After denying it for months, Jenelle Evans’ husband David Eason is finally admitting that he did, in fact, kill Jenelle’s dog, Nugget…and his new interview may have landed him in hot water (again!)
While Jenelle admitted that David had shot and killed her french bulldog in April, she later recanted her statement, claiming in court that she “couldn’t remember” if David had admitted to committing the crime. (The dog-killing incident led to Jenelle being fired from Teen Mom 2 and ultimately replaced by Jade Cline.)
Now, almost two months after Jenelle made those claims, yet another version of the story has come out—in this one, David is finally admitting to shooting and killing Nugget.
This week, David and Jenelle sat down for an interview with PeopleTV’s People Now where they attempted to justify David’s actions, blaming everything from Nugget, to David’s “country lifestyle” (um?) to social media for the dog’s death and the chaos that resulted from it. The fact that David did, indeed, admit to killing the pup has caught the attention of investigators at the Columbus County Sheriff’s Department, according to TMZ. The authorities are apparently now looking into opening a new case to investigate David for animal cruelty.
“We’re told the department is deciding whether to open a new probe into the killing and potentially charge him with animal cruelty,” the site reported on Tuesday. “It should be noted … cops have NOT officially reopened the case, yet. However, we’re told if they do go forward, it’ll be a new case started from scratch … and this interview will be a big part of it.”

During his interview with People, David explained why he felt he had to kill Nugget.
“It was a situation where my daughter [Ensley], her health, her safety was in danger,” David said. “This was something that nobody want to ever have to do. The dog was aggressive. Yes, she might not be huge or whatever, but you know when a dog bites a child on the face more than one time, then it should never be around the child again. If you give the dog up for adoption, one day it’s going to be around children again.”

David went on to claim that if he would have called authorities, the law says the dog would have to be euthanized—-something he preferred to do on his own to save money.
“I’m not going to pay anyone to euthanize my dog when I could do it myself,” he said.
David also claimed that killing Nugget was not something he wanted to do.
“I mean, I loved that dog,” he said, mustering up a tear. “I still think about her every day. It’s really hard for me. A lot of people put me down for it, they hate me for it, but like I said it was not something that I wanted to do.”
Jenelle then jumped in to defend David by pointing out that Nugget’s death was supposed to be a “private family issue that happened within our household.”
She said the news only got out because she told a friend of hers who then told Nathan Griffith.
“[Nathan] called the cops and said, ‘Check on my son.’ TMZ got a hold of that 911 call and that’s how it got brought up in the news,” Jenelle said.
(This is not accurate, by the way. The friend called 911 first, and Nathan called for the welfare check on Kaiser after that.)
Jenelle oddly attempted to then blame David’s actions (and behavior in general) on the “country lifestyle” in which he was raised.
“David has grown up in the country lifestyle — he hunts, he fishes. The way he was raised is really different than a lot of other places,” she said. “We understand that people are scared of the whole gun thing, [but] they just don’t understand it from David’s perspective.”

“His father taught him, ‘Don’t let any animal hurt you’ … and he just thought what he was doing was best,” she continued. “He does realize that what he did was wrong, and he does realize that he shouldn’t have done it.”
Jenelle echoed David’s claims of being remorseful for what happened, stating that David didn’t realize how bad Nugget’s death was going to hurt everyone. Despite David’s alleged remorse, he said he still didn’t think Nugget would have been better off in a new home.
“I don’t think the dog should have been re-homed, no. Regardless of what I did, the dog would have been euthanized,” he said. “…The law says if you don’t euthanize a dog that bites somebody, within a reasonable amount of time, you are held liable for neglect.”
While the couple didn’t feel that Nugget should be re-homed, Jenelle said they did choose to re-home their pit-bull Jax recently after he killed one of the pigs on The Land.
“ … So instead of David saying, ‘Well let me euthanize the dog,’ [he said], ‘let’s just give the dog away.’ So we gave the dog away instead … So he’s even taken the initiative to correct his actions and not repeat the same mistakes he’s made before,” she said.

Even with the couple re-homing Jax, they still have at least two dogs living on The Land, as The Ashley previously told you.
Jenelle also explained away David’s post-Nugget-death Instagram posts, in which he seemed to be justifying killing the dog.
“He didn’t realize how big that was going to be if it did get out,” Jenelle said. “He also isn’t used to social media or being on TV or anything like that. I’ve been around it since 2009. I know my actions from the past have made me learn not to do those mistakes again. David is learning from everything that is happening.”
This is the same tactic Jenelle used to defend David’s actions after he was fired from ‘Teen Mom 2’ for posting a homophobic Twitter rant in 2018. At the time, she said, “David didn’t understand how offensive people would get or how Twitter even works. Now that he realizes his voice is very strong within media/tabloids he has deactivated his account. He agrees he will keep his comments to himself from now on.”
Jenelle shared that the reason she was so upset (i.e. “crying every day”) about the dog’s death was because David didn’t tell her he was going to shoot the pup.
“Instead of conversating with me before it happened, he just did it,” Jenelle said. (And, no, ‘conversating’ is not an actual word, in case you were wondering.)
Jenelle shared the a photo from her and David’s interview on Instagram where she thanked People for letting them “squash rumors about so many heavy topics.” She also assured that she and David were “moving on” with their future.
David– who was scheduled to be in court in North Carolina on September 9 to answer for charges he incurred for self-towing a stranger’s truck last year– had his case continued (again). The Ashley can confirm that his next court date is scheduled for October 8.
AfterTMZposted their report about Columbus County possibly opening a new animal cruelty investigation against David, Jenelle took to Instagram to voice her thoughts on the site’s story.
“TMZ_TV don’t write false reports,” she wrote on Instagram Stories. “You know damn well YOU started the drama with the dog incident. You got a hold of Nathan’s 911 call to ‘check on Kaiser cuz a dog was shot.'”
She later added, “I would appreciate if my family can put this behind them and move on. This is ridiculous and emotional for everyone involved. Thanks.”
You can watch the Nugget portions of Jenelle and David’s interview with People Live via the video clip below.
RELATED STORY: Jenelle Evans Disses Her ‘Teen Mom 2’ Replacement Jade Cline; Says She’s Focusing on Her Just-Launched Cosmetic Line Instead of MTV
(Photos: People Now; Instagram; MTV)
110 Responses
I don’t even think him getting in any more trouble would teach him a lesson!
I love how Jenelle is giving David the side-eye. It’s like she’s saying, “yeah, okay whatever you say babe.”
Which person are you today ??
Abra or Bri???
Your pic stays the same even
Though you change your name.
Abra…. The stalker
I’ve seen all the comments you make with all the name changes, so now your a jenelle fan, after previously bitching about her.
Hypocrite abra/bri
I love how Jenelle is giving David the side-eye. It’s like she’s saying. “yeah, okay, whatever you say babe.”
Lmao, nothing will come of this so-called investigation. If NC authorities don’t care about child abuse, they certainly won’t do anything about animal abuse. Dumb and Dumbest must have horseshoes up their keisters, that’s the only explanation for how they’ve not only managed to evade the law, but they’ve also managed to evade karma ?
I hope that for once, you two bastards, will be made accountable for what you’ve done.
I do too. But you know they won’t because “money talks and bullshit walks”
WOW. …. NC ,Law enforcement and CPS , This would have to hurt….It makes you ALL look like a pack of incompetent dumb ass’s
They are very incompetent Andrea.
Very embarrassing to see, just how bad the laws are there.
I love how all our comments have one or two down votes each. We know it’s you Miss Chinny Chin Chin and, Lurch, Mortica and Gomez need their butler back!
Why do you guys come here anyway? You have to know by now that most of the commenters on this site are on the same page. As in WE HATE YOU!
Maybe, to be less obvious, you should have some friends or family down vote us too? Oh wait…THEY ALL HATE YOU TOO!
Sorry for over posting on this thread, y’all. What’s going on with these two just brings back bad memories of a neice and nephew I couldn’t help in NC because of CPS and the abuse my adoptive daughter suffered through as a toddler because of NC CPS not pulling her out of her bio parents home when they should have and had cause to. This is happening to children all over NC, not just the kids on The Land. NC protects the abuser, not the children. I’m happy this is being so heavily reported. Word needs to get out about how NC handles child abuse. We can’t change it unless we make our voices heard for children that can not speak for themselves.
So, Dumb and Dumber, just take this as readers of the Ashley standing up for your kids because we all know you won’t!
So they lied in their cps thing? Isn’t that a no-no?
I also have zero faith in the courts there… so AGAIN they will get away with it.
I want the Carolinas to prove me wrong
Who the hell is their PR team?? The attempt at damage control was pathetic. The lies were ludacris and I’m guessing North Carolinas aggressive dog laws were never verified. My favorite part in the stupidy fandango was (paraphrased) “I’m not gonna pay someone to euthanize my dog, when I could do it myself”
Do you think these two high FL e line another after this interview? We done nailed it Jenelly, that SM circus has been put to padteueterize wtf
AHHH i can’t with the sheer stupidity, narcissism, and ZERO accountability. YOU started the “dog drama” YOU!! Its ALWAYS someone else fault in D+J’s world…
They talk about all the animal killings and deaths. Isn’t this a big red flag that they shouldn’t have animals?
You can just hear the stupid ooozing out of them when they talk. People are actually laughing at what they say. Don’t they understand people can see right through their bullshit stories. You can clearly tell when someone is making up a bullshit story as they go. I think they might share one brain cell between the two of them and I think they left it at home that day. ?????
“A dog will teach you unconditional love. If you can have that in your life, things won’t be too bad.”
Sir Nibs
Anyone that missed the busted up attendees at Jenelle’s eyebrow launch, just go to Netflix and watch the first few episodes of American Horror Story, and you can see all that attended the JEFREAKSHOW makeup launch. Jenelle even sported the same suit Constance wore while singing; just in blood red.
Maybe, Jenelle & David, instead of murdering a pet in a fit of rage over a very tiny scratch..you teach your children how to handle their pets. Like don’t stick your faces in their faces, don’t sneak up behind them, don’t hit them or pull their hair, ears, or tail. That poor pup didn’t deserve being beaten and murdered by Uncle Lurch. Because let’s be real..he’s admitted to this in the last. He beat that dog and then called it “self defense.” If you need to defend yourself against a 15lbs dog..you don’t deserve a dog. Nugget was young, untrained and their kids roughhoused with that puppy and did everything one shouldn’t do around an animal, especially a resting animal that gave clear signs it didn’t want to be messed with.
I’m over this “homegrown country” defense. Many of us were raised in the country and don’t over react and shoot a defenseless 15lbs dog in a fit of range.
David is A-B-U-S-I-V-E towards everyone and everything in his life. He doesn’t understand how to treat Jenelle, their children, her children, his children, or their animals. I’ve seen video after video of him miss handling their animals and their kids..and Jenelle just keeps on defending him. The judge made a very poor decision when she let these children back into their home, and in due time I am sure there will be another catastrophic event on their LAND. Dude needs some serious therapy and rehab. Anger management could also be beneficial. But he isn’t self aware enough to do this by himself. He’s gonna have to land his ass in more trouble before he’s forced into a program.
15lb more like a 5lb pup
You can’t teach anyone anything when you’re completely clueless yourself. The only thing they know about animals (and kids) is how to get them, a lot of them, and fast. And when the animal is purchased or the kid is born, things will just have to sort themselves out. Like, what worse is gonna happin, right?
Girl, David was done razed by his Deddy who learned him not to take no shit from an animal. Kill first ask the possum why he trust passing on the land. The aw shucks routine is the dumbest defense ever! Notice it’s always JE telling about his upbringing
I don’t even think him getting in any more trouble would teach him a lesson!
Leave me alooone
When you give a dog to a shelter because it wasn’t “good” with kids, this is information you give to the shelter. The shelter will then use/relay that information when finding a new home for the dog. That dog would’ve gotten adopted in five minutes
100% correct. French Bulldogs are one of the most popular breeds these days. Nugget would have likely lived out a happy life with a sane family after a five minute stint at the shelter – with or without kids.
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David is such a piece of shit… and Jenelle ugh I hate them soooo much!!! It breaks my heart to think what happens on that property. That poor Nugget wasn’t aggressive. That was shit parenting of not teaching your kid how to respect a pets boundaries. What a dumbass!!!!!! Let alone having a pitty able to attack and kill one of their pigs.. what a shit show. I’m so sad for the animals and kids subject this to shit. I hope she goes flat broke… loses custody of her kids and animals.. and her and David are sucked into a giant sinkhole in their swampland and we never have to hear or see their disgusting psycho defunct faces ever again.
I grew up in a very backwoods US state, my dad owned at least 7 hunting rifles and we fished. I’ve never hurt a cat, dog, or pet ever in my life;nor was I taught to. My dad took a cat to an animal she attacked him when he was trying to pet her, he didn’t hurt the cat. You kill cows, chickens, and deer for the meat not your pet in rage.
I’m not even going to comment on the investigation possibly being reopened because I know how lazy the state of NC is and that one judge who is easily paid off.
*shelter when she attacked him
Time to start calling the Sheriff’s office and animal control there again. Round 2 when the officials come out to do a news conference again to tell people they are receiving too many calls on Nugget and David.
I’m so sick and tired of this ignorant, backwoods country defense. He’s a 31 year old man who knows right from wrong. He was on TV for over a year, remained in close proximity to Jenelle at all times while she continued filming, has had several social media accounts and now apparently owns his own online business. So while his actions make him look like a complete asshole and fool, he sure as hell knew what he was doing. There is just no sense of accountability or responsibility in his actions.
Also, everything they said in this interview, blatantly contradicts their testimony in the CPS trial. Had they testified truthfully, and not PERJURED THEMSELVES, perhaps there would have been a different outcome. What will be done about this now??
I hope and pray the investigators get their act together and really investigate this case. Nugget was killed in a fit of rage, not after careful consideration of a peaceful euthanasia or murder! His cell phone records and texts need to be subpoenaed! They need to pay for what they’ve done, and the children need to be placed back with their other families where they are safe, loved and free just to be kids.
The only chance those two have at appearing on reality tv in the future will be on COPS.
Jenelle..you did not marry someone who conversates! You married a man with anger issues who rages and lashes out against animals, wives, children, employers, strangers etc etc.
Sorry, thumbs down by accident.
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After watching the interview he didn’t seem to get upset about the dog till jennelle squeezed his leg as if to say shut up
Yes, it’s tmz’s fault for reporting on something awful that happened in front of your kids. How terrible of them to do that to your kids. How dare they report on it. If it never made news it wouldn’t have traumatized Maryssa to the point of staying in her room for a full day or Kaiser telling his teachers about it.
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They may not be charged with animal cruelty but it seems as if they made false statements to the sheriffs office numerous times..which is a crime for each lie.
“Folk will know how large your soul is, by the way you treat a dog.”
Sir Nibs
This MF felt that an 8lb french bulldog puppy that snapped at his child (who HE let get in the puppies face btw) should not be around any child, so he murders the puppy… yet his violent, abusive, delusional, lying, murdering, controlling, evil ass feels like HE should have custody of all his kids. These 2 are really trying to make it seem like this violent imbecile made this sacrifice to “protect” their family, along with other families, and decided to murder their family pet…then said that authorities would have made him euthanize Nugget anyway, so he thought it was better to euthanize Nugget himself…this is beyond disturbing.
There it is. In true Adurey fashion. Yesssss ????
Here’s a thought:
There’s also the possibility that if this little dog WASN’T beaten to a bloody pulp and then shot, it could have been given to a family WITH KIDS — who were trained on how not to get into dogs’ faces and irritate them.
Again, just a thought.
Or…How about this one…they could have rehomed the dog with someone/a family that (wait for ittttt) DOESN’T have kids! His reasoning/rational is absolutely disgusting, and further proves that he is EVIL, and wanted to murder something for the sake of murdering something. I guess they feel like if they were able to bamboozle a judge from the backwoods of NC, they’re able to fool the entire world, and they are so wrong.
The only way to “put this behind you and move on” is YOU STOP FUCKING TALKING ABOUT IT, YOU ATTENTION WHORE! Stop CONVERSATING with the media DUDE!
A shelter would rehome the pup in a house with no kids.
So your theory lurch is bs.
Also teach your brat to respect a dogs boundary’s.
She was taunting the pup, with you egging her on.
You didn’t just shoot nugget, you beat him severely, the cops need to investigate this and also the whereBouts of jax, I saw on YouTube txt supposedly from lurch to his friend, stating he had to have help getting rid of the dogs body’s before the cops came.
Apparently he had burned their bodies….
I wish those txts, would find their way to the cops
I do too. I hate them so much! Did those monsters really think by doing that interview, that the public would shoosh it away and forgive them? This apology tour is a bust and I hope the proper authorities will soon arrest his dumb ass!
Oh I hope they get punished.
Agree 100%! You can tell Ensley is bad…hell she’s a mix of Jenelle and David…it doesn’t get anymore hellish than that. Although she is only 2?..that’s more of a reason as to why she had no business being in that puppies face. Little kids have a hard time understanding “gentle”, and living in that household, I’m sure David and Jenelle aren’t teaching those kids a damn thing about being gentle. Not blaming Ensley because she is a baby, but as a parent he should have never let her antagonize that puppy like that. I hope that clown doesn’t let her put her face that close to their larger animals. Had it been a pitbull or a more aggressive breed it could have ripped her face off.
Didn’t David kill the pig or did I misunderstand? At the end of the people interview, Jenelle says Jax killed the pig and they rehomed Jax instead of shooting him. So who killed the pig?
Nothing will happen….There will be NO repercussions for the swamp monster or his fugly wife
Both are fkn gopping, evil scum.
Gopping pmsl, I had to look that up, excellent comparison ??
Perfectly summed up Dejesusgawdleah.
(comparative more gopping, superlative most gopping)
(slang) Ugly; disgusting.
How long do you think we’ll have to wait to know how much make-up she actually sold? Is there a way to look that information up?
Wow, delujenelle , your interview sure has convinced everyone that David is not only a gentle giant, but an American hero. I am so proud of him for choosing to rehome Jax instead of shooting first and asking questions later! /s
David’s sudden interest in admitting the truth proves only one thing: that they are getting desperate for money.
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Wow, delujenelle , your interview sure has convinced everyone that David is not only a gentle giant, but an American hero. I am so proud of him for choosing to rehome Jax instead of shooting first and asking questions later! /s
David’s sudden interest in admitting the truth proves only one thing: that they are getting desperate for money.
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Trash. Nugget would not of automatically been euthanized. David posted a video and a pic. Video shows nugget pull his head down in a scared and defensive matter. Then did a warning nip at Ensley. David and Jenelle should of taught their kids from the start to never get right into an animals face. Nugget did not seem aggressive because it was just a nip and did not keep going trying to really harm her. The pic David posted showed it was just a welp. Nugget did not break skin. If they would made a report animal control would of asked if nugget has updated shots and if not keep nugget for observation for 10 days for signs of rabies and aggression. Nugget could have been rehomed. They are both disgusting human beings.
If you love an animal…… you don’t….shoot it……?
This is ridiculous. I have watched the video of nugget growling at Ensley and that is exactly what a dog will do if a child is irritating him. That is totally normal behavior of an animal and as humans we cannot punish the animal that we’ve adopted and forced into our homes. We can only reassess our behavior- rehome the dog, keep her separate from children, buy the dog a muzzle if she must absolutely be around your children. In no way was this about saving money. David is a savage and a selfish, careless freak. I could have saved money and ran my 14 year old dog over with a car to end her suffering, but that is INHUMANE, as is shooting a dog, and no sane person would EVER be able to justify such a thing. It should never ever come down to shooting or brutally killing an animal unless it’s of immediate threat, like if it had rabies. “Country lifestyle” BS, that is certainly no excuse for a person acting like a legitimate savage and murderer. What’s next, J blames his country lifestyle and “his dad teaching him _____” for beating the kids? Not feeding them?? I can’t even freaking imagine. ?
Is this POS actually going to have to murder a human with one of his too many firearms before they are actually taken from him or what!?
It’s tragic what happened to the dog but this POS AND his wife have used guns to threaten people and keep them loaded and accessible to children.
Is anything ever going to be done about that?
Stop talking about this sewar trash.
Are they going to admit to neglecting & abusing their children as well!!!!
I can’t finish reading the story. Once Jenelle started talking about “David didn’t know this would turn into a big thing” I stopped reading. I literally cannot read the disgusting lies they are telling. I PRAY that justice is finally served for Nugget and those children who have been incredibly failed by so many people.
Time to start calling the Sheriff’s office and animal control there again. Round 2 when the officials come out to do a news conference again to tell people they are receiving too many calls on Nugget and David.
Where can I get the number? I have googled Columbus, NC Sheriff’s office. There are about 10 of different listings.
oh for goodness sake, either charge him or drop it! Geez
I have never ever so thoroughly enjoyed watching someone’s life spiral. Couldn’t be happening to a better couple. Janelle literally had a golden ticket. It amazes me to see the other girls complain about their “jobs”. Clearly you CAN be fired and it allllllll goes away. Even Kail with her pothead podcast book adventures, the show goes away, they fade away and try their hands at yachting with Farrah if they’re lucky. Just once I’d like to see the Greasons seriously pay the piper.
I’m also disappointed in Andrea for giving them this interview platform. I hope it was not up to her and that she was forced to do it by her company.
The story gets bigger and bigger. They said in the beginning the dog snapped at Ensley but didn’t even touch her face. Now it’s not even a nip, it’s a bite? Such liars. And Jenelle had said he did it in a rage – grabbed the dog and dragged him outside to shoot him. He didn’t calmly think over the options and decide that since the dog would be euthanized anyway, he needed to shoot him to save the fee. Please.
I honestly feel sick to my stomach seeing these lies. And what makes me more angry is that people with platforms like this talk show won’t call these idiots out on their obvious lies. If I was interviewing them (God forbid) I would press them on every little detail, such as why their story keeps changing and I would bring up every contradictory thing they have said regarding this incident
I grew up “country” outside Charlotte, North Carolina. I’ve never killed an animal. I HAVE rehomed a cat because she couldn’t handle being around children. Simple fix: gave her to a lonely elderly widow in my neighborhood. She gave that fur baby a great life. Guess I should have shot her, huh David? Oh, “being country” also doesn’t explain racism and homophobic behavior. You’re NOT one of us David and Jenelle, honey, you’re a Yankee by birth and accent. Real country people can’t stand you two. This ISN’T our lifestyle a-holes!
His Deddy lerned him not to be hurt by no bare no wolf and no 8lb French bulldog.
This is the most pathetic attempt at damage control I’ve ever seen. No one is ever going to hire either of them to be on their reality show, or hire them to promote their ads anymore…they may be able to fool an NC judge, but they’ll never be able to fool the public.
What? Adurey hasn’t commented yet? ???
Trash article just came for the comments
Let’s hope the kids get taken away for good this time…
If he gave up the dog, it would have gone to a rescue who would have given her behavioural training and she would have easily been given a new home. He caused the situation and there was no evidence of a bite even by his own pics. That dog has a small chance of being euthanized if given up so he is full of sh*t.
These two are the dumbest cunt-try hicks to ever slither out of the swampland they inhabit. They make the characters from Deliverance look like Nobel prize winners.
I grew up in a country lifestyle and I don’t know anybody that would beat and shoot a five pound dog for snapping at an aggressive toddler. Sounds more like a methamphetamine lifestyle.
So in this interview, David has a black eye?
Or am I seeing things?
DUMB &DUMBER. They are trash. I pray all their kids make it out alive.
The Greasons are pure scum! We all know that both of those psychopaths are incapable of feeling any remorse. They only reason that they are pretending to feel terribly about their actions now is that they were caught. I hope that they BOTH end up in jail. The children never should have been returned to this trashy, dangerous, abusive couple, and all of the animals should have been removed from the land ASAP.
Which is it? Was there a mistake made or did he have to kill Nugget because it is the law? Those two are such lying sacks of $&#.
Perjury, perjury, perjury!! Didn’t she take the stand saying it didn’t happen?? I think NC judicial system SUCKS and I am more sure than ever these shit stains of society will sink in their disgusting filthy ‘Land.’ Btw- Hilarious Jenelle your make up and outfit in NY literally could NOT look any worse!! Gahhh y’all suck at life ?
It does suck ESPECIALLY CPS. We had to wait for my idiot brother to move to Massachusetts before we were able to get CPS to remove his children because of drug abuse and WE TRIED HARD. 30 911 calls and CPS reports to Charlotte, NC and NOTHING happened, not even a drug test. One call to Massachusetts CPS and a judge stripped my brother and evil sister-in-law of custody and the kids now live with me and my husband.
All I can say is remember baby Mariah. NC CPS had a report from her brother that he saw his stepdad put his penis in baby sister’s mouth and the kid was left there! Now, she’s dead and stepdad is charged with murder. NC courts and CPS are a joke stuck in the dark ages.
I used to live in Charlotte and dealt with CPS let me tell you what a god damn joke they are! They will investigate the dumbest crap for months upon months but ignore the big stuff! Understaffed for one! Incompetent workers that like to make threatening phone calls and dumb enough to leave messages on voicemail! I myself got one employee fired in Charlotte! NC is ridiculous!
I am so sorry you ever dealt with them and we are so on the same page! There needs to be an overhaul on CPS in NC. And I’m not a CPS novice. I can’t have bio kids. On top of raising a niece and nephew my husband and I are foster parents and adoptive parents. We ended up having to move to Tennessee because I couldn’t handle the abuse and neglect stories I was hearing from my own foster kids. We could protect them when they were with us but after a visit with a bio parent where a kid came home with welts and bruises on her back and butt we were helpless! The CPS worker actually asked us, “Are you sure this isn’t an overreaction to discipline?” The three year old little girl couldn’t sit for two days! I had to pay for a doctor who ALSO helped me report it! Apparently, according to my CPS worker, my husband and I were just soft on discipline. Apparently, in NC discipline has to involve beatings. We gave time outs, grounded the older kids, and took away privileges. Our bad for refusing to raise our hands to children who had already been abused! Damn, we’re soft!
Charge him already, I don’t care with what just charge him so he knows he isn’t above the law.
He/they will always think they are. That’s the type of disgusting pieces of ? they are.
I hope to God their kids get taken away. These idiots claimed in court that David did not kill the dog/can’t remember. Now they not only admit to that but also to lying in court.
It’s so funny that after felony, drug possession, cyberstalking, abuse, neglect, animal abuse, etc charges both of them are free and have custody of their children, while Big Daddy Sitch served time in jail for tax evasion! I’m not saying Mike didn’t deserve it but if someone deserves a big fat jail time it’s Sasquatch and Jailnelle.
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Whatever moron intern reporter at People fell for this is not a journalist worth anything. A quick Google search shows that there are 5 different versions of this story. Any bit of fact checking shows that Jenelle herself told her 2 million followers about the brutal dog murder. Not TMZ. People is OUT in my house from now on.
Wow if David still doesn’t know how social media works 3 years after meeting you (or uh 10+ years since social media became a thing) he must be really freakin stupid!
Or after it got him fired.
So he admitted that he lied when the police asked him if he killed Nugget and he said no. Isn’t that hindering an investigation, especially when it surrounded a CPS case of child endangerment? Couldn’t he get in trouble for admitting he directly lied to police and probably CPS and possibly in court, since Jenelle still couldn’t remember if he said he killed the dog or not after that?
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Per TMZ, authorities are looking to possibly reopen the case because they now have proof he killed the dog #justicefornugget
This makes absolutely no sense. David is saying that Nugget had a history of biting/nipping Ensley yet in his own IG post he is encouraging Ensley to get in her face and give her a kiss. If your dog has a history of biting/nipping you would not encourage a small child to get in her face. Nugget was also sending off strong signals that she didn’t want to be messed with on that post. David wanted to kill that dog plain and simple. She absolutely could’ve been re homed to a family without small children. They are both liars.
I’m so tired of the country excuse. I hunt, I fish, I would never shoot my dog. My dog is my child. Even if my dog has to be euthanized, we will do it at the vets office where he can go peacefully surrounded by family, and with some damn dignity.
I’m disgusted that anyone gave these 2 a public platform to spew their lies. And the sympathy spin makes it so much worse. They don’t have money to take care of a dog but clearly they have hired a PR firm to help them refurbish their public image.
And she made over a half million last year. But wouldn’t pay $100 to put Nugget down.
SPCA- Peta- someone needs to do something with these people.
These two evil good for nothings just broke my BS meter!!??
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Can we fact check him saying that the law requires the dog to be euthanized? I know in Alabama you have a “one bite” policy, but I just don’t understand how he knows this law but not all the other ones he breaks.
Squashing rumors? I think you mean “CONFIRMING” rumors… js
Man, my 70+ year old (technologically illiterate) mom figured out social media; but apparently this baffoon still doesnt get it? She’s out here basically calling her husband stupid (I mean, shes not wrong) to the media because he doesn’t understand basic f*cking common sense.
Also, I was raised in the “country life”, and people WERE NOT out there shooting their pets because they got snapped at.
I used to root for this girl, but I just want to throat punch her.
Stand in line!!
I F-ing can’t with their ignorant Logic.
J & D, How many times can I say this… You are 2 Very hateful people. Go F*** yourselves
SOOOO, with this new public admission he can be retried? These people are all about saving face. They’re only admitting this because they need money and that’ll come from the success of jenelles new make up line. I wish they’d just go away and get a job at walmart or something.
He was technically tried for anything. So I would assume yes. Double Jeopardy shouldn’t apply.
He wasnt technically tried for anything. So I would assume yes. Double Jeopardy 4shouldn’t apply.
Jesus god, Jenelle. Shut up
One day, they will get all that’s coming to then, and their luck will well and truly be out.
Shocker, nothing’s really their fault. Apparently David’s a great guy and we all just don’t understand him because he was raised in the country lifestyle!