Andrew Glennon is holding nothing back and his ex-girlfriend (and baby mama) Amber Portwood is not happy about it!
Andrew posted a telling message on Instagram Stories earlier this week, writing, “The silence ends now”…and he wasn’t kidding! In a series of Instagram comments made over the course of this week, Andrew has revealed what he says is the truth about his relationship with the Teen Mom OG star.
Andrew said that both he and their one-year-old son, James, were on the receiving end of the alleged physical abuse by Amber. Andrew also stated that the ‘Teen Mom’ star never wanted the baby to begin with!
“She wasn’t taking her medication, she attacked my son and I on more than one occasion, and I pray she gets the help she needs,” Andrew wrote, later adding that he and James suffered, “a landslide of abuse” over the past year.
“She would lock herself in her closet until 6 a.m. smoking weed, listening to music and taking hydrocodone,” he wrote. “Everyday I was ripped into emotionally…
“I’ll do what’s best for my son, protecting him from him from her onslaught of media attacks and physical attacks,” Andrew later added on Instagram. “And [James] being shoved over flat on his back on a tile floor for opening cabinets. Or being thrown on the bed for crying…”
In another series of comments, Andrew detailed how Amber was unhappy when she discovered she was pregnant with James (just a month or so into her relationship with Andrew).
“If anyone was set up it was James,” Andrew wrote. “He never stood a chance at having a mother. His birth was a burden and a source of misery from the start.
“[Amber said], ‘I never wanted another baby. I’m 29 years old and should be out having fun! This isn’t the life I wanted to live! You’ve ruined everything!’… [I heard that] daily,” Andrew wrote. “This little man is the source of all of my joy in life. It used to be split evenly, but I cannot control other people’s actions or emotions. I had no control of that decision, my family was broken without my say so.”

Andrew claimed in his comments that, at one point, he became alarmed by the change in Amber, so he said he went to her family, as well as her MTV production crew to try to get help, but no one took action.
“I made cries for help to her doctor, her brother, her family, MTV, and it landed on sympathetic but deaf ears,” he wrote.
He also described Amber’s alleged actions on the night of her July 5 arrest.
“Replaying it night after night in my head…there were so many close calls…I’m talking inches. I have never seen the person I saw that night and it was utterly terrifying,” Andrew wrote of Amber. “[She had] a total loss of control, but she’s stated her mental illness played no part in the attack, so I don’t know what to think anymore. My nerves are raw but I keep it together for the security and well-being of baby James.”
Amber is not allowed to have any contact with Andrew, due to a no contact order that is currently in place. However, that did not stop the ‘Teen Mom’ star from unleashing on her ex via Instagram Live. (She did, however, clarify that she was speaking “in general” and not directly to Andrew, since her No Contact Order barred her from doing so.)
Her Instagram Live session (which was reminiscent of the one featuring a kimono-wearing Amber screaming at Jenelle Evans on Instagram Live a few months ago), contained plenty of messages to Andrew, though.
“I can’t say anything, but I know DAMN well that I am not going to be f**king slammed in the media any f**king more over this nasty, nasty, nasty man,” she yelled. “I’m NOT playing anymore. It’s gotten to a point where if I hear one more thing about him, it’s all comin’ out!”

While she was careful to say, “I can’t talk directly to him,” she then basically spoke directly to him.
“I’m not playing ANY.MORE. It will all come out, and God that will embarrass him and his family,” Amber said. “I have tried to sit here and be quiet, just to protect his family name! The whole time I was with him, like, Bro, there was s**t that you did that I literally kept to myself, because of his family name. He doesn’t even DO what his father and his grandfather did. ‘Oh he’s a cinematographer.’ Dude met me and never worked again in his life!”
“Stop f**king playing with me,” she told Andrew someone. “I’m to the point where I’m getting pissed. I’m getting really pissed….you are disgusting.”
She then clarified again that she wasn’t talking to Andrew specifically.
“And when I say ‘you’ I’m not talking to directly to him but if he sees it, I don’t give a f**k!” Amber, showing off her “Real Woman” personality, roared into the camera. “I will say to everybody, if he keeps playing with me, I’ll f**king throw all that dirt out. I’ll get dirty. You’ve been dirty since Day 1. I had to find that out two years later, looking back at bank statements, looking back at all this s**t.
“I’m not even supposed to be saying half of this stuff right now, but I don’t care,” Amber yelled. “I admitted my faults that night. I have not been in trouble for 10 years. Stop playing with me. I will not protect your family name anymore.”

Amber then gave The Ashley a shout out(!), telling her fans to go read The Ashley’s story from years ago that discussed the restraining orders that were placed against Andrew by women before he met Amber.
“I already know the WHOLE story on that, and DON’T MAKE ME TALK ABOUT IT, BRO!” Amber said, with her eyes bulging to Ryan Edwards levels. “I’m not talking directly to him, I have to say that, but I swear to God DO.NOT.MAKE.ME.TALK.ABOUT.YOU.”
Amber then seems to realize she’s drifting into dangerous territory, legally, so she again clarifies, “And I’m saying this to you, the fans, because I can’t talk to him I have a no contact order. I can’t f**king talk to him. I’m saying to you guys that I’m not going to have this slander against my name.”
UPDATE! After this article posted, Amber’s brother Shawn Portwood posted his thoughts about what Andrew said.
“This is freaking bulls**t,” Shawn tweeted. “How dare him continue this smear campaign. I can’t believe this. It’s just a giant smear campaign because he knows that a lot is about to come out and it’s not going to look good for him. He’s trying to make himself look better and make her look worse. With her record it’s easy and he’s using that to his advantage. You cannot continue to fold somebody for their past actions because she has made huge strides and changing herself for the better. She has issues and she knows it but she is tenfold better than what she was before…
“I promise you from what I know they can’t prove anything. Every accusation he has made against her cannot be proven,” Shawn continued. “Only one thing and it’s something that she admitted to right off the get-go and in the end the truth will come out…I’m not enabling. I talk to her all the time and try to help her. She’s even staying all the social media right now just so she won’t respond to all these hateful comments. She goes and sees a therapist multiple times a week to work on her issues.”
RELATED STORY: ‘Teen Mom OG’ Star Amber Portwood Files an Objection to Andrew Glennon’s Request to Move to California with Son James
147 Responses
Amber disgusts me. She is a fu*** hypocrite. In her IG she’s like, “I miss you little Bubba and I will see you soon.” She didn’t want that child. What a heartless bitch! I hope she rots in jail for assaulting Andrew and doing all of that in front of James. She has the nerve to put a stop to Andrew taking the child to CA. She doesn’t even deserve supervised visitation. She is despicable!
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You picked Him. You knew about His past. Don’t play Victim, now.
She is a fu****disgrace as a mother. If she didn’t want another child she shouldn’t had had sex with the first man that approached her. She blames everything on mental illness but I don’t buy her B.S. She is a poor excuse for a woman. Pushing a little baby because he was opening cabinets or because he was crying. She needs to be locked up. MTV needs to be sued for keeping her on and watching and filming all this crap and not doing anything about it. How freaking unscrupulous can they be? Taking Amber’s side for ratings. Pieces of shit!
This loser needs to STFU and put his child’s best interests firsts. Why would he put these things out there publicly for the child to potentially see some day? This poor baby is doomed with these two jacka*ses for parents. I’m so embarrassed by them and for them.
There are always two, if not more, sides to every story. Why in the world Andrew was attracted to Amber in the first place is a bit of a conundrum. Apparently love is at times deaf, dumb and blind. Regardless, hookup they did and immediately produced a beautiful little boy. Amber suffers from major mental health issues as well as substance abuse issues which she fails to properly manage with medication and intense lifelong counseling. I do believe that she genuinely wants to be a good mother, but fails miserably. In almost all of the shows, Andrew was the one holding and taking care of baby James while Amber lounged in bed or vegged on the couch. It doesn’t seem as though Amber is capable of taking care of a toddler by herself, 24/7. Especially unmedicated, Amber has proven herself to be extremely unstable, abusive and violent. Among other things, she lacks self control. It’s a profoundly sad, sad situation, mostly for James, who is an innocent child caught in the middle of a very dysfunctional situation. Having a seriously mentally ill mother is lifelong hell. I know because I had one.
I always thought the same thing, why he got involved with that trash bag to begin with. Why does MTV keep her employed? I can’t stand her and don’t understand how she has fans and how stupid they were to get pregnant so fast. Probably needed a storyline to stay on that stupid shitshow. That poor little boy, I feel sorry for him. Amber needs to go away!
I originally posted this as a reply, but I’ll post again. Because I’m tired of this biased bullshit.
These recent comments Andrew made came after the MTV reunion aired. After Amber sat there with Dr.Drew and called Andrew a cheater and a liar in regards to the machete situation. It’s not fair. Amber has a wider audience to tell her side of the story and Andrew only has IG. This whole situation is so biased!!! If it was the other way around and Andrew had even shoved Amber, everyone would be up and arms accusing him, he would of been arrested, fired from the show and crucified on social media. But because it’s Amber, a woman, she is still employed by MTV, she has the entire cast of MTV and producers showing up to her court case wearing black in solidarity. With Dr. Drew flying to her to Indiana for an interview. It’s bullshit!!! I stand with Andrew and all men who are victims of Domestic abuse; physical, verbal, psychological. She hit him with a shoe, it doesn’t matter if it’s a shoe, a fist, no one deserves to have hands put on them, especially when they are holding a child. I hope the courts aren’t biased and give her a slap on the wrist.
Oh yes!!
And I agree a thousand percent with Jill.
Because that is TRUE!
Perhaps Andrew, along with other men, don’t speak out when it happens Because they are ashamed of how society will perceive them… Doubt their stories… Doubt and even make fun of their situations of being victims of violence solely based on the fact that they are men. I used the example earlier from someone comment that he is 7′ tall and scared of her like it was funny.
No. What does it matter? Maybe he really doesn’t want to slap a woman because of his size and genuinely doesn’t want to hurt her back. There are decent men out there who don’t beat women or try to intimidate them. Domestic violence is wrong, whether a man or woman is the aggressor.
That poor baby deserves better.
I hate when people assume that just because someone is tall or big they can’t be a victim. That just shows how much ignorance there is still on the subject of men and domestic violence. Gary to was a “big ” guy and we all saw on national TV how quickly Amber conered him at the edge of the stairs and punched him in the face. Many times she got right in front of his face and verbally abuse him, berating him, insulting him, calling him every name in the book. Size has nothing to do with it. Like I said before, I support Andrew. And my support is based on public information, the police report that states that she indeed hit him, Amber herself admitted it, and there is pictures of bruising and a scratch mark… I’m also basing my judgement on Amber’s past actions (Gary) and her incredibly dangerous temper… Now, did Andrew cheat on Amber, I don’t know. No one knows, it’s all speculation. Did Andrew mismanaged Amber’s money, I don’t know, it’s all speculation. Cheating and money problems however doesn’t give someone the right to hit you. Do I believe the machete incident, I do and only because the state of Indiana is using pictures, audio recordings, and security footage to prosecute Amber. They have pictures of damage from inside the home and pictures of the damaged door. Was that damage done with a machete or with fist remains to be seen.
I use to kick box. And one episode they had Amber doing a charity event or something in the ring. I saw her round house kick. She is actually quite good. And that is scary!!
I remember that as well. She learned how to do that to lose weight and it showed!!
Of course Amber has the platform, the show is based on the moms. Its always their point that gets most attention.
I have no sympathy for Andrew since he said Amber has been abusing the baby and he did nothing.
???????????? I couldn’t agree more Jill
Go Jill, 100%, Andrew has held great restraint up until the so called DR. interviewed Amber and lied through her teeth about the incident. He had to protect himself, he doesn’t have her platform to tell his truth. Watch MTV twist it to Amber favor, I support Andrew 100%, sadly she will never be a stable parent.
Well said.
Good point. I hadn’t really thought about that. But to be honest, I’ve always questioned Andrew’s motives. He met her when she was on a show because of her broken relationship, and even the simplest Google search would have revealed her abusive past and serious mental health struggles. He got her pregnant a hot second after meeting her. To me, it seems like he either seriously lacks judgment or may have had questionable motives all along. At the end of the day, it’s the judge, not anyone’s followers on social media, that will make decisions about James. He doesn’t have to give explanations to anyone else – he could stay completely silent. In fact, any judge would probably appreciate one of them shutting up.
They got pregnant. They knew exactly what they were doing in the bedroom. She is a much willing partner in this situation and she didn’t get pregnant herself. She was comfortable with him moving in and supporting him and after they break up it was finally a problem?
Amber is fucking stupid and dangerous. She doesn’t deserve to have children in her care. She got plenty of chances. Who attacks ppl because they are mad? No. U walk away. She says do herself that she “can go back” prison type Amber.
She’s proud of that sh*t.
Well of course she was a willing participant, but I would expect Amber, who suffers from serious mental health issues including I believe borderline personality disorder, to have unprotected sex with someone after not knowing them for long. But people such as Andrew who do not appear to have these types of issues know better than to do that. The fact that Andrew either didn’t know any better or purposely tried have a baby with Amber that early on speaks more about his motives than hers.
I always thought the same thing, why he got involved with that trash bag to begin with. Why does MTV keep her employed? I can’t stand her and don’t understand how she has fans and how stupid they were to get pregnant so fast. Probably needed a storyline to stay on that stupid shitshow. That poor little boy, I feel sorry for him. Amber needs to go away!
I don’t know who to believe. Frankly I don’t believe either one of them. While I have no doubt that Amber has been abusive to Andrew, I agree with some of the comments on here that it seems to be that Andrew can’t shut his mouth and that (among other things) gives me some pause as to his motives the last few years. No matter who is telling the truth (or the closest version to truth, since the truth is probably somewhere between their two versions), I feel bad for James with parents like that.
Andrew stayed silent for awhile. I’d start defending myself publicly too if me ex was running their mouth about me all over the place too. Amber has a bigger platform than Andrew so she gets her version of events out to a wider audience and much quicker. Amber has proven herself to be an aggressive asshole for years. She herself told her therapist on MTV that she is afraid of losing Andrew by her behavior and agreed she sabotages her own relationships. When Matt and her broke up she said he cheated on her and stole her money too…she also admitted she was pregnant from him as well. She has a pattern of getting knocked up quickly by randoms she just met than when shit goes bad they all cheated and stole her money. Why she lets any of these guys have access to her money in the first place is one of my biggest questions about this girl.
Good point. I hadn’t really thought about that. But to be honest, I’ve always questioned Andrew’s motives. He met her when she was on a show because of her broken relationship, and even the simplest Google search would have revealed her abusive past and serious mental health struggles. He got her pregnant a hot second after meeting her. To me, it seems like he either seriously lacks judgment or may have had questionable motives all along. At the end of the day, it’s the judge, not anyone’s followers on social media, that will make decisions about James. He doesn’t have to give explanations to anyone else – he could stay completely silent. In fact, any judge would probably appreciate one of them shutting up.
I agree with you. These recent comments Andrew made came after the MTV reunion aired. After Amber sat there with Dr.Drew and called Andrew a cheater and a liar in regards to the machete situation. It’s not fair. Amber has a wider audience to tell her side of the story and Andrew only has IG. This whole situation is so biased!!! If it was the other way around and Andrew had even shoved Amber, everyone would be up and arms accusing him, he would of been arrested, fired from the show and crucified on social media. But because it’s Amber, a woman, she is still employed by MTV, she has the entire cast of MTV and producers showing up to her court case wearing black in solidarity. With Dr. Drew flying to her to Indiana for an interview. It’s bullshit!!! I stand with Andrew and all men who are victims of Domestic abuse; physical, verbal, psychological. She hit him with a shoe, it doesn’t matter if it’s a shoe, a fist, no one deserves to have hands put on them, especially when they are holding a child. I hope the courts aren’t biased and give her a slap on the wrist.
We have all heard…”What came 1st the chicken or the egg”
Here is a new 1…
What came 1st the damaged “star” or the reality show
Did the show damage them or did they get on the show because they are damaged
Thank GOD i have never been in the position but…
Who is a worst parent….
The 1 that abuses the child
The 1 that watches & does nothing.
Whatbis the limit that someone says enough is enough I’m stopping this.
After the 1st instance?
After they are caught?
When they need to discredit the other person (im a cheater? Oh yeah well you physically abuse our baby)
Or never (what happens on the swamp stays on the swamp)
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I do not know what’s wrong with you people. Do you not understand that Amber is up there with Brad Pitt level celebritiies (and then she woke up).
None of us “regular people” could ever understand how hard it is to avoid your own offspring and never leave the couch. I mean she must have borrowed Farrahs porta potty and invested in a mini fridge so she’ll never leave that 5 ft radius.
P.s. I KNEW Amber 80 yrs ago so ppppffffft. Lmao
While I don’t put anything he’s said about Amber past her…this guy really talks a lot. Honestly all this blabbing makes it clear to me that he only started dating her for attention. He can try and make up excuse after excuse as to why HE pursued HER when it’s been public record for YEARS that she’s bat shit crazy…but at the end of the day he’s turning out to be a larger/younger version of Matt, with less kids. He seems like a total opportunist. She is what she is, and has never changed…he’s acting so victimized and surprised that this is happening.
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Cue Matt Consoling Amber 3.2.1…..?
Belinda Sheppard– OK, so you *knew* Amber 10+ years ago? So what! She’s very clearly a different person now. She thinks she’s some A list celeb, who is entitled to special treatment. Exactly how do you know that she never said she wanted this baby? Andrew obviously exhibits the exact same symptoms of any victim of domestic violence. His main goal all along was James’ well being. And for a while, it seemed like Amber was being compliant with doctors recommendations, taking her meds, staying in therapy, etc. But you could easily see that all season long, her episodes were escalating. Andrew reached out for help in every direction, all to no avail. Amber was a ticking time bomb, just waiting for her opportunity, and she found it. Stop blaming the victims, and just maybe Amber will serve enough time to get honest with herself. Otherwise, the next time you hear about her in the media, it’ll be a murder/suicide. She’s volatile & dangerous. Period.
Sometimes its easier to trust a snake in the grass because you hear the rattle long before the strike than it is to trust a snake that makes no sound at all until after you have already been bit.
Goes to show how money changes people, and being in the spotlight is not always a good thing. Watching this makes me understand why so many follow the Kardashians. The media is in it for the drama and money and the audience is in it to keep the ratings going. Appears everyone is doing a great job. Curious though how come the only ones watching Christ being crucified saw it entertaining while others wept over His suffering? Not hard to see whose team some are rooting for. The Devil owns some great DJ’s. A price that will be cashed in on for some someday
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All guilty parties always say you can’t prove it!
I saw it as well. I am not defending the past. Wrong is wrong no doubt. I am on now the current drama. Nobody can change their past, it is what it is. BUT, we do have control over our present and future. I too noticed that people are digging up her past and throwing it in her face. Opinions are one thing, judgement is not for us to make. Prepare to look within our own closet and be careful…someday it could possibly be ours on public trial. Just sayin’
Jeez maybe both of them should stay off social media and concentrate on raising their child w/o all this drama airing to everybody. It’s just horrible. This child will b able to read everything when he gets older.
SoOoOo comment section decided to go batshit crazy on this 1. I dont understand how after watching this couch carbuncle on tv for years, after all the drugs, all the abusive behavior, the neglect, the prison sentence, the latest arrest and what she is charged with, and last but not least her crazyhighass video ranting on social media, how anyone, ANYONE, can defend her and attack him as worse than she is. So he planned for things to go this way, hes out for her money, and hes gonna kidnap his own son by moving back to his own home with his own family?? Ya right. Ive heard some weird conspiracy theories before but thats 1 of the most daft. Some ppl here need a bit more reality and a lot less tv lol. Sometimes in life a person may, just MAYBE, have knocked up a crazy bitch and then need to gtfo, plain and simple. Im rooting for Andrew to put down the phone, go thru the courts, and get that baby out fast.
I don’t think anyone’s defending her, just stating that crazy attracts crazy, and he isn’t the holier-than-thou saint father/spouse he paints himself out to be. Any person who truly cared about the well-being of their child above all else, would keep all this shit out of the media, but it seems he runs to the public every chance he gets ??♀️ So, it make ya wonder…
I hear you @hereforthecomments, but a lot of comments below really were vehemently defending her while attacking andrew, and the irrationality and blindness and disproportionate blaming really blew my mind. I agree the dudes no saint, but she is the 1 who keeps adding gas to the dumpster fire by posting and talking about him, and so he speaks out. He is not necessarily justified in doing so, but it is understandable imo. Hes really in the same position as Gary was 9 yrs ago, Gary watched Amber be a terrible parent and tried to stay till he couldnt anymore. And ps I love your handle ? feel the same lol
Couldn’t agree with you more.
I see the double standard, “Oh Andrew, he’s like 7′ tall and scared of Amber?, etc…”
So what’s he supposed to do? Fight her? Kick her ass? Then people will say “he’s this and that, Domestic violence, he needs to go to jail etc…”
So only a woman can be a victim of DV?
It’s only hard for a woman to get out of an abusive relationship? Only women are allowed to feel trapped and helpless?
Ppl.are so messed up with their mindset that only girls are allowed to victims in domestic violence and abusive situations. I agree he should keep his mouth shut on certain topics. But I don’t agree a DV victim.should be silenced because he’s a man.
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Ok. This HAS become a smear campaign as her brother stated. I have known Amber since she was a sophomore and dating Gary long before she was ever a part of “Teen Mom” and when Gary worked as a CNA under me in a LTC facility and stillin school!! Yes, she had her problems in the past and still does, but who doesn’t?
“Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.”
Andrew? You are a liar. Amber maybe a lot of things to a lot of people. The good, the bad, and the ugly. But for you stating she never wanted a baby? If she DID say that, you have taken it out of context. Some women get scared when they find out they are pregnant again. And Amber MAY HAVE had doubts at first but obviously by carrying the child to full term says a lot about her wanting to be a mom again.
I have silently been setting back and watching Amber for years now, And now is the time to stand up and say, “Enough is enough”. Amber? Jessie and I still keep you and your loved ones in prayer. Underneath all the manure the truth WILL surface.
Sure, Jamber.
Yeah right. My cousin’s ex-husband’s sister-in-law’s brother’s best friend’s neighbor knows Amber as much as you do.
So you knew her over ten years ago? In between that time and now, she’s been to prison for assaulting Gary, something we all saw go down, but okay.
I know you too.
“I have silently been setting back”
Who are you, and why haven’t you been on Teen Mom? Because judging by your comment, you would fit right in. It’s Leah’s family who usually makes the girlses “set down” as in “she can eat a can of frosting if she sets down at the table”…but maybe next season you could be Amber’s Couch Settin’ Support person? Kousin Krystal will likely be out of commission for a few, since she just gave birth to fiftieth child. Silence no more! I can tell you are a rill woman, just like Amber!
Actually she is a fucking military veteran that defended our country and understands a mental disability better than a few of you fucking idiots do! She voiced her opinion just like the rest of us Twit so get off her case man! She maybe older then the rest of us obviously by her statement of knowing Amber for a long time since she was a “sophmore”, Twit why dont you get off your fucking couch and help Amber since you seem to know it all and can decide who needs to be where! I just hate fucking ignorant people!
I think they both should stay off the social media, quit mud slinging and focus on James. It took two people to make him and two people to raise him. How about for the sake of James we become part of the solution then to become a part of the problem? Social media has hurt both parents emotionally and psychologically. James now needs a “village” to help him and to stop hurting BOTH the parents that he loves dearly and looks at with innocent eyes.
Maybe she should have said “monkey”. ?????
I’m I the only one concerned with young James testosterone levels. Clearly his father is lacking in the “ball” department.
Good comment. I bet Matt had some big balls and, at least, he managed to tame the wild beast, Amber!!!
Blah blah blah, we’ve all SEEN the way Ambien behaves on and off camera, she’s made sure of it on IG Live. So, no Bubby, she is not way better than she was a decade ago. A decade ago she tried to throw Gary down the stairs, a decade ago she was so neglectful of Leah that she didn’t even have bedding for her crib and would leave her crying in her wet diapers while she laid in bed feeling sorry for herself. Fast forward a decade and she’s now chasing her new man and infant son with a machete. If she was SO unhappy and life with Andrew was so terrible that she saw violence as her only option, why didn’t she just leave?!? I don’t buy it, it’s all an act. She wouldn’t be fighting for James if she wasn’t a public figure, she’s proven that with Leah already. The only person Ambien cares about is Ambien.
I mentioned this before but how about MTV does a short reality series with: Amber, Janelle, Kaitlyn and Farrrah living in the same house? They would have no cell phones or internet access for 30 days and be forced to interact with each other on a daily basis. The last real women standing, wins! Come on, Morgan Freeman, make it happen because I know you lost you’re morals a decade ago. As insane as some of these young moms turned out it never would of happened without Morgan, “Kiki” and the rest of the MTV crews that exploited these ladies to the fullest.
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Smh … I feel sorry for all 3 of them… Mtv should have helped if andrew really reached out… But insteas probably only focussed on their ratings…and we all know drama is what makes the ratings soar! Praying for all involved!
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This guy is a low life piece of crap not only did he not contribute financially or emotionally. Amber has come a long way. Andrew played on her weaknesses. Amber is beautiful inside and out. She is a strong woman. She needs her son back. Andrew needs to go back from where he came. He is not wanted. Amber is to good for him. Amber is a wonder mother. Her heart is big but now is broken without her son.
Wow. Is that u Amber?
And? Aubree is a good kid, but sometimes kids get in trouble. I mean, judging Cole and Chelsea’s marriage based on the normal things that everyone deals with at some point, is ridiculous. Their relationship is still solid.
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I hold mtv and the producers as they have paid these girls to keep having babies, it should of been about the struggle but it turned into a “cool” thing is have babies with different men. Very sad indeed…..
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Bla Bla Bla, Amber is a complete basket case and has never been anything but. Everything he’s said is likely true. Some are able to recover from a past like hers, but not Amber. She’s doomed to be deemed a horrible mother, daughter, and significant other. What a fu¢kin’ disgrace!
I don’t believe anything this shady Andrew says if it was so bad there why did he stay he’s a liar and a mooch. Only wants to collect child support from Amber she caught him cheating and now.hes trying to play the victim. For God’s sake he’s is almost 7 foot tall and your trying to tell me he’s afraid of Amber. Give me a break. I hope Amber gets custody back of her little boy and she gets rid of Andray the giant for good. I knew all along he was shady and up to something claiminghehad a great job he’s an unemployed loser who say $ signs with Amber. Goid riddance to Andrew the giant.
Same. His claims feel really planned. Not to mention he hooked up with her when she was on that show to work on her relationship. It seems as if he wanted to get this attention and he planned it from the first time he met her.
Let me break it down for you bubby… you’re ENABLING! Unfortunately you don’t know what it means so you don’t realize you’re doing it. That’s ok. I mean, really, it’s Indiana. Nuff said. Bubby, do you live with your sister 24/7? No? Ok then how do you know what goes on behind closed doors? Oh, you asked your sister? The one who is delusional! The one not taking her medication? And you believe her because NEVER in her life has she lied about anything? I completely understand you wanting to support your sister. I honestly get that but you’re letting her believe she was the victim and what she did was right and that she did nothing wrong. Bullshit! Have you not witnessed, on tv for that matter, how violent your sister really is! She hit Gary. More than once. She went after Farrah with fists blazing, she has had live video rants where she threatens to bust a bitch because “do you think that’s not still in me?” Her words. On video. I’m not making this crazy shit up. And she wants to throw out Andrews past? Yes, maybe he did have restraining orders but that doesn’t mean he harmed anyone. Look at Macy and Ryan. Macy has a restraining order based on a verbal threat that was probably made by Ryan when he was drugged up (not unlike your sister). I don’t blame Macy. That’s not what I’m saying but restraining orders don’t always mean violence was committed. And if she knew this shit why did she stay with him? Your sister is a convicted felon. She is the queen of domestic violence. I am not telling you not to support her but wake the fuck up and stop denying what she’s doing. Why do you think Gary keeps Leah from her? Think about James. She is not fit to be a mother. And yes, most shit against your sister CAN be proven because she’s dumb enough to do it in video. She has a track record. The judges are going to see that. I don’t think she necessarily needs gel (rofl) but she needs loooooong term hospitalization.
I believe him about the abuse towards James, because I remember Amber being extremely impatient with Leah. The poor kid had to be in her crib for hours on end until Gary got home. Àndrew, why didn’t you report it? This just looks like you don’t care about James’ safety enough to do something about it sooner. You’re his daddy, please protect him.
@ali’spinkchair yes! I believe his version of events as well, it all rang true to me as “yup, sounds like amber”. U remember her 16&preg episode when she got pissed at gary and she said “you are so lucky you are holding the baby right now” ? what a threat, considering her current circumstances.
I believe it.
Hey Bubby, Amber is in NO way, shape or form “tenfold better than she was before” she is exactly the same BUT worse because she continues to repeat history. Had she changed, we wouldn’t be back at square one, duh! And give it a rest with the truth coming out because nothing will ever justify Rambo Ambo acting a fool because her feelings are hurt. Grow up!
And why the fuck was she interviewed for the reunion. For one, she looked out of her mind insane. Whether prescribed meds or recreational, she looked high and out of her right mind (if she has one). She should be more focused on bettering herself for her and her children but instead she is more concerned with clearing her name on mtv and what the public thinks. Then, she sounded absolutely crazy talking about how she has spoken to this other girl and how Andrew is a narcissist! The whole thing made me sick!
Mental illness and criminal acts are two different issues. All I hear is that “Amber needs help” which she does but she also needs to be given a prison sentence. While limited, she can get help while in gel. I wonder if she will go back to the same dormitory, pod and bed as she had before in prison? If she attacked Andrew in Illinois, especially Cook County (Chicago) where I live she would be given probation. But Indiana does not play around and locks up a ton a people.
Look I’m just looking at their pasts here. Amber has abused a man in the past. The early years of footage of Amber and Leah were not good. I remember her screaming at her because she was laughing and yelling in a car. I remember Gary waking her up to kiss her and amber slamming the door and turning off the monitor. So all of this really doesn’t shock me at all. He’s no Boy Scout but she’s definitely not mother of the year. If her relationship with James in anything like Leah’s early years she could barely be considered a mother.
Why do these girls always scream “the truth will come out!?” Jenelle does the same thing. I have yet to see the truth come out in their favor, even once.
I hope what he said is untrue. I truly hope he is lying about her abusing that sweet baby. Sadly, I doubt he is. Hopefully, he was smart enough to say this in court before he blasted it on social media. He seems like a an even keel guy, smart enough to listen to his legal team
With jenelle the truth will come out. Unfortunately all the evidence proving what amazing parents they are is in Area 51. Nugget and Elvis are bringing it here on their unicorn. It was delayed because it had very important Kesha tickets.
Andrew is a loser! Stop & think about what he is alledging. If she was harming the baby like he “says” would anyone not take the child immediately & run & leave?? Nah, he’s trying to ruin her any way he can, like her brother said, the truth is gonna come out about him & he is scared! He is taking this way too far & it is gonna end up biting him in the azz!
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Yes kidnapping James, which would then result in Andrew not being around to protect James is an excellent strategy vs. staying put, protecting James as best he can until he had a concrete reason with proof to contact the police and make sure Amber’s only contact is supervised.
The best way to protect a child from an unsafe environment is to remove that child before he/she has to endure anymore bad memories locked into his/her yet developing brain. Children are resilient that doesn’t mean they are not impressionable by their parents behaviors. I pray the courts make the right decision as to what is best for James. Accountibility lays within both parents and anyone else involved with James raising that could do him mental harm.
I’ve had a little conspiracy theory about this for a minute now – Andrew knows the shows ratings suck, probably close to cancellation. he likes his current lifestyle, free meals, and trips – and his son also gets a paycheck from this. he works in the entertainment industry, and was thinking like a producer and is milking this whole thing for a continued storyline/paycheck. i don’t think the whole thing is lies, but i mean come on… for someone who claims to be just wanting to protect his child – ALL this talking in the media is the exact opposite of that. him and amber both need serious psychological help… maybe gary + kristina can raise baby james – he’s the one who’s truly getting hurt here.
Exactly. There’s no reason he should have ever opened his mouth other than through the court. That poor baby.
Do some research into Andrew’s family and you find that they are very rich. He comes from wealth and doesn’t need a “trailer park” payout.
I mean… just cuz someones family has money – doesn’t mean they have money. he was a cameraman on Marriage Bootcamp ffs, how well off could he have been? and then sought her out, not exactly the decision making of a person with a healthy mindset. and even if he did have his own wealth – he CLEARLY enjoys “the spotlight.” and i am in NO way defending Amber – i can fully see her doing all of what he’s alleging.. But, i think the truth is somewhere in the middle and he is no way a saint in all of this.
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Amber clearly is nothing,but trouble she hasn’t tried to better herself the same person she is now is the same person she was with Gary.No wonder Leah has panic attacks there is no telling which Amber she has witnessed.Amber needs long-time mental health care facility.She has problems then blames everyone else.
LUNATIC. period, paragraph.
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I believe him and I think he’s tried not to say anything but everyone has to remember she was smearing him first saying he was cheating. At this point he’s probably had enough of being bashed and is just trying to stand up for himself. Her brother can say stuff is in the past but most leopards don’t change their spots and if anything that has shown what she is capable of. Due to her borderline personality disorder (which I still don’t understand what childhood trauma of hers caused this cause it seems like she had a good childhood) she has a raging temper and has proved that time and time again. Just look how over the top her outburst toward Jennelle was, she completely loses control when she gets angry enough. That is not someone who should be caring for a child and I don’t blame him for trying to get James far away from that. She barely gets Leah allot of the time according to Gary because of her depression and all her mental health issues. You can tell on the show the way she gives him the evil eye over every little thing, even when he’s making a harmless joke. He doesn’t strike me as someone who is a ladies man who would go out and cheat. At least not unless she was really being hurtful to him with her behavior and pushing him away. I think he’s been overlooking things for a while trying to hold it together for James and this was the final straw. Good for him, get James out of that environment. Amber is a time bomb, any little thing sets her off.
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He’s such a pathetic liar! My God, he’s had this planned since day 1. He wants the fame, HER MONEY, and because of her past he’s going to use poor James as a pawn. He should be ashamed of himself!
Getting your ex convicted of abuse and jailed isn’t going to result in any significant money for him, Amber would lose the tm gig and then there would be no money.
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I do not believe she was abusing her son at all!! Andrew is a fame whore and I liar!
I believe him, but he really needs to keep quiet and stay out of the spotlight with this bullshit.
I’m on his side in this. But he should just stay silent until court! This doesn’t do him any favors!
Oh, Andrew. You should never say these things about the mother of your baby. It doesn’t matter that it may be true, it should not come from you. Ever. James will read it someday, what you said for the world to hear. Get off social media and parent your child. Poor baby James. No one is putting his best interest first.
But it’s ok for amber to rant all over social media, for her daughter ( and daughters friends to see?) as James too, when he’s older.
Take several seats,Mrs greenway, they both need to stay off social media
Of course Amber should be off social media, for like the last ten years. She’s chronically destructive and unstable— thought that was a given. Andrew needs to stop engaging with her and focus on securing custody of James. I hope he is following his legal team’s instructions in this regard.
I pray for Leah like I pray for James.
I believe him. I’ve noticed in most of the scenes that Amber is very disconnected from her child. The baby was always around the father and she just showed a complete lack of interest or any bond with her son.
Amber and Antonio Brown should have a baby together and call him “Satan, father of lies, ruler of all things evil”.
Can someone give James a ride to Brandon and Theresa’s house?
Or at least Chelsea and Cole’s?
I don’t think Chelsea and Cole’s relationship is as good as it appears. Call me skeptical but no relationship is that perfect. Chelsea does a very good job of portraying herself as a good mother although there have been a couple times that Chelsea really snapped at Aubree.
So???? Every mother has had times where they have snapped at their children. You have no idea what was happening in those moments. It’s obvious Chelsea and Aubree have a very close relationship as Chelsea is the only person Aubree has had since her father is a disgusting pathetic drug addict. And maybe Chelsea and Cole’s relationship isn’t as perfect as it seems, but that’s no one’s business but their’s. No relationship is perfect. Chelsea is by FAR the best mother out of this entire franchise so fall back
IF this is all true what he said about her handling james then by all means – GO TO COURT and tell it there! Social media accusations aren‘t going to play out in his favor I guess.
He shouldn‘t risk his accountability with social media wars. I don‘t know how the courtsystem works there in the US but if this might cause trouble then he should stay quiet on social media and take it all to court instead! If this is true then he has to do everything he can to gain sole custody but spilling „truth and facts“ on social media isn‘t a wise move andrew!
Her brother saying that it can‘t be proved SMDH of course you can‘t prove all the times she might have abused james if that‘s the case. But that shouldn‘t be an excuse for a MOTHER caring badly for her child! I feel so deeply sorry for james…
Andrew is doing this on purpose to get Amber all riled up. I don’t really believe him. If she didn’t want to be pregnant then she could’ve easily have gotten an abortion. She has money of her own so it’s not like she was trying to trap him.
Let’s not forget that while Amber was suffering post natal depression She missed a period and Andrew was so hopeful that she was pregnant the look on his face when she told him the test was negative!…. so she was abusing your kid and you were actively trying to get her pregnant with another, sure, sure!!! Amber is a train wreck but Andrew knew that when he pursued her. A man of Andrews build sat back and watched her abuse his son and never picked baby James up and walked out!! Jump off pal, you’ve always wanted kids but you’re not so great with women so you go for someone mentally ill, precious conviction for DV then when you realise she won’t let herself fall pregnant with you again because it’s definitely not good for her mental health…it’s tine to get the hell outta dodge. And so the stories begin, obviously amber has been an physical towards Andrew, that’s all the girl seems to know but to say she abused your son and you kept quiet!!! That’s neglect hun, you have a duty of care towards that baby and you kept quiet and let it continue???? I hope the courts tear you a new one
I actually don’t believe she has abused her son. I really don’t.
Amber, why didn’t you go after the real pos Matt like this who robbed you blind, at least $350,000.00, plus never worked, lied abut everything including his 10 kids from 10 females plus cheated on you multiple times. Her priorities are messed up!
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I feel sorry for the poor judge that has to sort all this out between the two of them. I don’t know which if either one of them should have the baby until they figure what in God’s name is best for him. God bless the little one he’s going to need it.
Amber is a fat, ugly, lying, lazy POS!!!! She should not be allowed to be around her or any other children. She emotionally abused her daughter and started abusing her son. She should go to jail and be sterilized. Maybe a long term mental institution for the criminally insane would be appropriate be for she kills a child.
Ok. I have always rooted for Amber. I still root for Amber. I feel like she WANTS to be a normal, good person and that she has a good heart. I don’t like that Andrew is doing all this crap online.
But I’d bet a lot of money that what he’s saying is true. For those saying that she wouldn’t hurt her kids, – of course she wouldn’t intentionally pre-plan hurting her kids, but imagine her having a bad day, reading crap about herself online and getting mad, getting stuck in traffic, having a fight with Andrew, spilling a drink, whatever….if you think she couldn’t snap and grab James a little too rough and quick, or push him away from a cereal box with a little too much force, think again. Many parents WITHOUT her issues have done this in a moment of stress. Add in all her issues and it’s EASY to believe Andrew is telling the truth. He’s not saying she wound up and punched the baby in the face. If he said that I wouldn’t believe him. But the little details he gives and the specific way he says certain things make it seem like the truth.
Amber you lied about Andrew not working. On your Instagram you were in a house in California. You said Andrew was working on Marriage boot camp. So should I believe anything you say? Well I say no. Past behavior can predict future behavior.
1. Drugs past/ Andrew says present
2. Domestic Violence past/ Andrew says present
3. Mentally unstable past/ everyone saw on tv who you were
4. Bank Account you let Matt take your money
I believe if Andrew took your money it’s your fault. You should’ve learned from Matt
5. You weren’t a good mother past/ Andrew says present
6. Lazy lays on couch or bed past/present
7. Entitled past/present
8. Going from one relationship to another past/present
In conclusion I believe everything Andrew is saying. I can only hope you get help and get better. All the people in your life are enabling you. Take a step back, be honest, and get help. The children need you in their life. A sober, mentally sane, and non violent mom.
Yes she rants on social media that he is jobless and just using her for money, but then she states in court docs that he is a day trader and is able to work anywhere. So which one is it, and wish ‘truth’ do we believe, Amber?
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I read like 4 lines of this bullshit and scrolled on down just so I could leave a comment. What a piece of work this dude is…just make sure he made himself look good and talk foul about the mother if his child. Boo hoo. Wa wa. What a fuckin dick
Watch out y’all Patti’s back. Go plug in somewhere else.
Yes I’m sure her adolescent therapist can help her with these issues, Shawn.
We have all seen Amber over the past 10 years (god, why) and I disagree in every possible way that she is better than before. She has accomplished nothing. She has not grown mentally or emotionally in any way.
Andrew, I hope you learned your lesson from all of this. Don’t put your penis in women you just met without condoms, and especially crazy women.
Why is anyone shocked? How does Amber still have supporters?! Who actually thinks she is a good mom?! Amber has always been a shitty mother. People seem to forget the early seasons. Amber was high all throughout Leah’s baby years. She admitted it herself. How many times did we see Amber sleeping while Leah was left to cry in her crib. Remember when Amber met Chris… the guy she met at Walmart and ex-convict, she brought him to live at her home with baby Leah there. In one scene Gary was angry and straight up asked her if this dude was helping with changing her diaper and bathing her, Amber said yes!!!! What kind of mother let’s a felon, stranger, change and bathe their little girl!!! Amber is the biggest piece of shit. I remember seeing the show back then and I couldn’t believe it. I also remember her house being a fucking mess, laundry and dishes everywhere because she never did anything but sleep.She would let Leah crawl around in that filthy mess. Those that defend her have obviously never seen season 1 and 2 my God!!! Her temper was horrible she would verbally and physically abuse Gary. Amber needs serious help. I stand with Andrew!!
?????????????? Spot on Jill.
I am so done with this. Sooo Andrew you think this looks good on your part? Cuz you sound like a pathetic idiot!! If she did act this way towards YOUR son in front of you than you should of taken action long ago. You’re just as unstable as her. Remember Amber didn’t make precious little James on her own. She is mentally unstable everyone knows this even herself yet YOU made a baby with her after barely knowing her and threw YOURSELF into her world. So what are you diagnosed with?!!
No one is perfect but having this out on the internet in front of everyone makes you look stupid and personally I don’t think you have James best interest at heart anymore. You’re more worried about what the word thinks. I pray for these kids cuz with parents like THE BOTH OF THEM only god could help them
Amber is this you?
SHE went to jail for domestic abuse before, she has a history of abusing drugs and mental illness but you don’t believe HIM?? I’m sorry but I don’t believe convicted abusers unless they have solid proof of their innocence
Right? And we’ve all seen her yell at him and belittle him on camera. She does that to all her boyfriends. Imagine what she does when the cameras are off.
Amber, shut up and take your meds. Stay off of social media and go visit Leah.
Nah I think Leah’s good without Amber TBH.
How far will this jack ass go! Now we know hes lying.we Dont believe you Andrew stop it! You’re just trying to make us hate Amber but the more you talk the more we hate YOU!
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He has all this b.s running his mouth where t hmm e hell are the pictures to back his ass up
Hi bubby/Gin&Tonyac.
With all this enabling, no wonder she’s a hot mess, and to think you were in the forces, I bet you pandered to the enemy as well, you sap.
I do believe amber made comments about not wanting the baby, etc, because she is mentally unstable. That being said, it’s a fine line for Andrew in terms of, “is amber acting this way because she has mental issues? Or is she genuinely a dangerous cold blooded person?”, and not knowing how to move forward with abuse claims, taking out custody of James, etc. I absolutely do not think he should have kept the baby in an abusive home, but reporting “she threw him into the bed for doing ____” probably wouldn’t warrant much attention from the police I just hope that now James is safe and sound and amber can gtfo Instagram. Previous commenter, you are right- this drama belongs in a courtroom not on Instagram.
I just don’t know if I believe this 100%…Andrew is honestly starting to lose credibility in my eyes. And if it’s true that Amber has relapsed and was abusing the baby I fail to understand how steps could not have been taken PRIVATELY many months ago to help her. I think Amber needs to take a hair follicle drug test and then we will see if any truth exists to these claims. But I will state that I’m not sold one way or the other. Judgment reserved.
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I dont ever remember hearing about her hearing her daughter just gary and something must be in her favor gary is a cop and has her back that has to say something gary is required by law to report abuse to a child and if he has not seen it then makes me wonder just saying
I don’t believe Andrew on this but if it is true then he failed to protect his baby making him just as bad of a parent as Amber.
Omg I’m so over Andrews clout chasing ass.
1) They both need to stop running to social media. They are adults and should be protecting James from reading this when he is older
2) When someone can no longer physically abuse you, they resort to publicly mentally abusing you. Andrew should really take the high road, stop going on social media, and focus on saving James from his ‘mother.’ Especially is what he is saying is true.
Disengaging is one of the most powerful things you can do in these types of situations.
If the child abuse happened and he didn’t report it- he’s just as guilty as her doing it.
I don’t think he’s telling the truth
The more he talks, the more he reveals about himself. He’s just as narcissistic and vile as she is.
Thank you some that see the same as me on this he is only out for money
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Oh Puhleeze, Andrew had a front row seat witnessing Amber’s aggressive and abusive behavior on marriage boot camp when he first met her. He sees all this yet even though she was in a messy relationship with another man during this time he decides that witnessing the train wreck wasn’t enough, apparently her behavior was a huge turn on and he inserted himself slap dab in the middle and pursues her. I think he wanted in on the MTV Teen Mom “money train” (just like Javi did with Kail) Now he wants to whine about how mean she was to him. He’s a big boy and he got what he got.. James is the only innocent one in this fiasco!
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Oh STFU Andrew, you brought this upon yourself you sociopath.
Well, that’s why it’s generally not advisable to have a baby with a person who’s exhibited completely out of control, volatile, violent, anti-Christ behavior on the set of the bootleg tv show you worked on within a month.
I believe Andrew, but he no longer has my sympathy. He is a POS for putting this out there for his son to read when he gets older. Imagine being James and reading your mom didn’t want you or how she abused you. Andrew could have protected him or kept it as quiet as possible. This is for a court room not instagram. James and Leah are the only victims in this story.
And that, my friends, is why you don’t have a baby with someone you’ve known for less time than it takes to actually be pregnant with said baby.
“The silence ends now”? He’s basically incriminating himself, too. Poor James.
Both of these idiots need to shut up before they both lose custody. I dont doubt for a hot second that Amber is abusive, but Andrew is also admitting a certain amount of failure to protect, and shouldn’t be sharing with the world that this child’s mother never wanted him. Does he think James needs to know all of this one day? Good Lord. Can neither of them put this poor kid first? They’re both so determined to come out ahead of the other in the court of public opinion that they’re throwing James under the bus in the process.
She will never learn. She thinks she’s so hard and just looks like a fecking idiot. She never takes responsibilities for her actions, she sits and blames everyone else for provoking her.
I love how she says “I’m 29, I should be having fun”, bitch please!! She’s never put her kids first, thank God Leah has Kristina.
And from her time in “gel”, she didn’t learn a thing.
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Lmfaooo crack heads to the fullest and fucking losers. I just feel sorry for baby James having these two as “parents”. Amber is a hot headed mess and this grizzly bear dude just got into her pants he knew she was teen Mom and wanted the attention. Stop acting all innocent u fucking loser trying to stay relevant
First of all, she already had a child and can’t just “have fun” (although she barely sees her). Second, there are PLENTY of ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy and she’s only blaming HIM?! Yeah, sure.
Now Andrew doesn’t work and takes her money? Meanwhile, a few months ago, she was bragging about how much money he makes day trading. They also spent a couple of months California for his work. At least that’s what she said when she decided to spend all that time away from Leah.
While Andrew showed a shocking lack of judgment getting Amber pregnant after a month, the things he is saying about Amber and James sounds spot on. It’s obvious how little patience she has for James (and Leah When she was a baby).
I’m assuming he is getting paid by the tabloids big time for speaking but he needs to stop! Amber said she admitted her faults that night??? When?? She needs to get fired. If she let someone steal money from her again..its her fault. Take your meds and go away.
If Amber abused James, why didn’t he report her long ago?
I do not believe Amber is innocent, or ‘a good mom’ as she always says BUT if Andrew watched Amber hurt that baby and he didn’t do something about right away, he is stupid!