara? You do know it takes 2 people to make a baby?
Jenelle admitted that her father was rotten, after the seperation he still lived on the same street but refused to see Jenelle.
Barbara is not perfect but it is not her fault either.
So all of the crackheads with successful kids did a great job raising them? Or was it the child that had the drive to be better? What about good people that do the right thing, their kid follows the wtong path, its not the kids fault?
Yes, Colin does have a child (Garbriel). Watch the show, and as @DUUUUDE as said to me before, “Educate Yourself”. And you never know how she grew up, along with her Daddy Issues, Barb was probably EMOTIONALLY absent during her childhood. And some people aren’t strong enough to NOT follow the wrong path. Yes the “In The Now” person is responsible for their current actions (good and bad) but the blame or praise ultimately falls back on the parents and how they acted in the past.
My father was a raging alcoholic when I was going up. And it the way my mom brought me up that gave me the strength to NOT be like him. I still at the age of 31 (I will be 32 next month) refuse to pick up the bottle. Because I may not have the willpower to say “enough is enough”. I know what it is like to be on the receiving end of his mental and emotional abuse. And I WILL NOT be the kind of person who puts that onto someone else!!! It wasn’t fair to me and it wouldn’t be fair to them!!!
FYI @Land Of The Lost- Barbara has 2 kids (Colin and Jenelle) and 5 grandchildren, 3 by Jenelle (Jace, Kaiser, and Ensley by 3 different men) and 2 by Colin (Gabe and a little girl who’s name I don’t remember by 2 different women). And furthermore, neither of Colin’s children share his last name.
2 kids?? Umm.. I guess ashley is an invisible person then. Lol
Gabe is the son of jenelles sister Ashley!!!!
She has Gabriel and atlas….
I have no idea if Colin has kids, but gabe isn’t his…
I wonder why she wasn’t listed as another of Barb’s children? The only two that were listed were Jenelle and Colin.
My guess is that Barb just doesn’t want to claim her. Yet another fault of hers!!!!! As a mom, you should claim a child NO MATTER WHAT!!! She claims Jenelle for God’s sakes!!!
But the apples don’t fall too far from the tree. Colin is a thirty something grown man who had to move back home and Barb was bragging about how he was doing so good (helping with dishes and laundry). Stupid me, I wasn’t aware that NORMAL chores that any adult ought to do warranted great amounts of praise!!! He ought to be doing something, living at home on his Mama’s dime. He ought to have paid rent, something
(anything) towards the bill’s and groceries!!! But I’m sure he didn’t!!!
Janelle and David are trash
I’m happy to see some of the drama queens or mentally ill girls being replaced!! The new girls need the money and are more respectful and will work hard!! MTV GLAD TO SEE YOU GET RID OF THE SWAMP. Amber “ FELON “ Portwood should be fired next!! PLEASE!!!
I haven’t seen any of the episodes with Jade in it yet . I’m looking forward to seeing them.
We have just started Teen Mum Australia here, I started watching it the other morning and had to turn it off !!!! Some of the girls are already “filled and Botoxed up” with the ridiculous long pointy fingernails and eyelashes and 10 layers of make-up.!!!!!! A few of them have come across as quiet “Bogan”…..Australia’s definition of trailer trash LOL. So as an Australian I’m hanging my head with embarrassment!!!!
Not all Australian’s are like this LOL.
I know I won’t be watching, they made me cringe in half an hour….. GOD only knows how tormented I’d be if I sat through a few episodes ??????
SHIT !!!!!!!. There was something creepy about him from the very start……..turned out to be true! When the guy just comes “wandering” in your backdoor after a break up acting as though nothing’s wrong, making phone calls to your family….. YEP DEFINITELY creepy stalker behaviour. She made a wise move breaking it off. I hope Jeremy decks him !!!
I like Cheyenne!
That’s TMOG not TM2
I like Cheyenne!
That’s TMOG not TM2
That’s TMOG not TM2. We’re talking about Jade from TM2.
I actually like Jade. At least she doesn’t yell all the time. And every other word doesn’t have to be bleeped out…unlike Jenelle. I mean, yeah her anger gets the best of her sometimes, but that happens to pretty much everyone doesn’t it?!!! And she seems like she is understanding, I mean you’d have to be when you have a druggy mom and bf that she gives chance after chance after chance to. You can tell her love is truly UNCONDITIONAL!!!! Unlike Jenelle who is like “one mistake and your out”!!
let’s not forget the pic she posted with coke and a rolled up dolla bill on her bathroom counter. #cokehead
And it wouldn’t say,”dude” every 5 seconds. Or scream, “LEAVE ME ALONE!!!” all the time.
I was trying to comment on the honey badger.
People in California call everything dude. Today my fridge, car, and dog were called dude…
I love Jade I think she’s an excellent fit for teen mom
Hiya Dejesus ?
Hi Andrea????
Early days yet TM crew…
Hiya Dejesus ?
Yeah, but I always thought Jenelle you could pick up at McDonald’s and she would never call you again.
What went on with Leah this year that was so dramatic? I don’t remember hearing anything too crazy on the news sites….?
Well she has become really close with Kail, so she probably has something to do with it lol!
Maybe her breakup with Jason?! Didn’t he control her or something? I bet it didn’t end well!
SHIT !!!!!!!. There was something creepy about him from the very start……..turned out to be true! When the guy just comes “wandering” in your backdoor after a break up acting as though nothing’s wrong, making phone calls to your family….. YEP DEFINITELY creepy stalker behaviour. She made a wise move breaking it off. I hope Jeremy decks him !!!
I’m pretty sure ANYBODY would be a dream to work with compared to that “swamp bitch” and her “creature from the black lagoon husband”
You’re good.????
@Andrea Wilkie, don’t forget about Lurch’s striking resemblance to the Duck Dynasty castmembers.
Jade sounds like a breath of fresh air, hopefully she stays that way. I guess it’s not that hard to top Jenelle in terms of being easy to work with and having manners.
I like jade from what I’ve seen of her. She has her own apartment, her own car, full time job, all without the help of her parents. Her mother is unreliable and not a great example, which makes jade all the more respectable as a parent and a person in general. It’s going to be refreshing to see her journey through young, single parenthood without familial support. I’ve also seen that her grandma is sick in the hospital, so I am sure jade could use the money from this show to help. I am honestly happy that she will be getting paid instead of stupid jenelle.
Everything I’ve read and heard about Jade makes me want to watch.
Haven’t watched since they added all these new people, but I might now that this new girl seems nice
Seriously what have these women accomplished that gives them the right to act like divas?
“APPARENTLY” Giving birth lol
Jade’s kids father has always struck me as a very dangerous guy.
always struck me as slime.
I think a honey badger with uncontrollable diarrhea would be more fun to work with than Jenelle.
Thank god Jenelle Evans Eason and animal abusing, killing David Eason are history. Honestly, the entire show needs to end.
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Get rid of that Cheyenne thing and we r all set the new Mackenzie addition is wonderful keep letting them go – half don’t work or buy cars and houses never worked anything close to real – let them go
I can’t stand Mackenzie. Why they added her, I’ll never understand.
I feel the same,DUUUUUDE.
It takes a while for the crazy to come out. Coke.
Did Ex-teen mom, married to the dog murderer, congratulate her replacement? You did all this yourself! You now have no job and the dog murderer is making knives…out in the sun…which he can’t work in because of his skin condition?
Because she is grateful. And has work ethics at least for now. Hopefully she doesn’t lose it.
Maybe she wont since she was not entitled at 16 like the rest of them. Hope she doesn’t keep giving her mom and boyfriend handouts.
Cast and crew like Jade?? Yup…now it’s no wonder why Brianna was trying to get back in good with the other girls…she’s the odd girl out in the TM franchise now that her only friend/ally Jenelle is gone….and how the TM machine girl click works, if you’re the misfit, you’re next to get the boot….just look at Jenelle and Farrah. Was Javi worth it?…might want to try and make nice with Mackenzie McKee again.
Almost anyone would be a breath of fresh air after Jenelle. If brains were lard, Jenelle wouldn’t have enough to even grease a skillet.
??????? She’ll be needing a skillet too!!!!!! To grease those burgers on by the side of the road at a truck stop…It will be about the ONLY job she could get !!!!!!
It’s only a matter of time before she becomes a diva too….just like the rest of them!
What happened with Leah that her season will be so dramatic?
I think health issues with Ali.
Ohhhhhhh poor little Ali, I’m sure with lots of love support and determination she’ll be a real little trooper.
Good luck Ali ???♀️
It’s hard being different and not being able to do what other kids do. But as the song says, “What Makes You Different Makes You Beautiful”. Keep your head up Ali Girl, you got this!!!
I hope you’re wrong, but I think you may be right. That’s so sad.
Well, the Jason storyline is over. My assumption would be Leah’s reconciling with Jeremy, Ali, or something happened to her addict father. Just guessing.
Are they allowed to use her restroom or did she get them a Porta Potty outside?
Asking for a friend.
I like jade. Her mother is a narsisitic nightmare though. I feel for her.
lol I think a paper bag would be more desirable to work with compared to jenelle ??
GOD knows it would have more personality,and be less annoying.
YAS ???
a soggy paper bag would be easier to work with