The breakups just keep on coming in the Teen Mom World!
Just days after Teen Mom OG stars Mackenzie and Josh McKee split, it appears that Teen Mom 2 couple Javi Marroquin and Lauren Comeau may have followed suit.
The Ashley can reveal that the engaged pair got into a huge fight over the weekend, while their friends were over at their house for a get-together. The Ashley’s sources tell her that the fight was so bad that police were reportedly called to the scene, although no one was arrested or removed from the home. (Based on what The Ashley can tell from online records, it was only a verbal argument, not physical.)
Following the fight, Lauren unfollowed Javi on Instagram and, at press time, was still not following him. Lauren has also deleted a bunch of photos of her and Javi off of her Instagram.
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Roses are red, violets are blue.. sugar is sweet and so are you ?
A post shared by Javi Marroquin (@javim9) on
Lauren and Javi— who are engaged and share nine-month-old son Eli— have had a rocky relationship lately, the source said.
“They fight constantly, but this one was really bad,” the source told The Ashley. “Something major went down.”
And, unfortunately for ‘Teen Mom 2’ fans, it was not captured on camera for the show. As The Ashley told you earlier this month, Javi has not filmed for the show, because he wants his new Crossfit gym to be distanced from ‘Teen Mom.’ (Kail Lowry‘s other baby daddies Chris Lopez and Jo Rivera are also not filming for this season of the show.)
Javi and Lauren only recently got engaged. In June, he proposed to her in her hometown in Maine.
They started dating in the summer of 2017 but quickly broke up. Javi moved on with ‘Teen Mom 2’ star Briana DeJesus, but after that fizzled he quickly reunited with Lauren. Within six weeks of announcing that they were back together, the couple announced they were expecting their first child together. Eli was born in November 2018.
UPDATE! While Lauren and Javi have yet to comment on their alleged split, Kail released a statement on Monday via Us Weekly.
“Even though I’ve said things in the past, it’s not my place to comment on their relationship or issues,” she told the magazine. “I wish him the best whether they’re together or not.”
That same day, she posted a tweet that many followers seem to think was in reference to Lauren and Javi.
I’m convinced the happiest looking couples on IG have the most problems ?
— Kailyn Lowry (@KailLowry) August 18, 2019
“I’m convinced the happiest looking couples on IG have the most problems,” she wrote.
(Photos: Instagram; Twitter)
72 Responses
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Was that’s Javi on the 911 call or was that Drake? ?
Shaddup Kail. You’re a miserable shrew who is elated at this circus.
I think Kail and Javi were a match made in heaven (both of them are selfish AND worthless)!!! If it weren’t for Isaac and Lincoln, they should have stayed together because as the saying goes, “misery loves company”.
I asked lauren for the tea and she blocked me lol
Omg they had a fight. That is just not news or tea or whatever! Javi being a douche is same ol same ol. Why do these couples call cops during a verbal fight? If it’s that bad, then get in the car and go for a drive. Cops have better things to do than play referee for these butt suckers.
If a fight at a party with your friends gets so bad the cops need to be called, it’s bad. Otherwise, friends should be able to break it up and separate them.
If a woman does that, people call her a ho. So… May we call Javi a ho? Just wondering…
He’s more of a DOH!!!!
More fake drama to promote the shows new season. Anyway it could have been a drunken altercation between friends or family. they did have a lot f people over that night.
How is it fake drama to promote the show when he has refused to film??? Why would he care about the future of the show one way or the other?
How childish. I still follow my ex on Twitter (this just made me realize that, lol, he never tweets tho) and I never understood why make your drama visible on social media. It’s one of the stupidest things you can do even if you are a semi-celebrity and fans WANT to know what’s going on. (Btw, I actually don’t think they do, they just want to know if their life is better than yours, TRUST ME, that’s all they want to know)
They seemed stable (so maybe Kail’s tweet was about that) but considering how she had a baby with him so quickly no questions asked…I’m gonna say it louder for the people on the back: DON’T HAVE A BABY WITH SOMEONE YOU BARELY KNOW!!! I mean, it’s not that hard to use protection for at least first year of the relationship but ideally, use it for a few years and have a child with them when you are positive they are a keeper.
Happiest my ass girl please. This is a man that got with someone else to piss his ex off like all losers do. Now it aint working because he didn’t give himself a break. Just jump on like all men do without even giving themselves time for self. Women do it too but men do it more. Maybe your ex did cheat but both of you jumped in without taking time for self. Stop posting and boasting your relationship to be authentic when it is merely fake. The feelings true feeling for another are harder for a man to fully give and be real after loving someone for so long.
Unless they are a Narcissist they don’t have feelings.
Happyiest people my ass girl please. She was simply someone he thought he could get with to get over his ex. People need to Mabye lay off of showing out and concentrate on things that matter. Posting about how one another feels about each other is sacred as for as we don’t have to prove our love for one another and boast each other on social media and if so keep it private share with family and friends. You don’t need the attention of everybody because they only care when real drama surfacesnall that other so called love is irrelevant irrelavant when you gotta be the center of attention. People need to get a real like and stop boasting fake love for show. Not enough true men a lot say they are real but really real quick to lay down with meaningless feelings for another. Lets be real people. When a person shows you who they are believe them.
Both are bimbos. Lauren jumped into a relationship and a baby with this dude who was willing to knock up any willing participant. She tries pushing insta products and being a relevant mom but it’s not catching on. From the looks of it she’s got a set situation, stay at home mom with all necessities and luxuries she needs, paid for by javi of course, a big beautiful home, vacations, Disney world, Mexico, etc. Not really a fan of hers. Something always seemed off about them, I do agree with kails statement about insta happy couples tho.
I’m not a Lauren fan, but we all have seen how Javi will antagonize the hell outta somebody, and then play victim. He’s done it in every situationship he’s been in….Kail didn’t need to say anything. The fact that the cops were called spoke volumes.
Javi is so nasty!,?
Kail doing her Petty Betty. Cant she just STFU.
Teen Mom shows need to go!!! None of these girls are teens, nor are any, except Chelsea, a role model. They are hot messes, with multiple children from multiple men, and, MTV pays them tons of money!!! Shame on MTV!!! Get rid of all of them!!
Lol what did they expect. She got knocked up while Javi was publicly still sleeping with Kail and Brianna. A relationship that starts bad, will end bad. In regards to Kail… girl sit down. Who are you to post about happy couples. You have to pay your Baby Daddy’s trip to Hawaii so he spends time with you ??? You literally sit at home waiting for him to throw you a bone.
Your statement is even more literal than you realize: she actually bought Chris a dog, an extremely expensive purebred dog. She’s so desperate to be with him, you can smell it through the screen. I can’t stand Kailyn and I still have secondhand embarrassment.
Should be noted that today she posted an ad with her wedding ring on. Using Javi’s fame or reusing old videos?
They need to end TM2 bc no-one wants to watch just kail (bc ALL 3 baby dad’s aren’t filming n they can stop their kids from being filmed too) so now that Janelle is gone n all of kails men r too, watching Bri n her crazy mom n sis boring, n will it just b Kail n her d*ck/vag*na hopping is just gross. So they shld just put Chelsea n Cole on TMOG n say bye to the rest
Kind of ironic how much time she spent calling Kail a “twat” and wanting to be in her shoes. You wanted it you got it girl ???
Kails quote today from US Magazine, “Even though I’ve said things in the past, it’s not my place to comment on their relationship or issues,” Lowry, 27, said on Monday, August 19, of her ex-husband. “I wish him the best whether they’re together or not.” Oh right, like this won’t be talked about on her podcast in 3,2,1…
Javi doesn’t want his new gym associated with TM2 but he had no problem using TM2 to get “famous” in the first place.
Or no problem being able to start a gym from money he was paid for being on TM2!
Javi is a weirdo and will always be in love with kail. She’s probably realizing that now.
Man. I was rooting for them and hoping they could establish something healthy/solid. Yes, the writing was on the wall and they were pretty much doomed from the moment they got back together, but I think about how much more complicated this web gets if they don’t work out and he goes on to have *another* child which he absolutely will, as I’m sure she will. All of these little people that these big people are making for no other reason than to solidify their relationships (even thought it should probably happen in the opposite order but who am I?) deserve to have some sense of stability and not a handful of half siblings that they split time with??
He only had a kid with her because kail had a kid with someone else.
I’m sure that sped up his timeline exponentially, but I do think he would have had a kid pretty quickly with whoever was around. He seems dead set on having that “family” – as long as the girl is conventionally attractive and willing to be around him for a few months, he’s in.
Brilliantly said Jesus God Leah
Javi is so insufferable. I don’t know anything about Lauren, but considering what a twit Javi is, I can only imagine she thought she was going to be a TV regular and the money would be rolling in. If he isn’t filming TM2 that must not be happening and his controlling dumbass isn’t worth being around.
Well then hahahah
Don’t tell me, let me guess:
She actually caught him buying the engagement ring for Baby Mama #3.
Maybe he hooked up with Kail. I wouldn’t put it past either of them
Did Lauren get Brianas engagement ring?
*gasp!!* No way. Nope. Nuh uh. No one saw this coming! No relationship borne of rebound, rebound, rebound sex and an oopsie baby is destined to end so tragically. ?
Said no one ever. ?
Lauren wanted to be a Mommy-influencer and reality star, not somewhere between broodmare and help-meet to someone who doesn’t like his intimate partner to have any social relationships or priorities aside from him. She probably finally looked up and realized there were no cameras anymore and wondered why the hell she’s putting herself through all this if she doesn’t even get to be on TV for her trouble.
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Don’t bother with an update. They’re both losers with no self esteem. She will be back.
Teen Mom folks must have been raised by wolves. Their children…same.
My husband leaves dirty clothes on the floor. Maybe I should unfollow his Instagram and really teach him a lesson haha
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My husband pees too loud while I’m sleeping. Should I call the cops?
Girl I have had people call 911 because their husband wouldn’t turn down the radio.
Was the breakup because Javi controlling? Cheating? Going by Javi’s pics he looks tired or on drugs. His eyes are almost shut in every pic. I knew something was going on because neither one has posted anything in 4 days. I bet Kail is having a good laugh with this one. At least it wasn’t physical. Javi has issues.
So, it seems that “THIRD CHOICE” wasn’t a charm!!
Never a dull moment in the life of Teen Mom. Javi won’t be single long. He cannot live without a girlfriend….a bonus if she gets pregnant. I feel sorry for all the children involved in this long line of different relationships. They never stop and think about the kids, do they?
Bunch of dumb fucks on this show and the kids are the ones who suffer.
What’s that you say? Who didn’t see this train rolling down the track.
That’s a good example of why people should use birth control and NOT start a family after dating for a month. Yes there can be rare exceptions, but knowing Javi, girlfriend was just dumb. He wanted kids and engagement with Brianna 2 months before he knocked Lauren up. He was just looking for someone, anyone to start a family with, and the first girl that was willing to have unprotected sex with him won the contest. This is sick, poor Eli and Linc… And poor Isaac, how confused he might be again…
When’s the next one, Javi? Lauren seems immature, heaven forbid she stopped following him on social media lol!
Issac is too used this now. More mature than his mom.
Unfollowing and the police. Childish.
They need to end TM2 bc no-one wants to watch just kail (bc ALL 3 baby dad’s aren’t filming n they can stop their kids from being filmed too) so now that Janelle is gone n all of kails men r too, watching Bri n her crazy mom n sis boring, n will it just b Kail n her d*ck/vag*na hopping is just gross. So they shld just put Chelsea n Cole on TMOG n say bye to the rest