David Eason’s Baby Mama Olivia Leedham Starts Fundraiser to Pay For Custody Fight to Keep Son Kaden Away from David

“That youngin should be on The Land!”

David Eason‘s (second) baby mama Olivia Leedham is doing everything she can to keep their son, Kaden, away from the Teen Mom 2 star!

On Wednesday, Olivia posted a GoFundMe fundraiser to her private Facebook page, asking friends and family to donate money that will go toward paying an attorney to continue fighting David in custody court. In the fundraiser’s description, Olivia reveals that she is genuinely afraid to have Kaden be around David, especially after David (allegedly) killed his wife Jenelle Evans‘ dog Nugget a few months back. Olivia writes that the high volume of 911 calls coming from The Land also worries her.

“David is a friend to all children and animals!”

“When it comes to Kaden’s father, David Eason. I am sincerely concerned about my child being around someone who is extremely volatile,” she wrote. “Domestic violence including 911 calls, animal cruelty in which case a dog was beaten and shot, and much more has all been mentioned to of happened at the Eason home.”

Olivia, who works as a hairdresser, asked people to donate money to keep the fight in court going.

“So for the past 5 years I have been in a custody battle to protect my child from harms way,” she wrote. “We have come a long way and have spent nearly $50,000 on attorney fees to keep the case going. My family and I are struggling to pay anymore. I am a single mom of two. I do my best to work as much as I can. I don’t have the means to keep going alone financially within the court system. I am finally reaching out for help.”

She also noted that Kaden– who is five years old– does not have any desire to see his father.

“I am completely concerned for my son’s safety, physically and mentally. He is persistent on not going to his Dads and doesn’t even want to speak to him.  I am beyond worried,” Olivia wrote.

Kaden is David’s second child and only son. (He also has 12-year-old daughter with his ex-wife Whitney Johnson, and two-year-old daughter Ensley with Jenelle.) In May, David narrowly escaped going to jail for not paying Olivia the child support he owed her. After a judge told him to pay (after David tried to explain why he is unable to work), he coughed up the $5,187 he owed Olivia…and Jenelle was not happy about it!

In case you’re unaware of David’s history with his son Kaden, allow The Ashley to tell you the story…

David was not allowed to see Kaden for the majority of the five-year-old’s life. Olivia obtained sole legal and physical custody of Kaden after David was charged with domestic violence against Olivia while she was pregnant with their son.

“[David] endangered the life of the child by pushing [Olivia] when she was eight months pregnant and leaving her in the middle of the road at night when she was seven months pregnant,” the court papers from the incident stated.

Olivia filed a restraining order, and David was not allowed to have contact with her or Kaden after that. In March 2016, David was arrested for approaching Kaden in a grocery store and violating the restraining order.

In February 2017, The Ashley broke the news that Olivia had a change of heart and was allowing Kaden to visit David occasionally. However, by February 2018, Oliva had become alarmed by the change in David and the situation on The Land and begged a judge in court papers not to make her son go to be with his father. She listed David’s “recent firing from his employment” [on ‘Teen Mom 2’], as well as “potential substance abuse issues” and “marital strife” as reasons she wanted Kaden to stay away from David.

“[David] is exhibiting erratic and concerning behavior,” Olivia claimed in the paperwork. 

A month later, though, The Ashley broke the news that Olivia had backed down and closed her case in the New Hanover County, North Carolina, court, agreeing to comply with the custody order in place and allow Kaden to see his dad on The Land. David was allowed to have Kaden on overnight visits after that, provided that the boy was not shown on ‘Teen Mom 2.’

That all changed, though, after The Ashley broke the news that Jenelle had called 911 in October 2018, claiming that David physically assaulted her. Jenelle later called the incident “a huge misunderstanding” in the press and on ‘Teen Mom 2,’ but Olivia went back to court to get David’s visitation with Kaden discontinued.

After the judge sided with Olivia in May adn ruled that Kaden would not have to go to his father’s, Jenelle took to her social media pages to rant about how unfair it is that some mothers won’t allow their kids to see their fathers.

“No matter how badly you hate your ex, no matter how much drama you try to make up, the court system will NOT keep a child away from his father. #JustSaying,” she added.

At press time, Olivia’s fundraiser had raised $580 of her $5,000 goal, after being live on the site for only five hours. It appears that many of Jenelle and David’s so-called “haters” had made some of the donations, based on the names. (“Nugget Eason” and “SuckItDavidAndJenelle” were two of the more-colorful ones used.)

So far, Jenelle and David have not commented publicly on the fundraiser. 

RELATED STORY: David Eason Narrowly Escapes Jail By Paying Over $5,000 He Owed in Child Support to Ex Olivia Leedham: Jenelle Evans Responds By Starting Feud with Her

(Photos: MTV, GoFundMe, Instagram)

122 Responses

  1. Sorry ALISPINKCHAIR I accidentally thumbed downed you instead of thumbsup. I’m sorry about your husband; sending you my prayers!

  2. Kaden’s Mom needs to take her son and get as far away from David, Janelle and North Carolina as she can.
    Child protective is almost non existent here.

    The fired ‘Teen Mom 2’ dad’s baby mama has been granted sole custody of Kaden, 5.
    AUGUST 30, 2019 @ 13:30PM

  4. …and today I was snooping around FB and saw Jenelle had just atarted up a live. So I said things like…where is Nugget, called her a liar, called him by Sasquatch over and over again, blamed them for Kaiser not playing football, said the video sucks cuz it was just a black screen on my phone, etc…!

    Yeah…some twit told me she just reported me. Waiting for the arrest and getting tossed in The FB slammer but they must either be full or I just need to try harder the next time?????

    OR maybe FB agrees with me?? ????? All I know is this girl was really offended by me and idc!

  5. On Thu, Aug 29, 2019 at 1:24 PM Support (GoFundMe)
    Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Our Trust & Safety team will be investigating the page and taking appropriate action.
    Please note that:

    1. We will be unable to disclose any details about our investigation.
    2. Personal disputes will be ignored and should be settled outside of GoFundMe.
    3. Your personal information will be kept confidential from the campaign organizer.

    In addition to the report you have submitted to us, we encourage you to contact law enforcement officials in your area if you believe this user is committing fraud or breaking the law in any way.

    Our team will reach out to you if we have any further questions.

  6. What town in NC is she in? I will google attorneys and ask them to help her. But the one requirement is that they really don’t like those monsters.

  7. Glad to see Olivia has surpassed her goal of 5K!!!!!

    I donated under the name “Chinelle’s Disgusting Beef Flaps”. The money was refunded – no reason given. Was it because the name is too racey?

    1. I saw that name and was laughing my ass off. Really good! These two are pathetic. Starting their own GFM. Losers.

  8. Best story on the internet today! I am dyyyying reading the donors’ names ? that is some of the most brutal shit I’ve ever read. I sincerely hope Olivia raises so much damn money she can afford ALL the legal help she needs and Jenelle continues to spend her way to chapter 11 tryin to put out all of davids fires

    1. I just keep that tab open, refresh the page, then keep reading. I am so loving the names also! We do not stand alone. The hate for those two is universal. The UK is responding!

      1. And every person who contributed to that measly 55 on JE’s should have kept their big bucks to save up for a lobotomy for themselves. Who in the world is stupid enough to give to those 2 but smart enough to use a phone at the same time?!? Jeezus

        1. The comments on his are turned off now but when they were on, people donated money just to trash him. Except for that large amount, that person sucks.

  9. The sob story David posted on his GoFundMe just goes to show how stupid and delusional he really is. It’s full of so many lies! But, I guess that is what the Eason’s do best. They don’t deserve a single cent from anyone.

  10. I feel awful that I can’t do anything for Olivia and Kaden. We’re not in a good place financially. My husband’s medical issues have nearly broken us. If it’s okay with y’all, I’ll pray that God will give Olivia everything necessary to fight these two evil morons.

    1. Sorry ALISPINKCHAIR I accidentally thumbed downed you instead of thumbsup. I’m sorry about your husband; sending you my prayers!

  11. Some of you are confused. OLIVIA, David’s ex, started to GoFundMe to pay for a lawyer so that her and David’s son does not have to go see David. It is very simple and y’all are getting all riled up in the comments about J & D “starting a GoFundMe” ?

  12. Why does Jenelle & David need a GoFundMe?
    They have so many businesses
    He risks his life cleaning boats, makes weapons to kill innocent defenseless animals & she is having all of these meetings for her billion dollar cosmetic empire?
    And they said Kadens mom was abusive…who was arrested & had the restraining order on them?

  13. This person donated on Dog Murderers Go Fund Me!
    Dog Killer donated $5
    You guys are obviously super desperate for money. So I’m going to spend $5 just so I know you will read this. I hope you never receive your kid back. I hope you permanently lose custody of all your children. You both are horrible human beings and I believe your kids are all permanently screwed up because of what you put them through. Instead of turning your weapons on innocent animals you should aim it at something else.

    1. WTF are you doing. Don’t give them money. You can call him a dog murderer for free literally anywhere.

      Ya’ll. Don’t give them money just so you can leave a sassy comment. Comment that ish elsewhere.

      1. I didn’t donate. I wouldn’t spit on either of them if they were on fire! But the Monsters removed the comment and kept his $5.00 and replaced his name with Anonymous $5

      1. I did too. It was refunded, no reason given.

        (I donated under the name “Chinelle’s Disgusting Beef Flaps”.)

        1. There’s probably all sorts of domestic violence happening at the Eason household this morning…Kids should be at school and daycare, so no worries (except for pets if it spills into the animal pens).

  14. I can’t even believe these two started a go fund me. They are so childish and petty, this stunt alone should be used as evidence against them to loose all custody. I can’t imagine the mental abuse those children endure on a daily basis, smh.

    1. Sick that they made the GFM, very evidentially to “prove” they have more “fan support” than Olivia in their Land of Delusions of Grandeur…
      Amazing how it backfired!!
      They yet again embarrassed themselves, this time with black&white statistics!? [despite being emotionally devoid and incapable of feeling embarrassment]

      Also funny…they made a pathetic Idiotic attempt at riding the “Olivias GFM” hilarious name wave by using similar to fake POSITIVE reviews on HER moldy brow kit site! Shouldn’t they want those to appear legit?? Granted, posting glowing reviews before kit was even for sale was a bit of a clue as well…
      You cant make this stuff up people!!
      If I hadn’t seen it I would question that any human could be this idiotic!!
      Turns out they not only can but encourage each other to be even more pathetic while raising a herd of kids with identical standards… 6yo can’t spell his 3 letter name and doesn’t know alphabet(??), nearly 4yo can’t speak/eat like a human/say alphabet even in jingle form (very different than “knowing alphabet”)/walk/bathe/share/use toilet/Understand basic commands like “no”(among all other BASICs) or questions like “when?”/stop sucking thumb, tongue hanging out and drooling…
      and the sad sad list goes on and on and on…

      Its entertaining how they think they will make even close to $450k the rest of their lives never mind per year!
      What happened to all those ample opportunities she was boasting about?????

  15. It’s over $4200 now and my favorite donation is: “Feathers in my hair It’s not just a concert it’s KESHA” ??

  16. Read Janelles story on her fb about david and olivia ripping kaden away from David…. now replace
    Olivia with janelle
    David with nathan
    Kaden with Kaiser
    Literally what she is doing to nathan with Kaiser
    Even thought I dont believe for a second olivia is “keeping kaden away from his father”

  17. Wow! What Jenelle wrote about Olivia is slander at its highest point. Olivia needs to look into a lawsuit against David and Jenelle. What David wrote on his pathetic GoFundMe is also slander. David and Jenelle opened a GoFundMe just out of spite bc Olivia made one. They more than likely are running low on cash, but they still have $3,500 for an attorney. Proof is in the pudding when she was asking for advice on the best federal attorney in NC, wanting to sue for the domain name she let expire. If they have money for a fed attorney, they have money for a family attorney. Funny, they have zero donations and Olivia has almost hit her goal.
    It’s clear as day that they are doing anything to keep their names in the press. So they can sell stories and cash in on clickbait tweets and Insta crap. I’ve said it before; Jenelle will use every option first to try to get back on tv, and make easy money, but once all those other options dry up and fall flat, that’s when she will leave David. I see a staged split coming soon, bc they think if they play a story of them splitting up, there’s a chance MTV will film again and after they pocket the big chunk of change, they will say that they worked it all out and aren’t divorcing. It will be another Heidi and Spencer scam.

  18. @The Ashley Jenelle has started a gofundme account on Facebook to get €3500 on David’s behalf.No one has donated yet though.Do you have any more info plz

        1. I just reported them to the GO Fund Me People. I filed a complaint and told them that this need to be removed!

          1. I’ve just checked again and after two hrs they’ve raised €55.I will report it as well.They are seriously crossing lines now,I hate to think what’s happening in that house with these lousy excuses for parents.

    1. Gross – I just saw that on GoFundMe. He had a huge sob story about how he didn’t do anything wrong blah blah.

      During the trial he and Janelle were driving a brand new Toyota Sequoia – that’s at least a $50k vehicle. That POS doesn’t deserve a cent. I hope nobody is dumb enough to donate since he and Janelle WILL piss the money away on guns, vacations, drugs, trucks, ATVs, etc. They have plenty of money for lawyers.

      1. My friends SUV that is like J&D was $70,000. My 4Runner was $50,000. They have plenty of toys they can sell for money. But no, that would mean they would have to give up something of theirs and we all know that will never happen.

        1. They’re on $65 now some arseholes are actually giving them money god it irritates me that people still support them.I really hope cos are still looking at them god knows if they lived here(uk)the kids would have been taken long ago

          1. Wouldn’t surprise me If they donate that themselves???
            To make it look like they have fans

  19. I find it interesting that everyone is treating her like some kind of hero. She chose to get in bed with this lunatic and create a child. Now she has her hand out wanting everyone else to pay for her mistake. This is a crap move and she is as much of a con as Junelle and Lurch. Wake up, People!

    1. He may not have been a total psycho when they first got together, or at least may not have shown it until after it was too late.

      She’s handled this on her own for five years and she would probably still be handling it on her own if he wouldn’t have married Jenelle and suddenly had money to keep pulling her into custody battles that she can’t afford on a hair dresser’s salary.

      We all want the kids to be safe. If donating to her court costs is a way to help keep one of them off the land, then a lot of people are happy to do it.

      1. ^^ this

        It’s not about her – David has a lot of money to be able to afford good lawyers and he’s proven time and time again that he can buy the law. She can’t compete from the financial perspective. He’s trying to buy back custody of his son even though there’s overwhelming evidence he’s a dangerous lunatic.

        I hope the money is going towards lawyers and not non-necessities it a trip to Disney. Watching David unfairly buy justice time and time again was enough motivation for me to donate. I don’t know the first thing about her as a person, but knowing what I know about David and his vindictiveness plus financial situation makes me fairly confident that the money will in fact be going towards legal fees which can wipe out a normal person who doesn’t have TM2 money.

    2. Oh yeah, I guess she should have used her crystal ball to predict this all! Who honestly would think that their deadbeat baby daddy who pushed you down the stairs pregnant, endangering BOTH their lives, would not only meet BUT also MARRY “trailer trash who hit the lottery” Teen Mom, making her small fortune his??? And that they would go all out rangling all their collective children to *try* and portray an image of a perfect blended family from hell all for a Teen Mom paycheck to spend on guns, ammo, and wet n’wild equivalent makeup lines??? Give me a break!!! It is ridiculous to imply no one should help her because she had sex with someone who ended up turning into a monster. I sure hope you never make a mistake and end up in a situation requiring help from the public, the kindness of strangers, or anyone for that matter. Because of course, YOU would know better, right??? Many on here gladly donate to help her help Kaden.

    3. How was she to know then-he hadn’t done anything yet.
      Jenelle is the one who got in bed with a guy with an established history of domestic violence.

  20. Over $3500 now. The best part is that probably half of that is from people that just donated to get to post a funny name/comment.

  21. Happily donated for this momma standing up for her baby. UBT and DeluJenelle don’t need to ruin anymore children’s lives. and of course here comes Jenelle with her threats to “expose” Olivia. Trick, shut up. There is no one messier than you and your disgusting Huzzbin. Focus on getting yourselves off the drugs, clean your house, take proper care of your children and most importantly GET A JOB!!!!

  22. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    Anyone notice that Randy Houska gave $25?

  23. DEAD ?? Anyone looking for a good laugh MUST check out the go fund me page! The names are everything! Good luck Olivia and Kayden, not that you need it! You got this ??

    1. It’s a win-win-win. We get to help Olivia keep Kaden safe, stick it to Lurch and Janelle and enjoy a hilarious snarkfest at Lurch and Janelle’s expense.

      Spermatozoa Eyebrows, Homesteadin’ n’ She Sheddin’, Miller Motte Medical School (the diploma mill where Jenelle went for medical assistant training), Columbus County 911 Association, Nugget, Kieffer and Courtland made a few donations, lots of cracks at David’s vitiligo and inadequate anatomy size…. The list goes on – I made a few small donations after my initial donation to keep the fun going.

  24. She’s up to $2800 as of now, and HOLY SHIT the donor names are amazing! THAT WAS MY CHANGE JAR #neverforget

  25. So happy to read this, go Olivia! I can’t wait until the day all of those kids are off The Land and safe!

    Also, changed my name, because Maryssa needs saving just as much as the others

  26. I hope that she’s getting everything that she is asking for. I’m just hoping that which ever judge she faces sides with her. David is a menace to society, and no child should be left in his care.

  27. I love this idea, but personally, I’m always concerned with GoFundMe pages. We don’t know this woman – we have absolutely no idea if this is how she’ll use the funds. I’m not saying she won’t, but we simply don’t know for a fact that she will. Sending strangers money just isn’t something I would do. We literally have NO idea what her lifestyle is..

  28. This is brilliant!! I wish Olivia had never dropped the last charges etc but, who knows, UBT could have been manipulating her and using his ludicrous amount of TM money against her ?
    Nvm tho! She’ll make that target in no time. She’s almost there and it’s not even 24hr yet! Annnd, as expected, #WhinyBitchDavid has posted on his FB – all lies, as usual ?
    My hope is that they lose everything: those poor kids, all those animals, whatever money they have left – the LOT. That’s what they deserve.

    P.S these donation names are LIFE!! ?? my sides are literally aching!
    Love all y’all hatters fam. Much respect & love to each and every one of you. Xox

  29. Thanks, The Ashley! This is an important PSA. This is one of the few tangible things we can do to help keep those abusive monsters from harming another child. Jenelle was just ranting about Olivia yesterday, so I guess this is why. Keep fighting the good fight, Olivia!

    Also, Nathan, get a clue and follow Olivia’s example. She’s managed to keep David from his biological child for almost a year and you are doing what, exactly?

  30. Olivia you should never have changed, the original court situation.

    I’ll happily donate tho. £££$$$

  31. They’ll be fucked, when karma catches up with them.
    A good dose of reaping what they sow, is well and truly needed.

    1. They are so hated! It makes my heart sing that people are seeing those monsters for what they are. The dog murderer and the Ex-Teen Monster just don’t want to have to pay her child support. They don’t care about this boy, or any of the other kids. Her money will run out.

    1. They should never have been given back in the first place ! Now those poor kids have to through that all again! It’s fucking cruel

  32. I’m wondering if the court will use the horrible decision to give the kids back to them-they didn’t find any evidence that they were in danger with David and Jenelle. I donated to the cause and hope Olivia gets to keep fighting this battle. Unbelievable how much damage these monsters have inflicted.

  33. Just donated from, “Nathan’s Manbun.” The names on there are too funny
    I really hope she can protect that poor little boy from those monsters.

  34. Oh boo boo……… this chick should have thought about this before she spread her legs for this gross monster. How in God’s name could any chick spread her legs for this ugly dude. YUCK!!!

    1. Oh yeah, I guess she should have used her crystal ball to predict this all! Who honestly would think that their deadbeat baby daddy who pushed you down the stairs pregnant, endangering BOTH their lives, would not only meet BUT also MARRY “trailer trash who hit the lottery” Teen Mom, making her small fortune his??? And that they would go all out rangling all their collective children to *try* and portray an image of a perfect blended family from hell all for a Teen Mom paycheck to spend on guns, ammo, and wet n’wild equivalent makeup lines??? Give me a break!!! It is ridiculous to imply no one should help her because she had sex with someone who ended up turning into a monster. I sure hope you never make a mistake and end up in a situation requiring help from the public, the kindness of strangers, or anyone for that matter. Because of course, YOU would know better, right??? ?

  35. Just checked back on the campaign progress and it has been taken down… Unless someone is pretending to be Olivia, I believe that her need for assistance is legit when the swamp monster has access to money and lawyers that she doesn’t.

    Hopefully this gets straightened out soon – and I sure as hell hope Janelle wasn’t behind the campaign getting removed. Although that seems likely…

    1. I just checked also. “Campaign Not Found
      We’re sorry, but the campaign link you entered cannot be found.”


    2. I checked and it was at $1120 and then I went to check again just now and it says it can’t be found. We all know Jenelle and David are probably doing everything they can to have it removed.

    3. False alarm – the campaign is back online.
      Maybe some knucklehead reported it but looks like it’s been verified.

      Aaaaand Olivia is crushing it – already over $1k donated. Yay!

    4. Jenelle and David were trying to get it taken down. Olivia had to remove David & Je’s name, it’s back and running. Go to twitter handle @ustacould for the lowdown. She has inside info.

  36. Did everyone see this. Jenelle donated / JENELLE EASON donated $5
    #justicefornugget #savekaiser #keepkadensafe also my makeup launches next month make sure to buy it!
    5 mins

    1. Finally someone with some common sense in this whole situation. Good for her for fighting for her child’s wellbeing from those wackos.

  37. Thanks for sharing Ashley. Making us Janelle haters aware will only help Olivia fight the good fight.

    I’m the first one on here to bitch about Janelle and Lurch buying the law with TM2 money so gladly made a donation to stick it to those two pigs. Let them piss all of their money away on lawyers so they can finally go broke and face justice.

    It must be infuriating and heartbreaking for Olivia to get trampled on by David’s lawyers because he has money and she doesn’t. Fortunately Kaden looks like her and not him.

  38. Olivia has bigger balls than Nathan. IDK what Nathan’s problem is. It seems like he doesn’t want to fight for Kaiser. He’ll start fighting for Kaiser then just stop. I never understood why he invited the abuser to his birthday party. Everybody knows Kaiser gets it the worst. David seems to hate that little boy. Kaiser will never understand why Nathan left him there. #JusticeForNugget#FreeKaiser

    1. I’ve had similar thoughts on Nathan. Despite all of his talk it seems like he fizzles out when it comes to actually doing all that he can to get Kaiser away from them. Hoping we he is fighting for his son because it’s truly a life or death situation.

  39. They want custody of Kaden so swampmonster doesnt have to pay child support. Making his toys isnt bringing in $$$

  40. Good for her and I hope she can keep him away from her son indefinitely. Unfortunately this will be a fight until the day her son turns 18. David is not a decent person. David and Jenelle do everything out of spite. There is so much hate in their hearts.
    2 very hateful people that only want to torment people. It makes me sick how they can treat people, kids,animals the way they do and don’t suffer any consequences.
    Jenelle, keep playing with your hair (which needs a Good F-ing haircut) a hashtag doesn’t make you a “good mom” or “best believe” isn’t the truth.
    I truly believe you are just a Hateful person. I feel sorry for you. No self-awareness, No integrity, no accountability, zero maturity,and no concept of kindness.

      1. They’ll be fucked, when karma catches up with them.
        A good dose of reaping what they sow, is well and truly needed.

  41. I have also told ETSY that I will not purchase anything from the as long as they sell his weapons…that he most likely will use to kill his family with. BlackRiverMetalnWood on ETSY.

  42. Is this the Mom that he went to jail for because he pushed her down the stairs and she was pregnant?

      1. That nasty ass bully! She is lucky that her and that baby weren’t killed! So he beats up on a small pregnant woman, a small boy and beat and kills a small 11 lb. dog? His Mom must be so proud! We all know that the Ex-Teen Mom is proud of him. He’s making shanks that he will use on someone.

  43. Finally, something we can do to help at least one of those kids. I will gladly donate, and I love the user names: “suck it David and Jenelle”??

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