Lexi Tatman has been a busy girl since being let go from Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant earlier this year! The former reality star revealed on Tuesday that she and her boyfriend Kyler Lopez just welcomed their second child— and they managed to keep Lexi’s entire pregnancy a secret!
Lexi posted a photo of a newborn baby to her Twitter account on Tuesday. When her followers didn’t quite get that the baby— whom she named Jay Wolfe– belonged to her, Lexi offered up an explanation as to why she kept the pregnancy a secret.
Jay Wolfe
19in 7 LBS 1oz?? pic.twitter.com/KNjFqEk9PB— Lexi Tatman (@lexi_tatman) August 27, 2019
“Thank you all for the kind words and congratulations,” she tweeted. ” Me and Kyler chose to keep our pregnancy off social media to enjoy it and the birth. Thank you all for understanding.”
Baby Jay– who joins big brother Tobias– weighed in at 7 lbs. 1 oz. and measured 19 inches long. He was born on Monday.
Lexi posted a second photo of Jay to her Instagram, along with the message, “Welcome to the world little love.”
The Ashley broke the story earlier this year that Lexi had been let go from the ‘Young and Pregnant’ cast. While the rest of the ‘Y&P’ girls filmed a second season of the MTV show, Lexi and Kyler did not, and were replaced by a new girl.
“MTV basically felt that her story wasn’t interesting enough to continue with,” a behind-the-scenes source told The Ashley in January. “Lexi was not the one who discontinued filming. Lexi really had no idea that she was not going to be part of Season 2.”
The Ashley’s sources did not have all the specifics behind why the network chose to let Lexi go; however, from what The Ashley has heard, it was not due to any sort of bad behavior on Lexi or her boyfriend Kyler’s.
“Nothing big happened or anything,” one source told The Ashley. “She wasn’t being punished.”
MTV has yet to reveal when ‘Young and Pregnant’ Season 2 will air, but all of The Ashley’s network sources say it will indeed air. ‘Young and Pregnant’ star Jade Cline has since been moved to Teen Mom 2 and did not film for ‘Young and Pregnant’ Season 2.
RELATED STORY: EXCLUSIVE! Lexi Tatman Cut From ‘Teen Mom: Young & Pregnant’; Replaced By New Girl For Season 2
(Photos: MTV, Instagram, Twitter)
43 Responses
MTV made a huge mistake by letting Lexi go, when she left, so did much if the class. I didn’t find her boring, but very reserved and refreshing…
Kyler looks like an exploded baked potato and was put back together wrong. He USED to be cute when they first started dating but Kyler got fat and sloppy instead of his baby mama. I commend Lexi’s mom for trying to tell her daughter that his treatment of her was wrong.
I’ve only seen a couple of episodes of Young and Pregnant but from what I’ve seen, Kylar is such a loser and she is way better off without him. The emotional abuse he put her through.. and now she had another baby with him? I just can’t…
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I’ve only seen a couple of episode of Young and Pregnant but from what I’ve seen, Kylar is such a loser and she is way better off without him. The emotional abuse he put her through.. and now she had another baby with him? I just can’t…
I really enjoyed “Young and Pregnant”. The girls weren’t divas yet like the usual “star moms”.
I don’t know, Kayla and Ashley seem pretty diva-ish to me.
You mean it was due to a lack of bad behavior. That’s what “not interesting” means.
Lexi and Kyler were a very relatable couple. I loathe the other couples. MTV you let me down again.
One bastard child wasn’t enough so let’s have two. What an idiot, both of them.
Sadly I maybe wrong,but this could be a trap baby to hold on to what’s his name longer.
He didn’t seem thrilled about the first one.
He really didn’t seem to be thrilled about anything that had to do due with her or the baby. I remember thinking he doesn’t want you run. I also thought she was out of his league.
How was SHE out of HIS league?
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These girls should be sterilized so they can no longer procreate—this is a disgrace. They’re all such losers. Having babies to try and stay on MTV to stay relevant. Their parents are also to blame for this. Get a real job, finish school and live your life and don’t be professional baby makers for a living. Wtf
I don’t know why got downvoted 28 times for asking a legitimate question. I simply wanted to know how @ROAST BEEF came to that conclusion? Because to me it’s the other way around and ‘HE is TOTALLY out of HER league.’ I mean, here you have a beautiful, well-kept young lady who is with a fat slob that is constantly wearing baseball caps to cover that dirty mop of hair he has. I honestly had to skip her segments because as much as I hate fighting, I would rather see a couple argue (like all normal, red-blooded couples do) as opposed to watching a poor young girl get mentally beat down and made to think that she can do no better than the guy she is with.
This sounds mean, but I kind of wish that before Lexi had turned 18 that her mom had done what Rosa (Rilah’s mom from Unexpected) had done and moved her about an hour away from Kyler. Maybe then Lexi would realize that Kyler still wouldn’t have any intention of putting forth the effort to see them. I know that he isn’t allowed at Lexi’s house (or at least he wasn’t when they were filming) but at least he could’ve called/texted her and said, “hey meet me at the park or at this restaurant or that restaurant so we can have family time.” But he didn’t, Lexi was constantly at his beck and call and going there. Another thing he could have done was to meet her halfway so that she wouldn’t have to get up at 4am to get Tobias dressed/fed and to his father so that she could be at work by 8am.
I hope and pray that one day Lexi will open those pretty brown eyes of hers and see that she can do SO MUCH BETTER.
You’re saying it backwards. Roast Beef has it worded correctly. They’re saying the same thing you are — if she is out of his league, that means she’s in a “higher” league (i.e. she’s “better” than he is for whatever reason — looks, personality, etc.).
Okay. That still doesn’t answer my question as to why I was downvoted. You would think that if I was saying the same thing as him or her, that I would get more upvotes than downvotes because they did.
Kyler looks like an exploded naked potato and was put back together wrong. He USED to be cute when they first started dating but Kyler got fat and sloppy instead of his baby mama. I commend Lexi’s mom for trying to tell her daughter that his treatment of her was wrong.
I always thought Ashley and Brianna would be the ones to have a second baby in no time.
But at least Lexi and Kyler both take care of Tobias and they have jobs. So congrats to them.
Kyler is a slob. But I didn’t mind Lexi. They make cute babies and at least she looks after them. Unlike McKayla who gets her poor grandparents to do most of the work while she whines that she’s lonely.
Who’s Mckayla?
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TLC’s unexpected.
Teen Mom from TLC show ‘Unexpected’
Oh okay. Got ya. I was like, “am I missing something?” LOL!! Yeah, I don’t like her or Caelan. They are both WAY too immature to be parents. And Caelan is such a Mama’s boy! It’s like she thinks that he can do no wrong in her eyes. Just like Mckayla is a grandparents girl (especially her grandfather). I think Tyra and Alex are gonna be my favorites! I just LOVE them!!!
Lexi actually has a job. Kyler has a job. I guess that’s why they weren’t chosen. I guess they want the Jenelle’s of the future.
I just don’t understand these girls. I just don’t get it.
Sir Nibs, you never fail to disappoint lol
I liked pretty good!! I didn’t like Kyler…AT ALL!!!
I liked her and thought she was interesting. Maybe slightly boring because she and her boyfriend rarely fought but wanted to see if she ended up being a mortician. LoL ??♀️
I really think MTV made a huge mistake by not giving Lexi another season. I loved watching her and she is a great Mom. Wish you would bring her back.
Have they not figured out how this keeps happening? It get so old all these teen girls just “didn’t think it would happen”. It’s been happening as long as humans have been around. What exactly led you to believe that it just wouldn’t happen in your case?
WHAT is wrong with these girls??? Why do they keep having babies with their douche bag boyfriends?? I don’t understand!!!!!
As the snow flies
On a cold and gray Chicago mornin’
A poor little baby child is born
In the ghetto (in the ghetto)
And his mama cries
‘Cause if there’s one thing that she don’t need
It’s another hungry mouth to feed
In the ghetto (in the ghetto)
All this time with you posting, it is a mystery if you are a guy or girl.
I’ve always assumed Sir Nibs is a man.
Sir Nibs used to be a regular in the comments section of Teen Mom Junkies back in the day when that was big. We all used to wonder the Male/Female thing then too. But Sir Nibs is elusive with details……
I love me some Elvis!!
hahaha! Perfect! I have this as a ringtone. I’m a big fan of how Eric sings that last line. ?
I wish they kept her on I loved watching her. I bet MTV is kicking themselves in the butt for this. They should bring her back
Lexi was my favorite story on the show. Not every story has to be filled with drama and constant fighting. Lexi was a nice break from Ashley and Bar bickering and Jade and Sean’s screaming matches.
Ha. I bet MTV is kicking themselves right now ??
That was my first thought when I saw this post!
Oh goody
Woah…but why keep it a secret and then reveal the next day? They are still trying to enjoy the new addition. Now they are being bombarded with questions probably from fans saying omg you kept the secret so good, he is beautiful, blah blah blah. A new baby is a joy, there was no need to ever put it out there for non family and friends at any stage.