Mama June Shannon Sells Home After Hawking Most of Her Possessions; Plans to Live in RV with Boyfriend Geno Doak

“House? Who needs a house? I’ve got my man to keep me warm!”

Mama June Shannon is shucking most of her earthly possessions so she can reportedly set out on the open road with her beloved boyfriend, Geno Doak!

The Blast reports that the (former?) Mama June: From Not to Hot star has sold the Georgia home where she filmed her WEtv reality show.

“The deed has not officially been uploaded into the real estate system, but sources tell us the deal is done and June is out,” The Blast reports.

June— who along with Geno is facing charges for alleged possession of a controlled substance and drug paraphernalia stemming from their March arrest— apparently plans to live in an RV with her man. Of course, June’s plan to live her life on wheels required her to sell off most of her belongings that once filled her 3,225-square-foot, four-bedroom home. Earlier this month, June and Geno hawked everything from massage chairs to designer purses to reggae-themed stuffed bananas (as you do), in preparation for their big move.

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Me and my man ♥️ @doakgeno

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As The Ashley previously reported, June’s teen daughter, Alana “Honey Boo Boo” Thompson, moved out of the home months ago and has been living with her 19-year-old sister, Lauryn “Pumpkin” and her family. 

“None of [June’s] daughters are talking to her at this point, including Alana,” E! Online reports. “They’ve cut her off.” 

Your family doesn’t seem to be too fond of you right now either, June…

It’s not known when June’s “Life on Wheels” will begin, and it is also unknown at this point whether or not WEtv will stick a fork in June’s ‘From Not to Hot’ reality show, given her recent troubles. The network has yet to release a statement regarding the future of the show. 

In 2016, Mama June gave Oprah a tour of the home for an episode of Where Are They Now? In the clip, June was excited to finally be a home owner.

“I can do whatever I want to with this house,” she said back then. “It’s mine. It’s bought, it’s paid for. It just makes me feel kind of good to come around the corner and say ‘Hey, this is ours!'”

Watch the clip below:

RELATED STORY: Mama June Shannon & Geno Doak Are Apparently Selling Everything in Their Home

(Photos: WEtv, Instagram)

31 Responses

    Well at least Lil allana has her,step mom & her sister.
    Prayers for them girls.
    N the 2 ntwts.

  2. How sad! From having a dream to dumpster diving. No man could ever replace my kids even though they get on my last nerve. No man is worth a happy life and home.

  3. Poor, delusional June! When Geno Dork?…..yes,I know how to spell it…..drains her dry,I hope she still has a family that will speak to her! What a freaking train wreck! Can’t make chicken salad out of chicken sh-t !!!

  4. In a year or two Janelle will also be leaving her triple-wide sinking house for a home on wheels.

    Seems like Mama June is always a step ahead of Janelle – lose kids, lose home… all for a sack of shit loser guy. Oh, and drugs. Lots of drugs.

  5. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (token) *]
    She make me so mad her daughters and it shows she don’t care about them at all all it’s about drugs and a man

  6. Maybe Momma June realizes material things don’t make you happy, or she is a full blow crack head. Who knows.

  7. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    Mama June is a joke….a bad joke. Her man looks like he is into screwing animals . She is definitely a cow . ???. Moo

  8. Sounds like she has lost her mind. Moving to an RV with your user boyfriend so you can move around a lot and not be tied down to a house sounds very fishy.

  9. Wow. This is just incredibly depressing. Alana is lucky to have Pumpkin, who has done a great job stepping up to take care of her sister when apparently her parents can’t be bothered.

  10. WEtv is to blame for all this. If they would stop filming this crackhead Geno would go away. Geno got,with June for the money and fame. He acts like he hates June anyway and is only tolerating clingy June for the money. If the money stops Geno would be gone.

  11. One word sums this up-sad. If this doesn’t bring her to the point where she recognizes she needs help for addictions nothing will. Good thing she didn’t have the opportunity to take her daughters down with her.

    1. It’s really sad. She was doing so well, I was happy she got away from that railroad track and bought something nice. Alana is so lucky to have her sister.

  12. This is so disturbing. She is selling the house so she has money to buy drugs. As soon as that money runs out, she will sell the Rv. They will keep downsizing until they are eventually on the streets or dead.

  13. Smart move. The law can’t show up to your house and pick you up on a warrant if you’re constantly moving your house from county to county. This may also be a good option for Farrah to continue to avoid being served.

    1. Every comment has 2-3 downvotes, so I guess Mama June and Ol’ Geno still have enough cash to keep their smartphones turned on.

      1. What a loser! So, she’s just going to leave Alana to live the rest of her life with her sister. All she’s thinking about is the D. I really did like this family in the beginning. Just sad.

        1. Cant blame the drugs on her D chasing. She allowed her ex boyfriend to molest Anna and resume dating him once he got out of prison. She’s an awful selfish person

  14. Wow. Honestly this all just makes me very sad. I’m glad Pumpkin has stepped up and someone is caring for Alana. Don’t do drugs kids.

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