Lindsie Chrisley Claims Dad Todd & Brother Chase Threatened to Expose Her Sex Tape; Todd Reveals Lindsie Had Affairs with Two Guys From ‘The Bachelorette’

“Oopsie! I accidentally spilled the beans!”

The Chrisley Family Feud just went from bitter to downright crazy…and juicy!

Lindsie Chrisley is asking– via a new statement from her lawyer– her family to leave her alone, hours after it was exposed that she told law enforcement that her estranged dad Todd and brother Chase have been threatening to expose her sex tape with a certain star of the Bachelor franchise!

TMZ revealed on Thursday that Lindsie filed a police report last month claiming that “Todd and Chase threatened to release the sex tape if she didn’t lie about a certain ‘incident.'” The site’s sources state that the ‘incident’ had to do with the tax evasion situation that got Todd and his wife Julie arrested earlier this week.

Other members of the Chrisley family have blamed Lindsie for the arrests, claiming that she helped turn Todd and Julie in to the feds. (The Chrisleys maintain that they are innocent of the crimes they’re accused of.)

In a statement sent to The Ashley on Thursday by Lindsie’s attorney, Lindsie denied having any part in taking down her parents.

“Lindsie would like nothing more than to be left alone and go about her own business,” the statement reads. “Unfortunately, certain members of her family will not let her live in peace. We are flabbergasted at the audacity of Todd and Chase Chrisley, who are more focused on attacking my client rather than defending themselves against the allegations of criminal conduct. While it is not necessary to detail their repugnant actions, it is important to note that the allegations are of serious crimes against Lindsie.

“Lindsie has made a complaint of their acts to law enforcement, and she will provide them whatever they need in the course of their investigation into her family’s actions. Lindsie
prays for a just outcome so that she can go forward with her life safe from those who are looking to do her harm.”

Her statement makes no mention of the alleged sex tape, which TMZ claimed she made with a guy who had once been featured on the Bachelor franchise.

On Thursday, Todd exposed that Lindsie— who has been married to Will Campbell since 2012— had affairs with not one but two members of Bachelor Nation: Josh Murray (the winner on Andi Dorfman‘s season of The Bachelorette), and Robby Hayes (the runner-up on JoJo Fletcher‘s season). 

Both men are seen posing with Lindsie in the Instagram photo below, which was posted by Josh in 2016.

The gentlemen caller who made the tape with Lindsie, though, is Robby, according to Todd.

“We have tried to keep Lindsie’s extramarital relationships with Robby Hayes and Josh Murray private for her sake since August of 2016,” Todd said in a statement on Thursday. “Sadly, for reasons we can only guess at, she ran to the sheriff’s office to accuse her brother of buying a sex tape of her and Robby, which was a complete lie, and now she’s telling more lies about me. Although our hearts are broken, Lindsie is our daughter and we will always love her.”

Robby has yet to speak publicly about the allegations, but Josh released a statement to Entertainment Tonight. Although he slammed the Chrisleys for their actions, he did not specifically state that their claims that he hooked up with Lindsie are false.

“I know Todd and his family are going through some tough times right now and I pray everything works out in their favor,” Josh said in the statement. “They should probably focus on how not to be imprisoned for 30 years rather than spreading gossip to try and hurt their daughter. I truly believe they are good people and I wish them the best in however they choose to go about their actions.”

Stay tuned…

RELATED STORY: Lindsie Chrisley Issues Statement About Her Parents’ Arrest; Denies Brother Kyle’s Claims That She Turned In Her Dad Todd Chrisley For Tax Evasion

(Photos: Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images; Tibrina Hobson/Getty Images; Instagram)

20 Responses

  1. The daughter is besties with the queen of “I don’t want any drama” ogre Kail. She automatically lost credible.

  2. Im not very familiar with this family but it’s a giant beaming red flag if a father knows about a sex tape and would try to extort his daughter.

    Based on this article and the last article about the Christley family I read, I think I know enough…

    1. There’s an addict brother making up lies (the IRS can do their own homework).

    2. There are some parents who seem clearly guilty of tax evasion.

    3. There’s a girl (Lindsie) who’s clearly had enough family drama (her downfalls are the podcast with Kail and hanging out/hooking up with Bachelor contestants and making sex tapes).

    4. Chase seems to have the maturity of a 12 year old.

  3. Don’t know if they’re blackmailing Lindsie, but if Todd was hoping his statement would make him sounds like a loving dad, it didn’t. That family seems incredibly toxic.

  4. That’s pretty low of her own father to blackmail her so his ass wouldn’t get caught. Damn with family like that who needs enemies??

  5. Healthy families are NOT on reality tv, MTV period. They’re selling your family for moola y’all, not just these guys but tm2 cast too.

  6. I really had no idea who these people are until all this drama broke – so I did a little research (feel free to correct me if I’m wrong). Lindsie has been estranged from her family for a bit, so they were already on bad terms IMO and it makes her an easy scapegoat. Also read she secretly eloped or didn’t ask her father’s permission to marry – so Todd was upset about that, and I’m just going to say that if that was something she knew that meant a lot to him and decided not to do it – they’ve been on not so great terms for awhile.
    Secondly, you don’t really need a person to rat you out for financial crimes/tax evasion – the IRS and or banks could have been monitoring them. And Real Estate is infamous for shady financials. And these people invited cameras into thier lives, we all know how that’s worked out for various reality stars when they were trying to hide thier money from various entities.
    Thirdly, and grossest, I sincerely hope the family did not purchase her sex tape and/or threaten thier daughter over it. Sadly with the way the family seems to be blaming and disown in her, it looks like if they did do it they are justifying thier gross blackmailing behavior. It makes me believe they did buy it and tried to force her to testify for them or take some of the blame with these charges, and if she refused, they’d run her name through the mud. Which looks like they’re doing by talking about affairs, saying she started the investigation, and she’s got a sex tape. Look, I really don’t know or care about these people, but they seem insanely tocic. Also, are we supposed to believe Todd is 100% straight?

      1. I think Todd is the dad, it was kind of hard to keep the names straight (there’s so many of them). But it looks like the father and mother figure share the same lip gloss. Also everyone seems to have gotten giant veneers, it’s unsettling

  7. Didn’t she get divorced a few years ago? They did talk about it on the show, so I guess they never went through with it?

    Lindsie always came off as a total bitch while she was on show. and who the hell would want to HER on a sex tape? I’ll pass.

  8. Shes not even that attractive. Also, she is friends w/Kail. Thats all I need to know to tell me shes a no-good biotch!

  9. So now they will also be charged with Blackmail ??‍♀️???‍♀️???‍♀️

    They are idiots and daddy is probably just jealous that she has a husband and two guys on the side.

  10. I can’t imagine Lindsey having affairs. She seems to be a by the book girl. I may be wrong. The quiet ones are the ones to watch. I can’t imag Todd or Chase going to prison. They seem to be very delicate.

  11. I know Lindsie is a “Christian” and is fairly modest/conservative/etc but in today’s world a “celebrity” sex tape is hardly news. It’ll be a headline for a few weeks and then it’ll just blow over. I’d just release it my dang self and call it a day – better than being blackmailed about it

    1. I feel like you need to be an actual celebrity (not on a podcast with a “teen mom”) for it to even be hugely news worthy

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